Multiple Circuits
Multiple Circuits
Multiple Circuits
The electrical industry has a formal Code, and it has unwritten rules-of-thumb, just as
any other discipline involving construction. The Code changes every three years, and the
changes are brought about by new technology and political pressure, but the rules-of-thumb
are more subtle. Consequently, they are harder to change. The multiwire branch circuit has
been the rule-of-thumb, and the "economy", of the electrical industry for too long. The Code
has tried to address some of the safety issues raised by the use of multiwire branch circuits in
residences. It requires a common trip of over-current protection for circuits sharing a neutral
that are terminated on a common device, (such as a duplex receptacle). However, the danger
to equipment in commercial and industrial applications remains. It is time for a change.
The theory of the multiwire branch circuit is sound; a shared neutral conductor will
only carry the imbalance of the loads on circuits supplied by different phases of a service.
Therefore, if branch circuits are wired and maintained correctly, properly sized over-current
protection is adequate for neutral conductors as well as ungrounded conductors.
Three adjacent, 20 amp single-pole breakers in a three phase panel feed identical
lighting loads, and share a neutral conductor.
If the neutral connection at one of the ‘T’ splices loses integrity, some of the loads will
try to continue operating in a series configuration with the line-to-line voltage.
Unfortunately, it has been a common practice in the past, to wire receptacles with the
same, shared neutral, multiwire branch circuit methods. The open indicated at the second ‘T’
splice in the neutral, creates a situation in which two pieces of utilization equipment plugged
into the outlets fed by breakers ‘A’ and ‘B’ would actually be connected in series with a 208
volt potential. This happens far too frequently, particularly with the use of powered base
panels in partition walls for office cubicles. The partition walls have base sections that are
usually hard wired to the facility electrical system, then plug into the adjacent sections to
distribute power among the offices.
Some of the partition manufacturers are abandoning the shared neutral method and
providing separate neutrals with each ungrounded circuit conductor. This dramatically
reduces the possibility of supplying an over-voltage to the equipment served within the office
cubicles. The entire electrical industry should follow suit and provide a dedicated neutral
with every circuit that distributes 120 volt, power.
The high tech industry has lead the way in writing such requirements into their
specifications. By requiring dedicated neutrals with every 120 volt circuit feeding
receptacles, some project engineers have eliminated the chance of over-voltage damage to
equipment caused by high resistance in the grounded conductor of multiwire branch circuits.
In the interest of safety and protection of equipment, all 120 volt branch circuits that
extend beyond a distribution panel board should be complete and independent of any other
branch circuit. This means that all 120 volt circuits should have dedicated neutrals, and that
shared neutrals should not be employed to feed receptacle circuits. In addition, these
dedicated neutrals should be identified with the corresponding circuit number, at every splice.
In this way, the electrician that comes to alter or extend and existing circuit, is less likely to
tap the wrong neutral.
New receptacle Existing receptacles
N being added fed by
multi-wire branch
(Grounds not shown) circuit
3,5 3,5 5 5
Dedicated neutrals for receptacle circuits . . .
P 1,3,5 2 6
no more MBC's!
less pipe fill using multi-wire branch circuits,
but the subtle problems, and the huge potential
for damage to utilization equipment, should be
reason enough to ban their use. If the engineers
specify dedicated neutrals, and electricians resolve
to pull a neutral with every 120 volt circuit that feeds
convenience outlets and receptacles, we’ll save ourselves
and our customers, a lot of grief in the future.
It took the electrical industry several generations to recognize the safety issue of
separate ground and neutral conductors to ranges and dryers. Let’s not make the same
mistake with Multiwire Branch Circuits. There are already, far too many MBC installations
in existence. Let’s stop installing them now . . . and hopefully, the National Electrical Code
will follow with revisions that support this choice for quality, rather than economy.
Branch Circuit, Multiwire. A branch circuit that consists of two or more ungrounded
conductors that have a potential between them, and a grounded conductor that has equal
potential difference between it and each ungrounded conductor of the circuit and that is
connected to the neutral or grounded conductor of the system.
(a) General. Branch circuits recognized by this article shall be permitted as multiwire
branch circuits. A multiwire branch circuit shall be permitted to be considered as multiple
circuits. All conductors shall originate from the same panelboard.
FPN: A 3-phase, 4-wire, wye-connected power system used to supply power to non-
linear loads may necessitate that the power system design allow for the possibility of
high harmonic neutral currents.
(b) Dwelling Units. In a dwelling unit, a multiwire branch circuit supplying more than one
device or equipment on the same yoke shall be provided with a means to disconnect
simultaneously all ungrounded conductors at the panelboard where the branch circuit
page 70 – 38
(c) Line-to-Neutral Loads. Multiwire branch circuits shall supply only line-to-neutral loads.
Exception No. 1: A multiwire branch circuit that supplies only one utilization equipment.
Exception No. 2: Where all ungrounded conductors of the multiwire branch circuit are
opened simultaneously by the branch-circuit overcurrent device.
(d) Identification of the Ungrounded Conductors. Where more than one nominal voltage
system exists in a building, each ungrounded conductor of a multiwire branch circuit, where
accessible, shall be identified by phase and system. This means of identification shall be
permitted to be by separate color coding, marking tape, tagging, or other approved means and
shall be permanently posted at each branch-circuit panelboard.
Note from DC, (the author of this article);
Another unwritten rule-of-thumb commonly practiced in the electrical industry is that 120/208 volt circuits
utilize black/red/blue w/white neutrals, and 277/480 volt circuits use brown/orange/yellow w/grey neutrals.
4-6 80
7-9 70
10-20 50
21-30 45
31-40 40
41 and above 35
(a) A neutral conductor that carries only the unbalanced current from other conductors
of the same circuit shall not be required to be counted when applying the provisions of
Section 310-15(b)(2)(a).
(b) In a 3-wire circuit consisting of two phase wires and the neutral of a 4-wire, 3-phase
wye-connected system, a common conductor carries approximately the same current as the
line-to-neutral load currents of the other conductors and shall be counted when applying the
provisions of Section 310-15(b)(2)(a).
(c) On a 4-wire, 3-phase wye circuit where the major portion of the load consists of
nonlinear loads, harmonic currents are present in the neutral conductor; the neutral shall
therefore be considered a current-carrying conductor.
These excerpts from the 1999 NEC relate to multiwire branch circuits, and clearly
indicate that the NEC recognizes the use of this wiring method.
The following page describes a hypothetical situation that encourages electricians and
engineers to use MBCs. This situation occurs frequently in real-world construction, and the
significant difference in the cost of installation is usually the deciding factor.
1. What size raceway(s) would be required for the 'home run' from the junction box?
2,4 3,5 5
2,4,6 1,3,5
1,3,5 2,4,6
1,3 2,4,6 4,6 6
1. The MBC method could utilize a 3/4" raceway, while the dedicated neutral method
would require a 1” conduit.
2. The MBC method requires a maximum of eight current-carrying conductors, while the
dedicated neutral method requires 12. According to Table 310-15(b)(2)(a), the MBC
method could use #12 conductors, while the dedicated neutrals method would require
#10s! Economics dictate that the electrician use MBCs, but it's a short-sighted choice!
The loads are better served and protected by the dedicated neutral method. Other
countries of the world do not use MBCs . . .