Capiz Executive Summary 2019
Capiz Executive Summary 2019
Capiz Executive Summary 2019
The Province of Capiz is a 1st Class Province and dubbed as the Seafood Capital of the
Its vision and mission statement contained in the Annual Budget for CY 2019 states:
The personnel complement of the Province of Capiz together with the key officials
Provincial Governor, Provincial Treasurer and Provincial Accountant totaled to 3,129,
broken down as follows:
A financial and audit compliance was conducted on the accounts and operations of the
Province of Capiz for the Calendar Year (CY) ended December 31, 2019. The audit was
conducted to ascertain the propriety of financial transactions and compliance of the
agency to prescribed laws, rules and regulations. It was also made to ascertain the
accuracy of financial records and reports, as well as the fairness of the presentation of
the financial statements.
Liabilities 2019 2018 Increase/Decrease %
General Fund 534,210,209.47 538,535,277.24 (4,325,067.77) (0.80)
Special Education
Fund 2,299,498.91 1,019,498.91 1,280,000.00 125.55
Trust Fund 700,367,181.95 802,218,285.20 (101,851,103.25) (12.70)
Total 1,236,876,890.33 1,341,773,061.35 (104,896,171.02) (7.82)
Services 2019 2018 Increase/Decrease %
General Fund 617,832,230.07 518,915,768.43 98,916,461.64 19.06
Special Education
Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Total 617,832,230.07 518,915,768.43 98,916,461.64 19.06
Maintenance and %
Other Operating 2019 2018 Increase/Decrease
General Fund 680,650,876.00 668,600,508.82 12,050,367.18 1.80
Special Education
Fund 0.00 7,666,840.37 (7,666,840.37) (100)
Total 680,650,876.00 676,267,349.19 4,383,526.81 0.65
Non-Cash %
Expenses 2019 2018 Increase/Decrease
General Fund 106,830,916.09 89,660,714.87 17,170,201.22 19.15
Special Education
Fund 61,427.51 73,773.76 (12,346.25) (16.74)
Total 106,892,343.60 89,734,488.63 17,157,854.97 19.12
Financial %
Expenses 2019 2018 Increase/Decrease
General Fund 9,604,471.80 12,120,663.51 (2,516,191.71) (20.76)
Special Education
Fund 0.00 0.00 0.00 0
Total 9,604,471.80 12,120,663.51 (2,516,191.71) (20.76)
Appropriations 2019 2018 Increase/Decrease %
General Fund 1,789,335,135.15 1,698,964,206.22 90,370,928.93 5.32
Special Education
Fund 22,600,000.00 12,562,250.00 10,037,750.00 79.90
Total 1,811,935,135.15 1,711,526,456.22 100,408,678.93 5.87
We recommended that:
a. The Office of the Governor make sure that the Project Monitoring Team (PMT)
under the Provincial Planning and Development Office (PPDO) is furnished
with all the documents with regard to all financial assistance granted, for their
guidance in monitoring and inspecting each of the projects’ implementation;
d. The PPDO and the Accounting Office furnish the IAS with copies of
Inspection/Monitoring Report, Liquidation Reports and Demand Letters for their
own monitoring/evaluation and appropriate action.
2. Qualifications for 2,037 students granted new college scholarships have not been
properly set and its initial disbursements amounting to ₱1.800 million were charged
to the Gender and Development (GAD) Fund contrary to Executive Order (EO) No.
273, Philippine Commission on Women (PCW), Department of the Interior and Local
Government (DILG), Department of Budget and Management (DBM), National
Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) Joint Memorandum Circular (JMC)
No. 2013-001 and Section 2 of Presidential Decree (P.D.) No. 1445 which could
result to improper identification of beneficiaries.
We recommended that:
a. Management set-up and regularly update its GAD database and sex-
disaggregated data in order to properly program and implement its GAD related
b. Management set clear guidelines in the grant of its scholarship program and
identify its proper funding source. Thereafter, a corresponding MOA should be
executed by the parties: Capiz Province, Scholars and Schools;
3. Collection of local revenues/taxes from quarrying operations was not maximized due
to inadequate resources provided to the Capiz Provincial Environment and Natural
Resources Office (CAPENRO) which are needed to oversee operations of permit
holders and to assess and collect the correct taxes, thus, depriving the LGU of the
much needed revenue which is not in consonance with Section 2 of Presidential
Decree (P.D.) No. 1445 and pertinent provisions of Republic Act (RA) No. 7160 and
the Revised Revenue Code of the Province of Capiz.
b. Allocate funds to augment the manpower capabilities and to procure better and
suited equipment, vehicles and facilities to CAPENRO in order to maximize
income gained from sand, gravel and other quarry resources; and
c. Continue to look for other viable options to improve monitoring and revenue
collection from quarrying operations.
The other audit observations together with the recommended courses of action which
were discussed with Management officials and staff during the exit conference
conducted on March 12, 2020 are discussed in detail in Part II of the report.
As of December 31, 2019 the Province had unsettled balances of suspensions and
disallowances of ₱5.791 million and ₱3.468 million, respectively.
Of the 17 recommendations embodied in 2018 Annual Audit Report, one was fully
implemented, eight were partially implemented and eight were not implemented.