Unit 3 TQM Notes
Unit 3 TQM Notes
Unit 3 TQM Notes
10. Mention the seven basic tools involved in statistic quality control.
i. Pareto Diagram
ii. Process Flow Diagram
iii. Cause and Effect Diagram
iv. Check Sheets
v. Histogram
vi. Control Charts
vii. Scatter Diagrams
19. What are the problems that can be interpreted by the histogram?
The problems that can be interpreted by the histogram are,
a. Skew problems
b. Clustering problems.
= (USL –LSL)/ 6σ
34. How is benchmarking used in the industry? Apr 11, Nov 12, Nov
It refers to comparisons with a group larger than the direct competitor.
It is used to compare the entire organization within an industry.
40. What are the factors that distinguish 6 sigma concepts from
traditional quality management concepts? Nov 13
Improvement of the process performance
Decrease variation
Maintains consistent quality of the process output.
Defect reduction
Improvements in profit, product quality and customer satisfaction.
Q – 7 Tools:
i. Flow Chart
ii. Check Sheet
iii. Histogram
iv. Pareto Diagram
v. Cause-and-Effect Diagram
vi. Scatter Diagram
vii. Control Chart
I – Pareto Diagram
Pareto Principle: The Pareto concept was developed by the describing the
frequency distribution of any given characteristic of a population. Also called
the 20-80 rule, it means only 20% of problems (defects) account for
80% of the effects.
II - Flowchart
A picture of the steps the process undergoes to complete its task. Every
process will require input(s) to complete its task, and will provide output(s)
when the task is completed. Flow charts can be drawn in many styles. Flow
charts can be used to describe a single process, parts of a process, or a set
of processes. There is no right or wrong way to draw a flow chart. The true
test of a flow chart is how well those who create and use it can understand it.
Step 2: Write the problem statement on the right hand side of the page, and
draw a box around it with an arrow running to it. This quality concern is now
the effect.
Step 4: This step could be combined with step 3. Identify, for each main
cause, its related sub-causes that might affect our quality concern or
problem (our Effect). Always check to see if all the factors contributing to the
problem have been identified. Start by asking why the problem exists.
Step 5: Focus on one or two causes for which an improvement action(s) can
be developed using other quality tools such as Pareto charts, check sheets,
and other gathering and analysis tools.
Purpose: Check sheets allow the user to collect data from a process in an
easy, systematic and organized manner.
87 84 100 81 83 91 76 76 90 85
90 108 79 94 110 89 74 100 85 82
86 89 90 86 90 100 99 74 91 88
101 80 92 85 100 81 85 79 84 85
83 85 90 100 91 107 85 77 100 99
Conclusion: Histogram is simple tools that allow the user to identify and
interpret the variation found in a set of data points. It is important to
remember that histograms do not give solutions to problems.
VI - Scatter Diagrams
Interpreting the Results: Once all the data points have been plotted onto
the scatter diagram, you are ready to determine whether there exists a
relation between the two selected items or not. When a strong relationship is
present, the change in one item will automatically cause a change in the
other. If no relationship can be detected, the change in one item will not
affect the other item.
There are three basic types of relationships that can be detected to on a
scatter diagram: 1. Positive relationship 2. Negative relationship 3. No
A control chart has basically three lines: the upper control limit UCL, the
center line CL and the lower control limit LCL. A minimum of 25 points is
required for a control chart to be accurate.
2. Discuss in detail about the concept of Six-Sigma. Apr 10, Nov 11,
May 12, Apr 11, Nov 13
Definition: A vision of quality which equates with only 3.4 defects per
million opportunities (DPMO) for each product or service transaction
and strives for perfection.
General Information:
The six sigma is nothing but an extension of the control limits from ± 3σ limit
to ± 6σ. The chance of a part going outside the control limits from the ± 3σ
is 27 parts in 10000 and that of ± 6σ is 3.4 parts per million. This
means that the probability of the parts produced going outside the control
limit is much higher in the ± 3σ limit system than in the ± 6σ limit system.
Note that a quality level of 3.4 defects per million can be achieved in several
ways, for instance:
SIX SIGMA IMPLEMENTATION MODELS There are two basic models for
six sigma implementation:
2) DMADV model (for design of new products to achieve six sigma quality).
(1) DMAIC model: It is a 5-step process improvement model. The steps are:
Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control.
ii) Measure:
Identify appropriate measures for assessing performance.
Define target performance based on customer requirements
(through benchmarking, if necessary).
Measure current performance and identify the gaps.
iii) Analyze:
Noise factors (N): while efforts should be made to reduce noise, these
can’t be eliminated
iv) Improve:
(2) DMADV model: DMADV stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Design,
and Verify. It is employed for design of new products to achieve 6-sigma
i) Define: This phase is similar to the DMAIC model. The only difference is
that ‘document the existing process’ and ‘describe the current level
of performance’ do not arise.
ii) Measure: Identify customer needs and convert them into technical
requirements through Quality Function Deployment (QFD) technique.
Define measures for each of the technical requirements and define
performance standards for the process.
iii) Analyze: Generate various design options for the concept. Evaluate
them and select the right option.
iv) Design: Detailed design stage involving finer details and identifying all
the required steps in the process. This is followed by system integration. This
step may involve the fabrication of prototypes or establishing a pilot plant.
3. Master Black Belt: Senior level persons. One Master Black Belt for
every 30 Black Belts. They train Black Belts and Green Belts, and work full
time on six sigma projects.
Case Studies:
Motorola is known for its cool cell phones, but the company's more lasting
contribution to the world is the quality-improvement process called Six
Sigma. In 1986 an engineer named Bill Smith, sold then-Chief Executive
Robert Galvin on a plan to strive for error-free products 99.9997% of the
time. It is the origin of ‘Six Sigma’.
General Electric:
– Saved $750 million by the end of 1998
– Cut invoice defects and disputes by 98 percent, speeding
payment, and creating better productivity
–Streamlined contract review process, leading to faster
completion of deals and annual savings of $1 million
– Initiated Six Sigma efforts in 1992 and saved more than $600
million a year by 1999.
– Reduced time from design to certification of new projects like
aircraft engines from 42 to 33 months.
– Increased market value by a compounded 27% per year through
fiscal year 1998.
It helps them learn how the “best in class” do things, understand how
these best practices differ from their own, and implement change to close
the gap.
Breakthrough performance
Reasons to Benchmark:
iii] It saves time and cost since it involves imitation and adaptation rather
than pure invention.
[3] Plan.
What are the competitive pressures impacting the organization the most?
What processes or functions have the most potential for differentiating our
organization from the competition?
[3] Plan:
A benchmarking team is chosen. The team should decide what type of
benchmarking to perform, what type of data is to be collected, the method of
data collection, and the candidate organizations to be benchmarked, and the
time table for the various tasks required to be performed.
Is there a gap between the organization’s performance and that of the best-
in-class organizations?
Types of FMEA:
Design FMEA – analysis of potential failures of product or service due to
component or subsystem unreliability.
Process FMEA – Failure analysis of a manufacturing process.
Stages of FMEA:
There are four stages of FMEA. These are:
Stage 1 – Specifying Possibilities. i) Functions, ii) Possible failure modes,
iii) Root causes, iv) Effects, v) Detection/Prevention.
Stage 2 – Quantifying Risk. i) Probability of cause, ii) Severity of effect, iii)
Effectiveness of control to prevent cause, iv) Risk Priority Number
Stage 3 – Correcting High Risk Causes. i) Prioritizing work, ii) Detailing
action, iii) Assigning action responsibility, iv) Check points on completion
Stage 4 – Re-evaluation of Risk. i) Recalculation of Risk Priority Number
FMEA Procedure:
The process for conducting an FMEA is straightforward. The basic steps are
outlined below.
Model Number/year ____ Key Date _________ FMEA Date _____ Rev _________
3. List out the seven new management tools and its applications in
detail. Apr 08, Apr 14, Apr 10, Nov 12, Nov 13
The seven basic quality tools are mostly useful for quantitative
problems, whereas the new seven management tools are defined for the
qualitative problems.
In 1976, the Union of Japanese Scientists and Engineers (JUSE)
saw the need for tools to promote innovation, communicate information and
successfully plan major projects. A team researched and developed the
seven new quality control tools, often called the seven management and
planning (MP) tools, or simply the seven management tools. Not all
the tools were new, but their collection and promotion were.
Management Tools:
Affinity Diagram
Relationship Diagram
Tree Diagram
Matrix Diagram
Matrix Data Analysis
Decision Tree
Arrow Diagram
The seven MP tools, listed in an order that moves from abstract analysis to
detailed planning, are:
Define Problem ----- Generate Ideas -------- Record Ideas on Cards -----
Display Cards in Random Order ------- Arrange Cards in Grouping ------
Create headers for Groupings ----- Draw the Affinity Diagram
This tool is used to break down broad categories into finer and finer levels of
detail. It can map levels of details of tasks that are required to accomplish a
goal or task. It can be used to break down broad general subjects into finer
and finer levels of detail. Developing the tree diagram helps one move their
thinking from generalities to specifics.
Definition: It is a tool which depicts the relation between two, three or four
sets of factors in the form of a table or a matrix.
This tool is used to prioritize items and describe them in terms of weighted
criteria. It uses a combination of tree and matrix diagramming techniques to
do a pair-wise evaluation of items and to narrow down options to the most
desired or most effective.
A useful way of planning is to break down tasks into a hierarchy, using a Tree
Diagram. The PDPC extends the tree diagram a couple of levels to identify
risks and countermeasures for the bottom level tasks. Different shaped
boxes are used to highlight risks and identify possible countermeasures
(often shown as 'clouds' to indicate their uncertain nature). The PDPC is
similar to the Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) in that both identify
risks, consequences of failure, and contingency actions; the FMEA also rates
relative risk levels for each potential failure point.
This tool is used to plan the appropriate sequence or schedule for a set of
tasks and related subtasks. It is used when subtasks must occur in parallel.
The diagram enables one to determine the critical path (longest sequence of
tasks). (See also PERT diagram.)