Iot Notes 1

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Internet of Things
Introduction to IOT
IoT stands for Internet of Things, which means accessing and controlling daily
usable equipment's and devices using Internet.
What is an Internet of Things (IoT)
Internet of Things (IoT) is the networking of physical objects that contain
electronics embedded within their architecture in order to communicate and
sense interactions amongst each other or with respect to the external
• Connecting everyday things embedded with electronics, software, and sensors to
internet enabling to collect and exchange data without human interaction called
as the Internet of Things (IoT).
• The term "Things" in the Internet of Things refers to anything and everything in
day to day life which is accessed or connected through the internet.
How does Internet of Thing (IoT) Work
• The working of IoT is different for different IoT echo system
(architecture). However, the key concept of there working are similar.
The entire working process of IoT starts with the device themselves,
such as smartphones, digital watches, electronic appliances, which
securely communicate with the IoT platform. The platforms
collect and analyze the data from all multiple devices and platforms
and transfer the most valuable data with applications to devices.
Features of IOT
• Connectivity: Connectivity refers to establish a proper connection between
all the things of IoT to IoT platform it may be server or cloud. After
connecting the IoT devices, it needs a high speed messaging between the
devices and cloud to enable reliable, secure and bi-directional
• Analyzing: After connecting all the relevant things, it comes to real-time
analyzing the data collected and use them to build effective business
intelligence. If we have a good insight into data gathered from all these
things, then we call our system has a smart system.
• Integrating: IoT integrating the various models to improve the user
experience as well.
• Artificial Intelligence: IoT makes things smart and enhances life through
the use of data. For example, if we have a coffee machine whose beans
have going to end, then the coffee machine itself order the coffee beans of
your choice from the retailer.

• Sensing: The sensor devices used in IoT technologies detect and measure
any change in the environment and report on their status. IoT technology
brings passive networks to active networks. Without sensors, there could
not hold an effective or true IoT environment.
• Active Engagement: IoT makes the connected technology, product, or
services to active engagement between each other.
• Endpoint Management: It is important to be the endpoint management of
all the IoT system otherwise, it makes the complete failure of the system.
For example, if a coffee machine itself order the coffee beans when it goes
to end but what happens when it orders the beans from a retailer and we
are not present at home for a few days, it leads to the failure of the IoT
system. So, there must be a need for endpoint management.
History of IOT
• Here you will get to know about how IOT is involved and also
from the explanation of each will let you know how IOT plays a
role in this innovations !
• 1982 – Vending machine: The first glimpse of IoT emerged as a
vending machine at Carnegie Mellon University was connected
to the internet to report its inventory and status, paving the
way for remote monitoring.
• 1990 – Toaster: Early IoT innovation saw a toaster connected
to the internet, allowing users to control it remotely,
foreshadowing the convenience of smart home devices.
• 1999 – IoT Coined (Kevin Ashton): Kevin Ashton coined the
term “Internet of Things” to describe the interconnected
network of devices communicating and sharing data, laying the
foundation for a new era of connectivity.
• 2000 – LG Smart Fridge: The LG Smart Fridge marked a breakthrough,
enabling users to check and manage refrigerator contents remotely,
showcasing the potential of IoT in daily life.
• 2004 – Smart Watch: The advent of smartwatches introduced IoT to the
wearable tech realm, offering fitness tracking and notifications on-the-go.
• 2007 – Smart iPhone: Apple’s iPhone became a game-changer,
integrating IoT capabilities with apps that connected users to a myriad of
services and devices, transforming smartphones into hubs.
• 2009 – Car Testing: IoT entered the automotive industry, enhancing
vehicles with sensors for real-time diagnostics, performance monitoring,
and remote testing.
• 2011 – Smart TV: The introduction of Smart TVs brought IoT to the living
room, enabling internet connectivity for streaming, app usage, and
interactive content.
• 2013 – Google Lens: Google Lens showcased IoT’s potential in
image recognition, allowing smartphones to provide
information about objects in the physical world.
• 2014 – Echo: Amazon’s Echo, equipped with the virtual
assistant Alexa, demonstrated the power of voice-activated
IoT, making smart homes more intuitive and responsive.
• 2015 – Tesla Autopilot: Tesla’s Autopilot system exemplified
IoT in automobiles, introducing semi-autonomous driving
capabilities through interconnected sensors and software.
Key Components of IOT
• Device or sensor
• Connectivity
• Data processing
• Interface
IoT is network of interconnected
computing devices which are
embedded in everyday objects,
enabling them to send and receive
Over 9 billion ‘Things’ (physical
objects) are currently connected to
the Internet, as of now. In the near
future, this number is expected to
rise to a whopping 20 billion.
Main Components Used in IoT
1. Low-power embedded systems: Less battery consumption, high
performance are the inverse factors that play a significant role during the
design of electronic systems.
2. Sensors: Sensors are the major part of any IoT application. It is a physical
device that measures and detects certain physical quantities and converts it
into signal which can be provided as an input to processing or control unit
for analysis purpose.
Different types of Sensors
• Temperature Sensors
• Image Sensors
• Obstacle Sensors
• RF Sensor
• IR Sensor
• MQ-02/05 Gas Sensor
• LDR Sensor
• Ultrasonic Distance Sensor
3. Control Units: It is a unit of small computer on a single integrated circuit
containing microprocessor or processing core, memory and programmable
input/output devices/peripherals. It is responsible for major processing work
of IoT devices and all logical operations are carried out here.
4. Cloud computing: Data collected through IoT devices is massive, and this
data has to be stored on a reliable storage server. This is where cloud
computing comes into play. The data is processed and learned, giving more
room for us to discover where things like electrical faults/errors are within
the system.
5. Availability of big data: We know that IoT relies heavily on sensors,
especially in real-time. As these electronic devices spread throughout every
field, their usage is going to trigger a massive flux of big data.
6. Networking connection: In order to communicate, internet connectivity is
a must, where each physical object is represented by an IP address.
However, there are only a limited number of addresses available according
to the IP naming. Due to the growing number of devices, this naming system
will not be feasible anymore. Therefore, researchers are looking for another
alternative naming system to represent each physical object.
IOT Protocols
• The Internet of Things (IoT) is about the network of
sensor devices to the web in real-time.
• IoT devices communicate with each other over the
network, so certain standards and rules need to be set
to determine how data is exchanged. These rules are
called IoT Network Protocols.
• Depending on the IoT application’s functionality, its
workflow or architecture varies. Basic architecture
involves four layers, i.e., the Sensing layer, Network layer,
Data processing layer, and Application layer.
• The Sensing layer contains all the hardware, like sensors, actuators,
chips, etc., that collect information. This layer is connected to the
successive layer, which is the network layer, through protocols. The
Network layer allows communications among devices using network
protocols like cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, etc.
• The data collected by IoT devices is processed in the Data processing
layer using technologies like data analytics and machine learning
algorithms. This processed data can be displayed to the user through
web portals, apps, or interfaces provided by the application layer.
Users can directly interact and visualize the data obtained from IoT
devices through these interfaces.
• As IoT devices have very few components-little batteries and sensors,
there is a small amount of power available. Hence, it is tough to design
protocols for IoT. Also, we need to perform everything (construct
topological structures, do address assignments, etc.) on wireless.
Requirements for an IoT Protocols
• Allow communication among various devices
• IoT is being used in critical areas like health,
industries, home surveillance, etc. hence
communication security needs to be ensured.
• Transport data efficiently.
• IoT devices can be added or removed from the IoT
network. Hence protocols must provide scalability.
How to choose the Protocol
• One way to decide which protocol to use is to consider the
environment for which these protocols are designed.
• Some are designed for small ranges; some are for wide
ranges, high data rates, low data rates, etc. They vary
based on power consumption, range, cost, data rate, etc.
1. Short Range Communication, Low Data Rate, Low Power
2. Short Range Communication, High Data Rate
3. Long Range Communication, High Data Rate, Low power
4. Long Range, Low Data Rate, Low Power Consumption
5. Long Range, Low Data Rate, High Power Consumption
1. Short Range Communication, Low Data Rate,
Low Power
• Bluetooth works in a frequency range of 2.4GHz. It covers a range of
10m to 100m, and its data rate goes up to 1MBPS. It supports two
network topologies – point-to-point and mesh. It is suitable to send a
small amount of data to personal devices like speakers, earphones,
smart watches, smart shoes, etc. This protocol can also be used for
Smart Homes, including Alarms, HVAC, lighting, etc.
• This is based on the IEEE802.15.4 standard. Its frequency range is the
same as that of Bluetooth, which is 2.4GHz. Its range is up to 100
meters, and the data rate is a maximum of 250KBPS. Zigbee protocol
can transmit small amounts of data within a short range. This can be
used in systems that require high authentication and robustness. It
supports star topology, mesh topology, and cluster tree topology. Major
applications observed are sensing device health in industries, smart
homes, etc.,
• PAN stands for Personal Area Network, and 6LoWPAN refers to IPV6
Low Power PAN. It works in a frequency ranging from 900 to 2400MHz.
The data rate is 250KBPS, supporting two network topologies - star
and mesh.
2. Short Range Communication, High Data Rate

• Wireless LAN - Wi-Fi

• Wi-Fi has high bandwidth and allows a data rate of
54MBPS and goes up to 600MBPS. Covers a range of
50m in the local area where providing private antennas
goes to 30 km. IoT devices can be easily connected
using Wi-Fi and share a large amount of data. This
protocol is used in smart homes, smart cities, offices,
3. Long Range Communication, High Data Rate,
Low power

• This stands for Long Range Wide Area Network. Its range is
approximately 2.5km and can go up to 15km. The data rate
is very low,goes up to a maximum of 50KBPS. It can
support many connected devices and is used in applications
like Smart City, Supply Chain Management, etc.
• LTE-M stands for Long Term Evolution for Machines. This is a
type of LPWAN – Low Power Wide Area Network. This is
used along with cellular networks to provide security. LTE-M
works in a frequency range of 1.4MHz-5MHz, and the data
rate can go up to 4MBPS.
4. Long Range, Low Data Rate, Low Power

• Sigfox
• Sigfox is used when wide area coverage is required with
minimum power consumption. It aims at connecting
billions of IoT devices. This protocol’s frequency range
is 900MHZ, covering a range of 3km to 50km. The
maximum data rate is very low, which is 1KBPS.
5. Long Range, Low Data Rate, High Power

• Cellular
• This is also known as a mobile network. Cellular
networks are 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G. It Has frequency
ranges – 900MHz, 1.8/1.9/2.1 GHz. The range is
approximately 35km and goes up to 200km. The
average data rate is 35KBPS – 170KBPS. Cellular
networks consume high power. This protocol is not used
for most IoT devices due to frequency and security
issues. It can be used with IoT applications like
connected cars.
Logical Design of the Internet of Things(IoT)
1.The logical design of an IoT system refers to an abstract
representation of entities and processes without going into
the low-level specifies of implementation. it uses Functional
Blocks, Communication Models, and Communication APIs to
implement a system.
2.IoT Functional Blocks
3.IoT Communication Models
4.IoT Communication APIs
IoT Functional blocks
• An IoT system consists of a number of functional
blocks like Devices, services, communication,
security, and application that provide the
capability for sensing, actuation, identification,
communication, and management.
• Application
• It is an interface that provides a control system
that use by users to view the status and analyze
of system.
• Management
• This functional block provides various functions
that are used to manage an IoT system.
• Services
• This functional block provides some services like
monitoring and controlling a device and
publishing and deleting the data and restoring
the system.
• This block handles the communication between the client
and the cloud-based server and sends/receives the data
using protocols.
• This block is used to secure an IoT system using some
functions like authorization, data security, authentication, 2-
step verification, etc.
• These devices are used to provide sensing and monitoring
control functions that collect data from the outer
IoT Communication Models
• There are several different types of
models available in an IoT system that
is used to communicate between the
system and server like the request-
response model, publish-subscribe
model, push-pull model, exclusive
pair model, etc.
1.Request-Response Communication
This model is a communication model
in which a client sends the request for
data to the server and the server
responds according to the request.
when a server receives a request it
fetches the data, retrieves the
resources and prepares the response,
and then sends the data back to the
• We can say that in the request-response model, the server
sends the response equivalent to the request of the client. in
this model, HTTP works as a request-response protocol
between a client and server.
• When we search a query on a browser then the browser
submits an HTTP request to the server and then the server
returns a response to the browser(client).
2. Publish-Subscribe Communication Model
• In this communication model, we have a
broker between the publisher and the
• Here publishers are the source of data but
they are not aware of consumers. they
send the data managed by the brokers and
• when a consumer subscribes to a topic
that is managed by the broker and when
the broker receives data from the
publisher it sends the data to all the
subscribed consumers.
• On the website many times we subscribed
to their newsletters using our email
address. these email addresses are
managed by some third-party services and
when a new article is published on the
website it is directly sent to the broker and
then the broker sends these new data or
posts to all the subscribers.
3.Push-Pull Communication Model
• It is a communication model in
which the data push by the
producers in a queue and the
consumers pull the data from the
• Here also producers are not
aware of the consumers.
• When we visit a website we saw a
number of posts that are
published in a queue and
according to our requirements, we
click on a post and start reading it.
4.Exclusive Pair Communication
It is a bidirectional fully duplex
communication model that uses a
persistent connection between
the client and server.
Here first set up a connection
between the client and the server
and remain open until the client
sends a close connection request
to the server.
IoT communication APIs
• What are APIs?
• An API is an interface used by programs to access an application.
• It enables a program to send commands to another program and receive replies from the
• IoT APIs are the interface points between an IoT device and the Internet and/or other
network components. Types are
1.REST-based communication APIs
• Representational state transfer(REST) API uses a set of architectural principles
that are used to design web services. these APIs focus on the systems’
resources that how resource states are transferred using the request-response
communication model. This API uses some architectural constraints.
a. Client-server
• Here the client is not aware of the storage of data because it is concerned about
the server and similarly the server should not be concerned about the user
interface because it is a concern of the client. and this separation is needed for
independent development and updating of the server and client. no matter how
the client is using the response of the server and no matter how the server is
using the request of the client.
b. Stateless
• It means each request from the client to the server must contain
all the necessary information to understand the server.
• Because if the server can’t understand the request of the client
then it cannot fetch the requested data in a proper manner.
c. Cacheable
• This property defines whether the response to any request can be
cached or not. If a response can be cached, then a client cache is
granted the right to reuse that response data for subsequent
matching requests.
• It improves the efficiency and scalability of the system without
loading extra data.
• A RESTful web API is implemented using HTTP and REST
2. WebSocket-based communication API
• This type of API allows bi-directional full-duplex communication
between server and client using the exclusive pair communication
• This API uses full-duplex communication so it does not require a
new connection setup every time when it requests new data.
• WebSocket API begins with a connection setup between the
server and client and if the WebSocket is supported by the server
then it responds back to the client with a successful response
after the setup of a connection server and the client can send
data to each other in full-duplex mode.
IOT Challenges
Security challenges in IoT :
• Lack of encryption –
Although encryption is a great way to prevent hackers from
accessing data, it is also one of the leading IoT security challenges.
• Insufficient testing and updating –
Most of these devices and IoT products do not get enough testing
and updates and are prone to hackers and other security issues.
• Brute forcing and the risk of default passwords –
Weak credentials and login details leave nearly all IoT devices
vulnerable to password hacking and brute force.
• Inadequate device security : Inadequate device security refers to
the lack of proper measures to protect electronic devices such as
computers, smartphones, and IoT devices from cyber attacks,
hacking, data theft, and unauthorized access.
• Vulnerability to network attacks: Vulnerability to network attacks
refers to the susceptibility of a network, system or device to being
compromised or exploited by cyber criminals.
• Unsecured data transmission: Unsecured data transmission refers
to the transfer of data over a network or the internet without
adequate protection. This can leave the data vulnerable to
interception, tampering, or theft by malicious actors.
• Privacy concerns: Privacy concerns refer to issues related to the
collection, storage, use, and sharing of personal information. This
can include concerns about who has access to personal information,
how it is being used, and whether it is being protected from
unauthorized access or misuse.
• Insider threats: Insider threats refer to security risks that come from
within an organization, rather than from external sources such as
hackers or cyber criminals.
Design challenge in IoT
Design challenges in IoT (Internet of Things) refer to the technical
difficulties and trade-offs involved in creating connected devices that
are both functional and secure. Some of the key design challenges in
IoT include:
• Interoperability: Interoperability refers to the ability of different
systems, devices, or components to work together seamlessly and
exchange data effectively. In the context of the Internet of Things
(IoT), interoperability is a critical challenge, as a large number of
diverse devices are being connected to the internet.
Security: Security is a critical concern in the Internet of Things (IoT) as
it involves the protection of sensitive data and systems from
unauthorized access, theft, or damage.
1. Device security
2. Network Security
3. Data security
4. privacy
• Scalability: Scalability refers to the ability of a system to handle
increasing workloads or numbers of users without a significant
decline in performance. In the context of the Internet of Things (IoT),
scalability is a major challenge as the number of connected devices
is rapidly growing, leading to an increased volume of data and
communication. Scalability challenges in IoT include:
1.Data management
2.Network capacity
3.Device management
• Reliability: Reliability refers to the ability of a system to perform its
intended function consistently and without failure over time. In the
context of the Internet of Things (IoT), reliability is a critical concern,
as the failure of even a single IoT device can have significant
consequences. Some of the reliability challenges in IoT include:
1.Device failure
2.Network connectivity
3.Data accuracy:
• Power consumption: Power consumption refers to the amount of
energy that a system or device uses. In the context of the Internet of
Things (IoT), power consumption is a critical challenge, as many IoT
devices are designed to be small, low-power, and operate using
batteries. Some of the power consumption challenges in IoT include:
1.Battery life: Ensuring that IoT devices have sufficient battery life to
operate without frequent recharging or replacement.
2.Energy efficiency: Making sure that IoT devices are designed to use
energy efficiently and reduce the overall power consumption of the
3.Power management: Implementing effective power management
techniques, such as sleep modes, to reduce the power consumption
of IoT devices when they are not in use.
Deployment challenges in IoT :
1.Connectivity –
It is the foremost concern while connecting devices, applications and cloud
Connected devices that provide useful front and information are extremely
valuable. But poor connectivity becomes a challenge where IoT sensors are
required to monitor process data and supply information.
2.Cross platform capability –
IoT applications must be developed, keeping in mind the technological changes
of the future.It is a challenge for IoT application developers to ensure that the
device and IoT platform drivers the best performance despite heavy device rates
and fixings.
3.Data collection and processing –
What is more critical here is the processing or usefulness of stored data.
Along with security and privacy, development teams need to ensure that they
plan well for the way data is collected, stored or processed within an
4. Lack of skill set –
All of the development challenges above can only be handled if
there is a proper skilled resource working on the IoT application
development. The right talent will always get you past the major
5.Integration: Ensuring that IoT devices and systems integrate
seamlessly with existing technology and infrastructure.
6. Network infrastructure: Building and maintaining the
network infrastructure needed to support the large number of
connected IoT devices.
7. Device management: Efficiently managing and maintaining
the large number of IoT devices in a deployment.
8.Data management: Managing and analyzing the large
amounts of data generated by IoT devices, and integrating it
with existing data systems.
9.Security: Ensuring that the IoT deployment is secure from
threats such as cyber attacks, data breaches, and unauthorized
10.Cost: Balancing the cost of deploying and maintaining an IoT
system with the benefits it delivers.
IOT Levels
• Introduction
IoT architecture elements vary based on applications of use. Based on
fact, various levels are defined for IoT system. Let us understand these
levels with their elements and examples of their usage. Let us take
of air conditioner whose temperature has to be monitored to
IoT levels.
• IoT Level 1
• This level consists of air conditioner, temperature sensor, data
and analysis and control & monitoring app.
• The data sensed in stored locally.
• The data analysis is done locally.
• Monitoring & Control is done using Mobile app or web app.
• The data generated in this level application is not huge.
• All the control actions are performed through internet.
• Example: Room temperature is monitored using temperature sensor
and data is stored/analysed locally. Based on analysis made, control
action is triggered using mobile app or it can just help in status
IoT Level 2
• This level consists of air conditioner, temperature sensor, Big data (Bigger
than level -1, data analysis done here) , cloud and control & monitoring app.
• This level-2 is complex compare to level-1. Moreover rate of sensing is faster
compare to level-1.
• This level has voluminous size of data. Hence cloud storage is used.
• Data analysis is carried out locally. Cloud is used for only storage purpose.
• Based on data analysis, control action is triggered using web app or mobile
• Examples: Agriculture applications, room freshening solutions based on
odour sensors etc.
IoT Level 4
• This level consists of multiple sensors, data collection and analysis and
control & monitoring app.
• At this level-4, multiple sensors are used which are independent of
the others.
• The data collected using these sensors are uploaded to the cloud
separately. The cloud storage is used in this level due to requirement
of huge data storage.
• The data analysis is performed on the cloud and based on which
control action is triggered either using web app or mobile app.

IoT Level 5
• This level consists of multiple sensors, coordinator node, data
collection and analysis and control & monitoring app.
• This level is similar to level-4 which also has huge data and hence
they are sensed using multiple sensors at much faster rate and
• The data collection and data analysis is performed at the cloud level.
• Based on analysis, control action is performed using mobile app or
web app.

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