Safeguard Your Kids Health and Future PDF
Safeguard Your Kids Health and Future PDF
Safeguard Your Kids Health and Future PDF
and Future
Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola May 05, 2024
As people have become aware of the dangers of the COVID shots, they’ve also started
questioning conventional vaccines, and many parents who didn’t get their children
vaccinated during the pandemic are not taking them in to catch up on their routine shots
Vaccinations aren’t the only thing forced upon our children that is doing them more harm
than good. The public education system also poses a massive threat to our children, as
the indoctrination and brainwashing spans from kindergarten to high school and beyond
The current educational system completely ignores everything we know about child
development and brain development, and by not allowing proper brain development to
occur, the school system impairs children’s ability to think critically
Using medication to bring fever down often does more harm than good. A fever is your
body’s way of killing off invading pathogens and clearing out inflammatory toxins, so by
lowering your fever, you’re prolonging the problem
Since COVID-19 first entered the scene, exchange of ideas has basically been
outlawed. By sharing my views and those from various experts throughout the
pandemic on COVID treatments and the experimental COVID jabs, I became a main
target of the White House, the political establishment and the global cabal.
Propaganda and pervasive censorship have been deployed to seize control over every
part of your life, including your health, finances and food supply. The major media are
key players and have been instrumental in creating and fueling fear.
I am republishing this article in its original form so that you can see how the
progression unfolded.
In this interview, Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Palevsky, a practicing pediatrician, discusses the
impact that mainstream propaganda narratives have on our children, and why it's so
important to get your children out of the public education system. He also reviews some
of the foundational strategies for staying healthy, and how to treat those dreaded
childhood fevers.
Palevsky has been one of the medical experts speaking out against the COVID shots,
but he was a pro-choice, vaccine safety advocate long before COVID. Clearly, the COVID
jab is the most dangerous "vaccine" in history, but all vaccines are fundamentally flawed
and come with risks.
Palevsky, who graduated from the NYU School of Medicine in 1987, initially became
concerned about vaccines in 1991, when the New York State Department of Health
started to mandate hepatitis B vaccine for all infants.
"I had no comments about vaccines per se at that time," he says, "but it just
raised the red flag to me. Why are we giving a vaccine to a population that has
never suffered from hepatitis B infections and where we can give the mother
hepatitis B vaccine, or give the kid a hepatitis B vaccine if the mother was
surface antigen positive?
So, this raised an alarm for me ... We had never had a vaccine for an illness that
didn't affect the population we were injecting ... [Then], in 1998, in the outpatient
department of the hospital, a mother came to me and said, 'Dr. Larry, did you
know that there's mercury in vaccines?'
I heard that information and I said, 'Alright, what else [don't I know]?' And the
'what else' created the last 25 years of finding information that I would never
have been taught in medical school or residency that directly opposed the
It didn't oppose the science, it just opposed the narrative. And what I realized
was, I was finding science while I was being opposed by consensus, and
consensus is not science. And so, by 1998 to 2000, I found that the risks far
outweighed the benefits and, by 2002, I decided that I would never offer
vaccines again in my practice ...
While many doctors have lost their medical licenses for refusing to give vaccines,
especially in the COVID era, Palevsky's livelihood was never threatened in that way,
probably because he doesn't have hospital privileges, doesn't use electronic medical
records, doesn't sell vaccines and rarely writes prescriptions.
So, there's little in terms of track record of what he's doing clinically, other than what his
patients might have to say. He's also not selling any kind of alternative to vaccination.
And, since he hadn't offered childhood vaccinations for two decades, nothing changed
when the COVID jab came out.
"There were pediatricians around the country who called me out," Palevsky says,
"who are now probably eating crow because the evidence back then, when they
called me out, was obvious, and the evidence now is even more obvious that
this is a bioweapon, a murder weapon and not a shot that's meant for health."
"I think the most heinous thing is that ... the whole system has been gaslighting
the obvious observations and experiences of most of the physicians and
parents in the world who have woken up.
The first things we started to see were menstrual cycle changes, especially in
women who had stopped menstruating. The most horrible thing we started to
see was infertility, stillbirths, miscarriages. And then we started to see babies
born with birth defects, babies born with strokes, with blood clots, with
developmental delays.
Heart attacks. And what's most amazing is that the medical profession in
advance started to prepare the public for heart attacks and strokes in kids. They
started to approve medications ahead of time so that people were prepared to
know that pharmaceutical medicine was available should your child have a
heart attack.
So these things were normalized into the pediatric population and pediatricians
were just accepting that neonatal ICUs could have stroke victims all the time.
The other interesting thing was that in OB suites, we're starting to see fewer and
fewer kids being born, which was another sign of infertility. Nonetheless, all of it
is being accepted as normal."
Still, even though most of the SADS cases are happening among those who got the
COVID jab, it hasn't been causally linked. Curiously, between 2020 and 2023, SIDS rates
actually dropped from historical norms, and Palevsky believes this is because many
parents weren't taking their children in for their routine primary care visits due to
lockdowns and fear of going out in general.
One silver lining of all this is that as people have become aware of the radical dangers of
the COVID shots, they've also started questioning conventional vaccines, and many
parents who didn't get their children vaccinated during the pandemic are not taking them
in to catch up on their routine shots now. As noted by Palevsky:
And so, this COVID scenario has actually backfired for the American Academy
of Pediatrics and standard Western medical care, because parents are more
concerned [about vaccines] than ever. And I have seen an uptick in the number
of patients who never questioned vaccines coming into my office because the
COVID jab became a concern."
The obvious conclusion for anyone who has investigated these issues is that you cannot
put your children into the public school system because the indoctrination and
brainwashing is so pervasive, and spans from kindergarten to high school and beyond.
They're quite literally destroying the brains of our children. Palevsky comments:
We know that the most distinguishing thing about humans compared to other
mammals is the function of our frontal brain, our frontal cortex and prefrontal
cortex, which allow us to think and reason, analyze, understand, focus, pay
attention, be aware, have consciousness.
When babies are born, that part of the brain is not developed. It's dormant. The
question then becomes, how does that front of the brain develop? If you look at
true child development, you see that development of the forebrain develops
from the back of the brain forward.
So, you initiate a voluntary movement, you have an experience, you do it over
and over and over again. Through those experiences you come to an
understanding. You come to reason, you come to think, and then you have
ownership of your knowledge.
So, the hindbrain does an action. The midbrain has an experience, over and over
and over again. And the forebrain comes to what I call a forebrain conclusion,
and then you have knowledge.
The entire educational system, the media, medical school, residency, everything
that we see in today's world that delivers information says, no, the brain
develops from the outside in. We're going to teach you, we're going to tell you,
we're going to give to you, and you're going to now know. And unfortunately, that
has become the norm.
So, what you see is all these self-appointed experts who have all of this great
knowledge but have no ownership of it because it's not theirs. They never
researched it. They never studied it. They never experienced it. They never
thought it through. They never critically evaluated it. They never did trial and
error. They just said, 'If you said it ... it's true.'
And so, in our schools — and that includes law schools and medical schools and
graduate schools, social work school, psychology school — you don't have to
think. They just download it into your forebrain and cut off the rest of your
brain's function."
Children are also taught NOT to question. That's the quickest way to get into trouble. So,
they basically cannot afford to think differently than what they're told. By not allowing
proper brain development to occur, the school system has created, and continues to
create, figurative automatons, human robots, whose ability to think critically has been
severely impaired.
The government and media are further exacerbating the situation with fear propaganda.
As just one example, many children, teens, and even young adults nowadays believe that
life on earth will cease to exist within their lifetime — and that it's their fault simply for
They believe we must eliminate efficient energy production, farming, food production
and mechanically suck carbon out of the air in order to survive, when the complete
opposite is true. All those things will kill huge swaths of humanity and lower our
standard of living to pre-industrial times. We're talking about living conditions that few
modern era people would survive due to sheer lack of know-how.
"We've actually watched the front brain deteriorate in function, and that's partly
due to creating fear, which cuts off the blood flow to the front brain," Palevsky
"Addiction also cuts off the blood flow to the front brain. Video game addiction
cuts off blood flow to the front of the brain. Devices, all these apps, all the
social media cuts off blood flow to the front of the brain and creates ongoing
primitive brain function. So, we have designed a society that doesn't allow for
education ...
I'm afraid for the next generation and the next generation after that, because
they have no skills anymore to really work through a problem, to figure it out
because they've been kept from having life experiences.
The challenge that I don't think the American public is aware of is, if we go back
into the history of public education, we will see that the purpose of public
education, at its darkest roots, is to make people sheep, to keep them from
critical thinking, to keep them in mass-thinking and to control the population.
That's a hard pill for a lot of people to swallow, but all you have to do is go into
the research of public education and you'll see that was always the design."
So, how can you counter all this brainwashing? Here are Palevsky's suggestions:
1. Turn off your TV and radically limit the amount of time you allow your children to
watch TV. Also, be selective in what you allow them to watch.
2. Stop reading mainstream news and look for reliable alternative sources that aren't
regurgitating the official narrative.
3. If you do keep your children in the public or private school system, have
conversations with your children at home.
Ask them, "What'd you learn today? What do you think about what you learned
today? How did it make you feel? Did you have an opposing view? Were you able to
express an opposing view? What happened if you did? Did the teacher allow it or did
the teacher not allow it?" Cultivate an opportunity at home for your child to go
through a process of critical thinking.
4. Consider homeschooling. There are many options available for parents these days,
including co-op classes, online curriculums, nature schools and more.
"If you are really disgusted with the public school or private school
education, then you are in good hands because the number of parents who
are homeschooling their children in this country has exponentially gone up,"
Palevsky says.
"Not only do kids do better when they're homeschooled, but their attention
spans are better. It also frees the child up to be creative, to have
imagination, to learn through doing, to learn through life experience, to
learn how to do things that the schools are not teaching you anymore.
These kids do function better, and they do have better grades and they do
have good social skills. They're just not being bombarded with a
propaganda machine."
Getting back to vaccinations, in 2023 they started pushing not only the seasonal
influenza vaccine and an updated COVID shot, but also a brand-new RSV vaccine. Do
you really need any of these? Palevsky believes there are far better ways to stay healthy
during the winter season.
"Most people are not aware that the flu is not caused by a viral illness," he says.
"I'm not saying there are no viruses. What I'm saying is that we're looking at the
wrong cause for the illness. The virus isn't the cause of the illness. The virus is a
bystander ...
The reason you get sick in the fall, winter, and early spring is because we live
out of season. We live out of schedule of the season. We eat improperly out of
season. We don't sleep enough, we don't rest enough, we don't eat the warm
foods; instead we're eating cold foods and summer foods.
We don't take our vitamin D and K2, we don't eat soups and our broths, we don't
slow down. Anytime we live out of sync of nature, we are causing stress to our
body. Farmers used to go to bed at sunset and wake up at sunrise. But when the
day gets darker earlier, and we're up six, eight hours past when the sun goes
down — that's stress.
And one thing that the body has to do, because it can't keep stress, is to get rid
of it. If you accumulate enough of it, you're going to get sick. We think the
reason we get sick is because there's some magical virus going around. Well,
that's not true.
The reason you get sick is because you're stressed, you're living out of [sync
with] nature, you're not eating right, you're not sleeping right, you're not resting
right, you're not dressing right, you're overdoing it when your body should be
quieter and you're creating too much stress.
We're eating lots of refined sugar, seed oils, hydrogenated oils — these are
toxins and are all stressors. And so we have to get sick because the body is
made to heal. Too much stress, it's got to come out. And that's what an illness
Colds and flus typically generate a fever, but fever can also develop in the absence of a
viral or bacterial infection, and using medication to bring the fever down often does
more harm than good. A fever is your body's way of killing off invading pathogens and
clearing out inflammatory toxins, so by lowering your fever, you're prolonging the
problem. Palevsky explains:
"The very chemicals that cause a fever are the same chemicals that are present
all the time to maintain our body temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. So, to
think that at 98.6 [degrees] F. we don't have those chemicals is incorrect. The
same chemicals that give us 98.6 give us 102.
But at 102, they're working in larger numbers to burn out and get rid of the
waste. The fallacy is that if you have fever, you must have an infection, and
that's incorrect. There are three reasons to have fever. One, infection. Two,
inflammation, which is probably the major reason to develop fever, and three,
neoplasm or malignancy.
When a child has [a fever of] 103 or 104, it's actually a good thing because it
slows the body down. It stops you from putting more stress into the body.
My mentors back in the 1980s, who'd been practicing in New York since the
1940s, would say that after their children resolved their fever illnesses, they
would almost always have a developmental growth spurt.
Because the purpose of the fever — which is almost always inflammation and
not necessarily infection — is to clean out the body, to prune the body, to
cleanse the body ... giving over-the-counter medicines for fever, giving the
antibiotics for something that's not an infection, and giving the shots actually
creates much bigger illnesses in your kids.
To me, acetaminophen is probably close to, if not the largest poison you can put
in your body because it depletes your body of the very chemical that you need in
the moment when you're sick, and that's glutathione. You need that glutathione
if you're sick. So giving acetaminophen ... lowers your ability to stay well."
So, in conclusion, most fevers do not need to be treated or brought down. The warning
signs you want to look out for, regardless of the exact temperature of the fever, is their
general demeanor. Palevsky explains:
"In 1993, when I was thinking about leaving the ER and going into private
practice, I said to a colleague of mine, whose practice I was looking at, 'What do
you do for all these kids who are 3 months to 3 years, who have a fever and no
source for the fever?
Do you do blood work and urine?' He said, 'Larry, if I did blood work and urine in
every one of those kids, I'd lose patients in my practice ... Think about it. If you
have a kid who's got a fever of 104 and is sitting up and looking at you and is
able to converse, keep the head up, hydrate, and a kid who has a fever of 100.4,
who can't lift their head up, who's lethargic and isn't speaking, which kid would
you worry about?'
That said, if your child is younger than 3 months old, contact your pediatrician if he or
she develops a fever. If a child between the ages of 3 months and 2 years has a fever
above 102.5 degrees F. and there's no obvious source, a common concern is bacteremia
(bacterial infection), which can be diagnosed with a blood or urine test.
"The most important thing when a child has a fever is to 'pull the plug,' meaning
keep stimulation to a minimum. So, turn the lights down, quiet the environment,
lie down with the child. If there's anything that I've seen work over the years, is a
parent lying with the child. It's amazing what healing that can do.
Warm bath — not a cold bath — a warm bath, because what a warm bath does is
it makes the body sweat, and when the body sweats the temperature of the
body can slowly go down because the evaporation of the sweat causes the body
to cool. That doesn't mean you can't put a cool cloth on the forehead.
Naturopaths have taught me a wonderful remedy where you take old cotton
socks that are wet and put them on the feet, and you put warm, dry wool socks
over it and put the kid to bed. Get the kid under the covers and sweat it out. Let
the kid sleep. Just make sure that the kid is arousable. Make sure the kid is
hydrated. Don't feed the kid food.
One of the major things that parents complain about when a child has a fever is
that they won't eat. My response to that is, 'Good!' Just make sure the child
stays hydrated. Water, tea, broth, more water, more tea, more broth. These are
situations where I don't recommend juices. I don't recommend anything cold
and I don't recommend anything raw.
The child needs warmth. You don't want to stress the digestive system at all
because it has to be quieted. In that situation, you want the rest of the immune
system to be working to clean out whatever needs to be cleaned out."
You can also help your child do a neti pot to rinse out their sinuses with saline. Children
as young as 5 can easily do this. Be sure to use saline and not plain tap water, as plain
water will irritate the sinuses. The salt in the saline is also viricidal and will kill any
viruses lodged in the sinuses.
"We are in a time of tremendous censorship, and what I would say to parents
who are looking for information, if something is being censored, I would hope
that would raise your alarm that it's being suppressed for a reason, which
means that you would want to know what is being suppressed and why.
Because in a true republic and in a society of freedom, why wouldn't you have
the opportunity to look at opposing views and come to a conclusion on your
own? And so I would ask you to continue to question, continue to look for
answers ...
I have heard experts say that parents are not smart enough to understand the
science of vaccines, or the science of nutrition, or the science of pediatric
development or education. Just hearing that should make for an alarm because
you are smart enough. You've proven that you're smart enough and it's your kid.
So, understand that we are in a time where I strongly recommend that you take
back your power to actually raise your kid, to educate your kid, to feed your kid
properly, to understand what goes into your child and what shouldn't go into
your child. To make those decisions as a family and not allow the state or some
outside resource take over your child's body and your child's mind."
To learn more about Palevsky and his pediatric practice, check out his website, You can also follow him on Instagram, Telegram, MeWe and Rumble,
where he cohosts a show called "Critically Thinking with Dr. T & Dr. P," together with Dr.
Sherri Tenpenny.