Update Particulars
Update Particulars
Update Particulars
For clients with existing CDP accounts, it is mandatory to complete the relevant CDP update of particulars form (individual / joint) to update your details with CDP directly.
For Joint Account, each individual will have to sign on a separate form.
1 Update of particulars
Account details* New name NRIC / Malaysian IC / Passport number
! Applicable if
your particulars
Nationality Are you a Singapore PR? ☐ Yes ☐ No
have changed
! Only for foreigners
*Please bring along original NRIC/Malaysian IC/Passport (for foreigner) to update the above.
Address^ Mailing address ! All statements and correspondence will be sent to this address Country Postal Code
! Applicable if
the address has
changed Residential address ! If different from above Country Postal Code
Please specify reasons ! If above residential address is different from mailing address
^Please attached Supporting document as proof of address (Eg. Latest telco, utility bill/statement or bank statement dated less than 3 months)
☐ Retiree ☐ Housewife ☐ Student ! School name ☐ Others ! Please specify
☐ Other Countries ! Please provide information of other tax residency(ies) in the table below.
Country TIN If TIN is not available, select a reason
☐ TIN is not issued by country
☐ TIN is not required by country
☐ Unable to obtain a TIN ➢ Provide reason
Update of Particulars (Individuals)
1. Tax residency is defined by each country’s local tax laws. This may be dependent on factors including, but not limited to, nationality, physical presence, employment and place of
abode. Guidance on tax residency is also available at the following link: https://www.oecd.org/tax/automatic-exchange/crs-implementation-and-assistance/tax-residency/
2. Definition of ‘U.S. Tax Resident’
• A citizen or permanent resident of the United States (e.g. US Green Card holder or someone who meets the requirements to be considered a resident under the ‘substantial
presence test’); or
• Any other person that is not a foreign person (as defined under US federal tax law).
3. Government issued document may include any documents issued by the local law for the purposes of identification and may vary for different jurisdictions. This may include driving
license, employment/residence pass and birth certificate.
v. Apr 2017 Co. Reg. No. 196600262R
1 Your Details
Title Dr Mdm ✂
Mr Mrs Ms
NRIC / Malaysian IC / Passport Number (as in CDP records) RV098080 Date of Birth 0 2 1 0 8 6
2 What would like to update? (Only fill in the fields which you would like to update)
Please submit with supporting documents. Refer to Section 7 for required documents.
Email Address
Postal Code
Mailing Address (Complete only if Mailing Address is different from Residential Address)
Postal Code
Corporate Actions Mailing Address in Singapore (Applicable only if Mailing Address is not in Singapore)
Postal Code
3 Tax Residency (Mandatory). Please complete the following table indicating ALL Countries where you are a tax resident:
*All U.S. persons must provide a completed Form W-9, available at https://www.irs.gov/businesses/corporations/fatca-related-forms.
*All non-U.S. persons with U.S. details must provide a completed Form W-8BEN, available at https://www.irs.gov/businesses/corporations/fatca-related-forms.
*Considered no longer U.S. persons must provide 1) Form W-8BEN; and 2) Copy of Certificate of Loss of Nationality of the U.S.; and 3) New Identification Document
Reason A: I am resident of a country/jurisdiction which does not issue TIN to its residents.
Reason B: I am otherwise unable to obtain TIN or equivalent number. (Please explain why you are unable to obtain a TIN if you have selected this reason.)
Reason C: TIN is not required (to be selected only if domestic law of relevant country/jurisdiction of tax residence indicated above does not require the collection of
the TIN issued by such country or jurisdiction.)
Country TIN or equivalent If no TIN available Explanation if Reason B is indicated
Indicate Reason A,B,C
Tax Residency 1:
Tax Residency 2:
Tax Residency 3:
4 Close My Account Please indicate the CDP Securities Account number to close:
1) 2)
1 2 0 9 2 4
Signature D D M M Y Y
8 Important Information
1. The contact details will be used as communication on all CDP Services (e.g. PSN, SMS OTP for CDP Internet Services).
2. I/We have authority to make this update. I/We represent, warrant and certify that the information provided in this application (including without limitation the
information relating to my tax residence status, tax identification number(s), and all supporting documentation and forms furnished in connection herewith)
(collectively "Information") are true, complete and accurate. I/We understand that information captured in this form is for regulatory requirements under the
Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act and Common Reporting Standard. We acknowledge that information contained in this form and information regarding the
Securities Account may be provided to the Singapore tax authority and exchanged with tax authorities of another country or countries pursuant to
intergovernmental, bilateral or multilateral competent tax authority agreements to exchange financial account information.
3. If any information (including any self-certification) changes or becomes invalid, incorrect, inaccurate and/or unreliable ("Change") in any way, I shall promptly
inform CDP in writing within 30 days from the date I had knowledge of the Change and undertake to provide CDP with such information, certification,
documents or evidence that CDP may require in connection with such Change.
4. Any updates made to the contact details will be automatically applied to your Individual Account and (where applicable) Joint Account(s) for which you are the
Main Applicant.
Mail to CDP
Email to CDP The Central Depository (Pte) Limited
Email the completed form to asksgx@sgx.com. P.O. BOX 2002
Please state “Update Account Particulars Pass it to your Broker
Robinson Road
Form” in the email subject title.
Singapore 904002