Strawford Webfont License
Strawford Webfont License
Strawford Webfont License
desktop license
by downloading and/or installing this font family can be used for personal and commercial works. you
atipo® fonts you agree to the can use this font at a single home or business location on a maximum
following user license terms: of 5 cpus. the fonts are provided in opentype format.
larger licenses are available; for more info please get in contact with us:
_ you can do any kind of design work with this font family, including
logo/trademarks design.
_ the font may be used in e-publications.
not allowed:
_ you may not sell this font without permission.
_ you may not redistribute this font without permission.
_ you may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile,
disassemble or create derivative works based on this font.
_ you may not convert to webfont formats.
truetype fonts
fonts may be provided in truetype format upon request.
by downloading and/or installing this font family can be embed into one (1) website (unlimited
atipo® fonts you agree to the pageviews) so that it can be displayed on any browser. this license does
following user license terms: not need to be renewed. the fonts are provided in woff, woff2, eot
and ttf formats.
not allowed:
_ no desktop installation allowed.
_ developers need a desktop license to work with the fonts on
their computers.