(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering) Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi – 110 042, India ========================================================================
Consequent upon the evaluation of the thesis submitted by the candidate(s) as
per details given below for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) of the Delhi Technological University on the topic as mentioned against his/her name and after his/her viva-voce examinations, he/she/they has/have been found qualified for the Award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).
Department of Mechanical Engineering
S.No. Roll. No. Name of Name of Discipline Date of Viva Name of
Student – Voce Supervisor/Co- Student Supervisor(s) (In Hindi) Examination
1. 2K16/PHDME/17 Sunil सुनील कु मार Mechanical 1st October, Prof. B. B. Arora
Kumar गु ा Engineering 2024 & Gupta Prof. Akhilesh Arora Title in English: Title in Hindi: Title of Ph.D. Thesis Thermoeconomic थम एकनॉिमक एनािलिसस ऑफ़ रे ि जरे शन िस म Analysis of Refrigeration System
In-charge (Results) Controller of Examination
Dated: 25.10.2024 No. DTU/Results/Ph D./2024/670
Delhi Technological University
(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering) Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi – 110 042, India ========================================================================
Consequent upon the evaluation of the thesis submitted by the candidate(s) as
per details given below for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) of the Delhi Technological University on the topic as mentioned against his/her name and after his/her viva-voce examinations, he/she/they has/have been found qualified for the Award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).
Department of Mechanical Engineering
S.No. Roll. No. Name of Name of Discipline Date of Viva Name of
Student – Voce Supervisor/Co- Student Supervisor(s) (In Hindi) Examination
1. 2K18/PHDME/517 Mohit मोिहत Mechanical 21st October, Prof. Qasim Mutaza
Vishnoi िव नोई Engineering 2024 & Dr. Paras Kumar Title in English: Title in Hindi: Title of Ph.D. Thesis Tribological and टाइबोलोिजकल एं ड मैकेिनकल िबहे िवयर ऑफ़ रे यर अथ डो ड Mechanical Behavior क ोिजट कोिटं ग बॉय थमल ेइंग of Rare Earth Doped Composite Coating by Thermal Spraying
In-charge (Results) Controller of Examination
Dated: 25.10.2024 No. DTU/Results/Ph D./2024/671
Delhi Technological University
(Formerly Delhi College of Engineering) Shahbad Daulatpur, Bawana Road, Delhi – 110 042, India ========================================================================
Consequent upon the evaluation of the thesis submitted by the candidate(s) as
per details given below for the award of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) of the Delhi Technological University on the topic as mentioned against his/her name and after his/her viva-voce examinations, he/she/they has/have been found qualified for the Award of Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.).
Department of Bio-Technology
S.No. Roll. No. Name of Name of Discipline Date of Viva Name of
Student – Voce Supervisor/Co- Student Supervisor(s) (In Hindi) Examination
1. 2K19/PHDBT/05 Priya ि या Bio-Technology 16th October, Prof. Jai Gopal
2024 Sharma & Prof. Bhoopander Giri, Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi Title in English: Title in Hindi: Title of Ph.D. Thesis Process Optimization ोसेस ऑि माइजेशन फॉर द ोड न ऑफ माइ ोिबयल for the Production of फाइटे स एं ड इटस ए ीकेशन इन फीड इं ड ी Microbial Phytase and its Application in Feed Industry