Session 2 Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization
Session 2 Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization
Session 2 Constrained and Unconstrained Optimization
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Session Overview
By the end of this section, you should be able to
• Distinguish between concave and convex functions
• Demonstrate how to use the Hessian and Bordered Hessian
determinant in solving unconstrained and constrained
optimization problems respectively
• Distinguish between constrained and unconstrained
optimization problems
• Understand the role of the Lagrangean multiplier in
constrained optimization
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Session Outline
The key topics to be covered in the session are as
• Concave and Convex Functions
• Unconstrained optimization using the Hessian
• Constrained Optimization using the Bordered
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Reading List
• Dowling, E. T. Introduction to Mathematical
Economics (Second Edition), Schaum’s Outline
Series, McGRAW-HILL. ISBN 0-07-017674-4
• A. C., Chiang. (1984) Fundamental Method of
Mathematical Economics, McGraw Hill
• Raymond A. B., Ziegler, M. R, and Byleen K. E.
(2000). Applied Mathematic for Business,
Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences.
(Seventh edition).Prentice Hall. ISBN 0-13-
Slide 4
Topic One
What are Concave and Convex Functions?
• A single variable function is concave (convex) at a
point , if in some region very close to the point
{a, f(a)}, the graph of thefunction lies completely below
(above) the tangent.
Nature of
Slide 5
What are Concave and Convex
Functions? Cont’d
• Thus, at x = 2,
at the point x = 3.
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Concavity and Convexity of a Multivariable Function
• For multivariable functions we use the Hessian determinant to
determine the concavity and convexity.
• Let be a real valued function which is twice differentiable
• Let be the Hessian determinant where
Slide 11
Topic 2
Unconstrained Optimization using the Hessian
• Conditions for an Extremum (Relative maxima and minima)
Condition Relative Maximum Relative Minimum
First-order zx = 0 and z y = 0 zx = 0 and z y = 0
Second-order z xx , z yy < 0 and z xx , z yy > 0
(Sufficient) z xx . z yy - ( z xy ) > 0
z xx . z yy - ( z xy ) > 0
z xx . z yy > ( z xy ) z xx . z yy > ( z xy )
2 2
Slide 14
Conditions for an Extrema of Multivariable
Function of two variables
• The following condition holds using the Hessian
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Example 3
• Find the maximum or minimum points of the function
using the Hessian for the 2nd order condition. What
is the maximum or minimum point?
• Finding critical values by partially differentiating, we have
Slide 16
Solution to Example 3 Cont’d
• We obtain the Hessian determinant as follows:
z xx z xy -2 -2
H2 =
z yx z yy
= -2 -4
• Evaluating the minors of the principal diagonal at the critical points,
H 1 = - 2 < 0 and H 2 =-2(-4)-(-2)(-2) = 4 > 0
• is said to be negatively definite and thus, the function z has a
relatively maximum at the critical point (2, ½).
• To find the maximum point, substitute critical values into the
function . We obtain
! ! ! !#
Z =5 2 + 6 − 2" − 2 2 ( ) −2( )"=
" " " "
• Thus, z = 6.5 Slide 17
Generalizing the Conditions for the Extremum
unconstrained optimization
• For n independent variables, the Hessian of is
usually referred to as a higher-order Hessian and expressed as:
where etc.
Slide 18
Generalizing the Conditions for the Extremum of
unconstrained optimization –cont’d
Condition Relative Maximum Relative Minimum
First-order f1 = f 2 = ... = f n = 0 f1 = f 2 = ... = f n = 0
Second-order H1 < 0 , H 2 > 0 , H3 < 0 H1 > 0 , H 2 > 0 , H3 > 0
(sufficient) ,….. ,.... .,
….., (±) H n > (<)0 …, H n > 0
H is said to be H is said to be
negatively definite positively definite
Example 4
a. Find the extreme values of the function
and indicate whether it is a maximum or minimum.
b. Find the maximum or minimum value
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Solution to Example 4
a. We find critical values by setting the first partial derivatives to zero
Slide 20
Solution to Example 4 contd
• Substitute Equation (5) into (3), • Now we substitute into
we obtain: Equation (7) to find
Slide 21
Solution to Example 4 cont’d
• To find maximum or minimum points, we use the Hessian
• Since all the principal minors have a positive sign, the Hessian
satisfies the conditions for a relative minimum.
• The function z attains a relative minimum at the points
Slide 22
Solution to Example 4 Cont’d
b. We find the relative minimum value by inserting the
critical points into the function and evaluating as follows:
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Activity 3
1. (a) Find the extreme values of the function
and indicate
whether it is a maximum or a minimum.
(b) Find the maximum or minimum value
• Once the critical points have been obtained, the next point is
to find the maximum value of the function by inserting the
values in the objective function and simplifying.
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Importance of the Lagrangean Multiplier
• The Lagrangean multiplier approximates a change in
the value of the objective function resulting from a
change in the constant of the constraint.
Example 5
a. Find the critical point(s) of the function
subject to the condition
a. What is the maximum/minimum value of the function.
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Solution to Example 5
• We set the Lagrangean function (L) as follows:
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Solution to Example 5 Cont’d
• Thus, subject to the constraint
• Substituting (4) into (3) and
, the function
solving for y, we get
has (42, 30) as
the critical point.
Slide 30
Solution to Example 5 Cont’d
• Thus,
Slide 31
Generalizing the Conditions for the Extremum
constrained optimization -1
• Suppose we optimize the multivariable function of n independent
variables subject to the constraint
• The Hessian of thus multivariable function is usually referred to as
a higher-order bordered Hessian and expressed as:
• Where etc.
Slide 32
Generalizing the Conditions for the Extremum
constrained optimization Cont’d
• Let us denote the following to be the principal minors
, ……………,
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Activity 4
1. (a) Find the critical point(s) of the function
subject to the condition that
(b) What is the maximum/minimum value of the function.
(c) Estimate the value of the maximum value if the constant is
increased by 1.
2. Find the critical point(s) of the function subject to the
condition that
3. Determine if the Cobb Douglas production function is
convex or concave at and
4. Determine the nature of the extremum of the function
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Activity 4
5. Optimize the function subject to the constraint
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