Activity 1 in Arts
Activity 1 in Arts
Activity 1 in Arts
There are some importance of instructional planning that helps to the teacher to delivered their topic
Provide a logical sequencing lessons
Economizest cost
Provide a instructional objectives
Teachers guide
Policy statement
There are some guidelines that support to the teacher to effectively organizing and managing the k-12
classroom .
The first one is preparing DLP to easily indecate what practice that they need to conduct to make
their students more knowledgeable.with the use of DLP the teacher should be providing
opportunities to many students to learn more.
Having an instructional planning, because as a teacher you need to plan first before you conduct a
activities or discussion to ensure that every student will gain more knowledge from the teacher.
Well prepared and well planned. As a teacher we need to be more prepared while discussing a
lesson to avoid misunderstanding because of not being prepared. Also we need to plan first to
make our discussion more organized.
Lesson planning
When we are doing lesson plan we make sure that our topic or objective are more resourceful ,so in
that way our teaching will be more efficient and effective.
When the teacher have lesson planning they also well prepared and they can master their topic because
they planned it before conducting a discussion.
When we are delivering our topic we need to make a plan first so that we will have a smooth and effective
delivery of a lesson. We have to organize our lesson plan and make sure that it was align to the given
curriculum. As a teacher we have to make sure that we are prepared and our lesson plan is correct because
it is one of the most important thing that we have when we are teaching because it serves as our guide to
make sure that the lesson that we have to give to our students are accurate. We have to make sure that the
students will gain a lot of knowledge from us and they will effectively apply to themselves.
Position: Teacher 1
Educational attainment
3. If any:
1. arts – 5 years
What are the approaches that you always considered as a teacher in planning the lesson plan?
One undeniable truth of teaching is that good planning will efficiently channel one’s energy and will
save many hours of avoidable workload. This is not slacking off; it is being organized. When one knows
where one is going, one feels no stress as to the outcome and remains open to adjustments of itinerary if
I personally started with the Evaluation and Assessment Process by answering the 5W (what, when,
where, how and who). If one plans the teaching and start teaching before planning the evaluation process
and tools, one risks failure of either oneself or of the weaker or slower students. This approach makes the
planning solid and purposeful and the execution a breeze for all students and the teacher.
In the planning, I taught in a pyramid shape which benefited all students of all levels. I could plan both
help and various levels of enrichment (mostly determined by the students themselves). The teaching
strategies would be adapted to everyone in the class and there would be no disciplinary problems.
Starting at the base and going up the pyramid I would determine:
What are the resources that you need in teaching arts? Is it enough?
There are a lot of materials and resources that I need for me to be able to teach arts and there are some
tools and materials that bring awe and joy to students each time we introduce them. But unfortunately,
the school lack of this resources and sometimes I provide for those specific materials for my topic.
- digital learning resources including video, audio, text, websites, animations and images.
How do you make sure that your art lesson is align and accurate to the curriculum standard?
Simply, I always look at the MELC or the K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies, it is a guide
curriculum and instruction in all public schools.
What strategies do you use to bring out a child’s creativity when it comes to arts? And how do you
encourage and motivate who has no interest in arts?
Interest in art is natural, nearly all young children love and readily migrate toward art. The key is to make
art a significant part of education of no less importance as all the other scholastic subjects to avoid
subordinating the arts to mere accessory roles. For me, Education by informed and knowledgeable
teachers helps a LOT for both children and adults.
I always encourage a safe classroom where everyone understands that we all have different levels of
experience or practice in art making. I made it clear at the beginning of school year, that my classroom is
a safe space where they are allowed to feel safe to experiment, learn, make mistakes, and even failure
(because I believe that if I’ve taught Growth Mindset, the is already know that failing is an opportunity
for growth and learning. I always build confidence on them as they make their arts and always told them
that All art SHOULD BE unique for them not to compare themselves to others.
- The teacher uses technologies such as the TV, laptop and blackboard to teach the students. The teacher
start to discuss and explain the concepts that needs to be learn by the students. The teacher also ask the
student if they understand or not before moving to the next concept.
i. Teaching methodologies
4. Conclusions: the DepEd is the regulating body that sets the standards for classroom procedures
b. How?
- Yes, the procedure was implemented by the teacher by making sure that the learners will engage in the
lessons. The teacher provide a positive learning experience that helps to encourage the students to
cooperate and participate in the classroom activities. The teacher also used a proper assessment where it
can really measure the skills and abilities of the learners. It can also help to enhance and to know the
strength and weaknesses of the students wich can also help the teachers to know where they will focus
more and what approaches, strategies and methodologies they will use that they think is more effective to
the learners.
1. Research
Nearly Does Not
Exceeds Meets Score
Category Meets Meet No Evidence
Standard Standard
Standard Standard
Citation All cited Some cited Few cited No Absent
works, both works, both works, both relevance to
text and text and visual, text and the cited
visual, are are done in the visual, are work.
done in the correct format. done in the
correct Inconsistencies correct
format with evident format
no errors
Content Balanced Information Information The central Absent
presentation provides supports a purpose is contents,
of relevant reasonable central not clearly structure, and
and support for a purpose at identified. organization.
legitimate central times. The
information purpose and Analysis is analysis is
that clearly displays basic or vague or
supports a evidence of a general. not evident.
central basic analysis
purpose and of a significant
shows a topic
analysis of a
Conclusion The The The Incomplete
conclusion conclusion conclusion and/or
is engaging restates the does not unfocused.
and restates learning. adequately
personal restate the
learning learning.
2. Interview
Does Not
Nearly Meets No Scor
Category Exceeds Standard Meets Standard Meet
Standard Evidence e
Questions the questions the questions the questions the the
made made made match the made fairly match questions questions
perfectly match various aspects of the various aspects made do are not
the various aspects the interview of the interview not match delivered,
of the topic of the the the
interview various teacher
aspects of discusses
the the topic
Identify demonstrate an clearly identifies identifies an develops develops
the understanding of information need information need, a general a general
informati what information but struggles with topic topic but
on needed needed articulating it struggles there is
to no
pinpoint relevance
the to the
informati informati
on need on needed
Gather The student The student The student uses The the
informati evaluates and formulates an student students
on refines informationgatheri informationgatheri compiles gathered
informationgatheri ng strategies to ng strategy that informati informati
ng on related on that is
to the not
strategies to focus learning on allows them to content of relevant
maintain their targeted add to their their to the
focus on targeted competencies. The general body of learning topic.
competencies. The student knowledge. The goals.
student elaborates communicates student
on connections how they communicates the
between the refine their relationship
information learning based on between the
gathered, how the information information and
they refine their gathered. the direction of
learning based on their learning.
the information
gathered and
possible alternate
directions for their