THEA 9-04
Kerry Glamsch
Bulrusher was my first ever live play that I've attended and I believe the director, Dr.
Darius Omar Williams, had done a great job with his members. Going into this I had no idea
what the play was about but with the help of Bulrusher, Zawidi Wanjiku N’gang’a, I was
immediately hooked on it. I absolutely loved how she embodied her character. I believe she
really reinforced the theme in my head. At first, I had briefly read this was a love story and that’s
all I thought it was. Although, it was clear that Bulrusher was going on a journey to find herself.
Also the character Logger, who was played by Dakoda Jones, an extremely funny character. All
the cast members had an immensely clear voice to the point where I would think to myself,
Every cast member had embodied their characters so well that I found myself believing
that they were their characters and once the play had ended, I reminded myself that they were
also students and actual people that attended my school. I believe everyone did well on their
performances. However, I personally think Savannah Rosenbach who played Madame could’ve
enunciated her words a bit better. I may be wrong but I believe she was speaking with a bit of an
accent and she would talk so fast to the point where I couldn’t make out what she was saying. I
believe it wasn’t just me because I heard murmurs from the people behind us stating they
couldn’t understand her. There were some words that I did catch but the scenes where she would
yell and argue, I had to kind of focus in order to actually understand. Despite that, Savannah did
a great job. I also noticed how the actors would use their whole bodies, it made me think that if I
were on that stage I wouldn’t know what to do with my hands and feet. One thing that I
absolutely loved was the lightning design by Katie Alba-Murillo, I believe this made the play
beautiful for me. I’m not 100% sure on what they used but it reminded me of a kaleidoscope.
There were certain times where there were these patterns that slightly moved in scenes and it was
so beautiful. I also really liked how the lightning would almost emphasize a character's, mostly
Bulrushers, inner monologue. I absolutely loved the scenes in the river solely because of the
lightning, when Vera and Bulrusher were in the river together it looked so ethereal.
I would say my absolute favorite character was Vera, played by Layla Renae Dobsin,
there was a certain like gravitating energy of how she played Vera, she was sweet but at the same
time knew who she was and stood her ground, her whole character was meaningful and depthful.
I saw it as her guiding Bulrusher in a way, she helped her in that journey of finding herself. I
believe Vera was kind of maternal in a way to Bulrusher, like how you go to your mom when
you need advice on what to do, it’s kind of a weird take on it from me considering that was her
love interest but it’s how I interpreted it. Vera had a really clear strong sense of self and she
would embrace her African American roots and identity. She guided and allowed Bulrusher to
help her find that sense of self within her. She was very aware of the social challenges in her life
but she stopped caring and embraced her true self. Overall as my first ever live play, I wouldn’t
have wanted any other play to be my first. I truly did enjoy this play even though I thought I
wouldn’t have. It was a fun play balanced with deep and eternal struggles. This certainly made
me even more interested in theater and I would love to attend more plays or performances later