8-Epilepsia Contraceptive
8-Epilepsia Contraceptive
8-Epilepsia Contraceptive
doi: 10.1111/epi.12085
*UCB Pharma, Monheim am Rhein, Germany; †Division of Pharmacology, University of Stellenbosch, Tygerberg, Cape Town,
South Africa; ‡NUVISAN GmbH, Neu-Ulm, Germany; and §Berlin, Germany
Women with epilepsy or other nonepileptic neurologic cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A system (Guengerich, 1988,
conditions receiving antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are often 1990; Reddy, 2010). Approximately 17% of women with
prescribed combination oral contraceptives (OCs) con- epilepsy, age 15–45 years, who are treated with an AED use
taining progesterone and estrogen (Doose et al., 2003; combination OCs (Back & Orme, 1990; Shorvon et al.,
Penovich, 2004), both of which are metabolized by the 2002; Sabers, 2008). AEDs with the potential to induce
drug-metabolizing CYP enzymes (e.g., phenobarbital, car-
Accepted November 27, 2012; Early View publication January 29, 2013. bamazepine, phenytoin, felbamate, topiramate, primidone,
Address correspondence to Willi Cawello, UCB Pharma, Global Biosta-
tistics, Alfred Nobel Strasse 10, D-40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany.
and oxcarbazepine) may cause a reduction in steroid contra-
E-mail: willi.cawello@ucb.com ceptive levels during concomitant administration, resulting
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. in unplanned pregnancies (Crawford et al., 1990; Gatti
© 2013 International League Against Epilepsy et al., 2000; Wilbur & Ensom, 2000; Ragueneau-Majlessi
Lacosamide with an Oral Contraceptive
Figure 1.
Trial design. Only volunteers with confirmed ovulation in cycle 1 were eligible to enter cycle 2, and only volunteers with confirmed
suppression of ovulation were eligible to enter cycle 3. All PK and PD evaluations took place during cycle 3. D, day; LCM, lacosamide;
OC, oral contraceptive (0.03 mg ethinylestradiol plus 0.15 mg levonorgestrel).
Epilepsia ILAE
Cycle 3 evaluated potential pharmacodynamic (PD) and when volunteers received OC alone, and on day 21 of cycle
PK interactions between lacosamide (Vimpat; UCB 3, when they received concomitant lacosamide 400 mg/day
Pharma, Monheim, Germany) and the OC. Volunteers and OC. Unfrozen blood samples (1.1 ml) were sent to the
received the OC for the first 21 days of cycle 3, lacosamide analytical laboratory (Gesellschaft mbH f€ur Labortechnolo-
400 mg/day (200 mg twice daily) for 9 days from days 3 to gie in Wissenschaft und Technik, Berlin, Germany), and
11, and a single morning dose of lacosamide 200 mg on day progesterone levels were measured by radioimmunoassay as
12. On day 12, the 24-h PK profile of ethinylestradiol and soon as possible. Frozen aliquots were stored after analysis.
levonorgestrel was evaluated, and from days 12 to 15 the
72-h PK profile of lacosamide. On day 21, ovulation was Pharmacokinetic assessment
determined by measuring serum progesterone. For the PK analyses, at least 9 ml (ethinylestradiol and
On day 1 of each cycle, volunteers received a diary to levonorgestrel assessment) or 4.9 ml (lacosamide assess-
document intake of concomitant medication and any ment) of blood was collected into glass lithium heparin
adverse event (AE). Pregnancy screening based on measure- tubes at each sample collection time point. Within 30 min,
ment of the b subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin the samples were centrifuged (~1,500 g) for 10 min at 4°C.
(b-HCG) in serum was conducted during the screening Plasma was separated and transferred into two glass tubes
cycle, 7 days prior to the expected onset of cycle 2, and days and stored at 20°C or less until assayed at the bioanalytical
1 and 22 of cycle 3 (post study follow-up). lab (NUVISAN, Neu-Ulm, Germany). Ethinylestradiol and
Volunteers stayed in the study center (3C Clinical levonorgestrel were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass
Research Unit ar Charité University Hospital; Berlin, spectrometry (GC/MS) with a lower limit of quantification
Germany) for 12 h on day 12 (PK profiling day) of cycle 2 (LLOQ) of 10 pg/ml and 0.25 ng/ml, respectively. Laco-
and on days 3–13 of cycle 3. On days 1–21 of cycles 2 and 3 samide was analyzed by liquid chromatography-tandem
volunteers were asked to take their OC at the study clinic; if mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), and the LLOQ was
logistically not possible, they could take it at home, but were 0.1 lg/ml.
required to return to the clinic for a single day between days
9 and 11 of cycle 3 for blood sampling for lacosamide PK Ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel
assessment. While in the clinic, volunteers fasted overnight Plasma concentration-time curves for ethinylestradiol
and had breakfast 1 h after dosing on days 3–11 of cycle 3. and levonorgestrel (24 h) were assessed on day 12 of cycle
On PK profiling days (day 12 of cycles 2 and 3), no break- 2. On day 12, blood sampling for measuring the PK parame-
fast was given, and lunch, snack, and dinner were served at ters was performed before, and at the following intervals
approximately 4, 8, and 10 h, respectively, post dose. after OC dosing: 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 24 h.
The consumption of food and beverages containing caf- Predose samples were also taken on days 1 (blank) and 21.
feine, grapefruit juice, and quinine was not allowed within During cycle 3, blood samples were obtained on days 1 (pre-
24 h of screening, day 1 and days 11–13 of cycle 2, days dose blank sample), 12, and 21 (predose). On day 12, blood
2–15 of cycle 3, and day 21 of cycles 1–3. Volunteers were samples were collected predose, and at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 6,
also asked to refrain from alcohol consumption within 24 h 8, 10, 12, and 24 h after OC dosing.
of screening and from 24 h before check-in (day 3 of cycle The PK parameters derived from the individual concen-
3) up to the end of the experimental parts of the study. tration-time curves of ethinylestradiol and levonorgestrel
(24-h profiles on day 12 in cycles 2 and 3) included the area
Pharmacodynamic assessment under the plasma concentration versus time curve at steady
Successful ovulation suppression was defined as a serum state during a dosing interval (AUC0-24 h,ss), calculated
progesterone concentration of <5.1 nM on day 21 of cycle 2, using the log/linear trapezoidal method, the maximum
steady-state plasma drug concentration (Cmax,ss), and tmax,ss, For lacosamide, noncompartmental PK parameters were
the time to reach Cmax,ss. derived from the 72-h profile, beginning predose on day 12
in cycle 3. Unless otherwise stated, all values are presented
Lacosamide as mean standard deviation.
Plasma concentration-time curves for lacosamide (72 h) Safety variables were summarized for all volunteers who
were assessed beginning on day 12 of cycle 3. On day 12, entered cycle 2. AEs were summarized by cycle and strati-
blood samples were obtained predose and at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, fied by AEs starting prior to and those starting or worsening
4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48, and 72 h postdose. Predose samples after first lacosamide dose administered concomitantly with
were also obtained on day 3 (blank) and before the morning OC.
dose of lacosamide on a selected day between days 9
and 11. PK parameters derived from the individual concen-
tration-time curves of lacosamide (72-h profiles beginning
on day 12 of cycle 3) included AUC0-12 h,ss, Cmax,ss, Study participants
and tmax,ss. Of the 40 volunteers enrolled, 37 completed cycle 1, 32
completed cycle 2, and 31 completed the trial as scheduled;
Tolerability and safety nine volunteers withdrew. Of the nine women who with-
Volunteers were monitored for AEs during the entire drew, three had no ovulation during cycle 1, 2 withdrew
trial. AEs were graded by degree of seriousness and inten- their consent, two were noncompliant, and two withdrew
sity, estimated for causality, and assessed for outcome. Clin- due to AEs. Volunteers who entered cycle 2 (n = 37) had a
ical laboratory parameters (including hematology, mean (SD) age of 30.5 (5.3) years, and a height, weight, and
biochemistry, and urinalysis), vital signs (blood pressure, body mass index (BMI) of 169.5 (6.5) cm, 63.65 (7.26) kg,
pulse, body temperature), and 12-lead ECG recordings were and 22.12 (1.83) kg/m2, respectively.
assessed at the eligibility visit, day 1 (predose OC) and day
21 of cycle 2, day 3 (predose lacosamide) and day 13 of Primary outcome (pharmacodynamics)
cycle 3, and at follow-up (day 22 of cycle 3). The primary objective of this trial was to ascertain the
effect of lacosamide on the suppression of ovulation by
Statistical evaluation the OC as assessed by measuring progesterone serum con-
Statistical analyses were performed using SAS Version centration. In the 31 volunteers who completed the trial
6.12 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC, U.S.A.). Only data for according to protocol, serum progesterone concentration
volunteers who entered cycle 2 were evaluated. Descriptive on day 21 ranged from 0.2 to 2.3 nM in both cycle 2 (OC
statistics were used for continuous variables. Ovulation sup- alone) and cycle 3 (lacosamide plus OC) (Table 1).
pression was analyzed as a categorical variable, and the Because serum progesterone level remained <5.1 nM on
90% confidence intervals (CIs) for the percentage of volun- both test dates, the predefined criterion for successful sup-
teers with successful suppression of ovulation were calcu- pression of ovulation was considered to have been met.
lated separately for cycles 2 and 3 according to Clopper & Although there was a slight increase of 0.21 nM in mean
Pearson (1934). Progesterone concentrations were summa- serum progesterone level from cycle 2 (OC alone) to
rized by descriptive statistics and 90% CIs for differences cycle 3 (lacosamide plus OC) (Table 1), the maximum
between cycles 2 and 3. level was the same for each cycle (2.3 nM) and still well
PK data were summarized with descriptive statistics. below 5.1 nM, indicating that lacosamide did not alter the
Noncompartmental PK parameters were derived from the PD effect of the OCs. Serum progesterone levels in cycle
individual concentration-time curves of ethinylestradiol and 1 (no medication) confirmed normal ovulation prior to the
levonorgestrel (24-h profiles of day 12 in cycles 2 and 3). administration of OCs (Table 1).
Table 1. Progesterone levels by cycle in volunteers who completed all three cycles (n = 31)
P4 levels in serum (nM) on day 21
Cycle 1 Cycle 2 Cycle 3 DP4
No medication OC alone LCM plus OC cycles 2 and 3 (nM)
Mean SD 35.81 13.09 0.93 0.58 1.14 0.55 0.21 0.68
90% CI 31.00–40.60 0.71–1.14 0.93–1.33 0.00–0.41
Minimum 5.5 0.2 0.2 1.3
Maximum 57.0 2.3 2.3 1.6
Median 38.78 0.92 1.18 0.13
LCM, lacosamide; P4, progesterone; OC, oral contraceptive (0.03 mg ethinylestradiol plus 0.15 mg levonorgestrel).
Figure 2.
Mean plasma concentration of ethinylestradiol (A) and levonorgestrel (B) with and without coadministration of lacosamide. Results
include all volunteers who completed cycle 3 (n = 31).
Epilepsia ILAE
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