The Requiem System - GM Emulator

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‭Set The Scene‬ ‭GM Moves‬ ‭Oracle (Yes/No)‬ ‭Oracle (Focus)‬

‭ escribe where your character is and what they‬

D ‭ hen you need to advance the fiction, roll on the tables‬ W
W ‭ hen you need to ask a simple question, choose‬ ‭ hen you have a broad question or need to know details‬
‭are trying to accomplish, roll 2d6, or choose a‬ ‭below and describe the results as the GM normally‬ ‭the likelihood and roll 2d6.‬ ‭about something, roll 3d6 and draw upon the total in the‬
‭would.‬ ‭table below. The more dice that roll the same number,‬
‭The 1st 1d6:‬ ‭Answer (D6)‬ ‭Mod (D6)‬ ‭the stronger the effect‬
‭SCENE COMPLICATION:‬ ‭ se a‬‭PACING MOVE‬‭when there is a lull in the fiction,‬
‭Likely‬‭|Yes on a 3+‬ ‭1 but...‬
‭or you think “What now?” Use a‬‭FAILURE MOVE‬‭to‬ ‭ CTION FOCUS‭:‬‬
‭1‬ ‭Hostile forces oppose you‬ ‭What does it do?‬
‭move things forward when the PCs fail an action.‬ ‭Even‬‭|Yes on a 4+‬ ‭2-5 None‬
‭2‬ ‭An obstacle blocks your way‬ ‭3‬ ‭Seek‬ ‭11‬ ‭Take‬
‭PACING MOVE:‬ ‭Unlikely‬‭|Yes on a 5+‬ ‭6 and…‬
‭3‬ ‭Wouldn’t it suck if…‬ ‭4‬ ‭Oppose‬ ‭12‬ ‭Protect‬
‭1‬ ‭Foreshadow Trouble‬
‭4‬ ‭An NPC acts suddenly‬
‭2‬ ‭Reveal a New Detail‬
‭Oracle (How)‬ ‭5‬ ‭Communicate‬ ‭13‬ ‭Calculate‬
‭ hen you need to know how big, good, strong,‬
‭5‬ ‭All is not as it seems‬ ‭numerous, etc. something is.‬ ‭6‬ ‭Move‬ ‭14‬ ‭Sulk‬
‭3‬ ‭An NPC Takes Action‬
‭6‬ ‭Things go as planned‬ ‭1‬ ‭Surprisingly lacking‬ ‭7‬ ‭Harm‬ ‭15‬ ‭Harm‬
‭4‬ ‭Advance a Threat‬
‭2‬ ‭Less than expected‬ ‭8‬ ‭Create‬ ‭16‬ ‭Assist‬
‭The 2nd 1d6 on a 5+:‬ ‭5‬ ‭Advance a Plot‬
‭3-4‬ ‭About average‬
‭ALTERED SCENE:‬ ‭9‬ ‭Reveal‬ ‭17‬ ‭Deceive‬
‭6‬ ‭Add a‬‭RANDOM EVENT‬‭to the scene‬
‭ major detail of the scene is enhanced or‬
A ‭5‬ ‭More than expected‬
‭1‬ ‭10‬ ‭Command‬ ‭18‬ ‭Unexpected‬
‭somehow worse‬ ‭6‬ ‭Extraordinary‬
‭2‬ ‭The environment is different‬ ‭ ETAIL FOCUS‭:‬‬
‭1‬ ‭Lose HP or Morale by rolling the difficultly dice‬
‭ his can also be abstracted to Requiem’s‬
T ‭What kind of thing is it?‬
‭3‬ ‭Unexpected NPCs are present‬ ‭of what caused you harm or morale loss.‬
‭difficulty values. 1-2 Easy, 3-4 Moderate, 5 Hard, 6‬ ‭Unsavory‬
‭3‬ ‭Small‬ ‭11‬
‭2‬ ‭Put Someone in a Spot‬ ‭Extreme.‬
‭4‬ ‭Large‬ ‭12‬ ‭Broken‬
‭5‬ ‭Add a‬‭PACING MOVE‬ ‭3‬ ‭Offer a Choice‬
‭Generic Generator‬ ‭5‬ ‭Old‬ ‭13‬ ‭Fixed‬
‭4‬ ‭Advance a Threat‬ ‭ se this to generate towns, spaceships, factions,‬
‭6‬ ‭Add a‬‭RANDOM EVENT‬
‭magic items, taverns, monsters, or anything else‬ ‭6‬ ‭New‬ ‭14‬ ‭Specialized‬
‭5‬ ‭Reveal an Unwelcome Truth‬ ‭you can think of.‬
‭7‬ ‭Mundane‬ ‭15‬ ‭Unexpected‬
‭Credits‬‭:‬ ‭6‬ ‭Foreshadow Trouble‬ ‭ hat it does:‬‭ACTION FOCUS‬
‭8‬ ‭Simple‬ ‭16‬ ‭Exotic‬
‭How it looks:‬‭DETAIL FOCUS‬
‭ arl Hendricks‬‭for what I based‬
K ‭How significant:‬‭ORACLE (HOW)‬
‭Requiem’s emulator on. He did a‬ ‭Random Event‬ ‭9‬ ‭Complex‬ ‭17‬ ‭Dignified‬

‭fantastic job and I implore you to check‬ ‭ hen you need to create a random event, roll the‬
W ‭Alternative rolls:‬ ‭10‬ ‭Beautiful‬ ‭18‬ ‭Unique‬
‭him out.‬ ‭ hen rolling any 3d6 for any table. You may also‬
‭roll an additional 1d4 which corresponds to these‬ ‭ OPIC FOCUS‬‭:‬
‭What happens:‬‭ACTION FOCUS‬‭Involving:‬‭TOPIC‬ ‭domains:‬
‭ arkus Spiske‬‭is an excellent‬
F ‭What is this about?‬
‭photographer and he took the photo‬ ‭1: Physical (appearance, existence)‬ ‭3‬ ‭Current Need‬ ‭11‬ ‭A Plot Arc‬
‭which Requiem uses for the cover of its‬
‭GM Emulator.‬ ‭Complex Questions‬ ‭2: Technical (mental, operation)‬ ‭4‬ ‭Allies‬ ‭12‬ ‭Recent Events‬
‭ hen you need to ask an open-ended question, try to‬
W ‭5‬ ‭Community‬ ‭13‬ ‭Equipment‬
‭find the most appropriate‬‭Oracle (Focus‬‭) to use.‬ ‭3: Mystical (meaning, capability)‬
‭6‬ ‭History‬ ‭14‬ ‭Impersonal‬
I‭ f the question is not sufficiently answered, add‬ ‭4: Social (personal, connection)‬
‭results from a second‬‭Oracle (Focus)‬‭.‬ ‭7‬ ‭Future Plans‬ ‭15‬ ‭Personal‬
‭ henever rolling on those tables, the 1d4 will‬
‭help guide what “Lord” means for the NPC.‬ ‭8‬ ‭Enemies‬ ‭16‬ ‭Paid off to‬
‭Maybe they are a Mystical Lord, a grand wizard‬
‭that can zap you out of existence. Or maybe an‬ ‭9‬ ‭Knowledge‬ ‭17‬ ‭A Faction‬
‭NPC goal, “Learn”, learn what? You get a 2, oh! It‬ ‭The PC(s)‬
‭10‬ ‭Rumors‬ ‭18‬
‭means he wants to further his aptitude! It should‬
‭help spark ideas.‬
‭Plot Hook Generator‬ ‭NPC Generator‬ ‭Dungeon Crawler‬ ‭Hex Crawler‬
‭ se this to generate plot hooks, quests, or‬
U ‭ se this to generate NPCs that may be‬
U ‭ se this when exploring a dangerous location like‬
‭missions for the PCs to follow.‬ ‭encountered while playing.‬ ‭a typical dungeon.‬ ‭ se this to generate maps of larger areas. Whenever the‬
‭characters enter a hex, generate the TERRAIN and‬
‭OBJECTIVE:‬ ‭IDENTITY‭:‬‬ ‭DUNGEON THEME‬‭:‬ ‭CONTENTS of all surrounding hexes, then roll an EVENT‬
‭for the current hex.‬
‭1‬ ‭Eliminate a threat‬ ‭3‬ ‭Outlaw‬ ‭11‬ ‭Adherent‬ ‭ ow it looks:‬‭DETAIL FOCUS‬
‭2‬ ‭Learn the truth‬ ‭Drifter‬ ‭Monk‬ ‭How it is used:‬‭ACTION FOCUS‬ ‭REGION:‬
‭4‬ ‭12‬
‭3‬ ‭Recover something valuable‬ ‭5‬ ‭Tradesman‬ ‭13‬ ‭Seamen‬ ‭ he first area always has 3 exits. Roll once on‬
T ‭ ach hex is part of a region. Define the three‬
‭each table below to create a new area as you‬
‭4‬ ‭Escort or deliver to safety‬ ‭Commoner‬ ‭Warrior‬
‭terrain types for the starting region (common,‬
‭6‬ ‭14‬ ‭explore.‬
‭uncommon, and rare). New regions might be‬
‭5‬ ‭Restore something broken‬ ‭7‬ ‭Soldier‬ ‭15‬ ‭Leader‬ ‭discovered later.‬
‭6‬ ‭Save an ally in peril‬ ‭8‬ ‭Merchant‬ ‭16‬ ‭Mystic‬ ‭Typical area‬
‭1‬ ‭TERRAIN:‬
‭9‬ ‭Specialist‬ ‭17‬ ‭Adventurer‬ ‭Same as the current hex‬
‭ADVERSARIES:‬ ‭2‬ ‭Transitional area‬ ‭1-2‬
‭10‬ ‭Entertainer‬ ‭18‬ ‭Lord‬
‭1‬ ‭A powerful organization‬ ‭3‬ ‭Living area or meeting place‬ ‭3-4‬ ‭Common terrain‬

‭2‬ ‭Outlaws‬ ‭GOAL:‬ ‭4‬ ‭Working or utility area‬

‭5‬ ‭Uncommon terrain‬
‭3‬ ‭Obtain‬ ‭11‬ ‭Avenge‬
‭5‬ ‭Area with a special feature‬
‭3‬ ‭Guardians‬ ‭6‬ ‭Rare terrain‬
‭4‬ ‭Learn‬ ‭12‬ ‭Lead‬
‭6‬ ‭Location for a specialized purpose‬
‭4‬ ‭Local inhabitants‬ ‭5‬ ‭Harm‬ ‭13‬ ‭Fulfill Duty‬
‭5‬ ‭Enemy horde or force‬ ‭6‬ ‭Restore‬ ‭14‬ ‭Convert‬ ‭ENCOUNTER:‬
‭1-5‬ ‭Nothing notable‬
‭7‬ ‭Find‬ ‭15‬ ‭Survive‬ ‭1-2‬ ‭None‬
‭6‬ ‭A new or recurring villain‬
‭3-4‬ ‭Roll a‬‭FEATURE‬
‭8‬ ‭Travel‬ ‭16‬ ‭Escape‬ ‭3-4‬ ‭Hostile enemies‬

‭REWARDS:‬ ‭9‬ ‭Protect‬ ‭17‬ ‭Create‬ ‭5‬ ‭An obstacle blocks the way‬ ‭FEATURES:‬
‭1‬ ‭Money or valuables‬ ‭10‬ ‭Enrich Self‬ ‭18‬ ‭Serve‬
‭6‬ ‭Unique NPC or adversary‬ ‭1‬ ‭Notable structure‬

‭2‬ ‭Money or valuables‬ ‭NOTABLE FEATURE‬ ‭2‬ ‭Dangerous hazard‬

‭3‬ ‭Knowledge and secrets‬ ‭1-2‬ ‭Nothing, or mundane objects‬ ‭3‬ ‭A settlement‬
‭2‬ ‭Notable nature‬
‭4‬ ‭Support of an ally‬ ‭3‬ ‭An interesting item or clue‬ ‭4‬ ‭Strange natural feature‬
‭3‬ ‭Obvious physical trait‬
‭5‬ ‭Advance a plot arc‬ ‭Quirk or mannerism‬ ‭4‬ ‭A useful tool, key, or device‬
‭4‬ ‭5‬ ‭New region (set new terrain types)‬
‭5‬ ‭Unusual equipment‬ ‭5‬ ‭Something valuable‬
‭6‬ ‭A unique item of power‬ ‭6‬ ‭DUNGEON CRAWLER‬‭entrance‬
‭6‬ ‭Unexpected age or origin‬ ‭6‬ ‭Rare or special item‬

‭ raw a‬‭DETAIL FOCUS‬‭for the description of the‬

‭notable feature.‬
‭1-2‬ ‭Dead End‬
‭ ttitude to PC(s):‬‭ORACLE (HOW)‬
A ‭3-4‬ ‭1 Adtional Exit‬
‭Conversation:‬‭TOPIC FOCUS‬
‭5-6‬ ‭2 Additional Exists‬

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