Topic Course Code Course Name Semester
Topic Course Code Course Name Semester
Topic Course Code Course Name Semester
Information Technology
Semester : 5 Credits: 3
Course Objectives:
Course Prerequisites:
Topic Course name Semester
Basic Mathematics Mathematics 1, 2
Programming concepts. Programming in C 3
Program development Application Development Lab 3
Course Outcomes :
COn Description Cognitive Level
CO1 Develop basic Programming Concepts using python 10 Applying
CO2 Apply advanced python programming Concepts 10 Applying
Use Machine learning algorithm using tools like
CO3 12 Applying
CO4 Apply AI with Python in Gaming 10 Applying
Lab Exam 3
CO – PO Mapping
CO1 3 3
CO2 3 3
CO3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Course Outline
Module Duration
Name of the Experiment Cognitive Level
Outcomes (Hours)
CO1 Develop programs using basic programming constructs in python
Develop simple python programs using decision
M1.01 2 Applying
control structures
Implement python Programs using loop control
M1.02 2 Applying
M1.03 Implement programs using String 2 Applying
M1.04 Implement programs using list 2 Applying
Implement programs using Dictionary
M1.05 2 Applying
CO2 Apply advanced python programming concepts
M2.01 Implement programs using python functions 2 Applying
M2.02 Implement programs using python Modules 2 Applying
M2.03 Implement programs using packages 2 Applying
M2.04 Implement Classes and objects in python 2 Applying
M2.05 Implement programs using regular expression 2 Applying
Lab Exam – I 1.5
CO3 Use Machine learning algorithm
Installing and familiarising any machine
M3.01 2
learning software like weka Applying
Demonstrate loading of data from local file
M3.02 system,url and DB using machine learning 2 Applying
software like weka
Implement the techniques for preprocessing of
M3.03 2 Applying
data using numpy package in Python
Implement the classifiers using machine
M3.04 2 Applying
learning software like weka
M3.05 Implement the classifiers using python 4 Applying
CO4 Apply AI with Python in Gaming
Demonstrate a Bot to Play Last Coin Standing
M4.01 2 Applying
using python
Demonstrate a Bot to Play Tic Tac Toe using
M4.02 2 Applying
M4.03 Open Ended Experiments** 6 Applying
Lab Exam – II 1.5
(Not for End Semester Examination but compulsory to be included in Continuous Internal
Evaluation. Students can do open ended experiments as a group of 2-3. There is no
duplication in experiments between groups. )
Text / Reference
Online Resources