Practice Sheet For Class - 5 Arabic

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Practice Sheet for Class_5 Arabic )Annual)

1. Word Meanings 10 marks

Meaning Word Meaning Word

museum ٌ‫ُم ْت َحف‬ Copy of the Quran ٌ‫ص َحف‬

ْ ‫ُم‬
packet ٌ‫ُعل َبة‬ row َ
َ َ َ
clothes ٌ‫َمَل ِبس‬ sample ٌ‫ن ٌُم ْوذج‬
gentleman ٌ‫َس ِيد‬ thing ‫ش ْي ٌء‬
address ٌ‫ُع ْن َوان‬ narrow َ
ٌ‫ض ِيق‬
َ َ َّ
another ‫أخ ٌُر‬ ruled ٌ‫ُم َسطر‬
ٌ‫ِمخ َّدة‬ ‫اش ْي ٌر‬ ََ
pillow chalk
ِ ‫طب‬
َ ْ
Commentary of the Quran ‫ت ْف ِس ْي ٌر‬ sweetmeat ٌ‫َحل َوى‬
ْ ُ
comb ٌ‫ُمشط‬ cloth ٌ‫ق َماش‬
The prophet’s biography ٌ‫الس ْي ٌَرة‬
ِ picture ‫ص ْو َر ٌة‬

button ٌ‫ِزر‬ flower ‫َز ْه َر ٌة‬

َ َ
mirror ٌ‫ِم ْرأة‬ brown ٌ‫أ ْس َم ُر‬
habit ‫َع َاد ٌة‬ file ٌ‫ِملف‬
Page 1 of 7
2. Question Answer 10 Marks
َ َ ُّ ‫اْل ُب إ َلى‬
َْ ُ َ َْ ُّ ‫اْل ُب إ َلى‬
َْ ُ َ َْ ََ
‫الس ْو ِق َب ْعد الصَل ِة‬ ِ ‫ يذهب‬.1 ‫الس ْو ِق‬ ِ ‫ متى يذهب‬.1
The father will go to the market after Salah When will the father go to the market ?
َ ْ ْ َ
ٌ‫ ُي ِرْي ُدال ُح َس ْي ُ ٌنٌ َحَل َوى‬. 2 ‫ماذاٌ ُي ِرْي ُدال ُح َس ْي ُ ٌنٌ؟‬.َ 2
Husain wants sweetmeat What does Husain want ?
ً َ ً َ ُ ُ َ َ
ٌُ ‫ٌت ٍرْي ُد ٌُس ٌَع‬.3
ٌ‫ادٌ ِم ْسط َرةٌك ِب ْي َرة‬ ٌ‫ٌماذاٌت ٍرْي ُد ٌُس َع ُاد‬.3

Suaad wants a big scale. What does Suaad want ?

َ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ َّ ُ َ ُ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ ْ َّ َ
ٌ‫ٌاْل ْسط َرة‬
ِ ‫ادٌٌال ِذيٌي ِريد‬
ٌ ‫ٌسع‬.4 ٌ‫ٌاْل ْسط َرة‬
ِ ‫ٌ ٌم ِنٌال ِذيٌي ِريد‬.4
Suaad wants scale Who wants scale ?

‫ع ْلبَةَ ْال َح ْل َوى‬

ُ ‫س ْل َمى‬
َ ‫ ت ُ ِر ْيد ُ ْالبَنَاتُ أ َ ْن يَأ ُخ ْذنَ ِل‬.5 ‫س ْل َمى‬
َ ‫ َماذا ت ُ ِر ْيد ُ ْالبَنَاتُ أ َ ْن يَأ ُخ ْذنَ ِل‬.5
The daughters want to take for Salma one packet of What do the daughters want to take for
sweetmeat Salma ?
ً ً َ َ ً ُ ْ َ
ٌ‫ َح ِفظٌ َب ِش ْيرٌٌٌ ُس ْو َرة ٌٌَو ِاح َدة‬.6 ‫ٌٌس ْو َر ٌةٌ َح ِفظٌ َب ِش ْيرٌٌ؟‬‫ٌكم‬.6
Hafiz memorized one surah . How many surah did Hafiz memorize ?
َ َ َ ً َ
.ٌ‫ٌ َح ِفظ ٌُع َم ٌُرٌ ُس ْو َرت ْي ِ ٌن‬.7 ‫ٌك ْم ٌُس ْو َر ٌةٌ َح ِفظ ٌُع َم ٌُرٌ؟‬.7
Umar memorized two surahs How many surah did Umar memorize ?
َ ََْ َْ ََْ َْ َ
ٌ‫ٌ ِإشت َرى ٌٌَب ِش ْيرٌالقل ٌَمٌ ِب ِرَيال ْي ِن‬.8 ‫ٌبك ْمٌ ِإشت َرى ٌٌَب ِش ْيرٌالقل َمٌ؟‬.ِ 8
Bashir bought the pen for two riyals . How much money did Bashir pay to buy
the pen ?

Page 2 of 7
3. Translate the following sentences into English 5 Marks

ْ ‫ٌص َ ٌَلةٌ ْال َع‬

ٌ‫ص ٌِر‬ َ ‫ َأ ْي َن ٌُترْيد ْي َن ٌَأ ْن ٌَت ْذ َهب ْيٌ َب ْع َد‬.1
Where do you want to go after Asr prayer ?
ِ ِ ِ ِ
ْ ‫اٌالتيٌ َزا َرْتن ْي ٌٌَأ‬َّ َ َ َ َ َ ْ ُ َ ْ َ ُ ْ ُ
I want to visit my neighbor who visited me
yesterday ?
ٌ‫س‬ ِ ‫م‬ ِ ِ ‫أ ِريدٌانٌأزورٌجارتن‬.2
ْ َْ ََ َ ْ َ ْ ْ َ ْ َ َ ُ ْ ُ َ
Can you return before Magrib prayer ? ٌ‫ب‬
ٌ ِ ‫ٌصَل ِةٌاْلغ ِر‬ ‫أٌيم ِكنكٌأنٌتر ِج ِ ٌعيٌقبل‬.3
َّ َ
I can return if Allah wills. ٌ ‫ ُي ْم ِك ُنٌ ِأ ْنٌش َاء‬.4
َ َْ ُ ْ َ
I will wash and ironed it if Allah wills. ٌ‫ َسأغ ِسل ُه ٌَوٌأك ِو َي ِه ٌِإ ْنٌش َاءٌّللا‬.5
َ َ ْ ْ ُ َ ْ َ ْ َ َ ْ ُ ْ ُ َ ََ
Where do want to go now my sons ? ٌ‫ال َنٌ ٌَياٌأ ْب َن ِاء ْي‬ ٌ ٌ‫أينٌت ِري ٌد ٌونٌأنٌتذه ٌب ٌوا‬.6
َْ َ َ ْ َْ
We will go to the mosque. ‫نذ َه ُبٌاْل َنٌ ِإليٌاْل ْس ِج ِ ٌد‬.7
ُ َ َ
Where are your classmates ? ٌ‫أ ْي َنٌ ُز َمَل ُءك ْم‬.8
ُْ َ ْ ْ َ َ
They wanted to go to the museum today . ٌ‫ٌأ َر ُاد ْواٌأ ْن ٌَيذ َه ُب ْواٌال َي ْو َمٌ ِاليٌاْل ْت َح ِف‬.9
ْ َ ْ َ ُْ َ ْ َ ْ ََ
I will go to the hospital to take care of Salma ٌ‫أناٌال َنٌأذ َه ُبٌ ِإليٌاْل ْستشفيٌ ٌِل ِع َي َاد ِة ٌَسل َمي‬.10
َْ َ َُ
Do you want go with me ? ‫أٌت ِر ْد َنٌأ ْنٌتذ َه ْب َ ٌنٌ َم ِع ْيٌ؟‬.11
َ َ َ
I don’t know where they are ? ‫ٌلٌأ ْد ِر ْيٌأ ْي َن ٌُه َّنٌ؟‬.12
َْ َ ُ َ
I think they didn’t return from the school today. ٌ‫ٌأظ ُّنٌأ َّن ُه َّن ٌَماٌ َر َج ْع َنٌ ِم َنٌاْل ْ ٌد َر َس ِ ٌة‬.13
ْ َ ًَْ ُ ْ َ
How many surah did you memorize, Bashir ? ‫ٌح ِفظ َتٌ َي َاٌب ِش ْي ُرٌ؟‬ ‫ٌكمٌسورة‬.14
ً ً ْ
I memorized one surah. .‫ َح ِفظ ُتٌ ُس ْو َر ٌةٌ َو ِاح َد ٌة‬.15
ْ َ ًَْ ُ ْ َ
How many surah did you memorize Umar? ‫ٌح ِفظ َتٌ َياٌ ُع َم ٌُرٌ؟‬ ‫ٌكمٌسورة‬.16
َ ْ ََ
I memorized two surahs .ٌ‫ٌأناٌ َح ِفظ ُتٌ ُس ْوٌَرت ْي ِن‬.17
Two new teachers came today. ‫ان‬ َ ‫ٌ َج َاء ٌْال َي ْو َمٌ ُم َدر َسان‬.18
ٌ ِ ‫ٌج ِد ْي َد‬ ِ ِ
Page 3 of 7
4. Translate the following sentences into Arabic 10 marks

َ ُ َ
1. What do you want Bilal ? ‫َماذاٌت ِرْي ُد ٌَي ِاٌبَل ٌُلٌ؟‬
َْ َ ُ
2. We want pens ‫ن ِرْي ُدٌأقَل ًما‬
ْ َ ْ َ
3. I will drink what you drink ٌ‫أش َر ُب ٌَماٌتش َر ُب‬
َ َ َ َ
4. I don’t worship what you worship ٌ‫لٌأ ْع ُب ُد ٌَماٌت ْع ُب ُد ْون‬
َ ُ َّ
5. The sky is blue. ٌ‫ماء ٌَز ْرق ُاء‬ ‫الس‬
ً َ ََْ
6.I didn’t eat anything. ٌ‫َماٌأكل ُتٌش ْيأ‬
ً َ َ
7.I saw nothing . ٌ‫َماٌ َرأ ْي ُتٌش ْيأ‬
َْ َ ْ َ
8.This house is like a mosque. ٌ‫َهذاٌال َب ْي ُتٌكاٌْل ْس ِج ِد‬
َّ ُ َ َ ْ ُ ْ َ َ
9. I read the book completely ٌ‫ابٌكل ُه‬ ‫قرأتٌال ِكت‬

10.Where is the teacher ? ٌ‫س‬ ُ ‫ٌَأ ْي َن ٌْاْلُ َدر‬

ْ ‫َق َ ْرأ ُتٌك َت‬
‫ابي ِ ٌن‬
11. I read two books . ِ

12. I returned after two days ٌ‫َر َج ْع ُت ٌَب ْع َد ٌَي ْو َم ْي ِبن‬

13. Two new teachers came ٌ‫ٌج ِد ْي َد ِان‬

َ ‫َج َاء ٌُم َدر َسان‬
ِ ِ

Page 4 of 7
‫‪ 5 marks‬ي ِريد ‪5. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the verb‬‬
‫ُ ُْ‬

‫ُ ْ‬ ‫َ َ ََْ‬ ‫ُ ْ‬
‫ٌٌٌأخ ِ ٌت ٌْيٌ‪ /‬ت ِريْد‬ ‫ٌ‪.................‬هذاٌالقل ُمٌ‬ ‫‪ٌ.2‬أخ ِت ْي‬
‫َ َ َ ً‬ ‫ج َّل ًة ٌَي َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ َ َ ً‬
‫ص ِح ْي ٌف ٌةٌ‪ ٌ/‬ت ِريْد‬ ‫ٌأ‬ ‫اٌس ِي ِد ْ ٌ‬
‫ي‬ ‫ص ِح ْيفة‪.....................‬أ ْم ٌَم ٌَ‬ ‫‪ٌ.2‬أ‬
‫ََ‬ ‫َ ْ َ ً‬ ‫َ‬
‫ٌٌ ٌأناٌ‪ ٌ/‬أ ِريْد‬ ‫‪.3‬أنا‪ٌ......................‬أش َي َاءٌك ِث ٌْي َر ٌة‬
‫َ‬ ‫ُ ْ َ ً‬ ‫َ‬
‫ٌ ٌن ْح ُ ٌ‬
‫نٌ‪ ٌ/‬ن ِريْد‬ ‫ٌص ِغ ٌْي ًرا‬
‫ف َ‬ ‫‪ٌ.4‬ن ْح ُن‪......................‬مصح‬
‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ ْ‬
‫ان‪....................‬ت ِرْي ُد ْونٌ‬ ‫ٌ َماذا‪َ /‬ي ِاٌإخ َو ُ ٌ‬ ‫اذاٌ‪..........................‬ي ِاٌإخ َوا ُنٌ‬‫‪.َ 5‬م‬
‫َماذا‪َ /‬ي َاٌأ َخ َواتي‪ُ ٌ.....................‬تر ْد ٌنَ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ َ َ‬
‫‪.َ 5‬ماذاٌ‪..........................‬ياٌأخوا ِتي‬
‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫َ‬ ‫ُّ‬ ‫ََ‬ ‫ُّ‬
‫ب‪ٌُ /‬ي ِرْي ُد ْونٌ‬
‫ٌالطَل ُ ٌ‬ ‫‪ٌ.....................‬دفا ِت َر ٌُه ْمٌ‬‫‪.5‬الطَل ُب‬
‫َُْ‬ ‫َّ َ‬ ‫ََُْ َ ُ‬
‫ات ُ‪/‬ي ِر ْد َ ٌن‬
‫ٌ‪ٌ.‬اْل َد ِر َس ُ ٌ‬ ‫اش ْي َرٌ‬
‫‪ٌ.6‬اْلد ِرسات‪........................‬الطب ِ‬

‫أ ُ ْخ َرى ‪ or‬ا َ َخ ُر ‪6. Fill in the blank with‬‬ ‫‪5 marks‬‬

‫‪ then in‬ة ‪Rules: The last letter of the words before the blank if there is circle‬‬
‫اَخ َُر ‪ُ otherwise in the blank will be‬أ ْخ َرى ‪the blank will be‬‬
‫َ ُ ًَ‬ ‫ُ ُّ َ َ ُّ‬ ‫َ‬
‫‪ .1‬د َر ْست الغة الت ْر ِكية َو لغة ‪ .................‬أ ُ ْخ َرى‬
‫َ‬ ‫َ ً‬ ‫ُْ َ‬ ‫َ‬
‫س خ ِالدا َو ط ِال ًبا ‪ ..................‬ا َ َخ ُر‬
‫‪َ .2‬سأ َل اْلدر ُ‬
‫ُ ُ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ َ‬ ‫َْ‬
‫‪ .3‬خ َرج ِت اْلن َسيا َرة اْل ِد ْي ِر َو َس َيا َرة‪ ....................‬أ ُ ْخ َرى‬
‫َ‬ ‫َ ْ َ‬
‫‪ .4‬إشت َرْيت َهذا الكت َ‬ ‫َْ ُ‬
‫اب َو ِكتا ًبا ‪ .......................‬ا َ َخ ُر‬ ‫ِ‬ ‫ِ‬
‫ً‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ َ‬ ‫َ ُ َ‬
‫‪َ .5‬رأ ْيت خ ِد ْيجة َو ط ِال َبة ‪ ...........................‬أ ُ ْخ َرى‬
‫ًَ‬ ‫ًَ َ َ‬
‫َْ ُ‬ ‫َ‬
‫‪ .6‬كتبت ِر َسالة ِإلى أ ِبي َو ِر َسالة‪ .....................‬أ ُ ْخ َرى‬

‫‪Page 5 of 7‬‬
‫‪7. Correct the following statements‬‬ ‫‪5 marks‬‬
‫ُ‬ ‫َ ُ ْ‬
‫َز ْو َجة ٌَح ِام ٍ ٌد‬ ‫‪.1‬أ ِم َنةٌ ِبن ُتٌ َح ِام ٍدٌ‬

‫ُ َ ُ َ َ ُ ْ‬
‫َجا َرَت َها‬ ‫‪.2‬ت ِرْي ُد ٌٌأ ِم َنةٌأ ْنٌت ُز ْو َرٌأخ َت َها‬
‫َ ْ َ َْ‬ ‫َْ‬ ‫ْ‬
‫ٌاْل ْب َي َ‬
‫ضٌ‬ ‫ق ِميص‬ ‫‪ٌ.ِ 3‬إغ ِس ِليٌ ِم ْن ِد ْي َلٌاْل ْس َو َدٌٌ‬

‫َ ْ َ َّ َ‬ ‫ُ ْ ُ ْ َ ْ َ ُ َ ْ َ ْ ُ ُ ْ َ ُّ ْ َ ْ َ َّ َ‬
‫ٌالصَل ِةٌ‬ ‫ٌالصَل ٌِة بعد‬ ‫‪ٌ.4‬ي ِريدٌاْلبناءٌأنٌيذهبو ِاٌإليٌالسو ِقٌقبل‬

‫َ ُْ َ ْ َ‬ ‫َْ ْ‬
‫‪ُ ٌ.5‬ي ِرْيد ٌَح ِامدٌأن ٌَيذ َه َب ٌِإليٌااْل ْس ٌتش ٌفىٌ َم َعٌز ْو َج ِت ٌِه َم َع ٌَب َنا ِت ِهٌ‬
‫َ‬ ‫ُ‬

‫‪8. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of‬‬ ‫يَ ْذه ُ‬
‫َب‬ ‫‪5 marks‬‬

‫ْ‬ ‫َُ ُْ َ‬
‫ت َ ْذه َ‬
‫َب‬ ‫أٌت ِري ٌدٌأنٌ‪............................‬‬
‫ُ ُ َ‬
‫ت َ ْذه َ‬
‫َب‬ ‫أ ِم ْ ٌيٌت ِرْي ُ ٌدٌأ ْنٌ‪.........................‬‬
‫ْ‬ ‫ََ ُ ْ ُ َ‬
‫أ َ ْذه َ‬
‫َب‬ ‫أناٌأ ِري ٌدٌأنٌٌ‪.........................‬‬
‫ْ‬ ‫َ ْ ُ ُ ُْ َ‬
‫نَ ْذه َ‬
‫َب‬ ‫نحنٌن ِري ٌدٌأنٌ‪....................‬‬
‫يَ ْذه َ‬
‫َب‬ ‫ُي ِرْي ُ ٌدٌ ِع ِميٌأ ْنٌٌ‪....................‬‬
‫ْ‬ ‫َ ََ ُ ْ َ َ‬
‫يَ ْذ َهبْنَ‬ ‫أخوا ِتيٌي ِردنٌأنٌ‪...................‬‬
‫ْ‬ ‫َْ َ ُ ْ َ َ‬
‫ت َ ْذ َهبْنَ‬ ‫أينٌت ِرد ٌنٌأنٌ‪.....................‬‬

‫‪Page 6 of 7‬‬
‫‪9. Answer the following question using‬‬ ‫ُمثَنَّى‬ ‫‪5 marks‬‬

‫‪Rules: In the answer in all verb long‬‬ ‫َتٌ‬ ‫ت ‪will be‬‬

‫‪ٌ and will add‬‬ ‫ينٌ‬
‫ِ‬ ‫‪with‬‬

‫)‪ ( with noun‬ةٌ‪Circle‬‬

‫َ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ْ‬ ‫ً‬ ‫َ‬
‫َح ِفظ ُ ٌ‬
‫تٌٌٌ ُس ْوٌَرت ْي ِنٌ‬ ‫‪ٌ.1‬ك ْمٌ ُس ْو َر ٌةٌ َح ِفظ َ ٌ‬
‫تٌ َي ِاٌأ ْب َر ِاه ٌْي ُمٌ؟‬
‫َ‬ ‫َ‬ ‫َ ْ َ َ ً َ َْ َ َ‬
‫تٌ ِر َس ٌال َت ْي ِنٌ‬ ‫ك َت ْب ُ ٌ‬ ‫تٌ َياٌأ ْح َم ُدٌ؟‬ ‫‪ٌ.2‬كمٌ ِرسال ٌةٌٌكتب ٌ‬
‫َ ْ‬ ‫َ ْ َ َّ ً َ َ ْ َ َ‬
‫تٌ َح ٌَّي َت ْي ِ ٌن‬
‫ق َتل ُ ٌ‬ ‫تٌ َياٌأ ْح َمدٌ؟‬ ‫‪ٌ.3‬كمٌحي ٌةٌقتل ٌ‬
‫ََ ْ ُ َ َ‬ ‫َ ْ َ َ ً ََ ْ َ َْ َ‬
‫تٌط ِاء ٌَرت ْي ِنٌ‬ ‫رأي ٌ‬ ‫ارٌ؟‬ ‫تٌ ِفيٌاْلط ٌِ‬ ‫‪ٌ.4‬كمٌط ِاءر ٌةٌرأي ٌ‬
‫ْ َ َْ ُ َْ‬ ‫َ ْ َ َْ ً ْ َ َْ َ َ‬
‫تٌ َدفت ٌَرْي ِنٌ‬ ‫شترٌي ٌ‬ ‫ِإ ٌ‬ ‫تٌ َياٌأ ِخ ٌْيٌ؟‬ ‫شترٌي ٌ‬ ‫‪.5‬كمٌدفتراٌ ِإ ٌ‬
‫َ ْ ُ َُ‬ ‫َ ًَُ َ ُ‬
‫فٌ ٌل ٌغ َت ْي ِنٌ‬
‫ٌأع ِر ٌ‬ ‫ف؟ٌ‬ ‫‪.6‬ك ٌْمٌلغةٌت ْع ِر ٌ‬
‫ْ َ‬ ‫ُ‬ ‫َ ْ ً ُ‬
‫ٌأ ِرْي ُ ٌدٌ ُمش ٌ‬
‫ط ْي ِ ٌن‬ ‫‪.7‬ك ْمٌ ُمشطاٌت ِرْي ُ ٌدٌ؟‬

‫‪Page 7 of 7‬‬

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