The Requiem System - GM Emulator
The Requiem System - GM Emulator
The Requiem System - GM Emulator
fantastic job and I implore you to check hen you need to create a random event, roll the
W Alternative rolls: 10 Beautiful 18 Unique
him out. hen rolling any 3d6 for any table. You may also
roll an additional 1d4 which corresponds to these OPIC FOCUS:
What happens:ACTION FOCUSInvolving:TOPIC domains:
arkus Spiskeis an excellent
F What is this about?
photographer and he took the photo 1: Physical (appearance, existence) 3 Current Need 11 A Plot Arc
which Requiem uses for the cover of its
GM Emulator. Complex Questions 2: Technical (mental, operation) 4 Allies 12 Recent Events
hen you need to ask an open-ended question, try to
W 5 Community 13 Equipment
find the most appropriateOracle (Focus) to use. 3: Mystical (meaning, capability)
6 History 14 Impersonal
I f the question is not sufficiently answered, add 4: Social (personal, connection)
results from a secondOracle (Focus). 7 Future Plans 15 Personal
henever rolling on those tables, the 1d4 will
help guide what “Lord” means for the NPC. 8 Enemies 16 Paid off to
Maybe they are a Mystical Lord, a grand wizard
that can zap you out of existence. Or maybe an 9 Knowledge 17 A Faction
NPC goal, “Learn”, learn what? You get a 2, oh! It The PC(s)
10 Rumors 18
means he wants to further his aptitude! It should
help spark ideas.
Plot Hook Generator NPC Generator Dungeon Crawler Hex Crawler
se this to generate plot hooks, quests, or
U se this to generate NPCs that may be
U se this when exploring a dangerous location like
missions for the PCs to follow. encountered while playing. a typical dungeon. se this to generate maps of larger areas. Whenever the
characters enter a hex, generate the TERRAIN and
OBJECTIVE: IDENTITY: DUNGEON THEME: CONTENTS of all surrounding hexes, then roll an EVENT
for the current hex.
1 Eliminate a threat 3 Outlaw 11 Adherent ow it looks:DETAIL FOCUS
2 Learn the truth Drifter Monk How it is used:ACTION FOCUS REGION:
4 12
3 Recover something valuable 5 Tradesman 13 Seamen he first area always has 3 exits. Roll once on
T ach hex is part of a region. Define the three
each table below to create a new area as you
4 Escort or deliver to safety Commoner Warrior
terrain types for the starting region (common,
6 14 explore.
uncommon, and rare). New regions might be
5 Restore something broken 7 Soldier 15 Leader discovered later.
6 Save an ally in peril 8 Merchant 16 Mystic Typical area
9 Specialist 17 Adventurer Same as the current hex
ADVERSARIES: 2 Transitional area 1-2
10 Entertainer 18 Lord
1 A powerful organization 3 Living area or meeting place 3-4 Common terrain
REWARDS: 9 Protect 17 Create 5 An obstacle blocks the way FEATURES:
1 Money or valuables 10 Enrich Self 18 Serve
6 Unique NPC or adversary 1 Notable structure