E1 E2 Lite

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E1/E20/E2 Emulator, E2 Emulator Lite

Additional Document for User’s Manual

(Notes on Connection of RX Devices)

Supported Devices:
RX Family

All information contained in these materials, including products and product specifications,
represents information on the product at the time of publication and is subject to change by
Renesas Electronics Corporation without notice. Please review the latest information published
by Renesas Electronics Corporation through various means, including the Renesas Electronics
Corporation website (http://www.renesas.com).

Rev.16.00 May 2023

E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite Table of Contents

Table of Contents
Corporate Headquarters ...................................................................................................... 1

Contact information .............................................................................................................. 1

Trademarks.......................................................................................................................... 1

1. Overview .......................................................................................................................... 7
1.1 Overview of E1/E20/E2 Emulator and E2 Emulator Lite ......................................................................... 7
1.2 Notes on Using E20 ................................................................................................................................. 7
1.3 Configuration of E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite Manuals .......................................................................................... 8
1.4 Supported Devices................................................................................................................................... 9
1.5 Overview of the Specifications of the External Trigger Input and Output .............................................. 10
1.5.1 Assignments of the External Trigger Input and Output Pins ........................................................ 10
1.5.2 Specifications of the External Trigger Inputs and Outputs........................................................... 11

2. Designing the User System ........................................................................................... 12

2.1 Connecting the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite with the User System ..................................................................... 12
2.2 Installing the Connector on the User System ........................................................................................ 13
2.2.1 Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 14-Pin Connector ...................................... 13
2.2.2 Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 38-Pin Connector ...................................... 16
2.3 Pin Assignments of the Connector on the User System........................................................................ 17
2.3.1 14-Pin Connector Specifications .................................................................................................. 17
2.3.2 38-Pin Connector Specifications .................................................................................................. 20
2.4 Recommended Circuit between the Connector and the MCU............................................................... 23
2.4.1 JTAG Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX610 Group .... 23
2.4.2 JTAG Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX621, RX62N,
RX62T, and RX62G Groups ........................................................................................................................ 25
2.4.3 JTAG Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x,
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups ...................................................................... 27
2.4.4 FINE Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x,
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups ...................................................................... 28
2.4.5 FINE Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX200 Series,
except RX24T .............................................................................................................................................. 29
2.4.6 FINE Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX100 Series ..... 30
2.4.7 JTAG Interface Connection between the 38-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX610, RX621,
RX62N, RX62T, and RX62G Groups .......................................................................................................... 31
2.4.8 JTAG Interface Connection between the 38-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x,
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups ...................................................................... 33
2.5 Notes on Connection ............................................................................................................................. 35
2.5.1 RES# Pin ...................................................................................................................................... 35
2.5.2 EMLE Pin (JTAG Interface Connection) ...................................................................................... 36
2.5.3 EMLE Pin (FINE Interface Connection) ....................................................................................... 37
2.5.4 MODE Pin (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX610, RX621, RX62N, RX62T, and
RX62G Groups) ........................................................................................................................................... 38
2.5.5 MODE Pin (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x,
RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups)............................................................................................................ 39
2.5.6 MODE Pin (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x,
RX71x, and RX72x Groups, RX200 Series, and RX100 Series) ................................................................ 40
2.5.7 UB Pin .......................................................................................................................................... 40
2.5.8 TCK, TDO, TMS, and TDI Pins .................................................................................................... 42
2.5.9 TRST# Pin .................................................................................................................................... 42
2.5.10 FINEC and MD/FINED Pins ......................................................................................................... 43

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2.5.11 TRCLK, TRSYNC, and TRDATA0 to TRDATA3 Pins ................................................................. 43

2.5.12 GND ............................................................................................................................................. 44
2.5.13 VCC .............................................................................................................................................. 44
2.5.14 TxD1 and RxD1 Pins (Flash Programming via an SCI) ............................................................... 45
2.6 Internal Circuits of the Emulator ............................................................................................................ 46
2.6.1 Internal Circuits of the E1 (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX600 Series, RX700
Series and RX26T) ...................................................................................................................................... 46
2.6.2 Internal Circuits of the E1 (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x,
RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups) .................................................................................. 47
2.6.3 Internal Circuits of the E1 (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX200 Series, RX100
Series, and except RX26T) ......................................................................................................................... 48
2.6.4 Internal Circuits of the E20 (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX600 Series, RX700
Series and RX26T) ...................................................................................................................................... 49
2.6.5 Internal Circuits of the E2 (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX600 Series, RX700
Series and RX26T) ...................................................................................................................................... 51
2.6.6 Internal Circuits of the E2 (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x,
RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups) .................................................................................. 52
2.6.7 Internal Circuits of the E2 (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX200 Series, RX100
Series, and except RX26T) ......................................................................................................................... 53
2.6.8 Internal Circuits of the E2 Lite (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX600 Series,
RX700 Series and RX26T) .......................................................................................................................... 54
2.6.9 Internal Circuits of the E2 Lite (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x,
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups) ..................................................................... 55
2.6.10 Internal Circuits of the E2 Lite (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX200 Series,
RX100 Series, and except RX26T) ............................................................................................................. 56
2.7 Notes on Designing the User System .................................................................................................... 57
2.7.1 JTAG Chain Connection .............................................................................................................. 57
2.7.2 Isolators for the E1 and E20......................................................................................................... 57
2.7.3 Small Connector Conversion Adapter for the E1 ......................................................................... 58

3. Notes on Usage ............................................................................................................. 60

3.1 Turning the Power On/Off ...................................................................................................................... 62
3.1.1 When a Separate Power Supply is Used for the User System .................................................... 62
3.1.2 When Power is Supplied to the User System from the Emulator (E1/E2/E2 Lite Only) .............. 63
3.2 Power Supply Function of the E1/E2/E2 Lite ......................................................................................... 63
3.3 Reset ...................................................................................................................................................... 64
3.3.1 Reset during the User Program Execution .................................................................................. 64
3.3.2 Software Reset ............................................................................................................................. 64
3.3.3 Resets during Debugging............................................................................................................. 65
3.4 FINE Communication Interface .............................................................................................................. 65
3.5 Clocks .................................................................................................................................................... 65
3.5.1 High-Speed Clock Oscillator (HOCO) .......................................................................................... 65
3.5.2 Operating Frequency ................................................................................................................... 65
3.6 Memory for Setting Options ................................................................................................................... 66
3.6.1 Option Function Select Register 1 (OFS1) .................................................................................. 66
3.6.2 Endian Select Registers (MDEB and MDES) .............................................................................. 67
3.6.3 Flash Access Window Register (FAW) ........................................................................................ 68
3.6.4 Endian Select Register (MDE) and Bank Select Register (BANKSEL) ....................................... 68
3.7 Memory Protection Unit (MPU) .............................................................................................................. 68
3.8 Flash Memory ........................................................................................................................................ 68
3.8.1 Registers Related to Flash Memory ............................................................................................. 68
3.8.2 Lock Bits ....................................................................................................................................... 69
3.8.3 Area Protection ............................................................................................................................ 69
3.8.4 Startup Program Protection Function........................................................................................... 69
3.8.5 Trusted Memory ........................................................................................................................... 70

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3.8.6 ROM Cache Function................................................................................................................... 70

3.8.7 Debugging in Dual Mode.............................................................................................................. 70
3.9 DMAC and DTC ..................................................................................................................................... 70
3.10 Debugging Functions ............................................................................................................................. 71
3.10.1 Memory Access ............................................................................................................................ 71
3.10.2 Events .......................................................................................................................................... 71
3.10.3 Trace Function ............................................................................................................................. 71
3.10.4 Coverage Function ....................................................................................................................... 71
3.10.5 Working RAM Area ...................................................................................................................... 71
3.10.6 Note on Using the Large Trace Capacity or Coverage Function of the E20 Emulator ................ 72
3.10.7 Note on Using the Large Trace Capacity or Coverage Function of the E20 Emulator and the
Internal Trace Function of the E20, E1, E2, and E2 Lite ............................................................................. 73
3.10.8 Notes on Using the Current Consumption Tuning Solution ......................................................... 73
3.11 Differences between Operation of the MCU without the Emulator and Debugging .............................. 74
3.12 MCUs that are Used in Debugging ........................................................................................................ 74
3.13 Final Evaluation of the User Program .................................................................................................... 75

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite Terminology

Some specific words used in this user's manual are defined below.

Host machine

This means a personal computer used to control the emulator.

User system

This means a user's application system in which the MCU to be debugged is used.

User program

This means the program to be debugged.

Programming Software

In this document, this indicates the Flash Development Toolkit or Renesas Flash Programmer that can be
used with the E1, E20, E2, or E2 Lite.

"#" at the end of a pin name (signal name)

"#" at the end of a pin name (signal name) indicates that the pin (signal) is active low (e.g., TRST#).

Extended function of the E2

This means an extended function which is available with the E2 emulator.

E2 expansion interface

This means the interface required for extended functions of the E2 emulator.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 1. Overview

1. Overview
1.1 Overview of E1/E20/E2 Emulator and E2 Emulator Lite
In this document, we describe ‘E1 Emulator’ as ’E1’, ‘E20 Emulator’ as ’E20’, ‘E2 Emulator’ as ‘E2’, and ‘E2
Emulator Lite’ as ’E2 Lite’.

The E1, E20, E2, and E2 Lite are on-chip debugging emulators for Renesas' mainstream MCUs.

The E1 and E2 Lite are highly affordable development tools providing basic debugging functions. The E20 is
a development tool allowing sophisticated debugging through enhanced functions such as tracing and RAM
monitoring as well as the basic debugging functions of the E1 and E2 Lite. The E2 is a development tool
providing a solution for the tuning of current consumption and an external trigger function as extended
functions beyond the basic debugging functions of the E1 and E2 Lite. The E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite can also serve
as a Flash Programmer.

1.2 Notes on Using E20

To use the large trace function and the realtime RAM monitoring function, which are the primary features of
the E20, the target MCU must be equipped with a pin for outputting trace information. Currently such MCUs
are those of the RX600 series and RX700 series in packages that have more than 100 pins. For other
MCUs, the available functions are equivalent to those of the E1 (only the internal trace function in the MCU
and memory reference and modification during execution).

When using the E20 with the 38-pin to 14-pin conversion adapter (R0E000200CKA00) that is bundled with
the E20, the large trace function and realtime RAM monitoring function are not available with any MCU.

The available functions are equivalent to those of the E1 (only the internal trace function in the MCU and
memory reference and modification during execution).

When you need to use the large trace function or realtime RAM monitoring function with MCUs of the RX600
series and RX700 series in packages that have 100 pins or less, use the debug MCU board which is
separately available.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 1. Overview

1.3 Configuration of E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite Manuals

The E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite manual consists of the following.

• E1/E20 Emulator User's Manual

• E2 Emulator User’s Manual
• E2 Emulator Lite User’s Manual
• E1/E20/E2 Emulator, E2 Emulator Lite Additional Document for User’s Manual

Be sure to read each user’s manual before using the E1, E20, E2 or E2 Lite.

When you use extended functions of the E2, be sure to read the application notes for those functions.

(1) E1/E20 emulator user’s manual

The E1/E20 emulator user’s manual has the following contents:
 Components of the E1/E20
 E1/E20 hardware specification
 Connection to the E1/E20 and the host machine and user system

(2) E2 emulator user’s manual

The E2 emulator user’s manual has the following contents:
 Components of the E2
 E2 hardware specification
 Connection to the E2 and the host machine and user system

(3) E2 Emulator Lite user’s manual

The E2 Emulator Lite user’s manual has the following contents:
 Components of the E2 Lite
 E2 Lite hardware specification
 Connection to the E2 Lite and the host machine and user system

(4) E1/E20/E2 Emulator, E2 Emulator Lite Additional Documents for User's Manual (Notes on Connection of
RX Devices) (this document)
The E1/E20/E2 Emulator, E2 Emulator Lite Additional Documents for User's Manual (Notes on
Connection of RX Devices) describes information necessary for hardware design such as connection
examples and interface circuits.

(5) User’s Manual and Help of Emulator Debugger

User’s Manual and Help of Emulator Debugger describes the functions of the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite Emulator
Debugger and the operating instructions.
Refer to the following.
 CS+ Integrated Development Environment User's Manual: RX Debug
 Help for e2 studio
 E1/E20 Emulator Additional Document for User's Manual (High-performance Embedded Workshop
RX Debug)

(6) Application note for extended functions of the E2

The application note for extended functions of the E2 includes an explanation and descriptions of
operation methods for an extended function of the E2 emulator.
 Application Note for the Solution for the Tuning of Current Consumption

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 1. Overview

1.4 Supported Devices

Table 1.1 Supported Device List of RX E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite Debugger

E1/E2/E2 Lite E20

Device Group/Series
RX610, RX621, RX62N, RX62T,  PRG  PRG
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX72x,
RX200 series  DBG, PRG PRG  DBG, PRG PRG
RX100 series  DBG, PRG PRG  DBG, PRG PRG
Note: DBG: Can be used for debugging, PRG: Can be used for flash programming
The large trace function and real time RAM monitoring function are not available with any MCU. The available
functions are equivalent to those of the E1 (only the internal trace function in the MCU and memory reference
and modification during execution).

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 1. Overview

1.5 Overview of the Specifications of the External Trigger Input and Output
This section describes the specifications of the external trigger input and output, which is one of extended
functions of the E2.

1.5.1 Assignments of the External Trigger Input and Output Pins

The following figure and table show the assignments of the external trigger input and output pins for the E2
expansion interface.

13 1

14 2

Figure 1.1 E2 Expansion Interface

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 1. Overview

Table 1.2 Assignments of the External Trigger Input and Output Pins for the E2 Expansion Interface

Pin No. Input/Output Description

1  Pin Nos. 1 to 8 are not used.
2  These pins must be left open-circuit.
3 
4 
5 
6 
7 
8 
9 Output External trigger output (ch. 0)
10 Output External trigger output (ch. 1)
11 Input External trigger input (ch. 0)
12 Input External trigger input (ch. 1)
13  GND
14 Output A pin for output of the power-supply voltage for the E2 expansion interface (1.8 V to
5.0 V)

1.5.2 Specifications of the External Trigger Inputs and Outputs

Table 1.3 Specifications of the External Trigger Inputs and Outputs

Input signal channels E2 expansion interface: 2 (ch. 0: pin 11, ch. 1: pin 12)
Output signal channels E2 expansion interface: 2 (ch. 0: pin 9, ch. 1: pin 10)
Voltage of the E2 When the power is supplied from the emulator:
expansion interface When the user interface is selected: VCC voltage
When the E2 expansion interface is selected: supply voltage (1.8 V to 5.0 V)
When the power is not supplied from the emulator: VCC voltage
Conditions for detecting Detecting edges (rising, falling, or both)
an input Detecting a level (low or high)
Input characteristics VIH: 0.7 × voltage of E2 expansion interface, VIL: 0.3 × voltage of E2 expansion
Operation during the input Break
of an external trigger The time required from the detection of an external trigger input as a condition to be
satisfied until the user program stops
FINE bit rate of 2 Mbps: About 60 µs
FINE bit rate of 250 Kbps: About 400 µs
Recording the data from measuring the current consumption while the low or high
level is being input
Condition for detecting an Detecting a break or a trigger condition for measuring the current consumption
Operation during the When a break is detected, a low- or high-level pulse is output (the pulse width can be
output of an external set to times in the range from 1 µs to 65535 µs).
trigger When a trigger condition for measuring the current consumption is detected, a high-
level pulse is output (the pulse width can be set to times in the range from 1 µs to
65535 µs). Otherwise, a high level is output while a condition is being satisfied.
Output characteristics VOH: VDD - 0.1 V, VOL: 0.1 V (@ Io = 100 µA)
Output delay Max. 100 ns from condition satisfaction to pulse output

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2. Designing the User System

2.1 Connecting the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite with the User System
To connect the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite (hereinafter referred to as the emulator), a connector for the user system
interface cable must be mounted on the user system.

When designing the user system, read this section of this manual and the hardware manual for the MCUs.

Table 2.1 shows the type numbers of the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite.

Table 2.1 E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite and Connector Types

Emulator Communications External Trace-Output

Type Number Connector
Type Interface Function
E1 R0E000010KCE00 14-pin type JTAG, FINE Not available
E2 Lite RTE0T0002LKCE00000R
E2 RTE0T00020KCE00000R 14-pin type *1 JTAG, FINE Not available
E20 R0E000200KCT00 14-pin type *2 JTAG, FINE Not available
38-pin type JTAG Available
Notes: 1. This requires the 20-pin to 14-pin conversion adapter which comes with the product.
2. This requires the 38-pin to 14-pin conversion adapter which comes with the product.

The emulator connectors have 14 or 38 pins. Use the connector that corresponds to the aims of emulation.
Using the external trace-output function, which is capable of obtaining large amounts of trace data in real-
time, requires the 38-pin connector.

(1) 14-pin type (external trace-output function is not available)

This connector only supports basic functions using JTAG interface connection or FINE interface
connection and does not employ the external trace-output function. These connectors are general-
purpose connectors with a pitch of 2.54 mm.

(2) 38-pin type (external trace-output function is available)

This connector supports basic functions that employ JTAG interface connection, and the external trace-
output function for acquiring large amounts of trace data in real-time. This connector is as compact as the
14-pin connectors.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.2 Installing the Connector on the User System

Table 2.2 shows the recommended connectors for the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite.

Table 2.2 Recommended Connectors

Connector Type Number Manufacturer Specifications

14-pin connector 7614-6002 3M Japan Limited 14-pin straight type (Japan)
2514-6002 3M Limited 14-pin straight type (other countries)
38-pin connector 2-5767004-2 Tyco Electronics Japan G.K. 38-pin type

2.2.1 Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 14-Pin Connector

The following figures show how to connect the user system interface cable to the 14-pin connector of each

E1/E2 Lite: Figure 2.1 (Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 14-Pin Connector of the E1/E2
Lite Emulator)

E20: Figure 2.2 (Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 14-Pin Connector of the E20 Emulator)

E2: Figure 2.3 (Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 14-Pin Connector of the E2 Emulator)

14-pin user-system interface cable

14-pin connector
7614-6002 or
Pin 2 2514-6002

User system

Pin 1

Figure 2.1 Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 14-Pin Connector of the E1/E2 Lite

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

38-pin user-system interface cable

9.4 mm

26.2 mm

9.4 mm
38-pin to 14-pin
conversion adapter

14-pin connector
7614-6002 or
38-pin to 14-pin conversion adapter (top view)
10 mm R0E000200CKA00
(include in the E20 package)

User system

Figure 2.2 Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 14-Pin Connector of the E20 Emulator

Limit to the height on connector periphery:
For a case where the R0E000200CKA00 is used for connecting the E20 to a 14-pin connector, do not mount
other components with a height of 10 mm or more within 5 mm of the connector on the user system.

3M Japan Ltd.)

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

20-pin (1.27-mm pin spacing) user-system

interface cable

10.5 mm 29.0 mm

20-pin (1.27-mm pin
spacing) to 14-pin 10.5 mm
(2.54-mm pin spacing)


connector conversion
20-pin (1.27-mm pin spacing) to 14-pin
13 mm (2.54-mm pin spacing) connector
14-pin (2.54-mm pin spacing)
conversion adapter (top view)
7614-6002 or 2514-6002 *: These are not printed on some versions
of the conversion adapter.
User system
Set the switch to position “1” .

Figure 2.3 Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 14-Pin Connector of the E2 Emulator

Limit to the height on connector periphery:
If the 20-pin (1.27-mm pin spacing) to 14-pin (2.54-mm pin spacing) connector conversion adapter is in use
and the E2 is to be connected to the 14-pin connector, do not mount components with a height of 13 mm or
more on the user system within a rectangle 2 mm from the edges of the connector.

Type number: 7614-6002 (manufactured by 3M Ltd.) (Japan)

: 2514-6002 (manufactured by 3M Ltd.) (other countries)

The emulator is connected from this direction.

2 mm

2 mm

2 mm 2 mm
Area with limit on mounted components
(heights must be no greater than 13 mm)

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.2.2 Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 38-Pin Connector

When designing the layout of a user board with a 38-pin connector, reduce cross-talk noise etc. by keeping
other signal lines out of the region where the connector is situated.

As shown in Figure 2.4, an upper limit (5 mm) applies to the heights of other components mounted around
the connector (labeled "Area with limit on mounted components") in the figure.

38-pin user-system interface cable

30 mm

37 1

15 mm
38-pin connector
2-5767004-2 5 mm 38 2

: Area with limit on mounted components

User system
Connector (top view)

Figure 2.4 Connecting the User System Interface Cable to the 38-Pin Connector of the E20 Emulator

Limit to the height on connector periphery:
For a case where the E20 is connected to a 38-pin connector:
When designing the layout of a user board with a 38-pin connector, reduce cross-talk noise etc. by keeping
other signal lines out of the region where the connector is situated. As shown below, an upper limit (5 mm)
applies to the heights of components mounted around the connector on the user system (indicated by “area
with limit on mounted components” in the figure).

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

Notes on connector insertion and removal:
When connecting or disconnecting the user-system interface cable and the emulator or user system,
grasp the connector cover at the end of the cable. Pulling the cable itself will damage the wiring.
Also, be aware that the user-system interface cable has the direction in which it must be inserted. If the
cable is connected in the wrong direction, it may be damaged.
Correct example Incorrect example

2.3 Pin Assignments of the Connector on the User System

2.3.1 14-Pin Connector Specifications

Figure 2.5 shows the specifications of the 14-pin connector.

Table 2.3 and Table 2.4 on the following pages show the pin assignments of the 14-pin connector for JTAG
interface and FINE interface connections, respectively.

Pin 1 mark Connector

6 x 2.54 = 15.24 Connector (top view)

Pin 2 Pin 14
Pin 1 Pin 13


Pin 1 mark Unit: mm

Figure 2.5 Emulator Connector Specifications (14 Pins)

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

Table 2.3 Pin Assignments of the 14-Pin Connector for JTAG Interface Connection (for Debugging
and Flash Programming)

RX610, RX621, RX62N, RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x,

Pin RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T
RX62T, and RX62G Groups Groups Note
Signal *1 *2 Direction *3 Signal *2 Direction *3
1 TCK Input TCK Input Communication clock
2 GND *4  GND *4  GND
3 TRST# Input TRST# Input
4 (EMLE) *5 I/O (EMLE) *5 I/O
5 TDO Output TDO Output
6 NC  NC  Not connected
7 (MD1) *6 I/O (MD) *6 I/O Operating mode
8 VCC  VCC  Power supply
9 TMS Input TMS Input
10 (MD0) *6 I/O (UB) *7 I/O Operating mode
11 TDI Input TDI Input
12 GND *4  GND *4  GND
13 RES# I/O RES# I/O User system reset
14 GND *4  GND *4  Checking connection to
user system
Notes: 1. When using the Flash Development Toolkit or the Renesas Flash Programmer to write to MCUs of the
RX610, RX62T, and RX62G groups (112-pin version), be aware that a separate 14-pin connector for flash
programming is required since the pin assignments of the 14-pin connector are different. For details, refer to
section 2.4, Recommended Circuit between the Connector and the MCU.
2. These are the names of the MCU pins at the time the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite is connected (i.e. during
3. Input to or output from the user system.
4. Securely connect pins 2, 12, and 14 of the connector to GND on the user system. These pins are used for
electrical grounding as well as for monitoring of connection with the user system by the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite.
5. The EMLE pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is not
connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
If the MCU does not have an EMLE pin, it is not necessary to connect it to the emulator connector. In this
case, only FINE interface connection is available.
6. The MD0, MD1, or MD pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is
not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
The MD pin must be connected to debug a ROM-less product of the RX631 group.
Debugging cannot be done in boot mode.
7. The UB pin is a port for the entry to the user boot mode. Which port is the UB pin depends on the MCU.
Refer to the section on operating modes in the hardware manual of the MCU to be used.
The UB pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is not connected
to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
Connection is not necessary if the MCU does not support the user boot mode.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

Table 2.4 Pin Assignments of the 14-Pin Connector for FINE Interface Connection (for Debugging
and Flash Programming)

RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x,

RX200 Series
Pin RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T
RX100 Series Note
No. Groups
Signal *1 Direction *2 Signal *1 Direction *2
1 FINEC *6 Input NC *7 Input Communication clock
2 GND *3  GND *3  GND
3 NC  NC  Not connected
4 (EMLE) *4 I/O NC 
5 (TxD1) *7 Output (TxD1) *7 Output Communication data for
Flash Programmer
6 NC  NC  Not connected
7 MD/FINED *6 I/O MD/FINED *6 I/O Operating mode/
communication data
8 VCC  VCC  Power supply
9 NC  NC  Not connected
10 (UB) *5 I/O (UB) *5 I/O Operating mode
11 (RxD1) *7 Input (RxD1) *7 Input Communication data for
Flash Programmer
12 GND *3  GND *3  GND
13 RES# I/O RES# I/O User system reset
14 GND *3  GND *3  Checking connection to
user system
Notes: 1. These are the names of the MCU pins at the time the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite is connected (i.e. during
2. Input to or output from the user system.
3. Securely connect pins 2, 12, and 14 of the connector to GND on the user system. These pins are used for
electrical grounding as well as for monitoring of connection with the user system by the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite.
4. The EMLE pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is not
connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
If the MCU does not have an EMLE pin, it is not necessary to connect it to the emulator connector. In this
case, only FINE interface connection is available.
5. The UB pin is a port for the entry to the user boot mode. Which port is the UB pin depends on the MCU.
Refer to the section on operating modes in the hardware manual of the MCU to be used.
The UB pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is not connected
to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
Connection is not necessary if the MCU does not support the user boot mode.
6. Refer to section 2.5.10, FINEC and MD/FINED Pins.
7. When flash memory is programmed via an SCI, the RxD1 and TxD1 pins must be connected to the
emulator. Connecting these pins to the emulator is not needed when flash memory is to be programmed via
the FINE interface (programming via the FINE interface is only available for MCUs of the RX65x, RX66x,
RX67x, and RX72x groups, RX200 series, and RX100 series) or for debugging.
For details on the handling of the RxD1 and TxD1 pins, refer to section 2.5.14, TxD1 and RxD1 Pins (Flash
Programming via an SCI).

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.3.2 38-Pin Connector Specifications

Figure 2.6 shows the specifications of the 38-pin connector. Table 2.5 shows the pin assignments of the 38-
pin connector for JTAG interface connection with MCUs of the RX610, RX621, RX62N, RX62T, and RX62G
groups. Table 2.6 shows the pin assignments of the 38-pin connector for JTAG interface connection with
MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, and RX72x groups.

During FINE interface connection, use the 38-pin to 14-pin conversion adapter included with the E20 to
connect the emulator to the 14-pin connector.

Note that with the packages which do not have a trace pin, the function to acquire large amounts of trace
data is not available. In such a case, use a 14-pin connector.

37 1


38 2
Unit: mm
Connector (top view)

Figure 2.6 Emulator Connector Specifications (38 Pins)

The GND bus lead at the center of the 38-pin connector must be grounded.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

Table 2.5 Pin Assignments of the 38-Pin Connector for JTAG Interface Connection with MCUs of
the RX610, RX621, RX62N, RX62T, and RX62G Groups (for Debugging)

Pin Direction Pin Direction

Signal *1 Note Signal *1 Note
No. *2 No. *2
1 NC  Not connected 2 (MD0) *5 I/O Operating
3 (EMLE) *4 I/O 4 NC  Not connected
5 GND *3  Checking 6 TRCLK Output
connection to
user system
7 NC  Not connected 8 (MD1) *5 I/O Operating
9 RES# I/O User system 10 NC  Not connected
11 TDO Output 12 VCC  Power supply
13 NC  Not connected 14 VCC  Power supply
15 TCK Input Communication 16 NC  Not connected
17 TMS Input 18 NC  Not connected
19 TDI Input 20 NC  Not connected
21 TRST# Input 22 NC  Not connected
23 NC  Not connected 24 TRDATA3 Output
25 NC  Not connected 26 TRDATA2 Output
27 NC  Not connected 28 TRDATA1 Output
29 NC  Not connected 30 TRDATA0 Output
31 NC  Not connected 32 TRSYNC Output
33 NC  Not connected 34 NC  Not connected
35 NC  Not connected 36 NC  Not connected
37 NC  Not connected 38 NC  Not connected
Notes: 1. These are the names of the MCU pins at the time the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite is connected (i.e. during
2. Input to or output from the user system.
3. Securely connect pin 5 and the GND bus lead at the center of the connector to GND on the user system.
These pins are used for electrical grounding as well as for monitoring of connection with the user system by
the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite.
4. The EMLE pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is not
connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
If the MCU does not have an EMLE pin, it is not necessary to connect it to the emulator connector. In this
case, only FINE interface connection is available.
5. The MD0 or MD1 pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is not
connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
Debugging cannot be done in boot mode.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

Table 2.6 Pin Assignments of the 38-Pin Connector for JTAG Interface Connection with MCUs of
the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups (for
Debugging and Flash Programming)

Pin Direction Pin Direction

Signal *1 Note Signal *1 Note
No. *2 No. *2
1 NC  Not connected 2 (UB) *6 I/O Operating
3 (EMLE) *4 I/O 4 NC  Not connected
5 GND *3  Checking 6 TRCLK Output
connection to
user system
7 NC  Not connected 8 (MD) *5 I/O Operating
9 RES# I/O User system 10 NC  Not connected
11 TDO Output 12 VCC  Power supply
13 NC  Not connected 14 VCC  Power supply
15 TCK Input Communication 16 NC  Not connected
17 TMS Input 18 NC  Not connected
19 TDI Input 20 NC  Not connected
21 TRST# Input 22 NC  Not connected
23 NC  Not connected 24 TRDATA3 Output
25 NC  Not connected 26 TRDATA2 Output
27 NC  Not connected 28 TRDATA1 Output
29 NC  Not connected 30 TRDATA0 Output
31 NC  Not connected 32 TRSYNC Output
33 NC  Not connected 34 NC  Not connected
35 NC  Not connected 36 NC  Not connected
37 NC  Not connected 38 NC  Not connected
Notes: 1. These are the names of the MCU pins at the time the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite is connected (i.e. during
2. Input to or output from the user system.
3. Securely connect pin 5 and the GND bus lead at the center of the connector to GND on the user system.
These pins are used for electrical grounding as well as for monitoring of connection with the user system by
the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite.
4. The EMLE pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is not
connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
If the MCU does not have an EMLE pin, it is not necessary to connect it to the emulator connector. In this
case, only FINE interface connection is available.
5. The MD pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is not connected
to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
The MD pin must be connected to debug a ROM-less product of the RX631 group.
Debugging cannot be done in boot mode.
6. The UB pin is a port for the entry to the user boot mode. Which port is the UB pin depends on the MCU.
Refer to the section on operating modes in the hardware manual of the MCU to be used.
The UB pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is not connected
to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
Connection is not necessary if the MCU does not support the user boot mode.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.4 Recommended Circuit between the Connector and the MCU

This section shows recommended circuits for connection between the connector and the MCU when the
E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite is used. For details on the handling of signals, refer to section 2.5, Notes on Connection.

2.4.1 JTAG Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX610 Group

Figure 2.7 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the 14-pin connector and MCUs of the
RX610 group in JTAG interface connection.

Figure 2.8 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the 14-pin connector and MCUs of the
RX610 group when programming software is used.

For MCUs of the RX610 group, pin assignments of the 14-pin connector differ between the cases when
debugging is to be executed and when the flash memory is to be programmed by using programming
software. Accordingly, two 14-pin connectors are required to execute both debugging and flash programming
for an MCU of this group.

Pull up at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

14-pin Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc

2.54-mm pitch







Pull down at
4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Reset Circuit for

selection of the
circuit operating mode
MD1 7 MD1*1
MD0 MD0*1



Not 6

Figure 2.7 Example of Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX610 Group in
JTAG Interface Connection (for Debugging)

Notes: 1. For details on the handling of the MD0, MD1, and EMLE signals, refer to section 2.5, Notes on
2. The output of the reset circuit of the user system must be open collector.

If the hot plug-in facility is to be used, connection to the emulator must be with the TRST# and EMLE signals for the
emulator at the low and high levels, respectively, when power is supplied to the user system (at the time of a
system reset). Ensure that a ceramic capacitor (approx. 0.1 µF) is installed between the RES# pin and GND and
the TRST# signal is pulled down, and include circuitry which can switch the EMLE signal to the high or low level.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

Pull up at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

14-pin Vcc Vcc Vcc

2.54-mm pitch


RxD 5 TxD4

TxD 11 RxD4

io0 4 MD0*2

io1 6 MD1*2



circuit Pull down at
Open-collector 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Figure 2.8 Example of Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX610 Group
when Programming Software is Used (for Flash Programming)

Notes: 1. Leave open the pins for which no name is shown in the figure for pin assignments of the 14-pin
2. For details on the handling of the MD0 and MD1 signals, refer to section 2.5, Notes on Connection.
3. The output of the reset circuit of the user system must be open collector.

For details on programming software, refer to


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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.4.2 JTAG Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX621, RX62N,
RX62T, and RX62G Groups

Figure 2.9 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the 14-pin connector and MCUs of the
RX621, RX62N, RX62T, and RX62G groups in JTAG interface connection.

Figure 2.10 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the 14-pin connector and MCUs of the
RX62T and RX62G groups (112-pin version) when programming software is used.

For MCUs of the RX62T and RX62G groups (112-pin version), pin assignments of the 14-pin connector differ
between the cases when debugging is to be executed and when the flash memory is to be programmed by
using programming software. Accordingly, two 14-pin connectors are required to execute both debugging
and flash programming for MCUs of these groups (112-pin version).

Pull up at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

14-pin Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc

2.54-mm pitch



11 TDI/RxD1
Pull down at
4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Reset Circuit for

selection of the
circuit operating mode
MD1 7 buffer*2
MD0 10 MD0*1


Not 6

Figure 2.9 Example of Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX621, RX62N,
RX62T, and RX62G Groups in JTAG Interface Connection (for Debugging)

Notes: 1. For details on the handling of the MD0, MD1, and EMLE signals, refer to section 2.5, Notes on
2. The output of the reset circuit of the user system must be open collector.
3. The names in parentheses “()” are the pin names of the 14-pin connector for the E1/E20/E2/E2
Lite when programming software is to be used to program flash memory. When programming flash
memory, VCC, GND, and RES# still require connection.

If the hot plug-in facility is to be used, connection to the emulator must be with the TRST# and EMLE signals for the
emulator at the low and high levels, respectively, when power is supplied to the user system (at the time of a system
reset). Ensure that a ceramic capacitor (approx. 0.1 µF) is installed between the RES# pin and GND and the TRST#
signal is pulled down, and include circuitry which can switch the EMLE signal to the high or low level.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

Pull up at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

14-pin Vcc Vcc Vcc

2.54-mm pitch

RxD 5 TxD1*4

TxD 11 RxD1*4

Io3 7 MD0*2

io2 10 MD1*2



Pull down at
4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Figure 2.10 Example of Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX62T and
RX62G Groups (112-Pin Version) when Programming Software is Used (for Flash Programming)

Notes: 1. Leave open the pins for which no name is shown in the figure for pin assignments of the 14-pin
2. For details on the handling of the MD0 and MD1 signals, refer to section 2.5, Notes on Connection.
3. The output of the reset circuit of the user system must be open collector.
4. Note that TDO and TxD1, and TDI and RxD1 are assigned to different pins in MCUs of the RX62T
and RX62G groups (112-pin version).

For details on programming software, refer to

https://www.renesas.com/RFP .

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.4.3 JTAG Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x,
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups

Figure 2.11 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the 14-pin connector and MCUs of the
RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T groups in JTAG interface connection.

When rewriting flash memory by programming software (using the boot mode), the input of the main clock to
the MCU is needed. (RX63x only)

Pull up at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

14-pin Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc

2.54-mm pitch



11 TDI/RxD1
Pull down at
4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Reset Circuit for

selection of the
circuit operating mode
MD 7 buffer*2
UB 10


Not 6

Figure 2.11 Example of Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x,
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups in JTAG Interface Connection (for
Debugging and Flash Programming)

Notes: 1. For details on the handling of the MD, UB, and EMLE signals, refer to section 2.5, Notes on
2. The output of the reset circuit of the user system must be open collector.
3. The names in parentheses “()” are the pin names of the 14-pin connector for the E1/E20/E2/E2
Lite when programming software is to be used to program flash memory. When programming flash
memory, VCC, GND, and RES# still require connection.

The MD pin must be connected to debug a ROM-less product of the RX631 group.
If the hot plug-in facility is to be used, connection to the emulator must be with the TRST# and EMLE signals for the
emulator at the low and high levels, respectively, when power is supplied to the user system (at the time of a system
reset). Ensure that a ceramic capacitor (approx. 0.1 µF) is installed between the RES# pin and GND and the TRST#
signal is pulled down, and include circuitry which can switch the EMLE signal to the high or low level.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.4.4 FINE Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x,
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups

Figure 2.12 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the 14-pin connector and MCUs of the
RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T groups in FINE interface connection.

When rewriting flash memory by programming software (using the boot mode), the input of the main clock to
the MCU is needed. (RX63x only)

Pull up at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

14-pin Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc

2.54-mm pitch
Pull up at 4.7 kΩ

(RxD)*3, 4 TxD1*3
(TxD)*3, 4 RxD1*3


Reset Circuit for

selection of the
circuit operating mode
UB 10 UB*1

2,12,14 Pull down at

GND 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Figure 2.12 Example of Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x,
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups in FINE Interface Connection (for Debugging
and Flash Programming)

Notes: 1. For details on the handling of the UB and EMLE signals, refer to section 2.5, Notes on Connection.
2. The output of the reset circuit of the user system must be open collector.
3. The RxD1 and TxD1 signals are NOT required for debugging. These are only used for internal
flash programming with Renesas Flash Programmer.
• Applicable MCUs: RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX72x and RX26T
Connect the RxD1 and TxD1 pins when flash memory is programmed through the SCI.
When flash memory is programmed through the FINE interface, they do not need to be connected.
4. The names in parentheses “()” are the pin names of the 14-pin connector for the E1/E20/E2/E2
Lite when programming software is to be used to program flash memory. When programming flash
memory, VCC, GND, and RES# still require connection.
5. For details on the FINEC pins, refer to note 6 in Table 2.4.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.4.5 FINE Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX200 Series,
except RX24T

Figure 2.13 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the 14-pin connector and MCUs of the
RX200 series in FINE interface connection.

Pull up at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc

2.54-mm pitch
Pull up at 4.7 kΩ

(RxD)*3, 4 TxD1*3
3, 4 11


Reset Circuit for

selection of the
circuit operating mode
UB 10 UB*1


Figure 2.13 Example of Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX200 Series in
FINE Interface Connection (for Debugging and Flash Programming)

Notes: 1. For details on the handling of the UB signal, refer to section 2.5, Notes on Connection.
2. The output of the reset circuit of the user system must be open collector.
3. Connect the RxD1 and TxD1 pins when flash memory is programmed through the SCI.
When flash memory is programmed through the FINE interface, they do not need to be connected.
For details on the handling of the RxD1 and TxD1 signals, refer to section 2.5.14, TxD1 and RxD1
Pins (Flash Programming via an SCI).
4. The names in parentheses “()” are the pin names of the 14-pin connector for the E1/E20/E2/E2
Lite when programming software is to be used to program flash memory. When programming flash
memory, VCC, GND, and RES# still require connection.

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2.4.6 FINE Interface Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX100 Series

Figure 2.14 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the 14-pin connector and MCUs of the
RX100 series in FINE interface connection.

Pull up at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc

2.54-mm pitch
Pull up at 4.7 kΩ

(RxD)*3, 4 TxD1*3
(TxD)*3, 4


Reset Circuit for

selection of the
circuit operating mode
UB 10 UB*1


Figure 2.14 Example of Connection between the 14-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX100 Series in
FINE Interface Connection (for Debugging and Flash Programming)

Notes: 1. In MCUs of the RX100 series, the UB pin connection is not required. Also, the debugging of
programs in the USB I/F mode is not possible. During debugging, pull up the pin on the user
system that selects the SCI I/F mode or USB I/F mode so that the pin is selecting the SCI I/F
2. The output of the reset circuit of the user system must be open collector.
3. Connect the RxD1 and TxD1 pins when flash memory is programmed through the SCI.
When flash memory is programmed through the FINE interface, they do not need to be connected.
For details on the handling of the RxD1 and TxD1 signals, refer to section 2.5.14, TxD1 and RxD1
Pins (Flash Programming via an SCI).
4. The names in parentheses “()” are the pin names of the 14-pin connector for the E1/E20/E2/E2
Lite when programming software is to be used to program flash memory. When programming flash
memory, VCC, GND, and RES# still require connection.

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2.4.7 JTAG Interface Connection between the 38-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX610, RX621,
RX62N, RX62T, and RX62G Groups

Figure 2.15 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the 38-pin connector and MCUs of the
RX610, RX621, RX62N, RX62T, and RX62G groups in JTAG interface connection.

Pull up at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc

connector*3 MCU








Pull down at
4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Reset Circuit for

selection of the
circuit operating mode
8 buffer*2
MD1 MD1*1

MD0 2 MD0*1


Not 33,34,35,36,37,38

Figure 2.15 Example of Connection between the 38-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX610, RX621,
RX62N, RX62T, and RX62G Groups in JTAG Interface Connection (for Debugging)

Notes: 1. For details on the handling of the MD0, MD1, and EMLE signals, refer to section 2.5, Notes on
2. The output of the reset circuit of the user system must be open collector.
3. When using programming software to program flash memory, connect the emulator connector and
target MCU with reference to Figure 2.8 for an MCU of the RX610, and Figure 2.9 and Figure 2.10
for an MCU of the RX621, RX62N, RX62T, or RX62G. In debugging, refer to Figure 2.15 for the
connector numbers for emulator connection.

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The GND bus lead at the center of the 38-pin connector must be grounded.
If the hot plug-in facility is to be used, connection to the emulator must be with the TRST# and EMLE signals for the
emulator at the low and high levels, respectively, when power is supplied to the user system (at the time of a
system reset). Ensure that a ceramic capacitor (approx. 0.1 µF) is installed between the RES# pin and GND and
the TRST# signal is pulled down, and include circuitry which can switch the EMLE signal to the high or low level.

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2.4.8 JTAG Interface Connection between the 38-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x,
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups

Figure 2.16 shows a recommended circuit for connection between the 38-pin connector and MCUs of the
RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T groups in JTAG interface connection.

When rewriting flash memory by programming software (using the boot mode), the input of the main clock to
the MCU is needed (RX63x only).

Pull up at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc Vcc

connector*3 MCU




11 TDO

19 TDI

Pull down at
4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Reset Circuit for

selection of the
circuit operating mode
8 buffer*2
MD MD1*1


Not 33,34,35,36,37,38

Figure 2.16 Example of Connection between the 38-Pin Connector and MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x,
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups in JTAG Interface Connection (for
Debugging and Flash Programming)

Notes: 1. For details on the handling of the MD, UB, and EMLE signals, refer to section 2.5, Notes on
2. The output of the reset circuit of the user system must be open collector.
3. When using programming software to program flash memory, connect the emulator connector and
target MCU with reference to Figure 2.11 for an MCU of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x,
RX67x, RX71x, RX72x, or.RX26T In debugging, refer to Figure 2.16 for the connector numbers for
emulator connection.

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The GND bus lead at the center of the 38-pin connector must be grounded.
The MD pin must be connected to debug a ROM-less product of the RX631 group.
If the hot plug-in facility is to be used, connection to the emulator must be with the TRST# and EMLE signals for the
emulator at the low and high levels, respectively, when power is supplied to the user system (at the time of a
system reset). Ensure that a ceramic capacitor (approx. 0.1 µF) is installed between the RES# pin and GND and
the TRST# signal is pulled down, and include circuitry which can switch the EMLE signal to the high or low level.

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2.5 Notes on Connection

Wiring patterns between the connector and the MCU must be as short as possible (within 50 mm is
recommended). Do not connect the signal lines between the connector and MCU to other signal lines on the

For the handling of pins while the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite is not in use, refer to the hardware manual for the MCU.

2.5.1 RES# Pin

The E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite uses the RES# pin.

If the user system includes a user logic reset circuit, the output signal from the reset circuit must be
connected to the RES# pin of the connector via an open-collector buffer as shown below. If there is no reset
circuit, the RES# pin from the connector must be directly connected to the RES# pin of the MCU.

When you use hot plug-in, install a ceramic capacitor (approx. 0.1 µF) between the RES# pin and GND in
order to suppress a noise to the RES# pin that would occur when the emulator is connected.

Hot plug-ins are not available if there is no reset circuit.

[When hot plug-in is not used]

- When a reset circuit is included VCC
Connector buffer 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ MCU

- When a reset circuit is not included VCC

4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ MCU


[When hot plug-in is used]

- When a reset circuit is included
Connector 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ MCU

0.1 uF

Figure 2.17 Connection of the Reset Circuit

Do not install capacitors, series resistors, or filters on signal lines; if this is attempted, correct communication may not
be established.

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2.5.2 EMLE Pin (JTAG Interface Connection)

Connection of the EMLE pin to the connector is optional.

When debugging with the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, set the EMLE pin to the high level. When using the MCU
without the emulator, or when rewriting flash memory by the programming software, set the EMLE pin to the
low level.

When the EMLE pins of the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite and the MCU are connected, the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite operates
the EMLE pin. Therefore, pull the levels on the EMLE pin down on the user system. When the EMLE pins of
the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite and the MCU are not connected, set up circuitry on the user system to switch the level
on the pin between the high and low levels.

If hot plug-in is to be used, ensure that the user system includes circuitry for switching the level on the EMLE
pin to the high to low level, and turn the power on with the EMLE pin at the high level.

In the RX26T, the EMLE pin function is multiplexed with a port pin function. After connecting with the
debugger, it can be used as a port function.

[When connected to the emulator]

- When hot plug-in is not used
The emulator controls the EMLE pin in debugging and the programming of flash memory
by the programming software.
Connector MCU


4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

- When hot plug-in is used

Set the switch to pull the level on the pin up for debugging or down for stand-alone operation
of the MCU.
The level on the pin can either be pulled up or down in the case of programming flash
memory by the programming software.
1 kΩ to 3 kΩ
4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ
Connector MCU


Note: 1. Connecting the pins is not necessary if the emulators do not control the EMLE pin.

[When not connected to the emulator]

Set the switch to pull the level on the pin up for debugging or down for stand-alone
operation and programming of flash memory by the programming software.

4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ 1 kΩ to 3 kΩ


Figure 2.18 Connection of the EMLE Pin (JTAG Interface Connection)

Do not install capacitors, series resistors, or filters on signal lines; if this is attempted, correct communication may not
be established.

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2.5.3 EMLE Pin (FINE Interface Connection)

Connection of the EMLE pin to the connector is optional.

When debugging with the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, or when using the MCU without the emulator, set the EMLE pin
to the low level.

When the EMLE pins of the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite and the MCU are connected, the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite operates
the EMLE pin. Therefore, pull the levels on the EMLE pin down on the user system. When the EMLE pins of
the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite and the MCU are not connected (e.g. when only FINE interface connection is used),
pull the levels on the EMLE pin down at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ on the user system.

If the MCU does not have an EMLE pin, it is not necessary to connect it to the emulator connector. In this
case, only FINE interface connection is available.

In the RX26T, the EMLE pin function is multiplexed with a port pin function. After connecting with the
debugger, it can be used as a port function.

[When connected to the emulator]

Connector MCU

4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

[When not connected to the emulator]

Connector MCU


4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Figure 2.19 Connection of the EMLE Pin (FINE Interface Connection)

Do not install capacitors, series resistors, or filters on signal lines; if this is attempted, correct communication may not
be established.

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2.5.4 MODE Pin (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX610, RX621, RX62N, RX62T, and
RX62G Groups)

Connection of the MD0 and MD1 pins to the connector is optional.

Connecting the MD0 and MD1 pins of the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite and the target MCU allows debugging without
switching the MD0 and MD1 pins on the user system because the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite controls these pins.
Debugging cannot be done in boot mode.

[When the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite controls the MD0 and MD1 pins]

Use a 4.7-kΩ to 10-kΩ resistor to pull the MD0 and MD1 pins up or down according to the target MCU
operating mode to be used.

When using the programming software to program the on-chip flash memory, set the flash programming
software so that high-level and low-level signals are output from the MD0 and MD1 pins, respectively.

[When the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite does not control the MD0 and MD1 pins]

Use a 4.7-kΩ to 10-kΩ resistor to pull the MD0 and MD1 pins up or down according to the target MCU
operating mode to be used.

When using the programming software to program the on-chip flash memory, use switches to pull the MD0
pin up and the MD1 pin down.

[When the emulator controls the MD0 and MD1 pins]

Connector MCU
Pull up or pull down at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ*

Pull up or pull down at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ*1


Note: 1. Pull up or pull down the pins according to the operating mode
of the MCU used.

[When the emulator does not control the MD0 and MD1 pins]
4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ 4.7 kΩ to
10 kΩ
4.7 kΩ to
4.7 kΩ to MCU
Connector 10 kΩ
10 kΩ



If the internal memory is to be programmed, use switches on the user system to

set the levels on the MD0 and MD1 pins to select boot mode. Otherwise, set the
levels on the pins to place the MCU in the required operating mode.

Figure 2.20 Connection of the MODE Pins (JTAG Interface Connection for the RX610, RX621, RX62N,
RX62T, and RX62G Groups)

Do not install capacitors, series resistors, or filters on signal lines; if this is attempted, correct communication may not
be established.

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2.5.5 MODE Pin (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x,
RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups)

Connection of the MD pin to the connector is optional.

The MD pin must be connected to debug a ROM-less product of the RX631 group.

Connecting the MD pin of the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite and the target MCU allows debugging without switching the
MD pin on the user system because the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite controls this pin.

Debugging cannot be done in boot mode.

[When the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite controls the MD pin]

Use a 4.7-kΩ resistor to pull the MD pin up or a 4.7-kΩ to 10-kΩ resistor to pull the MD pin down according
to the target MCU operating mode to be used.

When using the programming software to program the on-chip flash memory, set the flash programming
software so that a low-level signal is output from the MD pin.

[When the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite does not control the MD pin]

Use a 4.7-kΩ resistor to pull the MD pin up or a 4.7-kΩ to 10-kΩ resistor to pull the MD pin down according
to the target MCU operating mode to be used.

When using the programming software to program the on-chip flash memory, use switches to pull the MD pin

[When the emulator controls the MD pin]

Connector MCU

Pull up at 4.7 kΩ or pull down at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ*1


Note: 1. Pull up or pull down the pins according to the operating

mode of the MCU used.

[When the emulator does not control the MD pin]


Connector 4.7 kΩ to 4.7 kΩ

10 kΩ MCU


If the internal memory is to be programmed, use switches on the user system to

set the levels on the MD pin to select boot mode. Otherwise, set the levels on the
pins to place the MCU in the required operating mode.

Figure 2.21 Connection of the MODE Pin (JTAG Interface Connection for the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x,
RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, and RX72x Groups)

Do not install capacitors, series resistors, or filters on signal lines; if this is attempted, correct communication may not
be established.

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2.5.6 MODE Pin (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x,
RX71x, and RX72x Groups, RX200 Series, and RX100 Series)

The MD/FINED pin must be connected to the connector as it is used as a communication channel.

Do not install capacitors, series resistors, or filters on signal lines; if this is attempted, correct communication may not
be established.

2.5.7 UB Pin

Refer to Table 2.7 regarding whether the UB pin that controls entry to each boot mode is or is not connected
to the emulator. The UB pin is only referred to as the name of a port name for some MCUs. In such cases,
confirm the pin corresponding to the UB pin in the section on operating modes in the user’s manual for the
hardware of the target MCU you are using.

Connecting the UB pins of the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite and the target MCU allows debugging in the user boot
mode and programming of the on-chip flash memory without switching the level on the UB pin in the user
system because the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite controls the pin.

When the UB pin of the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite is not connected to that of the MCU, specific handling of the pin
may be required according to whether debugging is to be in the user boot mode and whether the MCU has
the USB boot mode.

Table 2.7 Connection of the UB Pin of the MCU and the Emulator

Debugging Condition JTAG FINE

Debugging in USB Boot
the User Boot Mode
Proceeds Included Connection of the UB pin to the Connection of the UB pin to the
emulator is required. emulator is required.
Proceeds Not included
Does not Included Connection of the UB pin to the Connection of the UB pin to the
proceed* emulator is not required. emulator is not required.
The UB pin can be set up as a port The pin requires specific handling.
pin instead.
• Use a 4.7-kΩ to 10-kΩ resistor
The pin does not require specific to pull the UB pin down (RX700,
RX600, and RX200 series).
• Use a 4.7-kΩ to 10-kΩ resistor
to pull the UB# pin up (RX100
Does not Not included Connection of the UB pin to the Connection of the UB pin to the
proceed emulator is not required. emulator is not required.
The UB pin can be set up as a port The UB pin can be set up as a port
pin instead. pin instead.
The pin does not require specific The pin does not require specific
handling. handling.
Note: This also applies to MCUs that have UB pins but do not have user boot mode.

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[When the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite controls the UB pin]

For an MCU having user boot mode, debugging can proceed in the user boot mode.

Use a 4.7-kΩ to 10-kΩ resistor to pull the UB pin up or down according to the MCU operating mode to be
used in the user system without the emulator connected.

When using the programming software to program the on-chip flash memory, set the flash programming
software so that a low-level signal is output from the UB pin.

[When the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite does not control the UB pin]

Even if the MCU has user boot mode, debugging cannot proceed in the user boot mode.

Refer to Table 2.7 for handling of the UB pin during debugging. When programming software is to be used to
program the on-chip flash memory, use the switch circuit to pull the UB pin down. When the UB pin is used
on the user system without the emulator connected, set the switch circuit on the user system to place the
MCU in the required operating mode.

[When the emulator controls the UB pin]

Connector MCU

Pull up or pull down at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ*1


Note: 1. Pull up or pull down the pins according to the operating

mode of the MCU used.

[When the emulator does not control the UB pin]


4.7 kΩ to
Connector 4.7 kΩ to
10 kΩ MCU
10 kΩ


Set the switch to pull the level on the UB pin up or down.

Figure 2.22 Connection of the UB Pin

Do not install capacitors, series resistors, or filters on signal lines; if this is attempted, correct communication may not
be established.

For details on connection of the UB pin of the MCU and the emulator, refer to Table 2.7.

Since whether the MCU you are using supports or does not support USB boot mode depends on the MCU,
refer to the section on operating modes in the hardware manual of the target MCU you are using.

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2.5.8 TCK, TDO, TMS, and TDI Pins

In JTAG interface connection, the TCK, TDO, TMS, and TDI pins are exclusively used by the E1/E20/E2/E2
Lite. Any functions that are multiplexed on these pins are not available.

Make the lengths of the signal lines for the JTAG pins (TCK, TMS, and TDI) as uniform as is possible
(keeping the variation within ±20 mm is recommended). The wiring run for the TDO pin must be the shortest.
Use a 4.7-kΩ to 10-kΩ resistor to pull these pins up and do not arrange these signal lines in parallel with or
across other high-speed signal lines.

Connector VCC
TCK, 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Figure 2.23 Connection of the TCK, TDO, TMS, and TDI Pins

Do not use adjacent resistors for pull-up of the TCK pin because they may affect or may be affected from other pins.
For the TCK pin, add a grounded guard ring to the pattern between the connector and the MCU.
Do not install capacitors, series resistors, or filters on signal lines; if this is attempted, correct communication may not
be established.

2.5.9 TRST# Pin

In JTAG interface connection, the TRST# pin is exclusively used by the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. Any functions
that are multiplexed on this pin are not available. Use a 4.7-kΩ to 10-kΩ resistor to pull the TRST# pin down.

Connector MCU


4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Figure 2.24 Connection of the TRST# Pin

Do not install capacitors, series resistors, or filters on signal lines; if this is attempted, correct communication may not
be established.

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2.5.10 FINEC and MD/FINED Pins

The FINE interface connection for the RX63x group supports a 2-wire transfer system through the FINEC
and MD/FINED pins. The FINEC and MD/FINED pins are exclusively used by the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. Any
functions that are multiplexed on the FINEC pin are not available.

The FINE interface connection for the RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, and RX72x groups, RX200
series, and RX100 series supports a 1-wire transfer system through the MD/FINED pin. The MD/FINED pin
is the only pin exclusively used by the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. Any functions that are multiplexed on the
MD/FINED pin are not available. Do not change the registers (bits) associated with the relevant port function.
It is not necessary to connect the FINEC pin since this pin is not used.

Use a 4.7-kΩ resistor to pull the MD/FINED pin up. Use a 4.7-kΩ to 10-kΩ resistor to pull the FINEC pin up.
Do not arrange these signal lines in parallel with or across other high-speed signal lines.


Connector 4.7 kΩ MCU

4.7 kΩ
to 10 kΩ


Figure 2.25 Connection of the FINEC and MD/FINED Pins

Do not use adjacent resistors for pull-up of the FINEC pin because they may affect or may be affected from other
For the FINEC pin, add a grounded guard ring to the pattern between the connector and the MCU.
Do not install capacitors, series resistors, or filters on signal lines; if this is attempted, correct communication may not
be established.

2.5.11 TRCLK, TRSYNC, and TRDATA0 to TRDATA3 Pins

The TRCLK, TRSYNC, and TRDATA0 to TRDATA3 pins are intended for the acquisition of large amounts of
trace data when the E20 is in use with a 38-pin connector. The trace signals (TRCLK, TRSYNC, and
TRDATA0 to TRDATA3) operate at high speed. Make the lengths of these signal lines as uniform as is
possible (keeping the variation within ±10 mm is recommended). Do not split the signal lines or wire any
other signal line close to these lines and make the lines as short as possible. Pull up the TRCLK, TRSYNC,
and TRDATA0 to TRDATA3 signals at 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ. Do not arrange these signal lines in parallel with or
across other high-speed signal lines.

Connector MCU

TRSYNC, 4.7 kΩ to 10 kΩ

Figure 2.26 Connection of the Trace Pins

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Trace signals (TRCLK, TRSYNC, and TRDATA0 to TRDATA3) operate at high speed. Do not place any devices that
will produce noise over these lines.
For the TRCLK pin, add a grounded guard ring to the pattern between the connector and the MCU.
Do not install capacitors, series resistors, or filters on signal lines; if this is attempted, correct communication may not
be established.
It is not necessary to connect trace signals (TRSYNC1 and TRDATA4 to TRDATA7) to the 38-pin connector.

2.5.12 GND

The pins of the connector marked "GND" must be at the same ground level as the VSS pin of the MCU.

2.5.13 VCC

Connect the VCC of the connector to the VCC (power supply) of the user system.

Use the emulator within the power supply voltage of 1.8 V to 5.5 V and within the operating voltage range of
the MCU.

When power is supplied to the user system from other than the emulator, the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite consumes
the power supply for the last output and first input buffers of the emulator.

• E1: 3.3 V: approximately 20 mA, 5.0 V: approximately 40 mA

• E20: 3.3 V: approximately 40 mA, 5.0 V: approximately 100 mA
• E2: 3.3 V: approximately 20 mA, 5.0 V: approximately 40 mA
• E2 Lite: 3.3 V: approximately 20 mA, 5.0 V: approximately 40 mA

The E1/E2/E2 Lite can supply power to a simple evaluation system.

• E1: Can supply power of 3.3 V or 5.0 V, up to 200 mA.

• E2: Can supply power of 1.8 V to 5.0 V, up to 200 mA.
• E2 Lite: Can supply power of 3.3 V, up to 200 mA.

When using the power supply function of the E1, E2, or E2 Lite, check the voltage that is actually being
supplied to the user system since this depends on the environment.

Power supply from the E1/E2/E2 Lite depends on the quality of the USB power supply of the host machine, and as
such, precision is not guaranteed. When writing a program that requires reliability, do not use the power supply
function of the E1/E2/E2 Lite. Use a stable, separate power supply for the user system. When writing a program for
mass production processes, use the Renesas Flash Programmer or the Flash Development Toolkit.
For details on the programming software, refer to the following:
Renesas Flash Programmer: https://www.renesas.com/RFP
Flash Development Toolkit: https://www.renesas.com/FDT
When the MCU is changed to low power mode, the internal debugging circuit continues to run. This leads to the MCU
drawing more electric current than is listed in the DC characteristics of the target MCU.

Warning for Turning the Power On/Off:
When supplying power, ensure that there are no shorts between Vcc and GND. Only connect the
E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite after confirming that there are no mismatches of alignment on the user system port
connector. Incorrect connection will result in the host machine, the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, and the user
system emitting smoke or catching fire.

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2.5.14 TxD1 and RxD1 Pins (Flash Programming via an SCI)

When flash memory is programmed via an SCI, the RxD1 and TxD1 pins must be connected to the emulator.
Connecting these pins to the emulator is not needed when flash memory is to be programmed via the FINE
interface (programming via the FINE interface is only available for MCUs of the RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, and
RX72x groups, RX200 series, and RX100 series) or for debugging. If the MCU has multiple RxD1 or TxD1
pins, check the hardware manual of the MCU to confirm which of the pins is used in boot mode.

When using the current consumption tuning solution of the E2, pin 11 of the user interface (14-pin connector)
is a CMOS output from the emulator rather than Hi-Z. Check the following conditions before use.

(1) When programming flash memory via an SCI

Connect pin 11 to the RxD1 pin of the 14-pin connector.
When using the current consumption tuning solution of the E2, the MCU peripheral functions of the pin
which is connected to pin 11 are not available. Set the MCU peripheral function to “input”, and do not use
the given peripheral function of the MCU.
If you need to use the given MCU peripheral function, you cannot use the current consumption tuning
solution of the E2, since doing so may lead to contention between signals and breakdown.

(2) When not programming flash memory via an SCI

Leave pin 11 of the 14-pin connector open-circuit.
You can use the current consumption tuning solution of the E2 and program flash memory via the FINE

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2.6 Internal Circuits of the Emulator

2.6.1 Internal Circuits of the E1 (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX600 Series, RX700
Series and RX26T)

Figure 2.27 shows the internal circuits of the E1 with MCUs of the RX600 series, RX700 series and RX26T
connected via the JTAG interface.

100 kΩ x 5 connector
Power-supply VCC
circuit 8
(only for use in
the mode to 10 kΩ
supply power to
the user system)

74LVC125 22 Ω Noise filter

74LVC125 22 Ω
3.3 V 3
74LVC2T45 22 Ω
74LVC125 22 Ω Noise filter
74LVC125 22 Ω Noise filter
74LVC125 22 Ω (EMLE)*1
1 kΩ
100 kΩ x 2

100 kΩ

74LVC125 22 Ω
(MD1)*1 *2
Emulator 7
control 74LVC8T245
74LVC125 22 Ω
(MD0)*1 *2
3.3 V

100 kΩ
74LVC125 22 Ω
3.3 V
470 Ω



22 Ω
RES# 13
2, 12

Figure 2.27 Internal Circuits of the E1 with MCUs of the RX600 Series, RX700 Series and RX26T
Connected via the JTAG Interface

Notes: 1. The signals marked with () operate even if they are not connected to the user system.
2. When using MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T
groups, read the MD1 pin and MD0 pin as the MD pin and UB pin, respectively.

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2.6.2 Internal Circuits of the E1 (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x,
RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups)

Figure 2.28 shows the internal circuits of the E1 with MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x,
RX71x, RX72x and RX26T groups connected via the FINE interface.

100 kΩ x 3 connector
Power-supply VCC
circuit 8
(only for use in
the mode to
10 kΩ
supply power to
the user system)

74LVC125 22 Ω Noise filter


3.3 V

74LVC125 22 Ω (EMLE)*1
100 kΩ

74LVC125 1 kΩ

74LVC125 22 Ω
Emulator 7
control 74LVC8T245
74LVC125 22 Ω
74LVC8T245 3.3 V

100 kΩ
74LVC125 22 Ω
3.3 V
470 Ω



74LVC8T245 22 Ω
2, 12
3, 5, 6,
9, 11

Figure 2.28 Internal Circuits of the E1 with MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x,
RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups Connected via the FINE Interface

Note: The signals marked with () operate even if they are not connected to the user system.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.6.3 Internal Circuits of the E1 (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX200 Series, RX100
Series, and except RX26T)

Figure 2.29 shows the internal circuits of the E1 with MCUs of the RX200 series and RX100 series
connected via the FINE interface.

100 kΩ x 2 connector
Power-supply VCC
circuit 8
(only for use in
the mode to
10 kΩ
supply power to
the user system)

3.3 V
74LVC125 1 kΩ

74LVC125 22 Ω
Emulator 7
control 74LVC8T245
74LVC125 22 Ω
74LVC8T245 3.3 V

100 kΩ
74LVC125 22 Ω
3.3 V
470 Ω


22 Ω
2, 12
fuse 1, 3, 4, 5,
6, 9, 11

Figure 2.29 Internal Circuits of the E1 with MCUs of the RX200 Series and RX100 Series Connected
via the FINE Interface

Note: The signals marked with () operate even if they are not connected to the user system.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.6.4 Internal Circuits of the E20 (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX600 Series, RX700
Series and RX26T)

Figure 2.30 shows the internal circuits of the E20 with MCUs of the RX600 series, RX700 series and RX26T
connected via the JTAG interface.

Figure 2.31 shows the internal circuits of the E20 in the tracing circuit section.

100 kΩ x 5 connector

10 kΩ

74LVC125 22 Ω Noise filter

74LVC125 22 Ω
3.3 V 21
74LVC8T245 22 Ω
74LVC125 22 Ω Noise filter
74LVC125 22 Ω Noise filter
74LVC125 22 Ω (EMLE)*
1 kΩ
100 kΩ x 2

100 kΩ

74LVC125 22 Ω
(MD1)*1 *2
Emulator 8
control 74LVC8T245
74LVC125 22 Ω
(MD0)*1 *2
74LVC8T245 3.3 V

100 kΩ
74LVC125 22 Ω
3.3 V
470 Ω


74LVC8T245 22 Ω
bus lead

Figure 2.30 Internal Circuits of the E20 with MCUs of the RX600 Series, RX700 Series and RX26T
Connected via the JTAG Interface

Notes: 1. The signals marked with () operate even if they are not connected to the user system.
2. When using MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T
groups, read the MD1 pin and MD0 pin as the MD pin and UB pin, respectively.

R20UT0399EJ1600 Rev.16.00 Page 49 of 78

E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

User-side connector
on the user system
interface cable
10 kΩ x 6
Power-supply 12
circuit VCC_REF

220 Ω
3.3 V

SN65LVDS33PW 22 Ω Noise filter

SN65LVDS33PW 22 Ω Noise filter
SN65LVDS33PW 22 Ω Noise filter
SN65LVDS33PW 22 Ω Noise filter
Emulator TRDATA1
control NFL18ST
SN65LVDS33PW 22 Ω Noise filter
circuit TRDATA0
SN65LVDS33PW 22 Ω Noise filter
220 Ω
4, 7, 10, 12, 13,
16, 18, 20, 21,
22, 23, 25, 27,
29, 31, 33 to 38

Figure 2.31 Internal Circuits of the E20 in the Tracing Circuit Section

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.6.5 Internal Circuits of the E2 (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX600 Series, RX700
Series and RX26T)

Figure 2.32 shows the internal circuits of the E2 with MCUs of the RX600 series, RX700 series and RX26T
connected via the JTAG interface.

1 MΩ x 6 connector
circuit 8
(only for use in
the mode to
100 kΩ
supply power to
the user system) 3.3 V

74LVC1T45 47 Ω Noise filter

74LVC1T45 47 Ω
74LVC1T45 47 Ω
74LVC1T45 47 Ω Noise filter
74LVC1T45 47 Ω Noise filter

74LVC1T45 47 Ω (EMLE)*1

1 MΩ 3 MΩ

Emulator 74LVC1T45 47 Ω Noise filter

(MD1)*1 *2
control 7
circuit 74LVC8T245

74LVC1T45 47 Ω
(MD0)*1 *2

3.3 V

100 kΩ

74LVC1T45 47 Ω
RES# 13


2, 12

Figure 2.32 Internal Circuits of the E2 with MCUs of the RX600 Series, RX700 Series and RX26T
Connected via the JTAG Interface

Notes: 1. The signals marked with () operate even if they are not connected to the user system.
2. When using MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T
groups, read the MD1 pin and MD0 pin as the MD pin and UB pin, respectively.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.6.6 Internal Circuits of the E2 (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x,
RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups)

Figure 2.33 shows the internal circuits of the E1 with MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x,
RX71x, RX72x and RX26T groups connected via the FINE interface.

1 MΩ x 3 connector
circuit 8
(only for use in
the mode to
supply power to 100 kΩ
the user system) 3.3 V

74LVC1T45 47 Ω Noise filter


74LVC1T45 47 Ω (EMLE)*1
3 MΩ

74LVC1T45 1 kΩ

74LVC1T45 47 Ω
74LVC1T45 47 Ω

3.3 V

100 kΩ

74LVC1T45 47 Ω

2, 12


Figure 2.33 Internal Circuits of the E2 with MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x,
RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups Connected via the FINE Interface

Note: The signals marked with () operate even if they are not connected to the user system.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.6.7 Internal Circuits of the E2 (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX200 Series, RX100
Series, and except RX26T)

Figure 2.34 shows the internal circuits of the E2 with MCUs of the RX200 series and RX100 series
connected via the FINE interface.

Power-supply 1 MΩ x 2 connector
circuit VCC
(only for use in
the mode to
supply power to 100 kΩ
the user system)

3.3 V

74LVC1T45 1 kΩ

74LVC1T45 47 Ω
74LVC1T45 47 Ω

3.3 V

100 kΩ

74LVC1T45 47 Ω

2, 12


Figure 2.34 Internal Circuits of the E2 with MCUs of the RX200 Series and RX100 Series Connected
via the FINE Interface

Note: The signals marked with () operate even if they are not connected to the user system.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.6.8 Internal Circuits of the E2 Lite (JTAG Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX600 Series,
RX700 Series and RX26T)

Figure 2.35 shows the internal circuits of the E2 Lite with MCUs of the RX600 series, RX700 series and
RX26T connected via the JTAG interface.

100 kΩ x 7 connector
Power-supply VCC
circuit 8
(only for use in
the mode to 1 MΩ
supply power to
the user system)

74LVC125 47 Ω
74LVC125 47 Ω
3.3 V 3
74LVC2T45 47 Ω
74LVC125 47 Ω
74LVC125 47 Ω
74LVC125 47 Ω (EMLE)*1

74LVC125 47 Ω
(MD1)*1 *2
Emulator 7
control 74LVC8T245

74LVC125 47 Ω
(MD0)*1 *2
3.3 V

100 kΩ
74LVC125 47 Ω


47 Ω
RES# 13
2, 12

Figure 2.35 Internal Circuits of the E2 Lite with MCUs of the RX600 Series, RX700 Series and RX26T
Connected via the JTAG Interface

Notes: 1. The signals marked with () operate even if they are not connected to the user system.
2. When using MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T
groups, read the MD1 pin and MD0 pin as the MD pin and UB pin, respectively.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.6.9 Internal Circuits of the E2 Lite (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x,
RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T Groups)

Figure 2.36 shows the internal circuits of the E2 Lite with MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x,
RX67x, RX71x, RX72x and RX26T groups connected via the FINE interface.

100 kΩ x 4 connector
Power-supply VCC
circuit 8
(only for use in
the mode to 1 MΩ
supply power to
the user system)

74LVC125 47 Ω

3.3 V

74LVC125 47 Ω (EMLE)*1

74LVC125 1 kΩ

74LVC125 47 Ω

Emulator 74LVC125
47 Ω
circuit 74LVC8T245
3.3 V

100 kΩ
74LVC125 47 Ω


74LVC8T245 47 Ω

2, 12


Figure 2.36 Internal Circuits of the E2 Lite with MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x,
RX71x, RX72x and Groups Connected via the FINE Interface

Note: The signals marked with () operate even if they are not connected to the user system.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.6.10 Internal Circuits of the E2 Lite (FINE Interface Connection for MCUs of the RX200 Series,
RX100 Series, and except RX26T)

Figure 2.37 shows the internal circuits of the E2 Lite with MCUs of the RX200 series and RX100 series
connected via the FINE interface.

100 kΩ x 3 connector
Power-supply VCC
circuit 8
(only for use in
the mode to
supply power to
the user system)

3.3 V

74LVC125 1 kΩ

74LVC125 47 Ω

74LVC125 47 Ω
Emulator 74LVC8T245 3.3 V
circuit 74LVC125
100 kΩ
47 Ω


74LVC8T245 47 Ω

2, 12


Figure 2.37 Internal Circuits of the E2 Lite with MCUs of the RX200 Series and RX100 Series
Connected via the FINE Interface

Note: The signals marked with () operate even if they are not connected to the user system.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.7 Notes on Designing the User System

2.7.1 JTAG Chain Connection

The E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite does not support JTAG chain connections. When designing user systems, do not
connect the TDI and TDO signals of the device to the boundary scan loop, or separate them by using a

Connector of the
Emulator MCU


Boundary scan loop

User system

TDI: Test data input

TDO: Test data output
TAP: Test access port

Figure 2.38 Example of the Design of a User System

2.7.2 Isolators for the E1 and E20

For a debugging environment where there is a difference in potential between the GND of the user system
and that of the host PC, use the isolator for the E1 emulator (R0E000010ACB10) or for the E20 emulator
(R0E000200ACB10) which is separately available from Renesas. Use the isolator for the E1
(R0E000010ACB10) with the E2/E2 Lite in such situations.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

2.7.3 Small Connector Conversion Adapter for the E1

A small connector conversion adapter for the E1 (R0E000010CKZ11) is separately available from Renesas
for user system boards which are too small to mount the 14-pin connector that is the standard connector for
the E1/E2/E2 Lite. By using the adapter, you can reduce the area taken up by the connector mounted on
your system.

However, when you use the small connector conversion adapter for the E1, be aware that the pin
assignments of the connector differ from those of the standard interface connector for the E1/E2/E2 Lite.
Table 2.8 shows the pin assignments of the 14-pin connector when the small connector conversion adapter
for the E1 is used.

User-system interface cable for

E1 (R0E000010KCE00),
E2 (RTE0T00020KCE00000R), or
E2 Lite (RTE0T0002LKCE00000R)

Small connector conversion adapter

for the E1 emulator (R0E000010CKZ11)



14-pin connector on the user system

Orientation key (TFM-107-02-L-D (SMT) or
TFM-107-01-L-D (DIP)):
manufactured by Samtec,Inc

Pin 1 Pin 13 User system

Figure 2.39 Usage of the Small Connector Conversion Adapter for the E1

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 2. Designing the User System

Table 2.8 Pin Assignments of the Connector when the Small Connector Conversion Adapter for the
E1 is Used

Pin JTAG Interface FINE Interface

No. Signal *1 *2 Direction *3 Signal *1 *2 Direction *3
1 GND *4  GND *4 ―
2 (MD1)/(MD) *6 I/O MD/FINED *8 I/O
3 VCC ― VCC ― Power supply
4 TCK Input FINEC *8 Input
5 RES# I/O RES# I/O User system reset
6 GND *4 ― GND *4 ― Checking connection to
user system
7 (MD0)/(UB) *6/*7 I/O (UB) *7 I/O
8 TRST# Input NC ―
9 TDI Input (RxD1) *9 Input
10 TDO Output (TxD1) *9 Output
11 (EMLE) *5 I/O (EMLE) *5 I/O
12 NC ― NC ― Not connected
13 TMS Input NC ―
14 GND *4 ― GND *4 ―
Notes: 1. When using the Flash Development Toolkit or the Renesas Flash Programmer to write to MCUs of the
RX610, RX62T, and RX62G groups (112-pin version), be aware that a separate 14-pin connector for flash
programming is required since the pin assignments of the 14-pin connector are different. For details, refer to
section 2.4, Recommended Circuit between the Connector and the MCU.
2. These are the names of the MCU pins at the time the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite is connected (i.e. during debugging).
3. Input to or output from the user system.
4. Securely connect pins 1, 6, and 14 of the connector to GND of the user system. These pins are used for
electrical grounding as well as for monitoring of connection with the user system by the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite.
5. The EMLE pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is not
connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
If the MCU does not have an EMLE pin, it is not necessary to connect it to the emulator connector. In this
case, only FINE interface connection is available.
6. The MD0, MD1, or MD pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is
not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
The MD pin must be connected to debug a ROM-less product of the RX631 group.
Debugging cannot be done in boot mode.
7. The UB pin is a port for the entry to the user boot mode. Which port is the UB pin depends on the MCU.
Refer to the section on operating modes in the hardware manual of the MCU to be used.
The UB pin can operate even if it is not connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. When the pin is not connected
to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, a special circuit for the pin must be configured on the user system.
Connection is not necessary if the MCU does not support the user boot mode.
8. Refer to section 2.5.10, FINEC and MD/FINED Pins.
9. When flash memory is programmed via an SCI, the RxD1 and TxD1 pins must be connected to the
emulator. Connecting these pins to the emulator is not needed when flash memory is to be programmed via
the FINE interface (programming via the FINE interface is only available for MCUs of the RX65x, RX66x,
RX67x, and RX72x groups, RX200 series, and RX100 series) or for debugging. The RxD1 and TxD1 pins on
the emulator enter the Hi-Z state during debugging. If the MCU has multiple RxD1 or TxD1 pins, check the
hardware manual of the MCU to confirm which of the pins is used in boot mode.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

3. Notes on Usage
Refer to the notes indicated by ‘√’ in Table 3.1 and Table 3.2 according to the MCU you are using.

Table 3.1 List of Notes and Their Applicability

RX71M RX651 RX63N
RX660 RX65N RX631 RX610
RX671 RX621
RX66T RX65W-A RX634
RX64M RX630
3.1 Turning the Power On/Off √ √ √ √ √ √
3.2 Power Supply Function of the √ √ √ √ √ √
E1/E2/E2 Lite
3.3 Reset √ √ √ √ √ √
3.4 FINE Communication Interface √ √ √ √  
3.5 Clocks √ √ √ √ √ √
3.6.1 Option Function Select √ √ √ √  
Register 1 (OFS1)
3.6.2 Endian Select Registers √ √ √ √  
3.6.3 Flash Access Window Register  √ √   
3.6.4 Endian Select Register (MDE)  √ √   
and Bank Select Register
3.7 Memory Protection Unit (MPU) √ √ √ √ √ 
3.8.1 Registers Related to Flash √ √ √ √ √ √
3.8.2 Lock Bits √   √ √ √
3.8.3 Area Protection  √ √   
3.8.4 Startup Program Protection      
3.8.5 Trusted Memory √ √ √   
3.8.6 ROM Cache Function   √   
3.8.7 Debugging in Dual Mode  √ √   
3.9 DMAC and DTC √ √ √ √ √ √
3.10 Debugging Functions √ √ √ √ √ √
3.11 Differences between Operation √ √ √ √ √ √
of the MCU without the Emulator
and Debugging
3.12 MCUs that are Used in √ √ √ √ √ √

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

Table 3.2 List of Notes and Their Applicability

RX23T RX140
RX231 RX130
RX26T RX230 RX220 RX113
RX24T RX210
RX23W RX111
RX23E-A RX110
3.1 Turning the Power On/Off √ √ √ √ √ √
3.2 Power Supply Function of the √ √ √ √ √ √
E1/E2/E2 Lite
3.3 Reset √ √ √ √ √ √
3.4 FINE Communication Interface √ √ √ √ √ √
3.5 Clocks √ √ √ √ √ √
3.6.1 Option Function Select Register √ √ √ √ √ √
1 (OFS1)
3.6.2 Endian Select Registers (MDEB √ √ √ √ √ √
and MDES)
3.6.3 Flash Access Window Register √     
3.6.4 Endian Select Register (MDE) √     
and Bank Select Register (BANKSEL)
3.7 Memory Protection Unit (MPU) √ √ √  √ 
3.8.1 Registers Related to Flash √ √ √ √ √ √
3.8.2 Lock Bits    √ √ 
3.8.3 Area Protection √ √ √   √
3.8.4 Startup Program Protection  √ √   √
3.8.5 Trusted Memory √     
3.8.6 ROM Cache Function  √    
3.8.7 Debugging in Dual Mode √     
3.9 DMAC and DTC √ √ √ √ √ √
3.10 Debugging Functions √ √ √ √ √ √
3.11 Differences between Operation of √ √ √ √ √ √
the MCU without the Emulator and
3.12 MCUs that are Used in √ √ √ √ √ √

R20UT0399EJ1600 Rev.16.00 Page 61 of 78

E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

3.1 Turning the Power On/Off

Turn the power of the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite and the user system following the procedure below.

3.1.1 When a Separate Power Supply is Used for the User System

<When using the emulator>

(1) Check that the power is off.

Check that the user system is turned off. When using the E20, check its power switch is off.
(2) Connect the user system.
Connect the emulator and the user system with a user-system interface cable.
(3) Connect the host machine and turn on the emulator.
Connect the emulator and the host machine with a USB interface cable. The E1/E2/E2 Lite is turned on
by connecting the USB interface cable. When using the E20, turn on its power switch.
(4) Launch the emulator debugger or programming software.
Launch the emulator debugger or programming software.
(5) Turn on the user system.
Turn on the user system.
(6) Connect the emulator debugger or programming software to the emulator.
Connections may vary depending on software.

<When finished using the emulator>

(1) Disconnect the emulator from the emulator debugger or programming software.
Disconnections may vary depending on software.
(2) Turn off the user system.
Turn off the user system.
(3) Close the emulator debugger or programming software.
Close the emulator debugger or programming software.
(4) Turn off the emulator and disconnect the emulator.
When using the E20, turn off its power switch. Disconnect the USB interface cable from the E1/E2/E2
Lite. The E1/E2/E2 Lite is turned off by disconnecting from the USB interface cable.
(5) Disconnect the user system.
Disconnect the user-system interface cable from the user system.

Notes on the User System Power Supply:
While the power of the user system is on, do not turn off the host machine, unplug the USB interface
cable, or turn off the power switch of the E20.
The user system may be damaged due to leakages current.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

3.1.2 When Power is Supplied to the User System from the Emulator (E1/E2/E2 Lite Only)

<When using the emulator>

(1) Connect the user system.

Connect the emulator and the user system with a user-system interface cable.
(2) Connect the host machine and turn on the emulator.
Connect the emulator and the host machine with a USB interface cable, then turn on the emulator.
(3) Launch the emulator debugger.
Launch the emulator debugger and select the setting of power supply to the user system.
(4) Connect the emulator debugger or programming software to the emulator.
Connections may vary depending on software.

<When finished using the emulator>

(1) Disconnect the emulator from the emulator debugger or programming software.
Disconnections may vary depending on software.
(2) Close the emulator debugger or programming software.
Close the emulator debugger or programming software.
(3) Turn off the emulator and disconnect the emulator.
Disconnect the USB interface cable from the emulator, then turn off the emulator.
(4) Disconnect the user system.
Disconnect the user-system interface cable from the user system.

3.2 Power Supply Function of the E1/E2/E2 Lite

The E1/E2/E2 Lite can supply power to a simple evaluation system.

• E1: Can supply power of 3.3 V or 5.0 V, up to 200 mA.

• E2: Can supply power of 1.8 V to 5.0 V, up to 200 mA.
• E2 Lite: Can supply power of 3.3 V, up to 200 mA.

When using the power supply function of the E1, E2, or E2 Lite, check the voltage that is actually being
supplied to the user system since this depends on the environment.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

3.3 Reset

3.3.1 Reset during the User Program Execution

If a pin reset or an internal reset occurs under either of the following conditions, refer to Table 3.3, showing
the notes on pin resets, or Table 3.4, showing notes on internal resets. The points to note depend on the
operating mode of the MCU and communication interface of the emulator.

• While the user program is being executed in the on-chip ROM disabled extended mode or user boot
• While the user program is being executed via FINE communication interface

Table 3.3 Notes when a Pin Reset has Occurred

Note when a Pin Reset has Occurred

Group Interface Operating Mode
during User Program Execution
RX610, RX621, RX62N JTAG On-chip ROM The reset is canceled by the emulator.
disabled extended Therefore, the reset timing here differs
RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, JTAG User boot or on-chip from when the actual MCU is operating
RX67x, RX71x, RX72x ROM disabled singly.
RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, FINE Any mode
RX67x, RX71x, RX72x,
RX200 series, RX100 series
RX200 series, RX100 series FINE User boot or on-chip When a pin reset has occurred during the
ROM disabled execution of the user system, the
extended performance counter values and the
acquired trace data are initialized.

Table 3.4 Notes when an Internal Reset has Occurred

Note when an Internal Reset has

Group Interface Operating Mode Occurred during User Program
RX610, RX621, RX62N, JTAG On-chip ROM Debugging can be performed after the
RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, disabled extended reset is canceled and the MCU operating
mode is set to the on-chip ROM disabled
RX67x, RX71x, RX72x
extended mode in the user program.
RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, JTAG User boot If an internal reset occurs, it becomes
RX67x, RX71x, RX72x impossible to control from the emulator.
Do not generate an internal reset such as
RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, FINE Any mode
those generated by the watchdog timer.
RX67x, RX71x, RX72x,
RX200 series, RX100 series

3.3.2 Software Reset

A software reset does not occur if either of the following operations is performed at the address of an
instruction that causes a software reset.

• Stepping
• Running in a state where a software breakpoint or a hardware (pre-execution) breakpoint is set to the
address of an instruction that causes a software reset

This note only applies to JTAG communications. Do not allow a software reset during FINE communications.
A software reset will make the emulator unable to control the microcontroller.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

3.3.3 Resets during Debugging

The error message "A timeout error. The MCU is in the reset state. The system was reset." is displayed in
response to the input of a reset signal through the reset pin or a reset of the CPU by the watchdog timer
during operations by the emulator debugger in relation to the MCU (e.g. reference to memory in the
[Memory] panel or the [Memory] view). The emulator is initialized and the user program stops running. After
the system is reset, trace records are also initialized. However, debugging can continue.

3.4 FINE Communication Interface

The RX63x group FINE interface supports a 2-wire transfer system through the FINEC and MD/FINED pins.

The FINEC and MD/FINED pins are exclusively used by the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. Any functions that are
multiplexed on the FINEC pin are not available.

The RX64x, RX65x, RX66x, RX67x, RX71x, and RX72x groups, RX200 series, and RX100 series FINE
interface supports a 1-wire transfer system through the MD/FINED pin. The MD/FINED pin is the only pin
exclusively used by the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite. It is not necessary to connect the FINEC pin since this pin is not

The external trace-output and real-time RAM monitoring functions via FINE interface are not supported.

Hot plug-ins via FINE interface are not supported.

3.5 Clocks

3.5.1 High-Speed Clock Oscillator (HOCO)

For the FINE interface of an MCU of the RX200 series or RX100 series, the emulator uses the internal high-
speed clock oscillator (HOCO) of the device to achieve communications with the MCU. Therefore, the HOCO
is always oscillating when the FINE interface is in use, regardless of the settings of the HOCO-related

In cases of contention between switching of the frequency of HOCO by the user program and access to
memory by the emulator debugger during window processing, operations of memory access are not

Switching the frequency of the HOCO from the user program or the emulator debugger may cause a
communications error between the emulator and the device. If such an error occurs, lower the FINE bit rate.

If the emulator debugger is started up in user boot mode, do not use the high-speed on-chip oscillator power
supply control register (HOCOPCR) to apply control to turn the power supply of the HOCO off. Turning this
power supply off will make the emulator unable to control the MCU.

This note does not, of course, apply to those MCUs (e.g. RX111) that do not have an HOCOPCR.

3.5.2 Operating Frequency

The minimum operating frequency of MCUs at which the emulator is capable of debugging is 32.768 kHz.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

3.6 Memory for Setting Options

3.6.1 Option Function Select Register 1 (OFS1)

Notes on the OFS1 register are applicable to specific types of MCU. Confirm the notes among the following
which apply to the MCU you are using.

• Applicable MCUs: RX72M, RX72N, RX71x, RX67x, RX65x, and RX64x

(1) The OFS1 register cannot be modified by an operation other than downloading (e.g. editing through the
[Memory] panel or the [Memory] view or line assembly).

(2) The voltage monitoring 0 reset function cannot be used.

When the OFS1 register is modified by downloading to enable the voltage monitoring 0 reset function, the
emulator will forcibly modify the register value to disable the function.

(3) When FINE communications is in use, the emulator forcibly sets bits 25 and 24 in the OFS1 register to
10b. In this case, ensure that the user program does not write to bits 25 and 24 in the OFS1 register.

• Applicable MCUs: RX72T, RX66x and RX26T

(1) The OFS1 register cannot be modified by an operation other than downloading (e.g. editing through the
[Memory] panel or the [Memory] view or line assembly).

(2) The OFS1 register allows you to enable or disable a voltage monitoring 0 reset function and set a voltage
detection level. The value for this register is located in flash memory and may not be controllable by the
emulator. This depends on the settings.
When the contents of flash ROM are modified by an operation (e.g. downloading or editing through the
[Memory] panel or the [Memory] view), if the OFS1 register is set to a condition that generates a voltage
monitoring 0 reset, an error will occur.
For details on the OFS1 register, refer to the hardware manual of the MCU.

(3) When FINE communications is in use, the emulator forcibly sets bits 25 and 24 in the OFS1 register to
10b. In this case, ensure that the user program does not write to bits 25 and 24 in the OFS1 register.

• Applicable MCUs: RX63x, RX200 series, RX140, and RX130

(1) When the OFS1 register is modified by an operation other than downloading (e.g. editing through the
[Memory] panel or the [Memory] view or line assembly), the following steps are necessary to make the
new setting take effect.
(a) Modifying the OFS1 register
(b) Stepping the user program (this leads to writing to the OFS1 register)
(c) Resetting the CPU
When the OFS1 register is modified by downloading, the new setting takes effect when the CPU is reset
after that.

(2) The OFS1 register allows you to enable or disable a voltage monitoring 0 reset function and set a voltage
detection level. The value for this register is located in flash memory and may not be controllable by the
emulator. This depends on the settings.
When the contents of flash ROM are modified by an operation (e.g. downloading or editing through the
[Memory] panel or the [Memory] view), if the OFS1 register is set to a condition that generates a voltage
monitoring 0 reset, an error will occur.
For details on the OFS1 register, refer to the hardware manual of the MCU.

(3) When FINE communications is in use, the emulator forcibly sets bits 25 and 24 in the OFS1 register to
10b. In this case, ensure that the user program does not write to bits 25 and 24 in the OFS1 register.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

• Applicable MCUs: RX100 series except RX140 and RX130

(1) When the OFS1 register is modified by an operation other than downloading (e.g. editing through the
[Memory] panel or the [Memory] view or line assembly), the following steps are necessary to make the
new setting take effect.
(a) Modifying the OFS1 register
(b) Stepping the user program (this leads to writing to the OFS1 register)
(c) Resetting the CPU
When the OFS1 register is modified by downloading, the new setting takes effect when the CPU is reset
after that.

(2) The voltage monitoring 1 reset function cannot be used.

When the OFS1 register is modified by downloading to enable the voltage monitoring 1 reset function, the
emulator will forcibly modify the register value to disable the function.
When the OFS1 register is modified by an operation other than downloading (e.g. editing through the
[Memory] panel or the [Memory] view or line assembly) to enable the voltage monitoring 1 reset function,
an error will occur.

(3) When FINE communications is in use, the emulator forcibly sets bits 25 and 24 in the OFS1 register to
10b. In this case, ensure that the user program does not write to bits 25 and 24 in the OFS1 register.

3.6.2 Endian Select Registers (MDEB and MDES)

Writing to the MDEB and MDES registers proceeds with the values and target register corresponding to the
endian and operating mode that have been selected as properties in the emulator debugger. For setting of
the property of the endian or operating mode, refer to the user’s manual and help system for the emulator

When debugging in single-chip mode, you cannot modify the MDES register by emulator debugger
operations. When debugging in user boot mode, you cannot modify the MDEB register by emulator
debugger operations.

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3.6.3 Flash Access Window Register (FAW)

• Applicable MCU: RX72M, RX72N, RX67x, RX65x, and RX26T

The FSPR bit in the FAW register cannot be switched to select the protected state by emulator debugger
When protection has been set by the FAWS, FAWE, and FSPR bits in the FAW register, downloading of
values is only possible in the flash access window area. In this case, specify [No] for the [Erase flash
ROM before download] property in the [Download] category on the [Download File Settings] tabbed page
of the [Property] panel.

3.6.4 Endian Select Register (MDE) and Bank Select Register (BANKSEL)

• Applicable MCUs: RX65x MCUs with 1.5 or more Mbytes of code flash memory, RX72M, RX72N, RX67x,
and RX26T
Writing to the MDE and BANKSEL registers proceeds to the target registers with the values
corresponding to the endian, bank mode, and startup bank that have been selected as properties in the
emulator debugger.

3.7 Memory Protection Unit (MPU)

• Applicable MCUs: RX72x, RX71x, RX67x, RX66x, RX65x, RX64x, RX63x, RX62x, RX26T, RX24x,
RX23x, and RX21A
Reference and writing to the MPU area are only possible while program execution is stopped.
In case of an attempt at access to the MPU area during program execution,
 the data read will be shown as 0x00, or
 an error will occur in the case of writing.

The following operations are not possible in the MPU area.

 Line assembly
 Memory search
 Memory copying

3.8 Flash Memory

3.8.1 Registers Related to Flash Memory

When writing to flash memory takes place (e.g. downloading a program, setting a software breakpoint, or
modifying a value in the [Memory] panel or the [Memory] view), note that the values of the registers related
to flash memory are also overwritten by the debugger.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

3.8.2 Lock Bits

• Applicable MCUs: RX72T, RX71x, RX66x, RX64x, RX63x, RX62x, RX61x, RX22x, and RX21x
(1) Clearing the lock bit before downloading
If the user program is to be downloaded into a flash ROM area for which the lock bit is set, the emulator
debugger clears the lock bit of the block to which the data are to be downloaded before it starts

(2) Restoring the lock bit after downloading

The behavior of the emulator depends on the setting of [Debug the program re-writing the on-chip
PROGRAM ROM] that has been selected as a property of the emulator debugger.
 When [Yes] is selected:
The lock bits are restored after downloading.
 When [No] is selected:
The lock bits remain cleared even after downloading.

3.8.3 Area Protection

• Applicable MCUs: RX72M, RX72N, RX67x, RX65x, RX26T, RX24x, RX23x, and RX100 series
(1) Disabling area protection before downloading
The emulator debugger disables area protection when a user program is downloaded to an area of flash
ROM that is protected from programming by area protection.

(2) Restoring area protection after downloading

The behavior of the emulator depends on the setting of [Debug the program re-writing the on-chip
PROGRAM ROM] that has been selected as a property of the emulator debugger.
 When [Yes] is selected:
Area protection is restored after downloading.
 When [No] is selected:
Area protection remains disabled even after downloading.

3.8.4 Startup Program Protection Function

• Applicable MCUs: RX24x, RX23x, and RX100 series

If you wish to debug a user program that involves the startup program protection function, select [Yes] for
[Debug the program re-writing the on-chip PROGRAM ROM] that has been selected as a property of the
emulator debugger.

If the emulator has issued a reset signal during debugging of a user program that involves the startup
program protection function, download the user program again before resuming debugging.

After the flash extra area control register (FEXCR) is controlled to switch the default area and the
alternate area during the execution of a user program in flash memory, do not generate a CPU reset by
operating the emulator debugger or allow the generation of a pin reset or internal reset.
Debugging of the switched boot area is possible after closing and restarting the debugger.
After the flash initial setting register (FISR) is controlled to immediately switch the default area and the
alternate area during the execution of the user program, do not allow the generation of a pin reset while
execution of the program is stopped. Input of a reset signal through the reset pin is only possible while the
program is running.
While the execution of the user program is stopped, do not immediately switch the default area and the
alternate area by controlling the flash initial setting register (FISR).

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3.8.5 Trusted Memory

• Applicable MCUs: RX72x, RX71x, RX67x, RX66x, RX65x, RX64x and RX26T
When the trusted-memory facility is enabled, the value of the trusted memory identification data (TMINF)
register cannot be rewritten. Even in the case of attempted downloading to the TMINF register, its value is
not modified.

3.8.6 ROM Cache Function

• Applicable MCUs: RX65x and RX24x

In debugging that includes the rewriting of flash memory, issuing a pin reset or an internal reset during the
execution of a program may prevent updating of the display in the [Disassemble] panel or [Memory]
In such cases, manually operate the ROM cache invalidate register (ROMCIV) to invalidate the ROM
cache after the user program has stopped.

3.8.7 Debugging in Dual Mode

• Applicable MCUs: RX65x MCUs with 1.5 or more Mbytes of code flash memory, RX72M, RX72N, RX67x
and RX26T
(1) Creating a project
When creating a project, select the type name with ‘_DUAL’ for the MCU to be used.
Select [Start bank] as a property of the emulator debugger.

(2) Switching banks

After banks are switched, debugging information will be inconsistent.
When debugging is to involve switched banks, a project for use with the banks after switching is needed
in advance. After switching the banks, disconnect the emulator debugger, load the project for the post-
switching banks, and reconnect the emulator debugger.

(3) Enabled trusted-memory facility

When the MCU in which the trusted-memory facility is enabled is to be debugged, connection of the
emulator debugger may fail if the bank mode that has been specified in the project for the emulator
debugger does not match that of the MCU.

3.9 DMAC and DTC

The DMAC and DTC will operate even if the user program is stopped.

When either of the following conditions is met and any of the debugging operations listed below them is
performed while the user program is stopped, the DMAC and DTC may not operate as expected.


• An address in the on-chip flash ROM is specified as the source of transfer by a DMAC or DTC.
• An address in the on-chip flash ROM is specified as the interrupt vector for a DMAC or DTC activation
source or as the address of the DTC’s vector table.

[Debugging operations]

• Setting a software breakpoint in the on-chip flash ROM area

• Writing to the on-chip flash ROM area from the [Memory] panel (or [Memory] view) or the [Python
Console] panel
• Downloading to the on-chip flash ROM area

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

3.10 Debugging Functions

3.10.1 Memory Access

(1) Memory access in low-power consumption modes

If you wish to debug a program that places the device in a low-power consumption mode, select [No] for
[Update display during the execution] that has been selected as a property of the emulator debugger. If
the MCU enters low-power consumption mode while the emulator debugger has access to memory, the
MCU does not respond and the display of the emulator debugger is not updated.
If the MCU does not respond while [Yes] is selected for [Update display during the execution], the
emulator debugger resets the MCU to restore communications with the MCU.

(2) Memory access in on-chip ROM disabled extended mode

In case of access by an MCU that is operating in on-chip ROM disabled extended mode to the FCU
firmware area or I/O registers related to flash memory, a bus error will occur.
When debugged an MCU in on-chip ROM disabled extended mode, do not display these areas in the
[Memory] panel or [IOR] panel.

3.10.2 Events

• Applicable MCUs: RX72x, RX71x, RX67x, RX66x, RX65x, RX64x, RX26T, RX23x, and RX24x
Address-execution events can be combined for use in a sequential break and so on.
When [Sequential] is selected as the event combination condition in the target MCU, do not specify
address-execution events for consecutive instructions. Events set in this way may not be detected in
some cases.

3.10.3 Trace Function

In the trace function, when an interrupt occurs, the next or second yet-to-be executed instruction from the
location where an interrupt occurred is displayed before interrupt processing proceeds.

3.10.4 Coverage Function

• Applicable MCUs: RX72x, RX71x, RX67x, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64x

For the code coverage function, when the processing after an interrupt does not return execution to the
point where the interrupt occurred, the next or second yet-to-be executed instruction from the location
where an interrupt occurred is displayed as an executed instruction.

3.10.5 Working RAM Area

The working RAM area which is specified as a property of the emulator debugger must always be a valid
area in the on-chip RAM of the MCU.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

3.10.6 Note on Using the Large Trace Capacity or Coverage Function of the E20 Emulator

• Applicable MCUs: RX72x, RX71x, RX67x, RX66x, RX65x, and RX64x

When the large trace capacity or coverage function of the E20 emulator is in use, a user program will run
out of control under certain conditions. Note that this phenomenon is only relevant to debugging with the
emulator, and is not connected with stand-alone operation of the chip.


If all following conditions (1) to (3) are met, this problem may occur depending on the condition of the trace
buffer in the MCU.

(1) Selected debugging is via JTAG communications and a pin reset or internal reset occurs during the
execution of the program.

(2) Either of the following functions is in use.

(2-1) Large trace capacity
For the e2 studio: The trace output mode is set to "trace priority".
For CS+: The external trace output is set to "trace output priority".
(2-2) Coverage
For the e2 studio: The acquisition mode is set to "trace priority".
For CS+: The coverage measurement method is set to "coverage measurement priority".

(3) An RTSD or RTFI instruction is placed immediately after a BSR or JSR instruction.
_func_A: _func_B:
: :
BSR _func_B ; (1) RTS
RTSD #20, R8-R9 ; (2)

An RTSD instruction (2) is placed immediately after a BSR instruction (1).

In C programs, when a call of another function is coded at the end of a function (as shown in the following
example), an instruction sequence of the type shown in the preceding example may be generated. This
depends on the compiler type and settings.
void func_A(void) { void func_B(void) {
: :
func_B(); }

The specific instruction format of (2) in which this phenomenon occurs is as follows.
Instruction format of (2)
RTSD src, dest-dest2

When this phenomenon occurs, the branch destination for the execution of (2) becomes an address that
is different from what it should be, and the program runs out of control.

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3.10.7 Note on Using the Large Trace Capacity or Coverage Function of the E20 Emulator and the
Internal Trace Function of the E20, E1, E2, and E2 Lite

• Applicable MCUs: RX72x, RX71x, RX67x, RX66x, RX65x, RX64x, RX26T, RX23x, and RX24x
When the large trace capacity or coverage function of the E20 emulator or the internal trace function of
the E20, E1, E2, and E2 Lite is in use, trace information or coverage information cannot be correctly
acquired if specific conditions are satisfied. Note that this phenomenon is only relevant to debugging with
the emulator, and is not connected with stand-alone operation of the chip.



Branching by branch instruction (3) shown below is to an address (1) that is smaller than (3) and an interrupt
is accepted at the same time.

LOOP: ; (1)
SUB r3, r4
BNE LABEL1 ; (2) (the first branch instruction after (1))
BNE LOOP ; (3)

When this phenomenon occurs, the operation will be as follows.

Function Operation when this phenomenon occurs

Trace acquisition The trace information of (1) and (2) (the first branch instruction after (1)),
which will not actually have been executed, is additionally displayed before
the trace information of the interrupt handler.

Coverage acquisition The display indicates that all instructions from (1) to (3) have been executed
(are covered) regardless of the actual states of execution.

In trace acquisition, the same instruction sequence being output in the trace results both before and after
interrupt processing indicates that this phenomenon may have occurred.

In coverage acquisition, there is no indication of this phenomenon having occurred.

3.10.8 Notes on Using the Current Consumption Tuning Solution

• Applicable MCUs: RX200 and RX100 series

(1) For the current consumption tuning solution with the use of the E2 emulator, the emulator must supply the
power. Select [Yes] for [Power target from the emulator] as the property of the emulator debugger. Note,
however, that [USER I/F] must be selected as [Interface for supplying the power]; [E2 Expansion I/F]
cannot be selected in this case.
(2) When a monitoring point is used in the current consumption tuning solution, current drawn may continue
to be measured for a certain period after the user program has stopped.

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3.11 Differences between Operation of the MCU without the Emulator and
(1) Initial values of registers
When the emulator is started up during debugging, it initializes the general-purpose registers and some of
the control registers. The PC is initialized to the value of PC in the power-on reset vector table. Other
general-purpose registers are cleared to 0. The initial values of the MCU are undefined.

(2) Low-power states

During debugging, as well as release from low-power modes being driven by a source for release, it can
also be done by pressing the [STOP] or [Suspend] button, causing a break.

(3) Reset signals

If a reset is asserted by means of a pin reset while the user program is stopped, the reset signal is
masked if the connection is JTAG. Note, however, that if the connection is FINE, it is not masked and the
MCU is reset.


Do not cause a break in the user program while the RES# or WAIT# signal is at the low level. Doing so will
cause a timeout error. If the WAIT# signal is fixed to the low level during a break, a timeout error will occur in
the case of access to memory.

(4) Using the WDT

Counting by the watchdog timer is suspended during breaks in execution. When execution of the user
program is restarted, counting is also resumed.

(5) Contention between modifying of registers related to the clock generator circuit and debugging functions
Do not change the values of registers related to the clock generator circuit in the [Memory] window, etc.
while the user program is running. For details on registers related to the clock generator circuit, refer to
the hardware manual for the MCU you are using.

(6) Maskable interrupts

Even if a user program is stopped (including in run-time debugging), timers and other peripherals will still
be running. Since the emulator disables interrupts while the user program is stopped (including in run-
time debugging), maskable interrupt requests cannot be accepted. Such interrupt requests are accepted
immediately after execution of the user program is started.
Note that interrupt requests from peripheral I/O modules are also not accepted while the user program is
stopped (including in run-time debugging).

(7) Transferring firmware to the FCU RAM

During debugging, firmware is transferred to the FCU RAM when the emulator is started up.

3.12 MCUs that are Used in Debugging

After debugging with the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite, if the MCU is disconnected from the emulator and run on its
own, correct operation cannot be guaranteed. To operate the MCU on its own, use the programming
software to re-program the MCU.

MCUs that are connected to the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite and used in debugging are placed under stress by
repeated programming of flash memory during emulation. Do not use MCUs that were used in debugging in
mass-production for end users.

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E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite 3. Notes on Usage

3.13 Final Evaluation of the User Program

Before entering the mass-production phase, be sure to perform a final evaluation of the program which has
been written to the flash ROM by the programming software, without the E1/E20/E2/E2 Lite connected.

R20UT0399EJ1600 Rev.16.00 Page 75 of 78

E1/E20/E2 Emulator, E2 Emulator Lite
Revision History Additional Document for User’s Manual
(Notes on Connection of RX Devices)

Rev. Date Description

Page Summary
8.01 Jun.01.15  
9.00 Nov.01.16 All Information on the RX65x was added.
10.00 Jan.16.18 All Information on the E2 emulator was added.
11.00 Jul.16.18 1 The subtitle of this document was changed.
2. Designing the User System
27 Note 5 was added to section 2.4.4, FINE Interface Connection between the 14-Pin
Connector and MCUs of the RX63x, RX64x, RX65x, and RX71x Groups.
33 Statements in Figure 2.18 were modified.
37 Descriptions in section 2.5.7, USER BOOT Pin, were modified.
The statement in Figure 2.22 was modified.
38 Table 2.7, Connection of the UB Pin of the MCU and the Emulator, was added.
3. Notes on Usage
57 Table 3.1, List of Notes and Their Applicability, was added.
60 Section 3.3.2, Software Reset, was added.
61 Section 3.3.3, Resets during Debugging, was added.
The description in section 3.5.1, High-Speed Clock Oscillator (HOCO), was
Section 3.5.2, Operating Frequency, was added.
61 and Section 3.6, Memory for Setting Options, was added.
63 Section 3.7, Memory Protection Unit (MPU), was added.
63 and Section 3.8, Flash Memory, was added.
65 Section 3.9, DMAC and DTC, was added.
65 to Section 3.10, Debugging Functions, was added.
67 and Section 3.11, Differences between Operation of the MCU without the Emulator and
68 Debugging, was added.
68 The description in section 3.12, MCUs that are Used in Debugging, was modified.
12.00 Nov.16.18 All Information on the RX66x was added.
13.00 Feb.15.19 All Information on the RX72x was added.
14.00 Sep.16.21 All Information on the RX72M, RX72N, RX671, RX23W, RX23E-A, and RX140 were
40 and The description in section 2.5.7, UB Pin, was modified.
15.00 Jul.01.22 All Information on the RX660 and RX66N were added.
15.00 May.30.23 All Information on the RX26T and RX65W-A were added.
E1/E20/E2 Emulator, E2 Emulator Lite
Additional Document for User's Manual
(Notes on Connection of RX Devices)

Publication Date: May.30.23 Rev.16.00

Published by: Renesas Electronics Corporation

E1/E20/E2 Emulator, E2 Emulator Lite
Additional Document for User’s Manual
(Notes on Connection of RX Devices)


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