Developmental History
Developmental History
Developmental History
Developmental History Psychosocial Stages ofDevelopment (Erik Erickson) This theory has eight distinct stages, each with two possible outcomes. According to the theory, successful completion of each stage results in a healthy personality and successful interactions with others. Failure to successfully complete a stage can result in a reduced ability to complete further stages and therefore a more unhealthy personality and sense of self. These stages, however, can be resolved successfully at a later time.
1. Trust versus Mistrust(Birth- 18 months)
Patient R.B. has great memories with his parents and relatives especially during his childhood memories because he had been cared and love. He also gained many friends which he trust a lot and able to socialize with other persons without any problem During the interview, the patients trust and confidence toward the student nurses were highly observed since he was able to answer personal questions about his life and experiences.
2. Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt(18 months 3 years old)
According to G.E. his parents made him responsible in doing things which made him independent on making his decisions and doing some actions. He recalled that at early years his father let him help in their farm which he able to learn farm works. Through this, Patient G.E. developed sense of autonomy. He gained confidence and security in his own ability to survive in the world. During the days of his stay in the hospital, his autonomy was observed through his actions with regards to his current condition and through his decision-making.
3. Initiative versus Guilt(3 5 years old)
During this stage, Patient R.B. started to have friends and playmates. According to the patient, his parents trust him in doing some household jobs and allow him to go outside and play with other children. He is also very friendly at their neighborhood and he is well known for having many friends. In this stage of development, he acquired initiative. The student nurse also noted that the patient is initiatively doing some of the activities.
4. Industry versus Inferiority(6-12 years old)
According to the patient, since childhood he is industrious. With this practice, the patient able to do things and help other people with simple things even though no one tells him to do so.
During his puberty, he mingles even more to other peer groups. He also had a deep perception of being a man and its difference to the other gender. He also had dreams of becoming a seaman. At the age of 18, his uncle taught him how to drive a jeepney at first and truck later on. 6. Intimacy versus Isolation(18 30 years old) Patient G.E. stated that during this time, he courted few girls until he became committed and started to have a long life relationship with his wife where he able to have a good intimate relationship. And that intimacy resulted in a positive way and was able to have his own happy family. 7. Generativity versus Stagnation(30-60 years old) When he got married and had children, he did his best to give the needs of the family; he works as a truck driver. With this, Mr. G.E. was able to make his family productive and dont have any gap between the family members. While on the hospital, the student nurse able to observe a good bonding and trust between the patient and his wife.