Docker-Interview Tips-Questions
Docker-Interview Tips-Questions
Docker-Interview Tips-Questions
1. What kernel feature allows for contanerization or how containers are run
2. Explain the command docker container run nginx -p 80:80 image nginx -n nginx
3. Now what happens if i create another container with same host and container port
and what to do if i want to use same hostport
4. One pod is unable to establish connection with another pod, what will you do in
that case
5. Explain the networking types in docker and explain how they are different from
each other
6. When to use host network in docker and what it does
7. Explain the CMD and ENTRYPOINT and how they are different from each other
8. Build a Docker image using Dockerfile with Output ls -alh
9. Now i want the ls as stable and i want to use -ltr (override) how to do that.
10. Where the docker logs are stored in your organization
11. How to bind volumes in docker, write command
12. How do you push image to ECR, or docker hub
13. How to minimize the size of docker builds
14. How to build dockerfiles and explain the command
15. How to create and attach networks to containers