164 - Student Code & Conduct
164 - Student Code & Conduct
164 - Student Code & Conduct
There are some basic principles that under pin an effective code of behavior. When the code takes
account of and is in keeping with these principles, it is likely to be successful in achieving its objectives.
These objectives include:
(a) Creating a climate that encourages and reinforces good behavior.
(b) Creating a positive and safe environment for teaching and learning.
(c) Encouraging students to take personal responsibility for their learning and their behavior.
(d) Helping young people to mature into responsible participating citizens.
(e) Building positive relationships of mutual respect and mutual support among students, staff and parents.
(f) Ensuring that the institute’s high expectations for the behavior of all the members of the college
community are widely known and understood.
Code of Conduct
General Conduct
The judicial process, which exists in order to maintain the safe and efficient operations of the Institution
and to aid in advancing its academic mission, is based on the assumption that disciplinary procedures,
when required, should be an educational process. Disciplinary sanctions are imposed to help students
develop individual responsibility and encourage self-discipline, to foster are aspect for the rights of
others, and to protect the rights, freedoms and safety of all members of the University community.
Hearings or appeals processes are not courts of law and are not governed by criminal or civil court
procedures. The only process to which a student is entitled is the process provided for in this Handbook.
However, because some violations of the Code of Conduct are also violations of the law, students may be
accountable to both law enforcement agencies and the University for their actions. The University’s
judicial process will normally proceed not with standing any external civil or criminal proceeding.
All students are to maintain good conduct and behavior during their stay in the Institute. In this respect,
act so fin discipline and penalties have been laid down.
42. Any other form of indiscipline or disruption which is not listed above & considered to be
unlawful as declared by the Institute Authorities.
43. Seeking Tuitions from Institute’s faculty members and / or drawing undue favours from
teaching / Non-Teaching staff members in lieu of monitory / non-monitory benefits.
44. Misuse of social media for Defaming/Abusing the Institute or Faculty.
45. Refusing to show Identity Card to faculty, Institution authorities when asked for.
(g) The convener of the Board of Discipline may also submit an interim report to the
Director establishing the identity of the perpetrators of ragging and the nature of the
(h) Where the Director is satisfied, on receipt of a recommendation to this effect or
otherwise, that it is not expedient to hold an inquiry into an incident of ragging, he shall
order accordingly for reasons to be recorded in writing.
Penalties for Breach of Discipline
Following penalties are prescribed for committing any act of indiscipline defined above:
(a) The defaulter may be expelled from the Institute, in such case she / she shall not be re-
admitted to the Institute.
(b) For a stated period, the defaulter may be rusticated and shall not be allowed to attend the
programme, till the expiry of the period of rustication.
(c) For a stated period, the defaulter may not be admitted to a course or courses of study of the
(d) The defaulter or the whole class may be imposed with fine of a specified amount of
(e) The defaulter may be debarred from taking an examination or examinations for one or
more years.
(f) In cases of using unfair means, the result of the concerned student of the examination or
examinations at which he has appeared shall be cancelled.
The student / s who is / are aggrieved with the penalty imposed upon them, may appeal, in
writing, before the Hon’ble Chairman Rohini Educational Society or Hon’ble Vice
Chancellor, GGSIP University, to seek relief against the decision / s taken by the Disciplinary
Authority, whose decision in this regard shall be final and binding on the parties.
Any violation of the above rules shall be treated as an act of indiscipline and be dealt with
(a) Always enter name & details in the entry register kept at the lab & computer centre by the
(b) Switch-on and Switch-off the computer in systematic sequence.
(c) Keep work-files at the assigned location only.
(d) In case of power failure, the student /s required to save data within 15 minutes and
switch-off computer and monitor systematically to avoid battery drainage of the UPS.
(e) Any CD or Pen Drive is to be used with prior permission of Lab Incharge and after a
proper scan for virus.
(f) Before leaving the Lab ensure that chairs are kept in proper manner.
(g) Show Identity Card if asked for by the Lab Incharge
(a) Don’t upload any unauthorized/unlicensed software or connect hardware.
(b) Don’t delete or rename any system/programme file.
(c) Don’t shift any hardware within or outside the Lab.
(d) Don’t make an attempt to repair any hardware or software problem yourself. Bring it to
the notice of Lab Incharge.
(e) Don’t bring any eatables or drinks inside the Lab.
(f) Wandering and gossiping inside the Lab is strictly prohibited.
Adherence to Rules
Students are to abide by the time schedules and deadlines given for submission of class
assignments, summer training reports, project reports, class tests, depositing fee, issue &
return of books, etc to avoid set back in their studies and penalties imposed on defaulter (s).
They must be punctual and regular in attending their classes and other activities to avoid