The Demons of The Ars Goetia
The Demons of The Ars Goetia
The Demons of The Ars Goetia
Ars Goetia is the first book of the Lemegeton (Lesser Key of Solomon), a grimoire that circulated in the
17th century, penned by someone using the pseudonym King Solomon. The book itself existed in many
languages and pieces before it was assembled in the mid-17th century. Before then, it was scattered
throughout scrolls, books and folios.
The book details seventy-two demons, as well as their weakness — “signs they must pay allegiance to,” or
“seals”. The book lists demons by name, and many are circled and have notes next to them. Three hours of
study reveals the following difficult-to-read notes scribbled in Dr. Barbas’ hand:
∆ B. is Solomon.
∆ DRD middle name FORAS—29 legions. Logic, ethics and precious stones. Recover lost things.
∆ Marbas Goetic. President(!) 36 servants (just like MSPFS). B not M. See Pseudomonarchia
To activate it, the Agent draws a Solomonic Triangle marked with the words ANAPHAXETON,
ANAPHANETON, PRIMEUMATON, in a protective circle, in an isolated, enclosed area (this can all be
found in the Ars Goetia). The Agent remains in this circle while announcing the 72 names of demons found
in the Ars Goetia. Then the Agent inscribes the seal of the demon they wish to contact.
Those Agents with a Corruption of 2+ are permitted to roll 99 - SAN for the activation roll. Each additional
person present besides the operator removes -20% from the activation roll to a minimum of 01% (but don’t
tell the player that). On a failed roll, nothing happens, and the invocation never works for that Agent, and
they lose 1 Corruption. On a success, it is a real power, and may be called upon any time by that Agent
enacting the invocation, and they gain +1 Corruption. Each time this power is successfully invoked, the
operator gains +1 Corruption.
During the ritual, Agents with Corruption 3+ see various, strange things beyond the protective circle as each
name is enunciated, doors open and close, faces appear at windows, telephones may ring. The distractions
are designed to draw the operator outside the circle before the final seal is inscribed. The higher the
operator’s Corruption, the more significant the disruption. Precisely what these disruptions are remain up to
the Handler to decide. If the operator leaves before inscribing the seal, they are subjected to a violent
accident or attack in the next day with the following characteristics:
∆ Corruption 3: Illness (appendicitis, unknown debilitating disease, flesh eating bacteria) Lethality 3%
∆ Corruption 8-10: Bizarre danger (lightning strike, mudslide, elevator failure) Lethality 15%
This accident or attack appears totally random, and no matter how carefully investigated reveals no
connections or premeditation.
If the ritual is completed and a seal inscribed, that particular “demon” makes themselves known to the
Agent within a day or so. Each summons only works once. Unless otherwise noted, the demon does not
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reappear if called again. The more isolated the Agent keeps themselves, the more significant and
forthcoming the communication. The higher the Corruption of the Agent that enacted the ritual, the faster
and more dramatic the contact occurs.
These demons are people with lives, families, history and entirely mundane existences — except for the
summons, of course. Though they may act strange, have access to unnatural information, and do
supernatural things, these things are entirely normal to them and they simply stitch in and out of their real
life to accomplish them. If they are incarcerated or killed, someone else takes their role with identical effect.
Most of the demons are not forthcoming with what powers they possess, and act put out under even the
best circumstances. Clever Agents will read the descriptions of the demonic powers, and know which demon
might accomplish which power. Enunciating the power to the demon is enough for it to enact it; otherwise,
the demon might simply leave after the initial contact.
∆ BAEL (see TIMOTHY BAEL on page XX): The Agent receives a phone call from Timothy Bael at
the Dorchester House psychiatric facility who asks simply “what do you want?” He claims to be
returning their phone call even if he was not called. If the Agents meet with him “after dark” he can
show them “the secret.” This secret is a word which, when said by an Agent with Corruption 2+,
renders them invisible at night (this costs 1D4/1D6 SAN unnatural to witness and enact). Machines
and recording devices can see them normally, however. If the word is spoken so it is audible by
another, the power does not operate until BAEL teaches the word again.
∆ PAIMON (Wesley K. Atwood, Caucasian male, 29 YOA): PAIMON is a homeless man that
appears to have Tourettes syndrome, looking for money to buy gas so he can “get home.” He
constantly shouts profanities and curses, but otherwise, speaks quietly to the Agent. He can reveal a
single secret that is absolutely true, or grant the Agent “treasure,” a handful of gold jewelry of
strange, unidentifiable make worth at least $25,000 that appears to have been exposed to the
elements for a long time. But he must be asked. Soon after, he vanishes.
∆ BELETH (Jesse Billet, Caucasian male, 34 YOA): BELETH appears at night as a policeman in riot
gear on horseback (with the name tag “BILLET”) that rides up on the Agent in a threatening
manner. Agents that flee are run down (treat this as a single 55% baton attack that inflicts 1D8+2
HP damage, after this he rides off). Those that hold their ground realize the policeman says nothing
until spoken to. If any question is asked about any of the Agents Bonds, BELETH answers
truthfully, revealing even secret knowledge, and rides off, and all that Agent’s Bonds are increased
by +1.
∆ PURSON (Steven P. Curson, Caucasian male, 33 YOA): A veteran wearing fatigues that read
CURSON, he looks like an ill-kept, homeless man with thick blond beard and hair, that carries a
python over his shoulders. He never speaks above a whisper. If an Agent asks a question about The
King in Yellow and the secrets of the play, the creation of the play, and those that attempted to
enact it, Purson answers truthfully in small voice, granting that Agent +3% Unnatural (and +1
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Corruption), although afterwards they cannot recall precisely what was said; only that it ended with
“go then, and in your bottle, find truth.”
∆ ASMODAY (Kyle Coulston, African American male, 41 YOA): A tall man holding a sign on a
street corner that reads “YOU DO 32,” advertising some unknown shop or deal, ASMODAY wears
headphones but calls the Agent over. If asked about any other demon, he reveals what that demon’s
power is, and can direct the Agent where to find or contact them without casting the preliminary
invocation. If the Agents buy him a meal, he’ll name three demons, how to contact them, and their
powers. Unlike other demons, ASMODAY appears as many times as he is summoned.
∆ VINEA (Mary Rhone, Hispanic female, 39 YOA): VINEA is a skate-punk, too old to be riding a
skateboard, but still doing so. She’ll ride up on the Agent and say “what am I doing here?” If asked
about any item, she tells the Agents its precise location and disposition, “the book is in a wall safe
behind a mirror in the bedroom at 5557 Terrace Lake Drive; the code is 6-6-6-9.” Otherwise, she’ll
roll off in a huff.
∆ BALAM (Hana'i Saliva, Middle-eastern male, 37 YOA): A man in an impeccably made silk suit,
wearing sunglasses and a bluetooth headset. BALAM tells the Agent to meet them at a nearby coffee
house. Inside, he presents the Agent with a folded piece of paper, on it are the words: SCEABOLES,
the player as a handout; it cannot be memorized, and must be read from the paper — if the paper is
lost, the spell does not operate). If the Agent says these words aloud and has Corruption 4+, they
are rendered invisible to all people and animals for 1D6 minutes (1D4/1D6 SAN unnatural to
witness and enact). Machines and recording devices can see them normally, however.
∆ ZAGAN (Lê Thị Mộng Kinh, Asian American female, 15 YOA): A young woman that looks as if
she was on her way to high school, wearing an exceptionally heavy backpack that jingles as she
walks. ZAGAN shows up and stands silently, regarding the Agent. If the Agent asks what’s in the
pack, she hands it over. Inside are 200 copper, silver and gold coins of various cultures and times,
some incredibly ancient, most welded together by rust and filth in a large chunk. In the right hands
the total is worth perhaps $15,000.
∆ BELIAL: The Agent gets either a voice message or a note at the front desk of their hotel saying that
they received a call from the LAKE CHIMAGUA RESORT with a number listed in upstate New
York. Calling that number back the Agent receives a “this number has been disconnected,”
message. The resort burned down years ago.
∆ AMDUSIAS (Richard Hust, African-American male, 32 YOA): AMDUSIAS is a man with a paunch
walking in a downpour with a blaring boombox on his shoulder. The music is cacophonous, but
appears interspersed with the voices of people known to the Agent spouting nonsense (0/1 SAN
unnatural). If asked about the music, he tells the Agent a radio station they may tune into which
appears to play taped conversations of people known to the Agent, that can only be found at night
with a failed SAN roll (0/1D4 SAN helplessness). What can be learned from this channel remains up
to the Handler to devise, but it appears to play back the voices of the dead.
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∆ AGARES (Ellen Martinez, Hispanic female, 6 YOA): AGARES is a child playing in the street with
toy soldiers. If asked about locating someone, or finding a missing person, she answers in a clear
voice, stating where they might be found. These answers are disturbingly complete. For example,
Abigail Wright is “In the Palace at Carcosa, attending the masquerade, wearing the mask of a cat,
dressed in a cornflower blue, silk, gown…” and a question about one of the Agent’s Bonds is
correct down to the zip code. Otherwise, she seems more interested in candy, toys, and more
normal things.
∆ VALEFAR (Ronald Valverde, Caucasian male, 25 YOA): VALEFAR is an overweight Uber driver
forever considering his phone. He gives the Agent a ride, bringing them past locations rich with the
power of the King in Yellow (such as the houses of nurse Samigina and Dr. Barbas, the Boxer
Hotel, the Dorchester House and more), and casually speaks about what might be found inside. If
asked, he knows down to the smallest detail what might be found in the Agent’s room as well (0/1
SAN unnatural).
∆ BARBATOS (David L. Morris, Caucasian male, 55 YOA): Is an older man with a thick beard
walking a half a dozen dogs that bark and strain against him. With a bizarre word the Agent cannot
recall, all the dogs are suddenly rendered silent and docile. BARBATOS can teach this word to an
Agent, if they ask. It works only on animals making them docile no matter their disposition (0/1
SAN unnatural to use and witness). The word cannot be taught to others, and every time that Agent
loses more than 2 SAN, they forget the words (though don’t tell them until they try to use it).
∆ GUISON (see ED MILER WIST on page XX): The Agent receives a phone message from Ed Miler
Wist shortly after the ritual, asking them to call him back at the Dorchester House. (See ED MILER
WIST and MISTER WILDE on page XX for more details.) He leaves an open invitation to come by,
and to ask for him but only during the night shift.
∆ ELIGOS (Cynthia W. Cardello, Hispanic female, 40 YOA): The Agent is picked up by an unmarked
car with government plates. Inside, a middle-aged woman considers a law-enforcement computer on
a stand in the car. She can search criminal and military records, locate Federal employees and ex-
soldiers, as well as give detailed information about their lives. Otherwise, she refuses all questions,
and if pushed, draws a firearm on the Agent and command they leave the car.
∆ ZEPAR (Jack Torres, Hispanic male, 18 YOA): The Agent meets a club-kid walking home at night
decked out in colorful PVC leatherette, wearing a purple top hat. If asked about a person, the
demon tells the Agent a secret that grants the next social roll against that particular target a +40%
to that one roll. Otherwise the kid holds his hands up, indicating he surrenders, smirking, but never
slows down.
∆ BATHIN (Maria J. Page, Caucasian female, 33 YOA): The Agent meets a huge, muscular woman
with tattoos of snakes on her forearms. She is ill-tempered and demands to know what the Agent
wants. If asked, she can teach an Agent with Corruption 3+ how to remotely spy on locations.
Those that wish to learn are taught four words that cannot be repeated or written down. This is
done by the woman staring at the Agent, who then somehow knows the words and their rules.
Saying these words aloud renders the power inoperable forever. When alone, an Agent can repeat
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these words in their mind and become “untethered” from their body on a failed SAN roll, suffering
1D6+1 SAN unnatural. Their “mind” can move at a walking pace (in any direction including up or
down), pass through solid objects, and see (but not hear) its surroundings. This effect lasts a
number of minutes equal SAN cost. Their body remains behind, inert and helpless.
∆ SALEOS (Stephen S. Pearson, Caucasian male, 43 YOA): The Agent runs into a bookish man in a
COOL HAND LUKE t-shirt, smoking a pipe. “you calling me, man?” He’ll ask. If the Agent
mentions any person, either the Agent’s relationship with that person improves dramatically
(reflected by a +20% bonus to social skill interactions with them), or their Bonds instantly increase
by +2 each. This magic is imparted by the man talking rapidly to the Agent, possibly in a foreign
language in a whispering, matter-of-fact manner. Then he leaves. What was said cannot be recalled.
∆ AIM (Brett Jackson, African-American male, 16 YOA): The Agent feels a tug on their jacket, and
turn to find a gangly teenager carrying a bag of fireworks, but he does not speak. If asked about the
fireworks, the teen takes the Agent’s hand, and paints a smelly, clear liquid on their thumb and
forefinger (it cannot be removed except through use). The next three times they snap, the object
they are looking at, regardless of distance, catches on fire, suffering 2D6 HP damage (this costs
0/1D4 SAN unnatural to witness and use). When the snap happens, the smell of cinnamon fills the
∆ BUNÉ (Carlos Overton, Hispanic male, 23 YOA): The Agent is surprised when their name is called
from a darkened doorway. Inside they find a small man in a hospital Johnny with a still-bleeding IV
mark in his arm. Though he looks sick, his voice is clear and melodic and he opens a cigar box to
show them that it contains several coins, an old watch, and some gold chains. “Offer,” he says. If
any amount of valuables are put in the box, the demon then says, “ask.” He answers any question
truthfully and with absolute knowledge (0/1D4 SAN unnatural). Those that attempt to take items
from the cigar box are instantly attacked by a group of 9 assailants that appear out of nowhere
(treat as DEX 18, HP 20, Unarmed Attack 55%, damage, 1D4+2 HP). Trying to get a look at their
attackers (or beating them) causes the Agent 1D4/1D6 SAN unnatural — they appear to be recently
dead hospital patients.
∆ BERITH (Charles K. Werner, Caucasian male, 83 YOA): The Agent is met by a long limousine.
Inside is an ancient caucasian man wearing a colostomy bag barely hidden by an antiquated,
striped, bright red bath-robe. Despite his frailty, he is clever and well-spoken and immediately offers
that he’s “full of shit”. If asked, BERITH can provide perfect ID for nearly anything, FBI, NSA,
police. Though the ID is flawless, it is entirely fake. About everything else he lies endlessly; saying
almost anything about anyone with none of it even being remotely true. He seems to take a joy in it.
∆ ASTAROTH (Kevin Mulligan, Caucasian male, 4 YOA): The Agent’s foot is run over by a toddler
wearing fake black angel wings, pushing himself along on a plastic inch-worm on wheels,
mumbling. Those that lean down and listen hear a strange, repeating litany in an unknown tongue
and instantly gain +3% Unnatural, but cannot recall at all what was said (only that it was
disturbing.) Later, if they enter the Whisper Labyrinth, they know the way to the Soul Bottle of any
Agent present with the highest Corruption rating (including themselves.)
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∆ FOCALOR (Victor F. Grande, Hispanic male, 31 YOA): The Agent meets a thin, short man with
curly black hair, dirty glasses, and a permanent squint that follows them around. He carries a copy
of The Russian Warship Recognition Guide, which is marked up heavily with post-its and sharpies.
He eagerly shows the Agent a Russian corvette called the Serpukhov. If asked about forces arrayed
against the Agent (anything from a task force down to an individual), he can list them — even those
unknown to the Agent. He knows names, email, and telephone numbers, locations, motivations. A
day later, making international news, the Serpukhov is lost at sea with all hands (0/1 SAN
∆ VEPAR (Karen McDonald, Caucasian female, 19 YOA): VEPAR is a blonde sorority girl driving a
jeep with a surfboard mounted on it. She’s off to “surf,” even if the location is nowhere near the
ocean. She asks the Agent for a name. If given a name, she says “sure,” and drives off. Whoever the
Agent names falls ill with a disease that takes 3 days, CON test is -40%, and damage is 1D6+1.
This manifests as an unknown illness with fever, headaches, suppurating wounds all over the body,
and, if the victim hits 2 or less HP, permanent blindness.
∆ VUAL (Michele J. Banister, Caucasian female, 61 YOA): VUAL is an old lady with a “can I speak
to your manager?” haircut wearing expensive looking clothing. She approaches the Agent and
opens conversation with, “they told me to tell you you can’t ask about the book.” On anything else,
she answers truthfully, even about future events in single sentence responses of no longer than nine
words each (0/1D4 SAN helplessness). When asked to clarify anything, she smiles and says “no
idea, sorry.” After three questions, she leaves.
∆ CROCELL (Miguel A. Crockell, Hispanic male, 21 YOA): CROCELL is a thin punk, with spiked
green hair and giant combat boots. He stumbles up to the Agent, offers a bottle of liquor, and then
says “I can’t do much, what do you want?” If asked about any non-physical skill (including
Unnatural), he smirks, leans in and says; “lemme tell you something man…” and then suddenly
begins to speak rapidly in a language the Agent does not understand. The next day, the Agent gains
+5% in that skill and knows it.
∆ ALLOCER (Brittany R. Alocer, Caucasian female, 25 YOA): ALLOCER is a young woman dressed
as some sort of medieval adventurer, with, shield, sword, and helm, wearing a badge for a comic
book convention. She sidles up, removes her helmet, leans in to the Agent and whispers, “go, and
age no more.” From that point on, as long as the Agent’s Corruption is 2+, that Agent does not
grow older. She laughs then, waves goodbye, and runs off.
∆ MURMUR (Benjamin Crouch, Caucasian male, 23 YOA): MURMUR arrives flanked by kids on
roller skates blowing kazoos. He appears as a carefully dressed man in Army fatigues (with the
name tag CROUCH). If asked about a deceased person, MURMUR shows the Agent his iPhone,
and plays back a video of the dead party while they were alive. If asked a specific question about a
deceased person, the person in the video appears to somehow answer that question (0/1D4 SAN
helplessness), even if circumstances might normally make that impossible (1/1D6 SAN helplessness.)
single word or phrase to the Agent (such as “dogs,” or, “Stephen King.”) If this word or phrase is
repeated to the named person, all psychological skill rolls are +20% against them for that particular
encounter (this manifests as if they are either pleased with the Agent, or taken aback by the
comment). Otherwise, GREMORY doesn’t like to talk, says she has a boyfriend, and to those who
are too persistent, tells them to fuck off, while showing them a small automatic pistol in her clutch
∆ VAPULA (Michael Vapela, African American male, 31 YOA): VAPULA is a wobbling, drunk,
wedding guest. He’s all smiles and laughs, and is very forthcoming with the Agent. VAPULA is an
expert on mechanics, and understands all things about even the bizarre mechanical creations of Dr.
Barbas. If asked, he can impart this knowledge by tracing a symbol on the right hand of the Agent,
this grants them the ability to shut down one of the other-worldly mechanical creations (like the
Clockwork Baby, the Lion, or the Scribe) for 1D6+2 minutes, no skill roll needed, just a DEXx5 roll
to “hit”. When this ability is used, the Agent just knows how to do it, at the cost fo 1D4 SAN
∆ FLAUROS (Tabitha K. Flauros, African American female, 15 YOA): FLAUROS is a small, shy girl
dressed in overalls and dragging around an overloaded gym bag. When she arrives, she appears
exhausted, and says, “name?” If a name is given, in 1D4 hours, the target is engulfed in flame for 4
turns (even if someone attempts to extinguish it), suffering 1D6 HP per turn. If they survive, the
target is permanently disfigured by burns and suffers 1/1D8 SAN helplessness. When the operator
finds out this has happened, they suffer 1/1D6 SAN unnatural.
∆ DANTALION (James Dantallion, Caucasian male, 30 YOA): DANTALION is a short, fat, bald
man with braces and large, gold rimmed glasses. “Who do you want to be?” he asks. The operator
appears to physically transform into any person they name (1/1D6 SAN unnatural). Cameras,
mirrors and recording devices still see the operators’ old form, and their voice is the same, and they
don’t have any of the targets’ memories, clothing or equipment, but otherwise, they appear identical
to the target named for 1D6+1 hours.
∆ VASSAGO (Emily Vassago, Caucasian female, 12 YOA): A schoolgirl in a uniform, she is always
found sitting out on the street reading a world history text book. The book is called OF HUMAN
NEED and appears to be an otherwise normal text book. If asked about a specific event, she shows
the Agent an entry on it in the book (even if it is in the future) and lets them read it, but does not
give them the book. This either imparts knowledge of what happened at that event (in the past) or
grants a +20% to all rolls made by the Agent if they are at that event in the future. If anyone tries to
take the book, she screams drawing onlookers. If the book is somehow taken, when it is looked at,
each page contains only the text: it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living god, over and
over again.
∆ SITRI (see OPHELIA SITRI on page XX): The Agent receives a phone call from Ophelia Sitri in Las
Vegas (from her home phone number), she sounds distracted and eager to get the phone call over. If
given a name, Sitri says, “done!” and hangs up. If the name was a Bond, that Bond gains +2 and all
ill feelings the Bond might have towards the Agent seem to vanish. If the name was an acquaintance
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that might be sexually attracted to the Agent, they now are, and all social skill rolls towards them to
win their favor are +40%.
∆ IPOS (Craig K. Ipos, Caucasian male, 41 YOA): A small, economic looking man in carefully pressed
clothing, carrying a paper bag full of books. “Name?” he asks. Any name given, he hands over a
book. Each book has a nonsense title like “Barbed Roses” or “Penultimate Sun,” but contains a
chronological account of the named target, moment to moment for the last two weeks down to the
smallest detail (including secret and unnatural events). “10 SEP 2015: ROSE LIGOS slept from
09:09 until 12:20 PM at her home at 1419 DERBY STREET in UXBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS.”
The last entry in the book is “BOOK HANDED OFF” followed by the Yellow Sign (0/1D4 SAN
helplessness). The accuracy of the information is startling and costs 0/1D4 SAN unnatural when it
proves to be true.
∆ GAAP (Lily G. Stanley, Asian American female, 44 YOA): A somber, conservatively dressed woman
whose age is difficult to place. “Fact?” she asks the Agent, jotting down whatever is said in a small
notebook. Then, “Name?” If the Agent gives a name and a fact (a location, a name, or any discrete
information) GAAP removes knowledge of that information from the named target’s mind
permanently when they next wake from sleep. She does this by burning the paper. It can be done to
the Agent in question, and costs the target 1D4 SAN unnatural. For example, an Agent might say
“Agent Evelyn and the King in Yellow,” and Agent Evelyn would wake the next day with no
knowledge of the King in Yellow. It does not remove Corruption or SAN loss from knowing the
“fact” however, but it does remove skills gained by knowing it, including Unnatural and Occult
bonuses (this does not restore reduced SAN).
∆ STOLAS (Jessie Klingler, Caucasian male, 59 YOA): STOLAS is an older man in a windbreaker
wearing a cardboard crown from some sort of fast food restaurant. He calls the Agent by their real
name and hands them a shaving kit from inside his jacket. In the kit is a phial with a live gold bug
and ten pods of Melonia. He then runs away, disappearing around the first corner he takes.
∆ SEERE (See THE SATELLITE PHONE on page XX): If the Agents are in possession fo the Satellite
Phone and call on SEERE, the phone suddenly rings. The voice on the other end performs all
actions normally as per the description. If they do not have the Satellite Phone, or have destroyed it,
they instead find ANOTHER identical Satellite Phone in a trash can, or discarded on the street
which operates normally.
∆ GAMIGIN (see ESTHER SAMIGINA on page xx): The Agents receive a phone call from Esther
Samigina (from her home phone number) who says only, “I can tell you how they died,” she
enunciates, very clearly, as if being prompted. Any name of someone who is dead is responded to
with their name, cause of death, location and time of death. This even works on those whose
whereabouts are unknown. Once it is confirmed, it costs 0/1D4 SAN unnatural. Then she hangs up
∆ AAMON (Ronald Aamon Lewis, Caucasian male, 24 YOA): AAMON is an affable, obviously high
young man smoking a pipe. He offers the Agent a pull on the pipe. “Tell me your problems,
man…” he asks. If the Agent lists an interpersonal conflict with another party (this cannot be
outright hatred, or desire to kill, but could be legal investigation, or suspicion,) AAMON laughs
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and says “poof, let that shit go, man.” He only does this once. The next time the Agent meets that
other party, they are amicable; almost absurdly so, and agree to nearly anything except something
which might bring harm to them, an innocent, or their career.
∆ LEJARE (Sherry Lejare, Caucasian female, 22 YOA): LEJARE is young woman with dark hair
carrying a newly bought, still boxed, expensive-looking longbow. She fumbles with the box, and
several bags with archery supplies in them and tells the Agent to “write the name down,” on a
receipt. Anyone written down on the sheet becomes inordinately angry with the Agent the next time
they meet, overreacting over some little thing. This anger lasts for the encounter, until they see the
Agent again. This anger is wholly without merit, and can cause that party to be reprimanded, fired,
or investigated.
∆ NABERIUS (Reginald Naberus, African American male, 56 YOA): A man that is obviously some
sort of law enforcement professional, he muscles in and non-verbally leads the Agent to somewhere
they can sit down. He eats a sandwich from his pocket and raises his eyebrows to the Agent,
wagging his finger in a “go on” gesture. Whatever person they indicate to NABERIUS is placed on
suspension, brought up in an internal investigation, or placed on leave for 1D20+2 days; at the end
of that time, all reverts to normal. The moment a name is said, he gets up, meets an idling vehicle
driven by someone the Agent can’t see, and drives off.
∆ RONOVÉ (Ramon J. Hewitt, Hispanic male, 41 YOA): A man with a severe limp that comes up to
the Agent, leans on their shoulder, exhausted. When he catches his breath, he says, ”el idioma?” If
an Agent says the name of a language they don’t yet know, they gain +5% in it, instantly (0/1 SAN
unnatural). The man then limps away, gathering a dozen or more bystanders who appeared to not
know him in a group, and they walk off together, holding hands.
∆ MARCHOSIAS (Joseph M. Lane, Hispanic male, 30 YOA): A tall, thin man in black clothing
holding a kite. He approaches the Agent and says something, briefly to them that is barely audible
as he passes. The Agent is struck by paralysis for a moment as MARCHOSIAS leaves (0/1 SAN
unnatural), but their Willpower is restored to full and remains there for 48 hours no matter what
they do.
∆ PHENEX (Charlotte Aguilar, Caucasian female, 32 YOA): A short woman with a bad skin
condition, carrying luggage from the airport. She walks over to the Agent and asks “which lock?” If
the Agent knows of a locked door and describes it to her (even something as simple as “the red
door” or “the door in the basement”) the next time the Agent is there, that lock is open, or unlocks
when the Agent touches it (0/1 SAN unnatural). When the Agent lists a lock, she repeats what the
Agent says, closing her eyes, and then nodding, leaves.
∆ SABNOCK (Harold Johnson, Caucasian male, 29 YOA): A pudgy man driving around in a pickup
truck. In the back, he has three long gun hard cases. Any weapon that could fit in a rifle case, he
has, and gives to the Agent if they ask. These weapons have no serial numbers and are on no
registry. “Ammo isn’t included, my man,” he says, before peeling out.
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∆ SHAX (Patsy B. Shax, Caucasian female, 28 YOA): A motherly type, she pushes a double-stroller,
wears spandex and keeps a brisk near-running pace. As she passes the Agent, she says “come on,”
and keeps walking fast. She says “just one, OK?” The next name the Agent says is struck mute for
1D20+4 days (this costs 1/1D6 SAN helplessness for the target and 0/1D4 SAN unnatural for the
∆ ORAIS (Walker O. Savell, Caucasian male, 51 YOA): An older man with long, 1970s hair, dressed
in a seersucker suit, carrying a battered briefcase. “What type of degree?” he whispers, with a
strong lisp. “What school?” Any degree listed, he opens the briefcase and presents a diploma made
out in the Agent’s name for the degree at the school with dates that line up with the Agent’s history
(0/1 SAN unnatural). If a background check is run, it’s official, as far as the computers are
concerned, the Agent attended that school and received that degree (0/1D4 SAN unnatural).
∆ ANDRAS (Sasha Andras, Caucasian male, 49 YOA): An older, androgynous looking man with very
long grey hair, wearing a tie-dye shirt, Birkenstocks, and black pants. He sidles up the Agent and
hands them a quarter and says “nine hours” and walks off. Whoever is holding that quarter in nine
hours — the next time they are outside — they are struck by a bolt of lightning (even in a clear sky),
suffering a Lethality 15% attack (0/1D4 SAN unnatural to witness).
∆ KIMARIS (Huan Jen, Asian American male, 33 YOA): A UPS driver off the clock, he walks up
uncomfortably close to the Agent and says something in a language they don’t understand. If the
Agent tries to talk to him, eventually he becomes exasperated and leaves. The next academic task
that requires a skill roll from the Agent is treated as a critical success.
∆ DECARABIA (Mildred Decarabia, Hispanic female, 44 YOA): A thin woman carrying a basket of
fresh vegetables that approaches the Agent and begins to unload vegetables into their hands. Inside
each vegetable, embedded without seam is a cured note written on waxed paper. Each note reveals a
secret about another Agent in the group in the Agent’s handwriting (0/1D4 SAN unnatural).
∆ FURFUR (Sheryl W. Hunter, Caucasian female, 12 YOA): A little girl with a violin case that
unfolds a rug, opens her case, and plays her violin for tips. The rug is a mandala and in the center is
a triangle, which she stands to the side of. If asked questions, she never stops playing, but tells
compelling, wholly false stories to answer those questions. If asked to step inside the triangle, she
does so, visibly shaken, stops playing and says anything she says outside it was a lie. She then
answers 4 questions perfectly and truthfully with absolute knowledge (0/1D4 SAN unnatural).
∆ MALTHUS (Marie J. Malthius, Hispanic female, 49 YOA): A well-dressed real estate agent
wearing a REMAX company blazer, holding a clipboard, and driving a 2014 BMW, she honks for
the Agent to join her. After a short drive, she hands the Agent a set of keys marked DO NOT
COPY and points at a tiny, seemingly abandoned house with a knocked down REMAX sign out
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front. Inside the house are fifty thousand rounds for various makes and models of firearms, stacked
wall to wall, all covered in dust.
∆ RAUM (Rita R. Downing, Caucasian female, 51 YOA): A strange red headed woman in baggy
clothing with mud on her shoes. She has scars on her cheeks and under each eye which appear
deliberate. She walks up to the Agent and asks, “full name?” If the Agent gives a false name, she
says “liar” and walks off. If the Agent gives their full, true name, she nods and leaves. The next
night, the Agent is visited by the Clockwork child with an invitation for them to the masquerade in
∆ BIFRONS (Angel Biffron, Caucasian female, 22 YOA): An attractive woman who runs up to the
Agent calling them by their real name and kissing their cheek. She leans in, whispering “who is it
and where do you want them?” If the Agent names a dead person, that person’s corpse turns up in
the location listed, even if that corpse was cremated, is lost or missing, (0/1D4 SAN unnatural) and
without disturbing their grave or the arrival location (for instance, the body could show up inside a
locked house). After this she says, “I’ll see you soon,” and enters the nearest door, vanishing.
∆ ANDROMALIUS (Desmond Stuart, Caucasian male, 48 YOA): A husky cop dressed for the street
shows up in a police cruiser. He hops out and asks the Agent to explain the theft and takes
extensive notes. If the Agent tells him about any item or person taken from them, within 24 hours
they receive a phone call from ANDROMALIUS and he rattles off a name and address where the
offending party that instituted the crime can be found. This information is always correct (0/1D4
SAN unnatural).
∆ FURCAS (Louis F. Gavon, Caucasian male, 61 YOA): A giant, muscular hippy with long white hair
and a beard, wearing a tie-dye t-shirt, parachute pants, and flip-flops. He sidles up to the Agent and
says “firearm?” holding out his hands. Any gun placed in his hands inflicts maximum HP damage
per shot until it is reloaded whereupon it returns to normal. If a gun with no bullets in it is handed
to him, he laughs and hands it back saying “can’t help you, man.”
∆ MARBAS (see DR. ELIAS BARBAS on page XX): Dr. Barbas calls the Agent back from his home
telephone number (either at their hotel or on a private line). When he gets their attention, he says
“ok?” and if they respond in the affirmative, he says a single word the Agent cannot remember. The
Agent is overcome with nausea and vertigo, loses half their Willpower, but now has an inherent
understanding of Carcosan clockwork. Treat this as a new skill at 35% and they know they have it
(0/1D4 SAN unnatural). By the time they recover and return to the phone, Barbas has hung up.
∆ BOTIS (Ricky B. Voegele, Hispanic male, 28 YOA): A young looking man in surgical scrubs
smoking a cigarette. He walks up to the Agent and begins checking their vitals, looking in their eyes
and ears, etc. If stopped, he shrugs and leaves. If permitted to continue and if the Agent has some
sort of lasting physical ailment, when they wake the next morning, that condition is healed (0/1D4
SAN unnatural) — even if it is a permanent genetic condition…cerebral palsy, born without a limb,
etc (1/1D6 SAN unnatural).
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∆ MORAX (Darlene R. Payne, Caucasian female, 54 YOA): A strange, somber woman wearing the
outfit of a Walmart employee. She comes up to the Agent, turns, and considers the world while
smoking a cigarette. If interacted with in any way, she asks, “how long, one, two or three?” If the
Agent answers one two or three, the next time the Agent is in combat, they are capable of taking an
extra 1, 2 or 3 actions on their first turn.
∆ GLASYA (Deanna R. Taylor, Asian American female, 15 YOA): A young woman walking a
bulldog at night, she walks up to the Agent and the dog sniffs around their feet. “Name?” she asks.
If the name given is of someone who was injured or attacked, GLASYA lists the name and current
location of the perpetrator (this knowledge is absolute and perfect 0/1D4 SAN unnatural), says
“have a good night,” and leaves.
∆ FORAS (see DR. RICHARD FORAS DALLAN on page XX): Dr. Dallan calls the Agent “returning
their call,” he seems distracted and confused. He asks them to come by Dorchester House that
evening, “I’ll be in my office, I’ll so you my rock collection.”
∆ MALPHAS (Patricia McSwain, Caucasian male, 29 YOA): A blond man in a Jaguar that pulls up
next to the Agent. On the passenger’s seat are a bunch of key-sets, each with an address label on
them in the same, precise hand. MALPHAS digs through this pile and offers a key to the Agent,
then drives off. Each location is a small house, not occupied, with power and water, in an isolated
locale. It is quite safe as a safe house. Each house have the seal of MALPHAS carved on the floor or
on the wall.
∆ HAAGENTI (Tina Kiser, Asian American female 9 YOA): A small girl in a Girl Scout outfit
wearing gloves, she comes up to the Agent and holds up a hand with a dime in it. She removes a
glove, palms the dime and reveals it — it is now solid gold (0/1D4 SAN unnatural). She takes a
single hand-held metal item she can conceal in her closed hands, and reveals it to now be made of
solid gold, then, she’ll re-glove and leave. Such items might generate $3000 to $9000 dollars each.
∆ CAMIO (Allan B. Williams, Caucasian male, 40 YOA): A lawyer wearing a cheap suit stained with
mustard. He goes up to the Agent and says, “oh, you…ok. What?” If the Agent discusses any legal
problem, investigation, or suit laid against the Agent, CAMIO digs through his briefcase and gives
them a file. This file stops the suit for various reasons; a mistrial, evidence that reveals innocence,
etc. He then sighs heavily, and leaves.
∆ OSE (Randall O. Jewell, Caucasian male, 52 YOA): A man in a security guard’s outfit with sweat-
stains under the arms comes around the corner and walks up to the Agent and says, “OK, who gets
the treatment?” If an Agent tells him a name, that person meets the King in Yellow that evening in
their dreams, without the mask and suffers 1D10/1D100 SAN unnatural. If they hit 0 SAN, they
believe they are the King in Yellow.
∆ AVNAS (Jason G. Oglesby, Caucasian male, 31 YOA): A tired-looking man who is perhaps a
businessman, he walks up to the Agent and takes their hand, leading them to a nearby chess table. If
refused, he walks off. If they sit, he says “I need the full name.” Any name given, that person gains
the Disorder: Paranoia about some appropriate subject.
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∆ VALAC (Natalie Valac, Caucasian female, 23 YOA): A beautiful smiling woman she walks up to
the Agent and rubs their shoulders and runs her hands up and down their arms, laughs, and then
leaves. The next time the Agent is engaged in hand-to-hand combat, their opponent suddenly recoils
in horror, losing 1D6 turns of actions, and granting the Agent +40% to the attack during that time.
That opponent appears to be fighting off invisible snakes (0/1 SAN unnatural).
Those who read Pseudomonarchia Daemonum notice that “Marbas” from Ars Goetia is called “Barbas”
instead, and other names of characters the Agents might encounter during the operations are there as well,
Sitri, Foras, Samigina and Seere. This costs 0/1 SAN helplessness.
The larger volume that Pseudomonarchia Daemonum is a part of; De Praestigiis Daemonum is a significant
work for one reason. In it, Johann Weyer argues that though demons do exist, witchcraft does not, and
those accused of witchcraft are suffering from mental illness. Demons act in the world, drawn by the sin of
man, and by the operation of the mind, but the method of that operation is an illness and not a conscious
sin. Belief, fueled by mental illness, grants demons entry to our world. Four hours of reading grants the
reader Occult +3%.
Those who read the description of the demon Marbas/Barbas and compare it to what they might have
learned about Dr. Barbas draws disturbing parallels that transcend coincidence. Barbas the demon is a
president, and Dr. Barbas is the President of National Association of Police Organizations. Barbas the
demon governs thirty-six legions of demons, Dr. Barbas oversaw 36 employees in forensics. Barbas the
demon “answers truly on hidden or secret things”, Dr. Barbas was a forensic examiner whose job it was to
uncover secrets in crimes. Agents who realize any of this on their own suffer 0/1D4 SAN helplessness.