pp05-08 PCEuroSep14
pp05-08 PCEuroSep14
pp05-08 PCEuroSep14
Richard Scott
richardscott@stepcomms.com Manufacturing agreement
Technical Editor
P2 Science and Bedoukian Research have also increasing the cost effectiveness of the
Chris Smith
chrissmith@stepcomms.com entered into an agreement for the molecules.
development, manufacturing and marketing P2 Science use patent-pending ‘ozonolysis’
Technical Consultant
of flavour and fragrance (F&F) ingredients. technology to convert biomass into specialty
Anthony C. Dweck, BSc. CChem FLS FRSC FRSPH
tonydweck@stepcomms.com Launching into a demanding market, the chemicals. This technology will be used to
companies are hoping to create innovative new produce renewable versions of existing F&F
Publishing Director
molecules for the F&F industry. Bedoukian’s ingredients as well as brand new molecules
Josh Taylor
joshtaylor@stepcomms.com background as a F&F ingredient company, that are inaccessible using current chemical
Trevor Moon combined with P2 Science’s experience in the methods
trevormoon@stepcomms.com renewable chemical sector, will allow them to The companies are hoping to be able to
alleviate regulatory pressures and consumer produce the new molecules for commercial
Business Manager (online)
Chris Vincent demands for greater product sustainability while supply within a 12-month time frame.
Dave Woodall / Ray Ecclestone
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please apply in writing to The Circulation
Dept, Step Communications Ltd
The power of claims
One of the most valuable ways for it could be to market ineffective sun
personal care companies to rise above protection to consumers but this is
the competition is to make more perhaps a strong, if negative, example
impressive claims within their advertising of how powerful claims can be. In the
and on their packaging. Doing this meantime, we watch the further
Published by: correctly requires a great deal of development of properly-researched oral
Step Communications Ltd teamwork between the R&D and sunscreens with interest.
Step House, North Farm Road, marketing departments, however, The article from MMR on page 17
Tunbridge Wells, Kent TN2 3DR, UK unfortunately some companies have offers an excellent insight into how various
Tel: +44 (0)1892 779999
Fax: +44 (0)1892 616177
occasionally overstepped the mark. components of a campaign can be tested
Email: personalcare@stepcomms.com On page 14 of this issue of Personal and the piece illustrates the power of
Website: www.personalcaremagazine.com Care, a new product launch from the efficacy claims to consumers, often
Printed by: US managed to make headlines across proving to be more influential than images
Taylor Bloxham Ltd, Leicester LE4 1BR Europe based on its incredible claim to of celebrity endorsers. This is a real
offer UV protection in a drinkable delivery indication of the constant need for
system. This claim was immediately technological innovation within the
pounced on by newspaper editors who personal care industry, but innovation that
rightly supposed their readers would like is backed up with credible science and
to hear about a new way of protecting rigorous testing rather than marketing
© Step Communications Ltd 2014
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in
their skin, but did not look too deeply claims alone.
a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any for evidence to back up the claim. Richard Scott
means: electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording
or otherwise without prior permission of the publisher It is clear how potentially dangerous Editor
ISSN 2041-0441
September 2014 P E R S O N A L C A R E 5
6 P E R S O N A L C A R E September 2014
Superfood inspiration
Croda has unveiled its latest products derived increasing hair plasticity to help prevent breakage.
from superfoods; Hydroastivum P for powerful Defend cuticles from heat and styling damage
moisturisation and anti-irritancy properties for the with Crodasone P, an advanced copolymer that
hair and skin; and Crodasone P for protection offers proven protection against cuticle cracking
against cuticle cracking caused by heat and caused by common hair styling practices such
styling damage. as blow-drying, combing and styling. Due to its
Obtain hydration harmony with Hydrosativum P, complex polymeric structure, Crodasone P
a highly moisture retentive biopolymer cross-links on drying to form a conditioning and
that exhibits powerful moisturisation protective network that offers functional benefits
properties in hair and skin care formulations. to all types of hair care products. Studies have
Hydrosativum P immerses the skin with shown that Crodasone P can reduce thermal
moisture to improve firmness and elasticity cracking by 49% in an aqueous spritz and
which promotes younger looking skin. As well 38% in a conditioner system. Crodasone P
as moisturisation benefits Hydrosativum P has is ideally suited to leave-on styling products or
additional anti-irritancy properties ideal for conditioners claiming heat defence but is also
skin and scalp care. Hydrosativum P is naturally proven to be effective in rinse-off applications
substantive to a variety of hair types from such as shampoos, conditioners and hair
different ethnicities binding to moisture and treatments to defend the cuticles from damage
hydrating hair at a wide range of humidities, caused during styling.
September 2014 P E R S O N A L C A R E 7
8 P E R S O N A L C A R E September 2014