Second Language
Second Language
Second Language
How important it is?
Childhood bilingualism is a significant experience that has the power to influence the course and
efficiency of children’s development.
What do we know?
Research has shown that, contrary to what many people once believed, bilingualism does not
trigger confusion, has no inherent negative impact on children’s development and even has some
socio-cognitive advantages. In particular, bilingual children show some advantages in
understanding the beliefs of others and the communication needs of their conversational partners,
picking out the important variables to solve a problem and entertaining two possible
interpretations of the same stimulus at once. As well, they achieve higher scores than monolingual
children on a number of cognitive ability tests, including mental flexibility, non-verbal problem-
The context in which the bilingualism or second-language learning occurs is important, however.
Variables that can affect the outcomes of bilingual development include parental attitudes toward
bilingualism, the status of the language(s) in the community and the socio-cultural context in
which the children grow up.
Second-language learners take a long time to develop their second-language oral proficiency.
Even after five to six years of attending school in the second-language environment, children may
not speak as fluently in the language as their monolingual peers. Parents and educators should
also be aware that in the early stages of the acquisition of a second language, children who learn
two languages may show some developmental lags relative to children who speak only one.
However, these lags are typically small and do not last for long periods of time. In terms of
general language proficiency, bilingual children tend to have a smaller vocabulary in each
language than monolingual children in their language. Nonetheless, their understanding of
linguistic structure is at least as good and often better than that of comparable monolinguals.
Children learning to read in two languages that share a writing system (e.g. English and French)
show accelerated progress in learning to read; children whose two languages are written in
different systems (e.g. English and Chinese) show no special advantage, but neither do they
demonstrate any deficit. However, the benefit of learning to read in two languages requires that
children be bilingual and not second-language learners whose competence in one of the
languages is weak (as a result of a lower degree of involvement in the second language).
Reading disability
Some second-language children may read with difficulty not simply because they require more
time to develop their second-language oral proficiency but because they have problems with the
acquisition of basic reading skills. It is important to look beyond oral language proficiency and not
to delay assessment and intervention. Both health care providers and classroom teachers need to
be trained and empowered to identify the warning signs early and to adapt instruction
Since there are positive and significant correlations between monolingual and second-language
reading skills and predictors of successful reading developments, a lot can be learned about a
second-language learner’s reading ability by using the same assessment measures as one would
use for a monolingual child. Gaps between listening comprehension and reading comprehension
and data about the child’s performance in the home language are also important information that
should be assessed.
Other sources of information can contribute to the validity of the diagnosis, such as report cards
from the home country, interview data on the achievement of developmental milestones
(particularly the onset and development of language), previous assessments, and the language
and academic achievement of siblings. It is also essential to consider the family cultural and
Because there is no evidence that bilingualism has a negative impact on children’s intellectual
and socio-emotional development, parents can be encouraged to speak their native language at
home and allow their children to learn the majority language in school. The evidence for the
overwhelming positive benefit of bilingualism, together with evidence that bilingual children are
not cognitively handicapped, indicates an important role for schools. They can provide a means
for these children to build up their language skills in the school language, enabling them to
become full participants in the classroom and reap the benefits of their educational experience.
Findings on bilingualism and its effects on socio-emotional development suggest this is another
area that should be explored. As well, because language can function as a cure for retrieval of
personal experiences that may play a key role in the diagnosis and treatment of various mental
health conditions, policies encouraging bilingual health services should be promoted.