Water Supply - Partial 1 - 2018
Water Supply - Partial 1 - 2018
Water Supply - Partial 1 - 2018
School of Engineering
Dept. of Civil & Environmental Engineering
Water Supply
May 2018
Water Supply – Objectives of course
Introduce students to:
Water demand, water delivery for sizing of
treatment plants and transport and distribution
Water sources; what is a good source?
Distribution systems;
water treatment-unit operations; and
Rural and peri-urban water supply systems
Water Supply – Historical developments
Industrialization (Required transportation; treatment)
Water Supply - Components
Qa = Average water demand
d = Population density
A = Area of the distribution
C = Coverage of the area (i.e. 50%). Thus it is a factor
that converts population to number of consumers.
q = Consumption per capita
Demand determination – Supply area consumption
Qa = Average water demand
A = Area of the distribution
C = Coverage of the area (i.e. 50%). Thus it is a factor
that converts population to number of consumers.
qa = average consumption per unit area
Demand determination – Per capita consumption
approach – Heterogeneous situation
Qa = Average consumption of the town
A = Area of the town
n = Consumption categories in the district
qi = Unit consumption per category i
pi = percentage of district territory occupied by category i
Ci = Coverage within district territory occupied by category i
di = population density within the district i
Demand determination – Supply area consumption
approach – Heterogeneous situation
Qa = Average consumption of the town
A = Area of the town
qa = Average consumption per unit area
n = Consumption categories in the district
pi = percentage of district territory occupied by category i
Ci = Coverage within district territory occupied by category i
Other important considerations
In computation of demand, it is important to take note
of other users like fire fighting and NRW
(Real/physical losses + Apparent losses) …. very
Demand forecasting
When designing - establish the length of time the
improvement will serve the community before it is
abandoned or enlarged – project life span.
Qi n Qi * (1 n * )
Qi = Water demand at year "i"
Qi+n = forecasted water demand after n
n = design period
a = average annual growth rate during the
design period
Demand Forecasting – Models based on
population growth – Exponential Model
a n
Qi n Qi * (1 )
Qi = Water demand at year "i"
Qi+n = forecasted water demand after n
n = design period
a = average annual growth rate during the
design period
Selection of a and n
Peak factors
Daily Water Demand pattern
Relationship between population and peak
As pop increases,
PF reduces
Water delivery
Water Delivery Qd = Qa + UFW
Qd = Qa/(1-L/100)