Spell-Cards-Cleric 1
Spell-Cards-Cleric 1
Spell-Cards-Cleric 1
1 Action Self 1 Bonus Action 60 feet 1 Action 120 feet 1 Action 30 feet
Burning radiance erupts from you in A shimmering field surrounds a You hurl a bolt of light toward a Up to three creatures of your
a 5-foot Emanation. Each creature creature of your choice within creature within range. Make a choice that you can see within
of your choice that you can see in it range, granting it a +2 bonus to ranged spell attack against the range must each make a
must succeed on a Constitution AC for the duration. target. On a hit, it takes 4d6 Charisma saving throw.
saving throw or take 1d6 Radiant Radiant damage, and the next Whenever a target that fails
damage. attack roll made against it this save makes an attack roll
before the end of your next or a saving throw before the
Cantrip Upgrade. The damage turn has Advantage. spell ends, the target must
increases by 1d6 when you reach subtract 1d4 from the attack
levels 5 (2d6), 11 (3d6), and 17 roll or save.
Cleric Cantrip Evocation Cleric 1st Level Abjuration Cleric Cantrip Evocation Cleric Cantrip Enchantment
Detect Magic Protection From Evil and Good Cure Wounds Sanctuary