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Your Personalized

Quantum Human Design™



20th December 1983 @ 10:59

© 2022 Karen Curry Parker

20th December 1983 @ 10:59

Life Purpose Soul Purpose

46.2 11.6
64 61 63
25.2 12.6
47 24 4
45.3 17 11 35.5
26.3 5.5

21.2 62 23 56 15.1
16 35

45 54.2
31 8 33

4.6 7 13
10 1 25
29.2 15 46 57.4
2 51

34.6 11.1
26 40

28.1 48 36 44.6
57 5 14 29 22
44 37
34.6 32
49 9.6
28 27 59 55
18 42 3 9 30

11.5 10.1
53 60 52
54 19
50.3 38 39 50.6
58 41

20.3 8.5

Time Bender (Manifesting Generator)

20th December 1983 @ 10:59

Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia


Energy Type Time Bender (Manifesting Generator)

Strategy To Respond & Inform

Inner Authority Evolutionary (Sacral)

Definition Single Definition

Incarnation Cross LAX of Originality 2 (Education 2) (11/12 | 46/25)

Not-Self Theme Frustration & Anger

Human Design is NOT

a labeling system

Karen Curry Parker

What Will This Report Do for Me?

Quantum Human Design is often called the “new Astrology,” and the “intersection of
science and spirituality.”

Your Quantum Human Design chart is formulated by taking your birth date, time, and
location – giving you specific information about your:

TYPE - Your Type is the hard wiring of your energetic configuration and your unique way
of interacting with the world.

STRATEGY - A Strategy is a unique way of making decisions and taking action in the world.
Strategy is the MOST IMPORTANT knowledge piece to put into play, practice and
experiment with living out in your everyday life.

AUTHORITY - Authority determines the WAY you use your Strategy.

You are a once-in-a-lifetime cosmic event and the

fulfillment of your potential and purpose is the
greatest gift you can give to the World.

Karen Curry Parker

Learning Your Human Design
~ Confirms what you already know, sense or have felt about yourself.
~ Gives you full permission and confidence to really step fully into your Truth.
~ Confirms the themes you may have noticed playing out in your life and relationships.
~ Gives you deeper understanding to why you are the way you are and feel the way
you do.
~ Enables you to not take things personally because you realize everything is just energy.
~ Deepens your compassion, patience and ultimately love for yourself and others.

Think of it this way:

Quantum Human Design teaches you to look at your Human Design Chart (your personal
“map”) as a story. Over the course of your life, you’ve been told a story of who you are.

Maybe that story led down a career path that isn’t really making your soul soar.

Maybe your story has you living out patterns that keep you from believing you can have
what you really want in your life.

Maybe the story you’ve been trying to keep up with all your life isn’t even really your story.

Quantum Human Design will give you the words -

the story - of Who You Truly Are

Karen Curry Parker

Learning Your Human Design
If you’re going to create an authentic life – a life that is yours – you’ve got to start with
knowing Who You Are and what you need to do to get started living the story you were
born to live.

Your personal Quantum Human Design Chart can reveal your

~ strengths,
~ your weaknesses,
~ and perhaps most importantly, your potential.
~ how to prepare for repetitive difficulties that you might encounter throughout your life,
~ how to embrace the opportunity to grow as you understand your personal Human
Design strategy.

You’ll discover your path to living an aligned, authentic, vital and truly meaningful life
simply by following the directions set out in your Human Design chart – the “owner’s
manual” to your life.

Your Human Design contains

a code for awakening

Karen Curry Parker

What is Human Design and Quantum Human Design?

Why the New Language?

In 1987 following a mystical experience, Ra Uru Hu, the founder of traditional Human Design,
began teaching and sharing the basics of Human Design. His original intention in teaching
Human Design was to use this powerful tool as a way to help people remember who they are.

This prescription for healing and remembering your authentic self is embedded in traditional
Human Design. Ra always intended to expand on his Human Design teachings, but passed
away from a heart attack in 2011.

Karen Curry Parker, having personally known and worked with Ra and after over two decades
of teaching Human Design, was inspired and guided to do what Ra wasn’t given the time to do,
to respectfully share the flip side of this beautiful tool, to speak and share this knowledge with
empowering, higher vibrational frequency language, that she’s calls Quantum Human Design.

Quantum Human Design is a new and transformed Human Design language that is more
expansive, empowering, expressive and comes with a more comprehensive understanding.
She has deliberately engineered and upgraded the HD vocabulary to a powerful, positive,
higher vibrational frequency of energy to help you fully activate your potential.

You will see throughout your report, we have used this powerful new language. We have
included the Traditional Human Design language along side in brackets.

Quantum Human Design will provide you with a new way to see your Human Design Chart and
tell a bigger and better story about what’s possible for You!
Quantum Human Design Type
Your Quantum Human Design Type shows you exactly how to create and live in a way that
is most empowering, fulfilling, dynamic and successful.

Your Type is the hard wiring of your energetic configuration and your unique way of
interacting with the world. Each Type has a unique decision making Strategy.

Knowing your Type and Strategy can help you develop the confidence and trust in your
capacity and ability to make reliable and correct decisions for yourself.

Each Type has a different role and different way of interacting with others and the world.

Most of us aren’t raised to really live out the full power and potential of Who we are. We’re
all powerful Creators, but in order to use our power in the most efficient and best way we
need to know and understand how we operate.

Every energy Type in Human Design has a specific Strategy.

A Strategy is a unique way of making decisions and taking action in the world.

Strategy is the MOST IMPORTANT knowledge piece to put into play, practice and
experiment with living out in your everyday life.

Your Strategy is your personal way to make effective decisions in your life. These are
important key pieces that you choose to commit to or not on big life decisions.

We need to show up in our lives as our

Authentic Selves

Karen Curry Parker

Your Type is
The Time Bender (Manifesting Generator)

You are a Time Bender.

Your role in life is to find the fastest, most effective way to do things. You’re a hybrid Type,
part Initiator, part Alchemist.

Like the Alchemist, you are designed to learn and achieve mastery over the physical
plane. Your life is a series of learning adventures.

Through practice, exploration, experience, and learning to trust your gut to follow what
feels right and aligned, you are designed to delight in your learning.

You need work that feels good and important to you. When you’re engaged with work
that is fulfilling, you tap into a quality of life force energy that is enduring and gives you
energy and momentum.
Like the Initiator, when you find the work that delights you, you can leap into it quickly,
following your inner timing and alignment. You have an internal, non-verbal creative flow
that often makes it hard for you to explain what you’re doing to others.

You have a tendency to do more than one thing at a time, and this is correct for you, even
though you’ve probably been told to pick one thing and to focus on all of your life.

You also have a tendency to skip steps. That’s okay! This is part of you finding the fastest
path. Sometimes you have to go back and fix steps you skipped, but that doesn’t mean you
screwed up.


TheTime Bender experiences frustration and anger when they can feel that their energy
could be used in fulfilling their purpose, but they don’t remember how to engage with
direction and purpose, leaving them “all revved up” with nowhere to go.

With their additional source of “backup” energy, the Time Bender can push against their
inner-flow and the outer unfolding, leaving them feeling profoundly unfulfilled.


Each Type has a unique Strategy, a way of being in the world that minimizes friction and
helps you live more effectively so you can avoid burnout.

As a Time Bender, you have an inner compass called your Sacral that lets you know when an
opportunity feels right. Basically, you’re designed to follow what feels good, but sometimes
Time Benders have to re-learn how to trust that inner feeling.

Your logical mind and cultural conditioning may have trained you to ignore this vital inner
compass. Your Sacral works best when you wait to see what shows up in your life and then
allow yourself to follow the things that feel good. It can feel hard to wait to respond because
you’ve been trained to go out and “make it happen.”
Strategy continued

If you slow down (which can be very hard for you!) and wait and see what shows up in your
life and then “feel” your way into it, you will slowly recover your connection to your powerful
inner compass.

Once something feels good and aligned and your Sacral says “go”, you move very quickly,
often taking quantum leaps over others.

It’s important for you, even though it feels unnatural, to take stock of who will be impacted
by your choice and make sure you inform them about what you’re about to do. Your internal,
non-verbal creative flow can cause you to struggle with translating what you’re about to do
into words.

Stopping and explaining to someone what you’re doing or that you don’t need help can
cause you to lose your connection to your internal non-verbal creative flow. As unnatural as
it can seem, when you inform the people who your actions will impact, it can actually
prepare the way for you to follow your creative flow with minimal disruption and drama.

Informing isn’t asking permission. You don’t need permission. Informing simply allows
people to move out of your way and support you so you can take action on your inspirations.
Your natural alignment with your inner creative flow ultimately benefits everyone around
Emotional Theme - Anger and Frustration

We are taught that learning and mastery is a sequential linear process. The more effort you
put into it, the more you learn and the better you get.

This just isn’t true for you, my dear Time Bender!

You have a stair-step learning curve. When you learn something new, you have an initial
surge in mastery. You get good at whatever you’re learning - fast! But, once you reach a
certain level, it’s normal for you to sit on a plateau where, no matter how hard you try, you
feel stuck and like you’re not making any progress.

This is when you feel frustrated, and if you’re like most Time Bender Types, you quit.
Frustration may have caused you to be a sequential quitter, leaping from thing to thing,
trying to find satisfying, meaningful, and fulfilling work to do in the world.

Plateaus are normal for you! The challenge is learning how to work with the frustration that
comes with plateaus. Frustration is often a symptom of energy building and momentum
gathering for the next surge in mastery.

You may have had the experience of waking up and suddenly finding that your skills
improved even though it seems like you didn’t do anything to improve them. This is a natural
phenomenon for a Time Bender and part of your stair-step learning curve.

As a Time Bender, you have to learn how to dial into your gut and to assess the opportunities
coming your way to be able to discern whether to ride out the plateau and keep growing or
whether it’s time to quit and start something new.

Because you’re here to find the fastest way to do something, it’s normal for you to leap over
plateaus and sometimes skip steps. This can also cause you to feel frustrated and angry.
Sometimes you may find that you have to go back and fix the step you skipped.
Your Authority is
Evolutionary Authority (Sacral)

The Strategy for your Type can be influenced by Authority. Your Authority simply adds subtle
nuance to how your Strategy operates.

Most importantly, your Authority helps you work with your unique way of choosing what
actions to take. It also gives you insights into how to dial into your body’s response to your
choices and the timing of them.

All Alchemists and Time Benders have a colored in square on their chart called a “Defined
Sacral.” This configuration gives many Alchemists and Time Benders Evolutionary Authority.

When you have Evolutionary Authority, it means that your in-the-moment gut response lets
you know whether something is right for you or not. The biggest challenge with Evolutionary
Authority is learning to trust your instinctual response.
When you have Evolutionary (Sacral) Authority it means that your “gut” response in the
moment is letting you know whether something is right for you or not.

The Sacral Motor is the source of a direction-giving, nonverbal, gut-level vibration that tells
you what feels right and what doesn’t.

You may experience the Sacral response as a “gut feeling”, and you can connect with it even
more deeply when you express that gut feeling with a non-verbal sound. The “Sacral Sound”
sounds like “uh-huh” for a “yes” and “un-uhn” for a “no.”

Most of you naturally make these sounds, but are often taught that you are rude or to “use
your words instead.” When you watch children with Evolutionary (Sacral) Authority, you’ll
notice that they are grunting, humming, sound-based beings. When you lose touch with the
power of these sounds, you lose touch with your special inner compass that is designed to
signal you to show you which direction is yours to follow.

This Sacral Sound is the sound of your inner intuition, the vibrational alignment with your
correct direction in life. It is that direction that will take you to the next step in the unfolding
of your mastery. The Sacral is truth; it cannot lie.

The biggest challenge with Evolutionary (Sacral) Authority is learning to trust your instinctual
So What's Next?

We hope that you've really loved this report and found it helpful.
So what's next if you want to know more? There are 3 Steps for you to consider:

Step 1
Read the Introduction to Quantum Human Design eBook and join our private Circle

To deepen your understanding of Quantum Human Design, it’s recommended to read the
Introduction to Quantum Human Design eBook. This book provides valuable insights
into the key principles and concepts of Quantum Human Design, helping you make sense of
the information in your chart and apply it to your life.

Additionally, consider joining our private Circle Community, where you can connect with
like-minded individuals who are also on their Quantum Human Design journey. This
community provides a supportive space for learning, sharing experiences, and receiving
real-time support from fellow students and Quantum Human Design Specialists.

Your Human Design is your key to understanding

your Energy, your Life Purpose, your Path, and
your Soul's journey in the lifetime

Karen Curry Parker

Step 2
Explore Quantum Human Design Training Options

Now that you have a foundation in Quantum Human Design, you may want to take your
learning to the next level. Quantum Human Design offers various training programs
designed to deepen your knowledge and expand your skills. Here an option to consider:

A. Intro to Quantum Human Design: This program provides a comprehensive

introduction to Quantum Human Design, covering topics such as the different Types,
Strategies, Authority, Energy centers, and Profiles. It helps you connect the dots and gain a
deeper understanding of how Quantum Human Design can transform your life when you
use it daily.

You are designed to follow your Truth

and what feels right and
correct for you

Karen Curry Parker

Step 3
Ready to go Pro?
Consider Quantum Human Design Certification

For those interested in becoming a Quantum Human Design Specialist and using this
powerful tool to empower others while growing a new or current coaching business, the
Quantum Human Design Certification program is available.

This internationally respected and time-tested training equips you with the knowledge and
skills to help individuals create abundant lives, better relationships, health, vitality, and
personal transformation.

The certification program consists of four levels, each building upon the previous one. You’ll
gain a deep understanding of the mechanics of Quantum Human Design, learn how to
conduct readings and develop coaching skills to support your clients in various aspects of
their lives.


Quantum Human Design is a transformative system that can guide you toward living an
authentic and fulfilling life. Whether you’re exploring it for personal growth or considering a
career as a Quantum Human Design Specialist, taking the steps outlined above will help you
get started on your journey.

Remember, Quantum Human Design is not only a tool for self-discovery but also a means
to empower others and create positive change in the world. Embrace this opportunity and
unlock the doors to a life you love.

Where we are today is directly

a result of our choices

Karen Curry Parker

Quantum Alignment System, LLC - Karen Curry Parker
10940 S. Parker Rd., Suite 119, Parker, CO 80134
+1 424-390-7915

Copyright Release for Printed Documents

Quantum Alignment System, LLC - Karen Curry Parker grants permission to the customer
bearing this document to reproduce the copyrighted bodygraph chart report.

Quantum Alignment System, LLC - Karen Curry Parker retains all copyright on this workbook.
The purpose and intent of this release form is to allow the individual presenting it to
reproduce this report in print form for their personal use.

For more information, please contact:


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