164 - Student Code & Conduct

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Ref: GIBS/ADM/STU/24-25/164 Date: 07.10.2024


All Students currently enrolled will be governed by Students Code & Conduct as
per Annexure-1 attached for reference. All are required to carefully read the
document and abide by the Instructions & duly abide by the same during your
stay with the institute.
Any kind of misbehavior, indscipline will be considered seriously and dealt
according to the attached students code and conduct.

Prof.(Dr.) Vikas Nath

Prepared: Manish Rana


All students have to maintain good conduct and behavior during their stay in the Institute. For any
disciplinary matter, Board of Discipline will steer the issues as per the policies mentioned at Part A
below. Further to that, students are to adhere the rules mentioned in Part B of this chapter.


Education should bring in moral ethical values of well being to learners and every educator and educating
institutions should strive hard to bring in the core human values in the process of learning and focus on
quality approach to ensure better living with better educated countrymen. Discipline is the bridge between
goals and accomplishment ensures strict rules and regulations for students on behalf of discipline

There are some basic principles that under pin an effective code of behavior. When the code takes
account of and is in keeping with these principles, it is likely to be successful in achieving its objectives.
These objectives include:
(a) Creating a climate that encourages and reinforces good behavior.
(b) Creating a positive and safe environment for teaching and learning.
(c) Encouraging students to take personal responsibility for their learning and their behavior.
(d) Helping young people to mature into responsible participating citizens.
(e) Building positive relationships of mutual respect and mutual support among students, staff and parents.
(f) Ensuring that the institute’s high expectations for the behavior of all the members of the college
community are widely known and understood.

Power to Vest in the Head of Institutions

In terms of the power vested by the ordinance of GGSIP University Act—
(a) All powers relating to maintenance and enforcement of discipline among the students of the
affiliated colleges and institutions shall vest in the Principals / Directors of affiliated colleges and
(b) Accordingly, all the power of maintaining and enforcement of Discipline in the Institute is with the
Director, Gitarattan International Business School, Rohini, Delhi for all the students pursuing
different programmes in this institute.

Board of Discipline Structure

As per the Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University Act, 1998, Ordinance 3: Maintenance of discipline
among students, the Boards of Discipline at the level of affiliated colleges and institutions shall be
constituted by the Vice Chancellor as follows-
(a) The Director of the institution or the Principal of the college concerned, Chairperson of BoD.
(b) Two senior teachers of the institution or the college to be nominated by the trust or the society
running the college or the institution, member.
(c) One senior lady teacher of the college or the institution to be nominated by the trust or the society
running the college or the institution, member
(d) A senior teacher of the institution or the college of the programme to which the act of indiscipline or
misconduct by a student or students pertains to.
(e) The nominated members shall hold office for a period of two years and a vacancy occurring in the
Board of Discipline shall be filled for the remaining period of the term of them member whose
departure has caused the vacancy.
(f) Three members of the Board of Discipline including the chair person shall form the quorum.
(g) In the absence of the chairperson of BoD, the senior most member of the Board of Discipline shall
act as the chairperson of BoD.
Without prejudice to the generality of the power to maintain and enforce discipline under this board, the
committee has been constituted and shall function for a period of two years from the date it is formed as
per the Order / Notice. The committee is required to maintain discipline in the institute & perform various
The Committee can be changed anytime during its tenure of two years at the discretion of the Director /
Management of GIBS.

Role / Functions of Board of Discipline

The Board of Discipline shall perform the following functions-
(a) To consider matters concerning maintenance of discipline among the students in the institution.
(b) To enquire into the acts of indiscipline or misconduct committed by a student or students when ever
such cases are referred to the Board of Discipline by the Director and to submit their findings,
conclusions and recommendations for the quantum of punishment to the Director.
(c) To supervise and monitor the disciplinary climate prevailing in the institution.
(d) To take preventive and precautionary steps such as issue of notices, warnings, instructions etc. as the
case may be, for the purpose of forestalling acts of individual or collective indiscipline, misconduct
and ragging, etc.
(e) To maintain liaison with the police authorities and the concerned departments of the Government,
neighboring institutions and the concerned authorities of the University regarding maintenance of
law and order in the institution.
(f) To perform such other functions as may be assigned to it by the Director from time to time.
The decision in each case shall be conveyed by the Chairperson/ Convener of the Board of Discipline
concerned communicating the penalty or penalties, if any, imposed on a student or students.
A student or students, who are aggrieved with the penalty imposed up on them, may appeal to the
Chairman of Rohini Educational Society / Vice Chancellor GGSIPU, whose decision in this regard shall
be final and binding on the parties.

Principle of Natural Justice

The Board of discipline shall be duty bound, to consider principles of natural justice, while handling any
complaint or is into any inquiry proceedings. Natural justice is the essence of fair adjudication, deeply
Rooted in tradition and conscience, to be ranked as fundamental. The purpose of following the principles
of natural justice is the prevention of miscarriage of justice.
The principle of natural justice is not confined to restrict walls the applicability of the principle but
depends upon the characteristics of jurisdiction, grant to the administrative authority and upon the nature
of rights affected of the individual.
The Board of discipline shall consider the following three recognized principles of Natural Justice:
(a) Doctrine of Bias: That is the authority sitting in judgment should be impartial and act without bias.
To instill confidence in the system, justice should not merely be done but seen to be done.
(b) To hear the other side: This is necessary for providing a fair hearing and no doubt the rule against
bias would also be a part of the procedure.
(c) Speaking orders or reasoned decisions: The third aspect of natural justice requires speaking order
or reasoned decisions. It is now universally recognized that giving reasons for a certain decision is
one of the fundamentals of good administration and a safeguard against arbitrariness. When the
order to be passed is an appeal able order, the requirement of giving reasons would be a real
requirement. Thus, reasons are also required to be given when the appall at eorrevisionary authority
affirms the order of the lower authority.

Code of Conduct

General Conduct
The judicial process, which exists in order to maintain the safe and efficient operations of the Institution
and to aid in advancing its academic mission, is based on the assumption that disciplinary procedures,
when required, should be an educational process. Disciplinary sanctions are imposed to help students
develop individual responsibility and encourage self-discipline, to foster are aspect for the rights of
others, and to protect the rights, freedoms and safety of all members of the University community.
Hearings or appeals processes are not courts of law and are not governed by criminal or civil court
procedures. The only process to which a student is entitled is the process provided for in this Handbook.
However, because some violations of the Code of Conduct are also violations of the law, students may be
accountable to both law enforcement agencies and the University for their actions. The University’s
judicial process will normally proceed not with standing any external civil or criminal proceeding.
All students are to maintain good conduct and behavior during their stay in the Institute. In this respect,
act so fin discipline and penalties have been laid down.

Acts of Misconduct / Indiscipline

Following activities of the students shall be deemed as act of indiscipline:
1. Physical assault or threat to use physical force, against any member of the teaching or non- teaching
staff or any student of the Institute.
2. Remaining absent from the class, test, examination or any other curricular / co-curricular/extra-
curricular activity, which he/she is expected to participate in.
3. Carrying of, use of or threat to use, any weapon against any student/s, or teaching & /or non-
teaching staff inside the institute or outside the institute.
4. Misbehavior or cruelty towards any other student, teacher or any other employee of the institution /
5. Use of drugs or other intoxicants except those as prescribed by a qualified doctor inside the institute.
6. Any violation of the provisions of the Civil Rights Protection Act,1976 (Copy is available in the
institute library).
7. Indulging in or encouraging violence or any conduct, which involves moral turpitude.
8. Any form of gambling.
9. Violation of the status, dignity and honor of a student belonging to a SC/ST.
10. Discrimination against any student / member of staff on grounds of caste ,creed, language, place of
origin, social and cultural background or any of them.
11. Practicing casteism and untouch ability in any form or in citing any other person to do so.
12. Any act, whether verbal or otherwise, derogatory to women.
13. Drinking alcohol or Smoking or chewing tobacco in any form in the campus.
14. Any attempt at bribing or corruption of any manner.
15. Willful destruction of the property of the institute.
16. Behaving in a rowdy, in temperate or disorderly manner in the premises of the institute or
encouraging or inciting any other person to do so.
17. Creating discord, ill will or intolerance among the students on sectarian or communal grounds or
inciting any other student to do so.
18. Causing disruption in any manner of the academic or other functioning of the Institutional system.
19. Indulging in or encouraging any form of disruptive activities connected with tests, examinations or
any other activity of the institute / university.
20. Truancy and unpunctuality.
21. Using unfair means in the examination.
22. Sending an electronic message in text, image, audio, video and / or any other electronic record,
which is grossly offensive or has menacing character to the co students, staffs, faculty members or to
the institute. Sending any electronic message, mail to any authority/person, during the pendency of
any appeal before the Institute authority.
23. Transmits or publishes any false information about the institute in any electronic form with the
purpose of insulting the repute of the institute.
24. Instigate co-students through an electronic message in text, image, audio, video and/or any other
electronic record for any activity / ies with the purpose of insulting the repute of the co-students,
staffs, faculty members, and institute or to stop the normal activities of the institute / university.
25. Publishes or transmits obscene material which is lascivious or appeals to the prurient interest.
26. Dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism or knowingly furnishing false information to the institute
27. Forgery, alteration or use of Institute / University documents, records or instruments of
identification within tent to defraud.
28. Harassment and/or hazing in all forms or other treatment of a demeaning, abusive,
threatening or alarming nature. Harassment includes, but is not limited to, striking,
laying hands upon, intimidation, threatening with violence or offering to do bodily harm
to another person, or invasion of privacy. Harassment may also be of a verbal nature and
include suggestive comments, insults, humor and jokes about sex or gender-specific
traits, and sexual propositions. Harassment also includes conduct that creates a hostile
and intimidating environment that impairs an individual’s ability to function normally in
an educational environment. Hazing is usually defined as any action taken or situation
created, intentionally, to produce mental or physical discomfort, embarrassment
,harassment, or ridicule, and is often, but not always, associated with conditions of group
29. Intentional obstruction or disruption of teaching, research, administration, disciplinary
proceedings or other Institutional / University activities and other authorized activities on
the institute premises.
30. Possession or use of alcohol by and the dispensation or distribution of alcohol to any
31. Possession or use of firearms, fireworks, explosives, weapons, or items deemed by the
institute to be weapons of any description, for any purpose. This includes, but is not
limited to, air soft guns, BB guns, pellet guns, air rifles, cross bows and hunting knives
32. Theft of or damage to Institute property or premises or possession of such stolen
property. Theft or damage to property of any co-students / teaching / non-teaching staff
members of the institute or possession of such stolen property.
33. Failure to comply with directions of the institute / university officials or disorderly
abusive conduct toward institute / university officials acting in the performance of their
34. Misuse of fire safety equipment, setting fires, causing disruption to evacuate the building
during a fire alarm or violation of any fire safety policy. Open fires are also prohibited.
35. Violation of published Institute regulations, including the computer use policy, the web
policy, smoking policy and regulations relating to entry and use of institute’s facilities
(see, for example, Students Information Manual).
36. Violations of National, State or municipal laws on or off campus in a way that adversely
affects the functioning of the Institute /University.
37. Creation of any Social Media page/account, which defames the institute and its
authorities, Faculty, staff, student or any other stakeholders.
38. Hacking of any Email, ERP, Social Media or any other electronic account, page etc
belonging to Institutes authorities, Faculty, Staff, Student or any other stake holder.
39. Any type of alteration with Institute’s software or hardware.
40. Any unlawful entry into any of Rooms /Areas of the institute, a person is not authorized to
41. Taking Control of any part of the Institution, holding students, faculty or authorities
captive to force compliance with unjustified academic or administrative demand.

42. Any other form of indiscipline or disruption which is not listed above & considered to be
unlawful as declared by the Institute Authorities.
43. Seeking Tuitions from Institute’s faculty members and / or drawing undue favours from
teaching / Non-Teaching staff members in lieu of monitory / non-monitory benefits.
44. Misuse of social media for Defaming/Abusing the Institute or Faculty.
45. Refusing to show Identity Card to faculty, Institution authorities when asked for.

Rules Regarding Ragging

The Hon. Supreme Court ordered that a number of recommendations made by the Raghavan
Committee be implemented in every University/ institution, where Ragging has been defined as
any act that affects the mental health and self-confidence of a fresher or any other student with
or without an intent to derive as adistic pleasure or showing off power, authority or superiority
by a student over any fresher or any other student Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited
with in the premises of the Institute or in any part of the University system as well as on public
transport, or at any other place, public or private.
(a) Ragging is a criminal offence.
(b) Any individual or collective act or practice of ragging shall constitute an act of gross
indiscipline and shall be dealt with under the provisions as laid down in AICTE / UGC
Regulations issued for curbing the
Menace of ragging in higher educational institutions, or any other law prescribed for the
purpose of ragging, which includes police action.
(c) Each student & his / her parents are required to read and understand the provisions of
these regulations which are available on www.aicte-india.org and
(d) What constitutes Ragging: Ragging constitutes one or more of any of the following acts:
i. Any conduct by any student or students whether by words spoken or written or by
an act which has the effect of teasing, treating or handling with rudeness a fresher
or any other student.
ii. Indulging in rowdy or undisciplined activities by any student or students which
causes or is likely to cause annoyance, hardship, physical or psychological harm or to
raise fear or apprehension thereof in any fresher or any other student.
iii. Asking any student to do any act which such student will not in the ordinary course
do and which has the effect of causing or generating a sense of shame, or torment or
embarrassment so as to adversely affect the physique or psyche of such fresher or
any other student.
iv. Any act by a senior student that prevents, disrupts or disturbs the regular academic
activity of any other student or a fresher.
v. Exploiting the services of a fresher or any other student for completing the academic
tasks assigned to an individual or a group of students.
vi. Any act of financial extortion or forceful expenditure burden put on a fresher or any
other student by students.
vii. Any act of physical abuse including all variants of it: sexual abuse, homosexual
assaults, stripping, forcing obscene and lewd acts, gestures, causing bodily harm or
any other danger to health or person.
viii. Any act or abuse by spoken words, electronic means, posts, public insults which
would also include deriving perverted pleasure, vicarious or sadistic thrill from
actively or passively participating in the discomfiture to fresher or any other
ix. Any act that affects the mental health and self- confidence of a fresher or any other
student with or without an intent to derive a sadistic pleasure or showing off power,
authority or superiority by a student over any fresher or any other student.
(e) The Director of the institute shall take immediate action on the receipt of any information
that ragging has taken place or is likely to take place.
(f) Notwithstanding anything contained in clause (d), the Chairman of the Board of
Discipline of the Institute or the convener of the Board of Discipline may also Suo moto
inquire into any incident of ragging or likelihood of such incident and make a report to
the Director clearly pinpointing, among other details, the identity of the student or the
students who were involved in the incident and the nature of the incident.

(g) The convener of the Board of Discipline may also submit an interim report to the
Director establishing the identity of the perpetrators of ragging and the nature of the
(h) Where the Director is satisfied, on receipt of a recommendation to this effect or
otherwise, that it is not expedient to hold an inquiry into an incident of ragging, he shall
order accordingly for reasons to be recorded in writing.

Procedure for inquiry

Any complaint / indiscipline received against any student will be dealt within the following
(a) Any act of indiscipline by the student (s) noticed by an authority (Faculty member, Class
Coordinator, Programme Coordinator, Academic Coordinator or any other staff) of the
Institute or any complaint by any student, faculty, staff against anyone is to be reported
to the Director via written hand written Complaint.
(b) Depending on the case, the Director may dispose-off the case summarily or refer it to
Board of Discipline.
(c) During the conduct of inquiry, student concerned may be suspended from attending
activities of the Institute.
(d) The Board of Discipline shall submit its findings and recommendations to the Director in
a specified time period.
(e) Based on the report of the Enquiry the Director / Authorized representative will issue a
show cause to student / (s) considering the Principles of Natural Justice.
(f) Considering the reply this submitted, Director/Authorized Representative will issue the
Punishment as detailed in para4.7 below.
(g) Aggrieved student can Appeal on the decision of the Director/Authorized Representative
to The Chairman of Rohini Educational Society or Vice Chancellor GGSIP University
and the decision thus taken will be Final & Binding.

Penalties for Breach of Discipline
Following penalties are prescribed for committing any act of indiscipline defined above:
(a) The defaulter may be expelled from the Institute, in such case she / she shall not be re-
admitted to the Institute.
(b) For a stated period, the defaulter may be rusticated and shall not be allowed to attend the
programme, till the expiry of the period of rustication.
(c) For a stated period, the defaulter may not be admitted to a course or courses of study of the
(d) The defaulter or the whole class may be imposed with fine of a specified amount of
(e) The defaulter may be debarred from taking an examination or examinations for one or
more years.
(f) In cases of using unfair means, the result of the concerned student of the examination or
examinations at which he has appeared shall be cancelled.

Penalties for indulging in Ragging at Institute Level

Depending upon the nature and gravity of the offence as established the possible punishments
for those found guilty of ragging at the institution level shall be any one or any combination
of the following:
(a) Cancellation of admission.
(b) Suspension from attending classes.
(c) With holding / with drawing scholarship / fellowship and other benefits.
(d) Debarring from appearing in any test / examination or other evaluation process.
(e) With holding results.
(f) Debarring from representing the institution in any regional, national or international meet,
tournament, youth festival, etc.
(g) Rustication from the institution for a defined period.
(h) Expulsion from the institution and consequent debarring from admission to any other
Collective punishment: when the persons committing or abetting the crime of ragging are
not identified, the institution shall resort to collective punishment as a deterrent to ensure
community pressure on the potential raggers.

The student / s who is / are aggrieved with the penalty imposed upon them, may appeal, in
writing, before the Hon’ble Chairman Rohini Educational Society or Hon’ble Vice
Chancellor, GGSIP University, to seek relief against the decision / s taken by the Disciplinary
Authority, whose decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the parties.


Library Rules
For using the library facilities students are to adhere to the following rules:
(a) Enter Name, enrollment number in the entry register kept at the table on library.
(b) Entry for book issued / returns to be properly entered in the register.
(c) Identity Cards, when demanded, should be shown.
(d) Books will be issued on Library Cards for the period of Seven Days.
(e) Books should be returned within due date.
(f) Overdue fine is Five Rupees per day.
(g) Reference books / Journals will not be issued.
(h) Books can be reserved for issue or for extended use if no other user has demanded for the
same book.
(i) Books borrowed during the examination are to be returned within One Week after the
(j) Borrowers are responsible for the safety & up keep of books.
(k) On loss or damaging /disfiguring a book double the cost shall be charged.
(l) Students are to ensure, at the time of issue, that the book is in good condition. At the time
of return, no plea about its condition at the time of issue shall be accepted, if returned in
damaged / disfigured condition.
(m) No book / reading material is to be taken outside the library for any purpose without the
proper issue.
(n) Bags/eatables/personal books/reading material and use of cell phone are not permitted
within the Library.
(o) Students are to maintain complete silence while in the Library.
(p) At the time of passing out from the Institute a clearance is to be obtained from library for
release of Security Deposit. Students are to return the Library card on completion of the
programme. Cost of any loss or damage would be deducted from the Security Deposit.

Any violation of the above rules shall be treated as an act of indiscipline and be dealt with

Computer Centre Rules

The Institute has a Computer Centre and Computer Labs. The Computer Centre is for general
use of computing facilities, Internet access, project work etc for students of all the
programmes. Computer Labs are for the use of structured classes and specialized software.
Entry and exit of students into the respective computer labs shall be controlled in accordance
with the Time-Table of the concerned class. Students are to use the irrespective labs in the
stipulated timings only.
If a student wishes to use the computing resources in a Lab beyond stipulated timings, he/she
is to take specific permission from the concerned Lab Incharge.
Specific Dos and Don’ts for the use of computer labs are given below. All students are to
strictly adhere to these.

(a) Always enter name & details in the entry register kept at the lab & computer centre by the
(b) Switch-on and Switch-off the computer in systematic sequence.
(c) Keep work-files at the assigned location only.
(d) In case of power failure, the student /s required to save data within 15 minutes and
switch-off computer and monitor systematically to avoid battery drainage of the UPS.
(e) Any CD or Pen Drive is to be used with prior permission of Lab Incharge and after a
proper scan for virus.
(f) Before leaving the Lab ensure that chairs are kept in proper manner.
(g) Show Identity Card if asked for by the Lab Incharge

(a) Don’t upload any unauthorized/unlicensed software or connect hardware.
(b) Don’t delete or rename any system/programme file.
(c) Don’t shift any hardware within or outside the Lab.
(d) Don’t make an attempt to repair any hardware or software problem yourself. Bring it to
the notice of Lab Incharge.
(e) Don’t bring any eatables or drinks inside the Lab.
(f) Wandering and gossiping inside the Lab is strictly prohibited.

Attendance in Co-curricular & Extra-curricular activities

The Institute, during the conduct of semesters, carries out many co-curricular activities (such
as seminars, conferences etc.) and extra-curricular activities (such as cultural, sports, fest etc.).
Wherever specified by written notice or otherwise, it is mandatory for all the students to
participate in these activities and be present.
Absence in these activities shall be treated as an act of indiscipline and disciplinary action
shall be taken against the defaulter(s).

Use of Mobile Phone

Use of mobile Phone is strictly prohibited in the library, computer centre / labs, class rooms
and at all places during the conduct of organized curricular & co-curricular activities.
Failure to adhere to this rule shall be treated as an act of indiscipline and disciplinary action
shall be taken against the defaulter(s).

Adherence to Rules
Students are to abide by the time schedules and deadlines given for submission of class
assignments, summer training reports, project reports, class tests, depositing fee, issue &
return of books, etc to avoid set back in their studies and penalties imposed on defaulter (s).
They must be punctual and regular in attending their classes and other activities to avoid

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