DLL - English 5 - Q2 - W7

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DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: NOVEMBER 11 – 15, 2024 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrates understanding that Demonstrates understanding that Demonstrates understanding of Demonstrates command of the Demonstrates
words are composed of different parts reading a wide range of texts the of library skills to research a conventions of standard command of the
to know that their meaning changes provides pleasure and avenue for variety of topics English grammar and usage conventions of
depending in context self – expression and personal when speaking or writing standard English
development grammar and usage
when speaking or
B.Performance Standards Uses strategies to decode correctly the Uses literal information from texts Utilizes various sources (online Uses the correct degrees of Uses the correct
meaning of words in isolation and in to make generalizations resources) to gather relevant adjectives in general and their degrees of adjectives
context information functions in various discourse in general and their
(oral and written) functions in various
discourse (oral and
C.Learning Identify different meanings of content A. Read aloud literary texts Gather relevant information from 1. Compose clear and coherent 1. Compose clear and
Competencies/Objectives specific words (denotation and with appropriate facial various sources – online sentences using appropriate coherent sentences
connotation) (Health) expressions and self– correct when references grammatical structures: using appropriate
CG EN5V-Iig-20.1.3,EN5V-Iig-20.2.3 necessary Show willingness and enthusiasm -degrees of adjectives(regular grammatical
2. Make generalizations in reading and listening to adjectives) structures:
3. Show willingness and enthusiasm literary texts 2. Pronounce words in the - degrees of
in reading and EN5SS-Iig-1.7 story correctly adjectives(irregular
listening to literary texts 3. Show willingness and adjectives)
EN5RC-Iig-2.12 enthusiasm in reading and 2. Pronounce words in
listening of literary texts the story correctly
EN5G-Iig-5.2 3. Show willingness
and enthusiasm in
reading and listening
to literary texts
II.CONTENT Denotation and Connotation (Health Generalizations Study Strategy Research Degrees of Adjectives
1.Teacher’s Guide pages CG p. CG. P. CG p. CG p. CG p.
Lesson Guide in English 5 Revised Lesson Guide in English 5 pp.178- Lesson Guide in English Lesson Guide in
Edition pp. 140-141 181 5,pp.190-193 English 5,pp.190-193
2.Learners’s Materials pages
3.Textbook pages English for All Times Language English for All Times
5,188-197 pp. 188-197
Fun in English
Language 5 p.164
4.Additional materials from http://grammar.about.com/od/words/ https:// https://www.google.com.ph/ www.lousywriter.com
learning resource (LR) portal a/Denotation-And- Connotation- mscregier.wikispaces.com/ webhp?source /
Exercise_2.htm Making+Generalizations http://www.importantindia.com/ adjectives_irregular.p
19771/essay-on-advantages-and- hp)
B.Other Learning Resource Chart or tarpapel, pictures Charts, pictures, Laptop, tarpapel, chart, handouts, activity sheets pictures, charts, Activity pictures, charts,
Activity Sheets Sheets, laptop, flashcard Activity Sheets,
Computer / Laptop with internet laptop, flashcard
A.Reviewing previous lesson or 1. Reviewing previous lesson A. Presenting new Reviewing previous 1.Vocabulary development A. Reviewing Previous
presenting the new lesson What is the difference between lesson(Drill) lesson/Presenting new lesson Game: What‟s the Word! lesson/ Presenting
denotation and connotation? Who among you have seen a Unlocking of difficulties That‟s the Word! new lesson
2. Drill dolphin? Give the correct word by analyzing Arrange the following jumbled 1. Review the lesson
Answer the following questions. Give some characteristics of a the meaning of the sentence . letters to form the correct about the degrees of
A. Which connotation is more dolphin. A. An electronic apparatus word comparison? 2.
positive? Why? (Answers should be written on the for analyzing or storing Be guided with the following Checking of
DAY 1 board.) data clues. Assignment
Vocabulary DAY 3 DAY 4 B. Establishing a
Development Study Strategy Grammar purpose for the lesson
A. FUCONSED- another word
Our trip to amusement park A. wedge B. computer C. pulley for disorient
is_________. 2. A computer–based global B. ESTWILD – synonymous with
( fine – wonderful) information system the word harshest
b. Which connotation is more negative? A. reading B. recycling C. internet C. LANDIS – somewhat similar
Why? 3. The term ______ refers to the to the word landmass
We bought __________ souvenirs at communication between a D. TERHORS – opposite of the
the amusement park. residence word taller
( cheap – inexpensive) or a business and an Internet Original File Submitted and
Service Provider (ISP) that Formatted by DepEd Club
connects Member – visit depedclub.com
to the internet. for more
A. Internet access B. Airlines C.
B.Establishing a purpose for the Motivation:Show picture of a Show picture of google. Who among you have seen a Grammar
lesson dolphin A. For those schools with tamaraw?
computers and internet How are you going to describe Motivation
connection: this kind of animal? Are you familiar with
Visit the computer room. The Today ,you are going to listen animals? Name some
teacher opens the computer. to a selection about a tamaraw domesticated animals
Show some parts of the computer which is always confused with that you know.
like the onesoft word, onesoft a carabao. Now, what other Describe each animal.
What can you see in the picture?
excel and google. things would you like to find Use the semantic web
What can you get from eating
2. For those schools without out in this selection? below as your guide.
vegetables? (Nutrient)
computers: Semantic Webbing
(Use a word map to list the words
Class, what can you say about a Present a picture/ illustration of a
related to the word nutrient)
dolphin? computer
Do you think they are worth Present a picture/ illustration of a
befriending and worth playing computer
with? Ask the pupils about the picture
How do they look like? and its function
C.Presenting Examples/ instances Nutrients are components in foods that Dolphins The Internet The Tamaraw The tamaraw is Silent reading:
of the new lesson an organism uses to survive and grow. Do you know what a dolphin is? A The Internet is computer–based the largest mammal native to Direction: Read the
Macronutrients provide the bulk energy dolphin looks like a very large fish, global information system. the Philippines and also has the paragraph and answer
an organism’s metabolic system needs but it is not a fish. It does not have The Internet is composed of many distinction of being one of the the questions below.
to function while micronutrients scales like a fish. It does not interconnected computer rarest mammals in existence. It Do you love animals?
provide the necessary cofactors for breathe through gills. It breathes networks. Each network may link is a small buffalo that Like human beings,
metabolism to be carried out. Both through a hole on top of its head. tens, hundreds, or even thousands resembles the Asiatic water animals deserve to be
types of nutrients can be acquired from Some fish are cold when you touch of computers, enabling them to buffalo (Bubalus mindorensis) cared for. There are
the environment. Micronutrients are them but dolphins are warm. share information with one in many ways except size animals that enjoy the
used to build and repair tissues and to A dolphin is a mammal. Like the another and to share Tamaraw is always confused most care and there
regulate body processes whale, it is a mammal that only computational resources such as with carabao. It looks like a are those that enjoy
whilemacronutrients are converted to, lives in water. It cannot live out of powerful supercomputers and carabao. It has a big body. It is the least or none at
and used for energy. Nutrients are the water. It can swim under water databases of information. The smaller than a carabao.The all.
chemical substances present in foods for a long time. It comes to the Internet has made it possible for tamaraw‟s horn grows faster Animal favorites
that keep the body healthy, supply surface only to breathe. The people all over the world to than the carabao. The include cats, dogs,
materials for growth and repair of dolphin is also special in another communicate with one another tamaraw‟s tail is shorter than birds, rabbits and
tissues, and provide energy for work way. It is very smart and friendly. It effectively and inexpensively. the carabao. Tamaraw is ducks. All these make
and physical activities. can perform tricks and is always Unlike traditional broadcasting considered as the wildest good pets. Some
The major nutrients include the very playful. Except for human media, such as radio and animal among its family prefer cats because
macronutrients namely proteins, beings, the dolphin is the most television, the Internet does not kingdom. We can find this fat they know that cats
carbohydrates, and fats; micronutrients intelligent mammal. have a centralized distribution animal in the rich island of can survive by
vitamins such as A, D, E, and K; the B system. Instead, an individual who Mindoro. It has a robust body themselves and
complex, and Vitamin C. Minerals are has Internet access can with dark brown to greyish- therefore need less
calcium, iron, iodine, zinc, fluoride, and communicate directly with anyone black hair and short, stocky attention. Dogs on the
water else on the Internet, make leg . Stout, powerful horns, other hand, are said to
information available to others, measuring up to 51 be everybody‟s choice
find information provided by centimetres, grow in a „V‟ when it comes to
others, or sell products with a shape from the forehead, have being a best friend.
minimum overhead cost. a triangular cross-section and Animals are
Government use the Internet for are covered with coarse components of this
internal communication, grooves. changing world. We
distribution of information need to care for them
automated tax processing. Many and protect them for a
individuals use the Internet for better and brighter
communicating through electronic future
mail (e- mail).
Businesses and institutions use the
Internet for voice
and video conferencing and other
forms of communication that
enable people to telecommute
(work away from the office using a
The term Internet access refers to
the communication
between a residence or a business
and an ISP that connects to the
Internet. Access falls into two
broad categories: dedicated and
Thus, a DSL Internet connection
can send data over a pair of wires
at the same time the wires are
being used for a telephone call,
and cable modems can send data
over a cable at the same time the
cable is being used to receive
television signals. The user usually
pays a fixed monthly fee for a
dedicated connection. In
exchange, the company providing
theonection agrees to relay data
The receiving side converts the
tones back into digital values.
Unlike dedicated access
technologies, a dial-up modem
does not use separate frequencies,
so the telephone line cannot be
used for regular telephone calls at
the same time a dial-up modem is
sending data.
Comer, Douglas E. “Internet.”
Microsoft® Encarta® 2006 [CD].
Redmond, WA:
Microsoft Corporation, 2005.

D.Discussing new concepts and Comprehension questions. Comprehension questions Answering the following 1. Answering the motive 1.Comprehension
practicing new skills #1 a. What does the paragraph tell about 1. Why is dolphin not a fish? questions: question Check Up
nutrients? 2. How does it look like? 1. What is the internet? The web? 2. Comprehension Check-Up a. What animals were
b. What are contained in the food 3. Differentiate mammals and fish. 2. What is the difference between a. Based on the paragraph, mentioned in the
nutrients? 4. Why is dolphin a friendly the Web and the Internet? what can you say about story?
c. What are macronutrients? Where can mammal? 3. What are the uses or tamaraw? b. How are they being
we get them? 5. What is true about dolphins? importance of the Internet? To which animal is tamaraw cared for?
d. What are micronutrients? Where do When you read, you may see ideas  The internet is composed of always confused with? c. How were the cats
you find them? about groups of people, animals, or interconnected computer b. Why is it always compared compared to the other
e. Why are these nutrients needed by things. networks based globally that with the carabao? animals?
the body? What you read and what you transmits data. c. Are you also confused with Name some adjectives
already know helps you to make a  The web is the collection of these two animals? Why? Why used in the paragraph
general statement about a group. documents provided by the not? that show
This is called a Generalization internet. d. If you are one of the animal comparison. How are
A generalization is a broad  The internet is the computer lovers, how are you going to they called?
statement about a group of people based-global information system maintain the safety of this kind
or things.It states something they while the web is a collection of of animals? Let‟s analyze the
have in common information and therefore it is just e. How are you going to show adjectives used based
a part of the internet. your love and care to these on the chart below.
 The Internet makes it possible animals? In what degree of
for people all over the world to 3. Engagement Activities comparison is most?
communicate with one another Posted on each corner are the Good? Less? Best?
effectively and inexpensively any different activities for the When do we say that
time of the day. groups. They will choose the comparison is in the
 The Internet access can make corner that they like best. positive,
information available to others, TEAM “SKETCH ME” comparative and
find information provided by Draw pictures of carabao and superlative degrees?
others, or sell products with a tamaraw.Tell something about
minimum overhead cost. your drawing.
 It is a good source of information TEAM RAPPER
for research work. Create a rap or jingle about
taking care of the different wild
Make a poem about a tamaraw
as described in the selection
List down 5-10 ways of taking
care of different animals.
4. Presentation of the outputs
5. Assessing the pupils‟
performance or the group
output using rubric.
E. Discussing new concepts and 1.What is the denotation of nutrients A. Now, let us read and With your answers to the previous 1. Why is it said that the Underline the correct
practicing new skills #2 based on the paragraph? analyze the following questions, write a paragraph on: tamaraw looks like a carabao? adjective in
Nutrients are chemical substances sentences. The Importance of Communication 2. How is it compared to a parenthesis.
present in foods that keep the body All dogs are kept as our pets. to Man carabao? 1) Jordan has the
healthy, supply materials for growth All dogs have four legs. 3. What can you say about the (little, least, less)
and repair of tissues, and provide What is true about all dogs? horn of the tamaraw compared number of absences
energy for work and physical activities. 2. Some dogs are even kept in the to carabao? among his classmates.
Denotation refers to the literal meaning pocket. 402 2) She has saved
of a word, the “dictionary definition” Some dogs can also be used to 4. Compare the tails of the (much, more, most)
2. What are the connotations can you locate criminals tamaraw and carabao. money in the bank.
attached to the word nutrient? Some dogs are tamed to tend 5. What can you say about the 3) My ratings in the
(Food, drink, nutrition, nourishment, sheep. tamaraw among its kingdom? card are(good, better,
energy etc) Which is true about some dogs? The teacher will write the best) now than
Connotation– refers to the implied or Notice the underlined words. Those answers of the pupils on the before.
suggestive meaning of the word. words signal or give us clues to board for further discussion. Least
Refers to the associations that are recognize generalizations. Other 1. Tamaraw has a big body. 4) Yesterday‟s
connected to certain word or the clue words are the ff: 2. Tamaraw is smaller than a typhoon was the (bad,
emotional suggestions related to that – Sometimes – Always carabao. worse, worst) I have
word. – Never – All 3. The tamaraw‟s horn grows seen in years.
Snake: – Most – Generally faster than the carabao. 5) Rosa collected
Denotation: scaly, legless reptile – Many – None 4. The tamaraw‟s tail is shorter (many, more, most)
Connotation: dangerous, evil, disloyal – Seldom than the carabao. specimen than you
person Examples: 5. The tamaraw is the wildest did.
383 – All birds have wings. animal among its kingdom.
Mother – Many children eat cereal for  In the first sentence, what is
Denotation : female parent breakfast. the adjective used?
Connotation: love and respect, security – Everyone in Laguna goes to the  Is there a comparison made?
and warmth beach for the summer. If there is no comparison
The connotation of a word is often Some generalizations are valid or made, what degree of adjective
either positive or negative true, but some are faulty or invalid. is used?Positive Degree
What does it mean for a word to have a Valid means true  How about in sentence no.2,
positive connotation?  Supported by facts no.3,no.4, What are the
(To be associated with something good.)  Agrees with what you know about adjectives used?
What does it mean for a word to have a the topic  How many are being
negative connotation?  Uses logic and reasoning compared?
(To be associated with something bad.) – Proven with several examples  What syllable is added to
Example: one- syllable regular adjective?
All birds have wings. Er-
Faulty means false.  What degree of adjective is
– Not supported by facts used when comparing two
Watch for key words: none, all, persons or things?
always, never, nobody Comparative Degree
Example:  How about in sentence no. 5?
Everyone goes to the beach in the How many are being
summer. compared?
What adjective is used in
comparing two or more
What syllable is added to one-
syllable regular adjective in
comparing three or more
animals? Est-
What degree of comparison is
used when there are three or
more nouns being compared?
Superlative Degree
Set B.
1. Ana is beautiful.
2. Delia is more beautiful than
3. Krissa is the most beautiful
among the girls.
a.What adjective is used to
describe Ana?
How many syllables does the
word beautiful have?
Is Ana being compared to
anybody? What degree of
adjective is used in sentence
b. Look at sentence no.2, is
there a comparison made?
How do we form the
comparative degree of two or
more syllable adjectives?
c. How about in sentence no.3,
what adjective is used?
How many are being compared
in the sentence?
What words are added to the
adjectives with two or more
syllables when comparing
three or more nouns?
What degree of comparison of
adjective is used?
Set C.
Read the following sentences.
1.Maria is pretty.
2 .Maria is prettier than her
3. She is the prettiest woman in
their town.
Look at the sentences.
In sentence no.1, what word is
used to describe Maria? Is
there a comparison made?
How about in sentence no.2,
what describing word is used?
Is there a comparison made?
How many are being
What degree of comparison is
How do we form the
comparative degree of two
syllable adjectives ending in y?
In sentence no.3, How many
are compared?
What words are used to
compare three or more nouns?
What form of adjective is used?
How do we form the the
superlative degree of two
syllable-adjectives ending in-y?
F.Developing Mastery 1. Guided Practice A. Guided Practice A.Guided Practice A. Guided Practice comparison of each
A. Which connotation is more positive? Read the paragraph. Then answer 1. For schools with computer and 1. Write the comparative and underlined adjective.
Choose the letter of the correct answer. the question. internet access. Group the pupils the superlative degree of the a. Many people enjoy
1. Our trip to the amusement park was A. All birds have wings. But into three. Assign one topic and following adjectives a good game of chess.
_________. not all birds can fly. Birds gather information through the POSITIVE b. Learning how to
( a. fine b. wonderful ) that do not fly are called internet. COMPARATIVE become a better
2.________ people rode on the roller flightless birds. The The pupils present their output in reader is a challenge.
coaster. penguin is one example. It artistic way. c. The worst players
( a. Brave b. Foolhardy ) uses its wings to swim Group 1 ” The Poets” SUPERLATIVE do not concentrate on
3. We saw _________ animals in the underwater. Ostriches and Presents the answer through a 1.bright the game.
animal house. emus flap their wings poem “The Different Festivals in 2.long d. Having a bad dream
( a. fascinating b. weird ) when they want to scare Batangas” 3.kind can be frightening.
B. Which connotation is more negative? an enemy. Rheas use their Group 2 “The Writers” 4.smooth e. Too much rice is not
4. We bought _________ souvenirs at wings like rudders when Presents the answer through 5.hungry good for the body
the amusement park. they are running from an writing “Former Philippine 2. Ask three pupils of different
( a.cheap b. inexpensive) enemy. There is even a Presidents “ heights to stand in front of the
5. I ate a _________ sandwich. kind of small parrot that Group 3 “The Singers” class.
(a. soggy b. moist) climbs trees and then uses Different Divisions in Region IV-A Tell the pupils to think of a
B.Independent Practice its wings to parachute to CALABARZON word that describes their
Direction: Analyze carefully the meaning the ground. 2.For schools without computers: height using the three forms of
of the following words. Tell whether it is What can you say in general about Answer the following questions: adjectives. Create sentences
connotation or denotation. flightless birds? a. What are the uses of the using the words given.
A. She has a blurred vision A. All flightless birds are large. internet/web? B. Independent Practice
because of her diabetes. B. Flightless birds have different b. What are the advantages and Use the correct form of
uses for their wings. disadvantages of using internet? adjectives to complete the
2. The school‟s vision –mission is timely. C. Flightless birds are fast runners. c. How can the internet help you sentences.
3. Hannah has a lovely face. D. The wings of flightless birds are in your school work? a. This is the
4. Be man enough to face the useless. B. Independent Practice (delectable)_____meal I have
consequence of your action. Read the 2. Ants are one of the most The need for the availability of ever tasted.
following sentences. Using a dictionary, widespread insects in the world. communication prompted the b. Maria‟s package is
give the positive and negative Ants are called social insects thinkers to come up with a (heavy)_________than mine.
connotation of each underlined word. A. because they live in colonies made communication system that is the c. For me, the beef stew is
I recognized the familiar smell of my up of other ants. A colony may have Internet. (delicious)______than the
roommate’s cooking. Negative a few dozen or several million ants Answer the following questions. roasted chicken.
connotation: positive connotation: B. living in it. Ants in a colony are 1.How important is d. The vegetables were (fresh
Scrapple is an inexpensive meal. divided into different groups. communication? and crisp).__________
Negative connotation: positive Worker ants look for food and take 2.How often do we communicate?
connotation: C. Kevin’s interest in care of the young. Soldier ants 3.To whom do we communicate?
model cars has turned into a hobby. defend the nest from invaders. The 4. Is it possible to live a single day
Negative connotation: positive queen ant lays eggs. These are the without communicating?
connotation: three main groups in an ant colony. 5.How does it feel to have
What generalization can you make someone to talk to all the time?
about ants based upon your
A. All ants live in large colonies.
B. All ants work to defend the

C. All ants in a colony have a job.

b. Independent Practice
Direction: Group the pupils into
three. Give each group activity to
do. Have a group representative to
present your answer.
Group 1. Write a valid
generalization about products of

Group 2. Make 5 generalizations

about chocolates.
Group 3. Write valid generalizations
about fishes

G.Finding Practical application of Read the following sentences. About 20% of Americans have If you have a computer with an Who do you think would be a DIRECTION: Answer
concepts and skills in daily living Annette was surprised. allergies. Allergies can range from Internet connection, how will you better mayor of your town or the following
Annette was amazed. mildly annoying to deadly. An use it for it to last long? city, a male or a female? questions in complete
Annette was astonished. allergy is an overreaction of a 398 In 3-5 sentences, defend your sentences.
1. What is the general meaning of each person‟s immune system to If your friend or classmate does answer using the three degrees 1.Which ,in your
of the three sentences about Annette? something that is harmless. Many not have Internet access and you of opinion , is the best
2. Do the words surprised, amazed, and people are allergic to dust, pollen, have one and he/she has an comparison. country in Asia?
astonished have approximately the or mold. Some people are allergic assignment that calls for it, what 2. Are there more
same denotation? to certain kinds of food, perfume, will you do problems today than
3. What additional meanings are or medicines. An allergy might there were a
suggested by astonish? Would one be cause sneezing, coughing, or a rash. generation ago?
more likely to be surprised or Sometimes, an allergy is so severe, 3. Name two of your
astonished at seeing a ghost it can lead to death. favorite countries.
What generalization can you make Which one do you like
about allergies based upon your better? Why?
reading? 4.Who do you think is
A. All allergies are deadly. the best person in the
B. Allergies can cause different world? Why?
reactions in different 5. Name two local
people. figures. Who is better?
D. Everyone has allergies Why?
H.Making generalization and Denotation: the dictionary and literal Remember: REMEMBER 1. What are the three degrees Remember:
abstraction about the lesson meaning of a word Connotation :a Generalizations make broad From online resources such as of comparing adjectives? Irregular adjectives
feeling or idea that is suggested by a statements google, yahoo, Encarta and the 2. What is the positive degree have three degrees of
particular word although it need not be • Some are valid, others are faulty. like , we can gather data or of comparison? Comparative comparison namely
a part of the word’s meaning, or • Valid generalizations are relevant information. degree? Superlative degree? positive, comparative
something suggested by an object or supported by facts, examples, and 3. How do we form the and superlative. The
situation logical thinking. [evidence] comparative and superlative comparative and
• Watch out for words like all or degrees of adjectives superlative degrees
never. Remember: are formed by
Adjectives have three degrees changing some letters
of comparison the positive, the or sometimes the
comparative, and the entire spelling of a
superlative. The positive is the word.
simplest form of adjective. The
comparative degree is used to
compare two persons or
things. The superlative degree
is used to compare three or
more persons or things .
When using the regular
adjectives in
comparisons,remember the
1. Adjectives with one
syllable ,form the comparative
and superlative degrees by
adding -er and –est
2. Adjectives with two syllables
ending in –y, change –y to-I
before adding –er or –est.
3. Adjectives with two or more
syllables, form the comparative
and superlative degree by
using more/less and
superlative degree by using
most/ least before the
I.Evaluating learning Read the paragraph below. Replace Read the paragraph then answer Direction:Put a check () inside the A. Describe each pair of objects Use the correct form
underlined words from the box that the following questions. box if the sentence tells about the in the pictures using an of the adjective to
have the same denotation as the Animal Life Spans uses of the Internet and a cross (x) adjective. Then, compare them complete each
underline word but a different Humans can live to be 80, 90 or if not. using comparative degree. sentence.
connotation. Write your answers on the even 100 years old. In a few rare 1. The Internet has made it Example : 1. Michelle is a _____
lines cases, they can live even longer. possible for people all over world The bus is a fast vehicle but an (good) singer.
yelling Most animals, however, have far to communicate with one another airplane is faster than a bus. 2. Babies need the
walk shorter lives than humans. effectively and inexpensively. B. Use the correct form of _____ (many)
scent Here are some maximum life spans 2. We can use the web, Internet to adjective in the parenthesis. attention from their
forced for small animals. A mouse, a look for the answers to our 1. I think Mexican food is mothers.
terrible popular pet rodent, lives for about assignments (delicious). 3. His condition today
Jj was having a sad and unpleasant 3 years. If you get one as pet, don‟t 3. The web, Internet is only used 2. For me, Chinese food is is _____ (bad) than
________day. First he was required plan on having it until you go away by the wealthy people. (delicious) than Mexican food. yesterday.
________to clean his room. Then Jj‟s to college. Guppies, the popular pet 4. Media and entertainment 3. Filipino dishes are the 4. Roy has _____
stroll _________with his dad was fish, live longer. They reach 5 years companies use the Internet for on- (delicious) of all the foods I (many) marbles than
canceled. That meant that he would not in age. Giant spiders can live a line news and weather services have tasted. Leo.
be able to pass by the park‟s flower surprisingly long time as long as 20 and to broadcast audio and video, 5. The weather is
gardens with their lovely smell years. including live radio and television _____ (bad).
__________. And finally, his cousin was What about large animals? Two of programs.
calling out loudly __________. That he the biggest animals have similar life 5. Companies use the Internet for
was going to drive him to soccer spans. The maximum life span of an selling, buying, distributing
practice elephant is 77 years. The maximum products, and providing customer
life span of a blue whale is 80 years. service
Bears are another large animals
that can live for quite a long time.
And how about reptiles? Alligators
can live for more than 70 years.
Turtles can live even longer. Some
species of turtle can reach over 100
years in age.
1. List one generalization you can
find in the passage.
2. List one simple fact you can find
in the passage.
3. Is this generalization supported
by the facts in the passage? Explain
why or why not?
Fish live longer than rodents.

4. In this generalization supported

by the facts in the passage?
Explain why or why not?
No animals can live up to 100 years
5.Make a generalization that is not
too broad based on facts in the
J.additional activities for Directions: Read each of the following Tell if each generalization is valid or 1. Study more about the web, Circle of Comparisons (THINK- Read each sentence
application or remediation sentences. Decide from the context faulty. Internet or have clippings about PAIR-SHARE) carefully. Write R if
whether the speaker is showing positive 1. All animals migrate every year. the importance of the web, Bag the comparison is
or negative connotation of the topic. 2. Most children like pizza. Internet. book right. If it is not,
Then circle the best word to put into the 3. All boys play sports. 2. (For those with internet access) Pen- change the underlined
sentence. 4. It always snows in the winter. Research for student-friendly cil adjectives into its right
1.“The sooner we move out of this 5. Girls can‟t catch websites and list down some shoes form.
( home, dump ),” said Jack, “the happier information you may get from shirt _____ 1. Jogging is
I‟ll be.” them Um- good for the heart.
2. This ipad is ( expensive, overpriced ), brella _____ 2. Smoking is
but I don‟t mind paying extra because it Think of as many comparisons worst than drinking.
has so many useful features. as you can between and among _____ 3. Gina likes
3. You‟re lucky to have Joachim on your the nouns in the circle. Then, rock climbing better
committee. He has lots of (original, draw a line to connect the two than fishing.
crazy) ideas. nouns everytime you make a _____ 4. September is
4. Boss Louie and his ( cronies, comparison. Write the the good month of the
employees ) have controlled the politics sentences on your paper. Ask a year for bird watching.
in this city for more than twenty years. I seatmate to compare your _____ 5. Your cold
certainly hope the other party wins this work with his or hers. seems bad today than
year! it was yesterday
5. It was a beautiful spring day, and the
(stench, scent ) of apple blossoms filled
the whole yard
A.No. of learners who earned 80% ___Lesson carried. Move on to the next ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to the ___Lesson carried. Move on to ___Lesson carried.
in the evaluation objective. next objective. next objective. the next objective. Move on to the next
___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. ___Lesson not carried. objective.
_____% of the pupils got 80% mastery _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% _____% of the pupils got 80% ___Lesson not carried.
mastery mastery mastery _____% of the pupils
got 80% mastery

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Teacher I Teacher III School Head

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