Physics Activities

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1. To measure the resistance, voltage (A.C./D.C.), current (A.C.) and check continuity of a
given circuit using multimeter.
2. To assemble the components of a given electrical circuit (Say Ohm’s law circuit)..
3. To draw the diagram of a given open circuit comprising at least a battery,
resistor/rheostat, key, ammeter and voltmeter. Mark the components that are not
connected in proper order and correct the circuit and also the circuit diagram.
4. To observe refraction and lateral deviation (displacement) of a beam of light incident
obliquely on a glass slab.
5. To study the nature and size of the image formed by a convex lens on a screen by using a
candle and a screen for different distances of the candle from the lens.
6. To study the nature and size of the image formed by a concave mirror on a screen by
using a candle and a screen (for different distance of the candle from the mirror).


To measure Resistance, Voltage ( A.C./D.C.),Current (A.C) and check continuity

of a given circuit using multimeter.


Three carbon resistors, one standard resistance coil, a battery eliminator with tapping (2 V, 4 V
and 6 V), a step down transformer (6—0—6 V) with two tappings (2 V and 4 V), a resistor of
100 ohm, a plug key and multimeter.



It is a single measuring device acting as an Ammeter, a Voltmeter and an Ohmmeter. For this
reason, it is also called AVO meter.

It can measure alternating as well as direct current and alternating as well as direct voltage in
addition to resistance. For this purpose its panel is divided into five different sections. There are
many ranges in each section so that it can measure from micro (10-6) to mega (106) units.
Rotation of a knob changes the section and the range in one section.

— Rotation of knob for change in ammeter range, brings shunt resistances of different values in
circuit in parallel with the coil.

— Rotation of knob for change in voltmeter range, brings series resistances of different values in
circuit in series with the coil.

— Rotation of knob for change in ohmmeter range brings different resistances in circuit in series
with the multimeter cell.

1. Carbon resistors are frequently used in electrical and electronic circuits and their values
vary over a very wide range. A colour code is used to indicate the value of the resistance.

2. A carbon resistance has four different concentric colouredringe or bands on its surface.
The first three bands 1St, 2nd and Multiplier determine the value of the resistance and the
fourth band gives the percentage of accuracy called tolerance, The resistance of carbon
resistor R = (1St2nd ×10 ± T %)Ω.
3. To read the value of carbon resistance, the following sentence is found to be of much
more helpful.
a. B B R 0 Y Great Britain Very Good Wife
b. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

c. The bold face letter B, B. R, 0, Y, G, B, V, G and W, in above sentence

correspond to the colours Black. Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue,
Violet, Grey and White respectively for a and b. while for the third c, they
correspond to the multipliers 100, 101, 102, 103, 104. 105. 106. 107. 108 and 109
4. The following table provides the colour code for the carbon resistors :

colour 1st digit 2nd digit 3rd digit multiplier Tolerance
Black 0 0 0 1 -
Brown 1 1 1 10 -
Red 2 2 2 100 -
Orange 3 3 3 1K -
Yellow 4 4 4 10K -
Green 5 5 5 100K -
Blue 6 6 6 1M -
Violet 7 7 7 10M -
Gray 8 8 8 100M -
White 9 9 9 1G -
Gold - - - 0.1 5%
Silver - - - 0.01 10%
No colour - - - - 20%

1. Mark the given carbon resistors as R1, R2, R3.
2. Note the colour of first, second, third and fourth ring for each resistor.
3. Plug in the probes of the multimeter in appropriate terminals. Select the appropriate range,
short the other ends of probes and adjust zero. Turn the terminal marked ‘Adjust’ such that
the needle of the meter shows full scale deflection and reads zero ohm.
4. Separate the metallic ends of the probes. Insert the resistor R1 to be measured in between
the metallic ends of the two probes and read the deflection of the pointer on the range
5. Repeat the step 4 for other resistors R2 and R3 each time selecting the appropriate range and
testing the zero.
6. Now convert using the colour code table, the values of resistors in ohms and write their
values with tolerance.

1. Select a D.C. source of potential difference, 6 V battery eliminator or a battery.

2. Plug the probes black in com and red in +.
3. Select D.C. volt, by turning the selector switch to range 10 V D.C. volts.
4. Touch and press other ends of probes such that red is on battery terminal marked + and
on—[Fig. 11.03 (b)] and not the reading.

5. Insert red probe in terminals marked 4 V, 2 V in succession and note readings.


1. Turn the selector A.C. (200 Volt).

2. Touch and press the probes other ends to two terminals of A.C. source of potential
drop and note the reading.
3. Use red probe in terminals 4 V and 2 V in succession and record the reading.


1. Set the selector switch to ohm, range Ml.

2. Touch and press the ends of probes at A and B, full scale deflection indicates
3. Similarly check in succession the continuity between terminals B and C and terminals
C and D.
Never place the probes ends between terminals connected with the terminals of the
In digital electronic multimeter for continuity test rotor is set to mark 0 and a buzzer
sounds when probes are connected to ends of components tested.



Resistor used Colour and codes of rings Value and Value by %

tolerance from multimeter(ohms) difference
1 2 3 4
R1 orange red brown silver 32 101  5% 330 +10.0

R2 Red Red Yellow Gold 22 × 104 219985 -15.0

± 10%

R3 Red Black Green Gold 20 × 105 2000005 +5.0

± 10%


A.C. or D.C. volts No. of obs. Voltage between Voltage reading Difference in
terminals v0(volt) as measured by voltage reading
multimeter v and volt. Marked
(volt) 2v – v0(volt)
D.C 1 9 9.05 0.05

A.C 1 220 223 3


1. The measured values by multimeter match with decoded values of resistors.

2. A.C. and D.C. voltages marked on voltage sources match with voltage measured by


1. Instructions for handling the multimeter should be gone through thoroughly as it is a very
handy instrument and is likely to get damaged if carelessly of ignorantly used.
2. Select the appropriate parameter current, voltage or resistance to the measured and set it on
appropriate range.
3. If range of the parameter measured is not known, start with maximum. For measuring V,
never connect more than maximum 600 V.

To assemble the components of a given electrical circuit (Say Ohm’s law circuit).
A voltmeter and an ammeter of appropriate range, a battery, a rheostat, one way key.
An unknown resistance or resistance coil, connecting wires, a piece of sand
Paper .
1. Connect the components (Resistors. inductors etc.) in series with each other as shown in
Fig.11.05 and then in series with the battery.
2. Connect the ammeter in series with the circuit, to measure the current.
3. Connect the voltmeter in parallel to the resistor, to measure the potential difference,
4. Connect the switch in series with the battery.
5. Assembly of the electrical components in electric circuit is complete.
1. Connect the items as shown in Fig. 11.05.



It is used for measuring an unknown resistance.

To draw the diagram of a of a given open circuit comprising at least a battery,
Resistor / rheostat, key, ammeter and voltmeter. Mark the components that are not
Connected in proper order and correct the circuit also the circuit diagram.


A battery eliminator or a battery (0 to 6 V), rheostat, resistance box (0 to 100 Ω), two or one way
key. D.C. ammeter ( 0-3 )A and a D.C. voltmeter (0-3) V.
An open circuit is the combination of primary components of electric circuit in a manner that on
closing the circuit no current is drawn from the battery.

It should be connected in series, with the battery eliminator.

It should be connected in parallel to the resistor.

It should be connected in series (in place of resistance coil) with the battery eliminator.

It should be connected in parallel (in place of rheostat).


It should be connected in series to the battery eliminator.
Correct circuit diagram (Components connected in proper order)


To observe refraction and lateral deviation (displacement) of a beam of light incident obliquely
on a glass slab.


Glass slab, drawing board, white paper sheet, drawing pins, board pins, protractor.


When a ray of light (PQ) incident on the face AB of glass slab, then it bends towards the normal
since refraction takes place from rarer to denser medium. The refracted ray (QR) travel along
straight line and incident on face DC of slab and bends away from the normal since refraction
takes place from denser to rarer medium. The ray (RS) out through face DC is called emergent

From Fig. 11.15

(i) The incident ray is parallel to the emergent ray i.e. i = e.

(ii) The emergent ray is laterally deviated from its original path (incident ray) by a distance
d = t sec r sin(i − r ).


1. Fix a white paper sheet by drawing pins on a drawing board.

2. Take a glass slab and put it symmetrically in the middle of the paper and mark its
3. boundary ABCD.
4. Draw a normal at point Q on face AB and draw a line PQ making an angle i with the
5. normal. PQ will represent an incident ray.
6. Fix two pins at points 1 and 2 on the line PQ at distances 1 cm or more between themselves.
7. See images of these pins through face DC and fix two more pins at points 3 and 4 (1 cm
8. or more apart) such that these two pins cover the images of first two pins, all being along a
straight line.
9. Remove the glass slab. Draw straight line RS through points 3 and 4 to represent emergent
ray. Join QR to represent refracted ray.
10. Draw normal at point R on face DC and measure angle e. It comes to be equal to angle i.
Produce PQ forward to cut DC at T. Draw TU perpendicular to RS. TU measures lateral
11. displacement d.
12. Now take another set for different angle of incident and measure the lateral displacement.


SL.NO Angle of incident (i) Angle of emergence Difference

(degree) (e) (i-e)

1 30 30 1.2

2 45 45 1.8


1. Angle of incidence ( i ) = Angle of emergence ( e ).

2. The lateral displacement increases with the increase in the thickness of the slab
3. The lateral displacement increases with the angle of incidence ( i ).


To study the nature and size of the image formed by a convex lens on a screen by using a candle
and a screen for different distances of the candle from the lens.


An optical bench with three uprights, a convex lens with holder, a burning candle, a card-board


Similar to Fig. 8.07 having a burning candle in place of object needle and card-board screen in
place of image needle.

1 1 1
− =
From lens formula, v u f

When u =  (infinite), v= f

When u = −2 f v = 2 f

When u=−f , v =  (infinite)

When u  ( − f ) , v becomes negative, (image becomes virtual).

(See Art. 8.07)

Hence, as the object (burning candle) is moved from infinity towards the convex lens, its image
(position of screen) moves from lens focus towards infinity.

For candle distance less than focal length, image becomes virtual and does not come on screen.


1. Find rough focal length of the convex lens by usual method.

2. Mount the convex lens in holder in central upright and keep it in the middle of the optical
3. Mount the card-board screen on another upright and keep it at distance equal to rough focal
length of the lens. from the central upright.
4. Mount the burning candle in third upright and keep it on the other side of the central upright
and near the end of the optical bench.
5. Adjust heights so that the inverted image of erect flame of burning candle is formed on
screen. Move the screen to make the image sharp. The screen will be nearly at the focus of
the convex lens.
6. The image will be real inverted and much more diminished.
7. As the burning candle is moved towards the lens on one side, the screen has to be moved
away from the lens on other side, for getting sharp flame image. The inverted image size
8. When the position of the candle is at distance 21 from the lens, the screen is also at same
distance on the other side. The image size will be equal to the actual flame size.
9. Move the candle further nearer to the lens. The screen has to be moved away for getting an
enlarged inverted real image on screen.
10. As the candle reaches the focus of the lens, the screen may not be able to get its image which
will be at infinity i.e. beyond the ends of the optical bench.

This change in position, nature and size of the image is according to theoretical predictions



To study the nature and size of the image formed by a concave mirror on a screen by using a
candle and a screen. (for different distances of the candle from the mirror).


An optical bench with three uprights, a concave mirror with holder, a burning candle, a card-
board screen.


Similar to Fig. 7.05 having a burning candle in place of object needle and card-board screen in
place of image needle.

1 1 1
From mirror formula, + =
v u f

When u =  (infinite), v=−f

When u = −2 f , v = −2 f ’

When u=−f , v =  (infinite)

Whe u  ( − f ) , v becomes positive, image becomes virtual.

Hence as the object (burning candle) is moved from infinity towards the concave mirror, its
image (position of screen) moves from mirror focus towards infinity. The two cross each other at
distance 2 f the centre of curvature of the mirror.

For candle distance less than focal length, image becomes virtual and does not come on screen.

1. Find rough focal length of the concave mirror by usual method.
2. Mount the concave mirror in holder in first upright and keep it near one end of theoptical
bench, keeping mirror face inward.
3. Mount the card-board screen on a second upright and keep it at distance equal to rough focal
length of mirror, from first upright.
4. Mount the burning candle in third upright and keep it near other end of the optical bench.
5. Adjust heights so that the inverted image of erect flame of burning candle is formed on
screen. Move the screen to make the image sharp. The screen will be nearly at the focus of
the concave mirror.
6. The image will be real, inverted and much more diminished.
7. As the burning candle is moved towards the mirror, the screen has to be moved away from it
for getting a sharp flame image. The inverted image size increases.
8. When the position of the candle approaches centre of curvature of the mirror, the screen also
approaches the same position. The image size will be equal to the actual flame size.
9. Now interchange the uprights. Bring candle upright nearer to mirror than the screen upright.
10. Move the candle further nearer. The screen has to be moved away for getting an en- larged
inverted real image on screen.
11. As the candle reaches the focus of the mirror, the screen may not be able to get its image
which will be formed at infinity i.e. beyond the length of the optical bench.


This change in position, nature and size of the image is according to theoretical predictions.

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