RevModPhys 26 167
RevModPhys 26 167
RevModPhys 26 167
The use of a rotating coordinate system to solve magnetic resonance problems is described. On a coordi-
nate system rotating with the applied rotating magnetic field the e6'ective Geld is reduced by the Larmor
Geld appropriate to the rotational frequency. However, on such a coordinate system problems can more
readily be solved since there is no time variation of the field. The solution in a stationary frame of reference
is then obtained by a transformation from the rotating to the stationary frame. This procedure is equally
valid in classical and in quantum-mechanical problems. The method is applied both to the molecular beam
magnetic resonance method and to resonance absorption and nuclear induction experiments.
~„. = $(IIp
'+H is]l = a/y,
(~oai/EZs)' tr)
The use of the rotating coordinate system also sin' . (17)
provides a simple pictorial interpretation of the transi- (cop
—co)'+ (copHr/EIp)'
tion process that occurs in the molecular beam magnetic
resonance method originally introduced by Rabi. ' A As proved in Sec. V, this is exactly the same result that
is obtained from a pure quantum-mechanical calculation.
singly rotating coordinate system rotating with the
oscillator frequency — or can be used throughout. Prior Likewise the rotating coordinate system analysis
to the molecule reaching the rotating field region H~ procedure is applicable to the molecular beam resonance
equals zero and H„has the value (Hs —
method with separated oscillating fields introduced by
&u/p)k. As the
molecule enters the transition region where the rotating
Ramsey. In this case, the description through the first
field is being established H, „changes. Conditions are oscillating held is just the same as in the preceding
usually such that near resonance the condition of Eq. paragraph. After leaving the oscillating field in this
method the nucleus enters an intermediate region
(14) applied to H, „ is violated. Consequently the transi-
tion under such circumstances is not adiabatic and the where there is only IXO so the magnitude of H& is zero.
nuclear moments do not follow H, „as Hr is established. Relative to the singly rotating coordinate system, the
After Pr achieves its full value H, „ is (Ps — nucleus in this region precesses about (Hp — cv/p)k
and the nuclei precess about this effective field. When until it reaches the second oscillating field. As a result
the molecules leave the rotating field region B„again of this precession the nucleus will in general have a
changes too rapidly for the nuclei to follow and they are
diBerent orientation relative to H, „ in the second
left with the orientation relative to the s axis to which rota, ting field region than it did in the first. On the
other hand, if the average value of Hs — a&/y in the in-
they have precessed in the region of the rotating field.
At exact resonance this precession is about a field Hr termediate region is zero the orientation of the nucleus
which is perpendicular to the original direction of the relative to H, „ is the same in the second oscillating field
field and consequently the change of orientation can region as in the first. This will be true regardless of the
be large. velocity of the molecule. However, if the average of
The qualitative analysis of the preceding paragraph
8', —co/y has any value other than zero, the orientation
can be also expressed quantitatively. Assume the I of the nucleus relative to H, „ in the second field is
is initially parallel to Hp. Then in therotating coordinate difterent from that in the first and the magnitude of
system I will precess about H, „with the precession the difference will depend upon the velocity of the
angle 0' and at an angular velocity a. If a is the angle molecule. When the combined eGects of the two rota, ting
between Hs and I, the simple geometry of the above field regions are averaged over the velocity of the mole-
precession is such that after a time interval t2 — tI,
cules, it is therefore found that the transition prob-
ability is a maximum for or equal to the average value
cosa=cos'0~+sin'O~ cosa(ts —tr) of yIIO in the intermediate region.
The rotating coordinate system procedure is also of
a(ts —tr) value in interpreting the various nuclear resonance ab-
=1—2 sin'O~ sin'
sorption and induction experiments based on the original
experiments of Purcell" and Bloch. Experiments of"
On the other hand, as shown in the next section, the these types have by now been carried out in a number
quantum-mechanical angular momentum operators of different ways. One of the marked differences has been
satisfy the same Eq. (1). Since this equation is linear ' N. F. Ramsey, Phys. Rev. 78, 695 (&,950).
'Kusch, Miilman, and Rabi, Phys. Rev. SS, 666 (1939); "Purcell, Torrey, and Pound, Phys. Rev. 69, 37 (1946).
Kellogg, Rabi, Ramsey, and Zacharias, Phys. Rev. 55, 318 (1939). ~ Bloch, Hansen, and Packard, Phys. Rev. 69, 127 (1946).
in the extent' to which the adiabatic condition of Eq. Other limiting cases with the various relaxation
(14) is satisffed for H, „. In some experiments a large processes have been discussed in the literature. 4 ' As "
value of the rotating 6eld HI has been used and the has been discussed by Hahn, ' the rotating coordinate
6eld H p has been varied about the resonance value at system procedure is particularly well suited to the de-
a sufficiently slow rate that Eq. (14) was satisfied. In scription of the spin echo phenomena.
this case the original magnetism,
Mo ——
simply retains its orientation relative to H, „ in the Relation (4) derived above can be proved equally
singly rotating coordinate system and the dominant well quantum mechanically as classically. As indicated
eGect of the small changes in Hp ls to change the orienta- in the previous section, one procedure is simply to say
tion of H, „and hence Mo. Therefore the x component that Eq. (1) applies to the quantum-mechanical angular
of this in the rotating system varies with Hp as momentum operators. Equation (1) can in fact easily
be proved to follow from the standard operator relation
Mgv pPi/Pp
M =Mpcose=
— (19) (k/i)dI/dt= Px, Ij=hei —IK, (23)
t (a 0 (o)'+ ((ooPi/Ho)']&
where the Hamiltonian 3C is taken as
3f, then goes through a resonance maximum at co=~p.
However, as the coordinate system and hence M are x= —ykI H. (24)
rotating with frequency co relative to the laboratory Alternatively, from a wave mechanical point of view,
system, the resulting rotating magnetic moment will the Schrodinger equation for the problem relative to
induce a signal in a suitably placed coil. a stationary coordinate system is
Actually the preceding case rarely applies since the
local magnetic 6elds from neighboring molecules cause iVi4 =X%= —ykI H%. (25)
the nuclei to return to the thermal equilibrium relative
However, in quantum mechanics the Rnite rotation
to Ho and to lose their phase coherency about Ho. The operator'4 for the coordinates to be rotated an angle i
characteristic time constants for these processes are con-
about an axis along which the system's angular momen-
ventionally designated T& and T&.4 From the point of
tum, I, has the component Ir is the unitary operator
view of the singly rotating frame of reference, TI is the
exp(ifIr). Let 4' and H be the wave function and
characteristic time for resuming thermal equilibrium field relative to a stationary coordinate system whereas
about the z axis, and T2 is the characteristic time con-
V„and H„are the same quantities relative to coordinates
stant for losing coherency about that axis, i.e., for the
rotating with angular velocity u. These quantities are
g and y components of the magnetization to average
related by the unitary transformation so that"
to zero. Although the preceding results are not directly
applicable when these relaxation eGects are important, %=exp( —i~ It)%„, (26)
they are nevertheless of value in many approximate
calculations even then. For example, if T&«T&, Ti«1/
I H„=exp(im It)I. H exp( —ie It). (27)
yH, , and (T,Ti)'«1/yHi, the rate of absorption of If Eq. (26) is substituted in Eq. (25) and if Eq. (27) is
energy at resonance in a nuclear resonance absorption used to simplify the resulting expression one immedi-
experiment with nuclei of spin 2 can roughly be approxi- ately obtains
mated by the assumption that the transition goes as in
Eq. (17) but is stopped by the loss of all coherency ik+„= —~kI (H„y~/7)e„= —~hI H„e„, (28)
after a time T~. At exact resonance and for a time T., where H„ is given by Eq. (4), with the understanding
Eqs. (17) and (8) give for the transition probability that H is to be expressed relative to the rotating coordi-
P;= sin'(yHiTi/2) = 4y'BPT~'. (20)- nate system. This result justifies the application of the
previous discussions to quantum-mechanical as well as
The average rate TV of transition per nucleus is then classical systems.
approximately given by
—'y'BPTg. (21) —-
Therefore, the average rate R of net absorption of The probabilities for transition of the system from
energy is approximated by a state of one magnetic quantum number to another
P= Wn k(o= (1/8)y'HPTp:Vk'oP/kT (22) can readily be calculated with the above procedure.
Consider the case discussed earlier in which the mag-
where n, =-,'Eke&/kT is the number of surplus nuclei
in the lowest energy state, Ã is the total number of "Bloembergen, Purcell, and Pound, Phys. Rev. 73, 679 {1948).
'4 E. C. Kemble, J Nndementel I'rirIczples
nuclei present, ken is the energy separation of the two of Qmentmm 3feclzunzcs
{McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc. , New York), pp. 247, 307,
orientation states, and T is the absolute temperature. and 532.
netic 6elds are given by Eq. (5) and assume that up In general, the numerical evaluation of (33) is some-
to time tI the magnitude of H~ is zero after which it is what cumbersome because of the noncommutativity of
HI until time t2. As use will be made of the stationary, the terms in the exponent. However, a series expansion
singly, and doubly rotating coordinate systems pre- of the exponential may be used. In the special case of
viously discussed, wave functions relative to these three spin i~, it becomes much simplified for then I=~n,
systems will be designated as %(t), 'k„(t), and 4, „(t), where e is the Pauli spin matrix. Since for the Pauli
respectively. Since H, „, for the doubly rotating coordi- spin matrix (n n)' equals one, the series expansion of
nates is zero, the above exponential together with the series expansion
for sine and cosine m erely give
4„(t2)=4'„(ti) =@,(ti). (29)
However, as the doubly rotating system between times ex
exp —
z —I ne
ti and t~ has rotated an angle — a(t~ — j
Z q
ti) relative to the & 2
singly rotating system one must use the previous finite
rotation operator to relate 4'„„(t2) and %, (t2) with the a(t, -t,) a(t, —t, )
result that
= cos +in n sin
4'„(t ) = exp (ia[t, —t, $n. I)4„„(t,). (30) a(t2 —ti) a (t, —t, )
=cos +i(g, sinO. ~+0., cosO) sin — . (34)
Hence from (29), 2 2
4', (t2) =exp(ia[t2 —t&)n I)@„(ti).
a(t, —t, )
In a similar fashion, this can be reduced to a non-
rotating coordinate system with the result P;;=sin'0' sin'
The last simplifying step is a consequence of 0 and Professor E. M. Purcell for many stimulating dis-
4' being eigenfunctions of k. I.
~ cussions of this subject.