EMA-2324 Application
EMA-2324 Application
EMA-2324 Application
Information Sheet
The Award
The Endeavour Merit Award, supported by HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund, has been set up to give
recognition to the extra efforts made by meritorious students with the special educational needs (SEN) in
overcoming various challenges so as to pursue post-secondary education.
Students may only be awarded either HKSAR Government Scholarship for outstanding performance or
Endeavour Merit Award in the academic year 2023/24. However, they may be awarded other scholarships /
awards under the HKSAR Government Scholarship Fund, such as Talent Development Scholarship and
Reaching Out Award, in the same academic year.
Application Procedures
1. Interested students can download the application form from the website of the Office of Admissions and
Financial Aid at http://admission.cuhk.edu.hk/ (Fees and
Financing Your Studies Scholarships
Open for Applications).
2. Completed application form together with all requisite documents should be submitted online on or
before 5 January 2024. Late or incomplete applications will NOT be considered. Please refer to
Notes for Applicants attached to the application form for the requisite documents and submission
3. A University Selection Panel will select suitable candidates for the Award.
4. The decisions of the University and the HKSAR Government are final and not subject to review, and the
reasons for nominating, shortlisting, granting or refusing to offer an award will not be given.
5 Selection results will be announced by February 2024.
7 December 2023
OAFA Website
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid
1. The completed application form which should be typed in English, unless otherwise
specified and signed. Handwritten form will NOT be accepted. If the item(s) in the form
is/are not applicable, “N/A” should be marked.
(iii) For Year 2 or above students: A printed copy of academic transcript obtained from
the Chinese University Student Information System (CUSIS).
4. The most recent medical report on special educational needs which specifies the
diagnosis. The medical report must be issued AND signed by a medical professional.
Even though you have submitted other supporting documents on your special educational
needs, e.g. assessment report issued by Education Bureau, approval letter for disability
allowance, etc, the said medical report is still required. For the illness which can be fully
recovered or cured, it is expected that the medical proof should be issued within the recent 6
II One letter of confidential recommendation from a teacher of CUHK should be addressed to the
Selection Panel of Endeavour Merit Award. The referee has to submit the letter of recommendation
online by uploading it at https://cloud.itsc.cuhk.edu.hk/webform/view.php?id=13679408 on or
before 5 January 2024.
V Please do NOT use digital camera or smart phone to take snapshot of the supporting documents.
Otherwise, these supporting documents may be considered invalid.
VI Any non-English supporting documents should be issued in the original language and accompanied by
an English translation.
VII Please note that the Scholarships and Financial Aid Section of the Office of Admissions and Financial
Aid and/or HKSAR Government will request applicants to submit other supporting documents for
information, if deemed necessary.
7 December 2023
No. _________
Application Form
The information gathered will be used for Scholarships/Awards-related purposes in the University. It may be
accessible to offices, committees or persons involved in Scholarships/Awards matters. Records of unsuccessful
candidates will be destroyed when no longer required.
A. Personal Particulars
☐ Others (Please specify)
C. Educational Qualifications
D. Admission Channel – for undergraduate students only (Please put a ‘ ’ in an appropriate box.)
Public Exam
Cumulative GPA (up to 2022/23 summer session) 3.433 (in 3 decimal places)
G. Awards / Academic Achievements Received in the Recent 3 Academic Years (i.e. 2021/22 –
Self-financing Post-Secondary
Scholarship Scheme Outstanding
4. 07/2022 Performance Scholarship $30000
Self-financing Post-Secondary
Scholarship Scheme
5. 07/2021 Endeavour Scholarship $15000
H. Extra-curricular Activities / Voluntary Services Participated in the Recent 3 Academic Years (i.e.
2021/22 – 2023/24)
I. Working Experience (including part-time and summer jobs)
I hereby declare that the information provided in this form is correct and true to the best of my
knowledge. I understand that any inaccurate information will render the application invalid, and that any
award approved will be withheld and any payment made must be refunded to the HKSAR Government
Scholarship Fund.
I authorize the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid (OAFA) of The Chinese University of Hong
Kong to obtain any information from other units of the University which OAFA considers necessary and
relevant to the administration and assessment of my application for the captioned Award.