Network Infrastructure Report
Network Infrastructure Report
Network Infrastructure Report
This report is dedicated to the network infrastructure design for Info Tech Corporation.
Info Tech
Network Infrastructure Report
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
Table of Contents
1. Standards and Protocols..........................................................................................................................2
1.1 The OSI and TCP/IP Conceptual Models............................................................................................2
1.2 Types of Networks.............................................................................................................................5
1.3 Network Architectures & Technologies.............................................................................................7
1.4 Importance of Respecting Standards and Protocol............................................................................8
2. Devices and Operations...........................................................................................................................9
2.1 Wired Network Systems....................................................................................................................9
2.2 Wireless Network Systems..............................................................................................................10
3. Network Servers....................................................................................................................................11
3.1 Content Delivery Servers.................................................................................................................11
3.2 Communication Servers...................................................................................................................12
3.3 Virtual Private Servers.....................................................................................................................12
3.4 Proxy Servers...................................................................................................................................12
3.5 Security and Safe-guarding..............................................................................................................13
4. Network Topologies & Bandwidth Requirements.................................................................................14
4.1 The Star Topology............................................................................................................................15
4.2 The Bus Topology.............................................................................................................................15
4.3 The Ring Topology...........................................................................................................................16
5. Workstation Software & Hardware.......................................................................................................17
5.1 Management Software....................................................................................................................17
5.2 Management Hardware...................................................................................................................18
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
This report is dedicated to understanding core principles in network
infrastructure and design as a professional opinion, breakdown, and
actionable strategies. This report will also be in part an investigation into
how to build an effective E-Sports center with all the following qualities:
We will begin with theoretical concepts and build a foundational
understanding of things relevant to the system, and then create active
decisions based on these concepts. Internet cafes although very much
unpopular today used to serve a great purpose before personal computers
were affordable. The internet café business at present-day has adapted to
this condition and has evolved into an E-Sports-oriented service than general
access to the internet. Under this domain, E-Sport centers nowadays
capitalize on delivering a highly comfortable multiplayer gaming experience.
Therefore, it can be noted that maximizing availability, stability, and
maintainability, is the burden of any E-Sports center to achieve:
- Medium Internet Bandwidth
- Extremely low latency (high upload speed)
- LAN and WAN connectivity
- Highly performant gaming stations
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
It is extremely important here that we’re using protocols that suffice for the
required high bandwidth requirement in our gaming stations. To provide the
best experience, the internet café should utilize an Ethernet protocol as its
physical layer construction, more specifically, the Gigabit Ethernet which
supports up to 1000 Mbps (via an RJ-45 connection). Realistically speaking,
any higher bandwidth protocols will be heavily costly without noticeable
improvements in gaming. According to most gaming studios, 3 Mbps is
generally considered competent to enjoy a wide array of multiplayer games.
This benchmark is almost laughable; however, technology nowadays allows
for better and heftier bandwidth connections with much fewer costs than
conceivable before, hence, it has never seemed more fit to go with Gigabit
The transport layer, perhaps the most integral part of our infrastructure, has
the protocols UDP and TCP. Although the internet protocol supplies us with
source and destination addresses IP addresses (often IPv4), the transport
layer provides the data packet with source and destination port numbers
used by OS to direct data into the proper applications as well as a checksum
digit to investigate data corruption.
The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) as the name suggests transmits data
in a self-contained datagram. The UDP protocol does not ensure data
integrity or arrival. It also lacks an acknowledgment system like TCP.
However, the absence of these features is not an inherent flaw but a design
philosophy. UDP prioritizes fluency rather than integrity and this best-effort
philosophy of UDP ensures minimal overhead and speed optimizations for
applications that may benefit. UDP is also a connectionless transport protocol
in that it does not require a virtual circuit with an acknowledgment cycle for
data delivery.
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
numbers with its own new sequence of numbers (SYN/ACK). The client is
then responsible for sending back a number sequence (ACK) that is an
increment of the host’s number sequence.
Such features resolve common transmission faults like duplicates,
corruption, and misarrangement. It almost seems like using TCP is
inarguable since it comes with a lot of out-of-the-box solutions. However,
there are cases where UDP is favored over TCP, especially in fast-paced
multiplayer games and live video streaming, it is most important for data to
arrive continuously without setbacks rather than data with wholly maintained
integrity. Generally, fast-paced multiplayer games like FPS shooters and
arena games utilize the UDP protocol to sync player activity with the game
state. Some games also utilize the TCP protocol, therefore, each gaming
station in the café will use both protocols interchangeably depending on the
The application layer, out of all, is the layer with which user interfaces. It is
also where core protocol decisions have to be made and weighed in. The
application layer contains many protocols such as HTTP, DHCP, SMTP, and
DNS. Many of the popular protocols here (as
well as all aforementioned protocols) work
under the TCP protocol. This means that our
choices in the protocol to use in the
application layer will influence the decision in
our transport layer protocols.
1.2 Types of Networks
A network type is determined concerning the
area of land occupied by the network. A
network contains devices ranging from a
single device to an indeterminate amount
ranging over millions. It is also improbable in
larger networks that all devices that require
connection may be in the same geographical area. Henceforth, we must
choose the type of network depending on the properties of our network.
Network types by size distinction:
1. Local Area Network (LAN)
2. Wide Area Network (WAN)
3. Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
single IP subnet. Since LANs are cheap and extremely easy to set up or
maintain it’s particularly useful in small offices, cubicles, laboratories, and
home offices where there is a small number of devices to connect and within
a distance range of 1 km. Connections in a LAN network are extremely fast,
sometimes it can read up to 1 Gbps. This is because its latency is not taken
up in traveling long distances, routing, and switching as apparently
problematic on a WA. Factors that restrict latency in a LAN network are the
physical layer protocol and the speed of light. This makes LANs extremely
delightful. However, there are also a few negative aspects, for one, the
locality of the network enforces the network to operate in a limited space,
rendering it unfeasible for any decently big organization to use.
A Wide-area network much like the MAN is a geographically distributed
network with multiple LANs connected to achieve internetwork
communications. As such, one obvious advantage of a WAN is its capacity to
network over large areas; townships, cities, provinces, countries, and
continents. Since WANs often contain different networks, routing has to be
performed, along with the added distance it has to cover depending on the
WAN itself, a lot of latency is accumulated, and as such connections are
significantly slow compared to LAN connections. It is also very hard and
costly to set up or maintain as you can imagine, since WANs cover large land
masses, the point of failure is all too many. One of the greatest advantages
as the name would suggest is that a WAN connection is not limited by
distance, end devices a thousand miles apart will still be able to
A Metropolitan area network is exactly like a WAN except for a few
accounts; it’s comparatively smaller in size (still bigger than a LAN) and
networks are connected in dedicated transmission lines.
Any E-Sports centers intending to provide a competent service must provide
LAN and WAN connection technologies to each gaming station. In the case of
LANs, this is for local tournaments as well as simply playing local multiplayer
games within the center whereas WANs are for playing competitive global
multiplayer games. Although this
approach is particularly costly, it is
standard across all many E-Sports
1.3 Network Architectures &
A network architecture determines
the way a network is constructed on
a logical level and how the
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
3. Network Servers
There are different types of services a host device can offer, namely;
storage, communications, file transfer, and virtual private services. Host
devices that provide storage services can be database servers, file servers,
and so on based on the methodology and form of data stored.
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
mailing servers. Unlike SMTP, POP and the IMAP protocol are used as the
sending end of the email to different mailing inboxes.
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
We will utilize the forward proxy server in the E-sports center to restrict
clients from accessing websites, primarily inappropriate websites or
malware-related web content. This will heavily increase the net security of
the center overall and excess services can also be provided like caching sites
like Fortnite, Epic Games, etc...
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
will be equipped with a network adapter that supports RJ-45 Ethernet Port,
e.g., TP-Link Gigabit Ethernet PCI Express Card TG-3468 (Tp-Link 2022).
There are two physical topologies most fit for an internet café: Bus and Star
topology. Whereas in the star topology, the café administrator can localize
control with a central commanding computer, allowing the administrator to
control and regulate content being served on each gaming station.
Implementing the Bus topology is cheaper than Star topology but the
tradeoffs are immense. Dedicated gaming stations will require and consume
high-intensity data exchange with the servers and any increased latency
here would prove detrimental to the business, not to mention, when the
backbone cable is damaged, the entire café will halt to an end
Therefore, regardless of the costs, all things considered, the internet café
should go with the Star topology where each gaming station is connected to
a host device in parallel. Although the network is reliant on the host device
to be functional, it is much easier to maintain devices as opposed to cables.
Much of the needed control will also be within the router configurations. A
good router is necessary for any internet café, e.g., the TP-Link AX54000
WIFI 6 Router Gigabit Wireless router is a viable choice in this circumstance,
costing $188 (Tp-Link 2022).
The router also comes packed with reboot schedules, dynamic DNS, and
DHCP services. Since the router also comes with a wireless access point, the
internet café can provide internet access on the customer’s peripheral
devices. If needed, the internet café can also deploy TP-Link RE450 Range
extenders for Wi-Fi signals to enhance land coverage. In terms of IP
assignment and routing, it will be safe to use the DHCP protocol as the café
will have a preponderance number of computers with an ever-changing
High-intensity gaming calls for a powerful internet service provider,
therefore, here we decided to choose the 5BB BB4 plan for 300Mbps+ with a
Wi-Fi Mesh business plan that allows for 50-100 Users at the same time,
costing around $150 a month. Any higher plans from the same array of
options provided by 5BB will cost above $500 (5BB 2022) and prove
unnecessary as well as cost-inefficient for the network with negligible
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer
Senet (2022) Software Solutions, Available at:
(Accessed:21 June 2022)
Vecta (2022) Free Vector Icons, Available at
(Accessed:21 June 2022)
Cloudflare (2022) What is a CDN?, Available at: (Accessed:21 June
Lucas P. (2022) Proxies, Available at:
on-proxies/ (Accessed: 21 June 2022)
Vmware (2022) Virtualization, Available at:
%20efficiency (Accessed: 22 June 2022)
Ellice (2021) What is a VPS?, Available at: (Accessed: 22 June
Jai Janardhan (2020) Advantages and Disadvantages of the OSI model,
Available at:
of-the-OSI-Model (Accessed: 22 June 2022)
Infrastructure Report Info Tech | Sr. Network Engineer