Speech Comp
Speech Comp
Speech Comp
The first draft of your speaker’s talk will not be their last. Set a timeline with specific milestones for which your speaker
can aim. Here’s a sample timeline:
6 months before the event’s day: Thesis and basic outline due
5 months out: A script or detailed outline due
4 months out: Second draft and first rehearsals
3 months out: Final draft and more rehearsals
2 months out: Bi-weekly rehearsals
1 month out: Weekly rehearsals
2 weeks out: Take a break. (Don’t think about the talk.)
1 week out: Rehearsals
1-2 days out: Dress rehearsals
The above is just an example; your own timeline depends on your overall schedule and the needs of your speakers. Once
you have set a realistic timeline with milestones in place, make sure you check in regularly to make sure your speakers are
on track.
Look for structure, brevity and purpose.
When you’re reviewing drafts of your speakers’ outlines and talks, you should look for the following:
This is the foundation of a good TEDx Talk. Make sure each speaker’s script has a clear introduction, middle, and end.
Your speaker should know how many minutes they have for their talk. Make sure their script is an appropriate
length for their time slot, or else their content may seem cramped. Think: Is there more than one major idea here? If so,
which is the best? Help your speaker hone in on the one major point they’re trying to make.
You’ll learn more about assigning the length of a speaker’s talk when you design your program.
Every point within a talk should serve the purpose of proving the talk's main idea and its importance. Make sure
these points will be understood by the audience, and there’s a clear explanation as to why they matter.
You also want to make sure the talk is relevant to the audience. Does this talk make a connection with the guests? Is it
relatable? Speakers' should always keep the listener and what they might want or need to know in mind.
TEDx Tips
Some TEDx teams choose to include a volunteer speaking coach. While there are advantages to doing this, many
professional speaker coaching tactics go against the TED and TEDx format. If you decide to try one out one, keep a close
eye on their work and make sure the speaker's independent voice is preserved.
Speakers should talk like they talk, not how they write. This is why it’s sometimes better for speakers to simply outline
their talks and never produce a full written script.
Make sure that your speakers’ language is conversational in tone, never bombastic.
Encourage honest, contagious emotions – wonder, optimism, anger, surprise, etc.
Be wary of overstatements, utopianism, fake emotion, fake self-deprecation, TED puns, and suspicious claims.
Personal anecdotes are like garnishes. Just the right amount can make a delicious meal, but too much of the wrong kind
can destroy a meal.
**Judul: Memberdayakan Pemuda Melalui Pendidikan**
Hari ini, saya ingin berbicara tentang tema yang sangat penting bagi kita semua, yaitu
"Memberdayakan Pemuda Melalui Pendidikan". Kita semua sepakat bahwa pendidikan adalah
fondasi utama untuk masa depan yang lebih baik. Namun, apa artinya memberdayakan pemuda
melalui pendidikan?
Pendidikan bukan hanya tentang belajar di dalam kelas. Ini adalah proses yang membentuk karakter,
pola pikir, dan keterampilan kita. Dengan pendidikan yang baik, kita bisa mengembangkan potensi
diri dan menjadi individu yang siap menghadapi tantangan di dunia yang semakin kompleks ini.
Pertama, pendidikan memberikan akses kepada informasi. Di era digital ini, kita memiliki
kemudahan untuk mendapatkan berbagai pengetahuan. Namun, informasi tanpa bimbingan bisa
menjadi bumerang. Oleh karena itu, penting bagi kita untuk memiliki guru dan mentor yang dapat
memandu kita. Mereka bukan hanya pengajar, tetapi juga inspirator yang membangkitkan semangat
kita untuk belajar dan berinovasi.
Kedua, pendidikan juga mengajarkan kita nilai-nilai penting, seperti kerjasama, toleransi, dan
kepemimpinan. Melalui berbagai kegiatan ekstrakurikuler dan proyek kelompok, kita belajar untuk
bekerja sama dengan orang lain, menghargai perbedaan, dan mengambil tanggung jawab. Ini adalah
keterampilan yang sangat dibutuhkan di dunia kerja nantinya.
Selanjutnya, mari kita lihat bagaimana pendidikan dapat memfasilitasi kewirausahaan. Di zaman
yang penuh dengan tantangan ekonomi, pendidikan yang mengajarkan kita tentang kewirausahaan
dapat membuka banyak peluang. Kita diajarkan untuk berpikir kreatif, menyelesaikan masalah, dan
menciptakan solusi. Dengan begitu, kita bisa menjadi generasi yang mandiri dan tidak bergantung
pada orang lain.
Teman-teman, memberdayakan pemuda melalui pendidikan juga berarti memberi kesempatan yang
sama bagi semua orang, tanpa memandang latar belakang. Kita perlu memastikan bahwa setiap anak,
terutama dari keluarga kurang mampu, mendapatkan akses pendidikan yang berkualitas. Pendidikan
adalah hak setiap orang dan merupakan investasi bagi masa depan bangsa.
Akhir kata, mari kita semua berkomitmen untuk belajar dan mengembangkan diri kita melalui
pendidikan. Mari kita dukung satu sama lain, baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas, agar kita bisa
menjadi generasi yang kuat dan berdaya saing. Ingatlah, masa depan kita ada di tangan kita sendiri.
Dengan pendidikan yang baik, kita bisa mengubah dunia.
Terima kasih atas perhatian teman-teman. Semoga kita semua bisa terus berjuang untuk masa depan
yang lebih baik!
Title: Empowering Youth Through Education
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Greetings to the honorable judges, teachers and all of my dear
friends. I am honored to have the opportunity to attending this great event. First of all, I would like to
thank God, Allah The Greatest and Most Merciful, Who has been giving us blessings and mercies so
we can attend today’s event in a very good condition. I also want to thank the master of ceremony for
giving me the opportunity to deliver my speech. My name is …………
Ladies and gentlemen, let me begin this speech with a question, we all agree that education is the
main foundation for a better future. However, what does it mean to “empower youth through
education?”. On this occasion, I want to talk about a very important theme for all of us, that is
"Empowering Youth Through Education".
Education is a process that we can build our character, mindset and skills. With good education, we
can develop our potential and become individuals who are ready to face challenges in this
increasingly complex world.
First, education provides access to information. In this digital era, we have the ease of gaining various
knowledge. However, information without guidance can backfire. Therefore, it is important for us to
have teachers and mentors who can guide us. They are not only teachers, but also inspirations who
awaken our enthusiasm for learning and innovation. They gradually make us believe that we are
important, that we are valuable, and we can be whatever we want to be in our future.
Second, education also teaches us important values, such as cooperation, tolerance and leadership.
Through various extracurricular activities and group projects, we learn to cooperate with others,
respect differences, and take responsibility. This is a skill that is really needed, later when we do our
future job.
Next, let's look at how education can facilitate entrepreneurship. In an era full of economic
challenges, education that teaches us about entrepreneurship can open up many opportunities. We are
taught to think creatively, solve problems, and create solutions. That way, we can become a
generation that is independent and not dependent on other people.
Everyone, empowering youth through education also means providing equal opportunities for
everyone, regardless of background. We need to ensure that every child, especially from
disadvantaged families, has access to quality education. Education is everyone's right and is an
investment in the nation's future.
Finally, let's all commit to learning and developing ourselves through education. Let's support each
other, both inside and outside the classroom, so that we can become a strong and competitive
generation. Remember, our future is in our own hands. With good education, we can change the
Thank you for your attention everyone. Hopefully we can all continue to fight for a better future!
**Judul: Pendidikan adalah Kunci Kesuksesan**
Hari ini, saya berdiri di sini untuk berbicara tentang tema yang sangat penting dan relevan:
"Pendidikan adalah Kunci Kesuksesan". Dalam perjalanan hidup kita, pendidikan memiliki peran
yang sangat vital dalam membuka pintu kesempatan.
Pertama-tama, mari kita lihat apa yang dimaksud dengan pendidikan. Pendidikan bukan hanya
sekadar mengikuti pelajaran di sekolah. Ini adalah proses yang terus menerus, di mana kita belajar
tidak hanya dari buku, tetapi juga dari pengalaman hidup, interaksi dengan orang lain, dan
lingkungan sekitar kita. Dengan pendidikan, kita mengembangkan pengetahuan, keterampilan, dan
sikap yang diperlukan untuk mencapai tujuan kita.
Dalam dunia yang terus berubah ini, pendidikan memberi kita alat untuk beradaptasi. Kita hidup di
zaman di mana teknologi dan informasi berkembang dengan pesat. Dengan pendidikan yang baik,
kita bisa memanfaatkan kemajuan ini untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup kita dan orang-orang di
sekitar kita. Pendidikan membekali kita dengan keterampilan berpikir kritis dan kemampuan
menyelesaikan masalah, yang sangat penting di dunia kerja.
Selanjutnya, pendidikan juga membuka kesempatan. Banyak dari kita memiliki impian besar—
apakah itu menjadi dokter, insinyur, seniman, atau pengusaha. Tanpa pendidikan yang memadai,
impian-impian ini bisa sulit dicapai. Melalui pendidikan, kita mendapatkan pengetahuan dan keahlian
yang diperlukan untuk mencapai cita-cita tersebut. Ingatlah, setiap orang yang berhasil di bidangnya
pasti melalui proses pendidikan yang panjang dan penuh usaha.
Pendidikan juga membentuk karakter kita. Melalui pendidikan, kita belajar tentang nilai-nilai seperti
disiplin, kerja keras, dan ketekunan. Semua nilai ini sangat penting dalam mencapai kesuksesan.
Ketika kita menghadapi tantangan, pendidikan mengajarkan kita untuk tidak menyerah, tetapi untuk
terus berusaha dan beradaptasi.
Namun, penting juga untuk diingat bahwa pendidikan tidak hanya diperoleh di bangku sekolah.
Pendidikan bisa datang dari pengalaman sehari-hari, membaca buku, mengikuti seminar, atau bahkan
berdiskusi dengan orang-orang yang lebih berpengalaman. Jadi, mari kita terus belajar dan mencari
pengetahuan di mana pun kita berada.
Teman-teman, untuk mencapai kesuksesan, kita harus memiliki tekad yang kuat dan semangat untuk
belajar. Mari kita gunakan pendidikan sebagai alat untuk meraih cita-cita kita. Setiap langkah kecil
yang kita ambil dalam belajar adalah langkah menuju kesuksesan yang lebih besar.
Akhir kata, ingatlah bahwa pendidikan adalah kunci yang membuka banyak pintu kesempatan.
Dengan pendidikan, kita bisa meraih apa yang kita impikan. Mari kita berkomitmen untuk terus
belajar dan mengembangkan diri, agar bisa menjadi generasi yang sukses dan berkontribusi bagi
Terima kasih atas perhatian teman-teman. Semoga kita semua bisa terus berjuang untuk kesuksesan
melalui pendidikan!
Title: Education is the Key to Success
Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Greetings to the honorable judges, teachers and all of my dear
friends. I am honored to have the opportunity to attending this great event. First of all, I would like to
thank God, Allah The Greatest and Most Merciful, Who has been giving us blessings and mercies so
we can attend today’s event in a very good condition. I also want to thank the master of ceremony for
giving me the opportunity to deliver my speech. My name is Lisha Dwi Pertiwi.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me begin this speech with a question, that is, what is meant by education? I
believe we all agreed that education is the most important thing we should receive to gain value and
success in the society. Education is not just by attending and following lessons at school. This is a
continuous process, we are not learning only from books, modules and worksheets, but also from life
experiences, interactions with other people, and being touch with the nature and environment. With
education, we can develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to achieve our goals. On this
occasion I would talk about a very important theme, that is "Education is the Key to Success".
In our journey of life, education played a very vital role in opening the doors of opportunity. Today,
we live in an era where technology and information are developing rapidly. In this ever-changing
world, education gives us the tools to adapt. With a good education, we can take advantage to
improve the quality of life for ourselves and those around us. Education equips us with critical
thinking skills and problem-solving abilities, which are very important to be qualified in a certain job
requirement and build our careers.
Furthermore, education also opens up opportunities. Many of us have big dreams whether it's to be a
doctor, engineer, artist, or entrepreneur. Without adequate education, these dreams can be difficult to
achieve. Through education, we gain the knowledge and skills needed to achieve these goals.
Remember, every person who is successful in their field must have gone through a long and
hardworking educational process.
Education also builds up our character. Through education, we learn values such as discipline, hard
work, and perseverance. All of these values are very important in achieving success. When we face
challenges, education teaches us not to give up, but to keep trying and adapting.
However, it is also important to remember that education is not only obtained at school. Education
can come from daily experience, reading books, or even discussing with more experienced people.
So, let's keep learning and seeking knowledge wherever we are.
Everyone, to achieve success, we must have strong determination and enthusiasm for learning. Let's
use education as a tool to achieve our dreams. Every small step we take in learning is a step towards
greater success.
Finally, remember that education is the key that opens many doors of opportunity. With education,
we can achieve what we dream of. Let's commit to continuing to learn and develop ourselves, so that
we can become a successful generation and contribute to society.
Thank you for your attention, everyone. Hopefully we can all continue to strive for success through
**Judul: Berinvestasi dalam Pendidikan untuk Masa Depan yang Lebih Cerah**
Hari ini, saya ingin berbagi pemikiran tentang sebuah tema yang sangat penting dan relevan bagi kita
semua: "Berinvestasi dalam Pendidikan untuk Masa Depan yang Lebih Cerah". Dalam hidup ini,
salah satu investasi terbaik yang bisa kita lakukan adalah investasi dalam pendidikan, baik untuk diri
kita sendiri maupun untuk generasi mendatang.
Pertama-tama, mari kita pahami mengapa pendidikan sangat berharga. Pendidikan adalah alat yang
membentuk pola pikir dan keterampilan kita. Dengan pendidikan yang baik, kita dapat membuka
banyak peluang, tidak hanya untuk diri kita sendiri, tetapi juga untuk orang-orang di sekitar kita.
Ketika kita berinvestasi dalam pendidikan, kita sebenarnya sedang berinvestasi dalam masa depan—
masa depan yang lebih cerah, lebih produktif, dan lebih berkelanjutan.
Kedua, mari kita lihat bagaimana pendidikan dapat mengurangi ketidaksetaraan. Di banyak negara,
masih ada anak-anak yang tidak memiliki akses ke pendidikan yang berkualitas. Dengan berinvestasi
dalam pendidikan, kita dapat membantu menciptakan kesetaraan dan memberikan kesempatan yang
sama bagi semua orang, terlepas dari latar belakang ekonomi mereka. Setiap anak berhak
mendapatkan pendidikan yang baik, dan dengan investasi ini, kita bisa membantu mereka meraih
potensi penuh mereka.
Selain itu, pendidikan juga berkontribusi pada pertumbuhan ekonomi. Ketika masyarakat terdidik,
mereka lebih mampu berinovasi, menciptakan lapangan kerja, dan meningkatkan produktivitas.
Negara-negara yang menginvestasikan lebih banyak dalam pendidikan cenderung memiliki ekonomi
yang lebih kuat dan lebih stabil. Jadi, investasi dalam pendidikan bukan hanya menguntungkan
individu, tetapi juga membawa manfaat bagi seluruh masyarakat.
Teman-teman, kita juga perlu ingat bahwa investasi dalam pendidikan tidak hanya dilakukan oleh
pemerintah atau institusi. Kita, sebagai individu, juga memiliki peran penting dalam hal ini. Kita bisa
mulai dengan meningkatkan komitmen kita terhadap belajar, baik di dalam maupun di luar kelas. Kita
juga bisa mendukung program-program pendidikan di komunitas kita, baik dengan menjadi
sukarelawan, menyumbang, atau hanya dengan mendorong teman-teman kita untuk belajar lebih giat.
Akhirnya, mari kita tanamkan dalam diri kita bahwa pendidikan adalah fondasi yang akan
membangun masa depan yang lebih baik. Dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan yang kita peroleh,
kita bisa menghadapi tantangan dunia ini dengan lebih percaya diri dan inovatif. Mari kita
berkomitmen untuk terus belajar dan mendukung satu sama lain dalam perjalanan pendidikan ini.
Terima kasih atas perhatian teman-teman. Mari kita bersama-sama berinvestasi dalam pendidikan
untuk menciptakan masa depan yang lebih cerah bagi kita semua!
Title: Investing in Education for a Brighter Future
Today, I would like to share my thoughts on a theme that is very important and relevant for all of us:
"Investing in Education for a Brighter Future". In this life, one of the best investments we can make is
investing in education, both for ourselves and for future generations.
First of all, let's understand why education is so valuable. Education is a tool that shapes our mindset
and skills. With a good education, we can open up many opportunities, not only for ourselves, but
also for the people around us. When we invest in education, we are actually investing in the future—a
future that is brighter, more productive, and more sustainable.
Second, let's look at how education can reduce inequality. In many countries, there are still children
who do not have access to quality education. By investing in education, we can help create equality
and provide equal opportunities for everyone, regardless of their economic background. Every child
deserves a good education, and with this investment, we can help them reach their full potential.
Apart from that, education also contributes to economic growth. When people are educated, they are
better able to innovate, create jobs, and increase productivity. Countries that invest more in education
tend to have stronger and more stable economies. So, investment in education not only benefits the
individual, but also brings benefits to the entire society.
Friends, we also need to remember that investment in education is not only made by the government
or institutions. We, as individuals, also have an important role in this. We can start by increasing our
commitment to learning, both inside and outside the classroom. We can also support educational
programs in our community, either by volunteering, donating, or simply by encouraging our friends
to study harder.
Finally, let's instill in ourselves that education is the foundation that will build a better future. With
the knowledge and skills we gain, we can face the challenges of this world with more confidence and
innovation. Let's commit to continuing to learn and support each other on this educational journey.
Thank you for your attention friends. Let's invest in education together to create a brighter future for
us all!