My Childhood Notes
My Childhood Notes
My Childhood Notes
1.What were the qualities that Abdul Kalam admired in his parents?
Kalam’s parents were noble and generous people. Though his father was an austere
man, he provided his family with all necessities, in terms of food, medicine or
clothes. He admired his father’s honesty and self-discipline and his mother’s faith
in goodness and kindness.
2. Kalam’s childhood was a secure one both materially and emotionally. Illustrate.
APJ Abdul Kalam called his childhood a secure one because he had loving and
caring parents who gave love and guidance to their children and took care of their
emotional and physical needs. They provided their children with all necessities, in
terms of food, medicine or clothes.
4. How did the Second World War give Abdul Kalam the opportunity to earn his
first wages?
When stoppage of trains was cancelled at Rameshwaram because of World War II,
Kalam’s cousin, Samsuddin, who distributed newspapers in Rameswaram, asked
him for help in collecting newspaper bundles which were thrown from the moving
train. This helped Abdul Kalam earn his first wages.
7. What was the difference in the attitudes of the science teacher and his wife
towards A.P.J. Abdul Kalam?
Though the Science teacher was a Brahmin, he broke the social barriers, and mixed
with people belonging to a different religion and community. He invited Abdul
home and served him his meal and even sat and ate with him. On the contrary, his
wife, at first, was conservative and refused to serve Abdul in her kitchen. However,
by the next time, she was also transformed and served Abdul Kalam herself.
8. What did Kalam’s father mean to say when he quoted Khalil Gibran? Why do
you think he spoke these words?:
Kalam’s father meant that every human being must be given the opportunity to
build his life as per his wishes and parents should not hinder this effort. He spoke
these words to convince Kalam’s mother that her son’s decision to leave home was
right. She should allow him happily to shape his life according to his own ideas.