Biology 10 00207
Biology 10 00207
Biology 10 00207
Circadian Misalignment and Metabolic Disorders: A Story of
Twisted Clocks
Aurore Woller 1 and Didier Gonze 2, *
1 Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel;
2 Unité de Chronobiologie Théorique, Faculté des Sciences CP 231, Université Libre de Bruxelles,
Bvd du Triomphe, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgium
* Correspondence:
Simple Summary: In mammals, many physiological processes follow a 24 h rhythmic pattern. These
rhythms are governed by a complex network of circadian clocks, which perceives external time cues
(notably light and nutrients) and adjusts the timing of metabolic and physiological functions to allow
a proper adaptation of the organism to the daily changes in the environmental conditions. Circadian
rhythms originate at the cellular level through a transcriptional–translational regulatory network
involving a handful of clock genes. In this review, we show how adverse effects caused by ill-timed
feeding or jet lag can lead to a dysregulation of this genetic clockwork, which in turn results in
altered metabolic regulation and possibly in diseases. We also show how computational modeling
can complement experimental observations to understand the design of the clockwork and the onset
of metabolic disorders.
Abstract: Biological clocks are cell-autonomous oscillators that can be entrained by periodic envi-
ronmental cues. This allows organisms to anticipate predictable daily environmental changes and,
thereby, to partition physiological processes into appropriate phases with respect to these changing
Citation: Woller, A.; Gonze, D.
Circadian Misalignment and
external conditions. Nowadays our 24/7 society challenges this delicate equilibrium. Indeed, many
Metabolic Disorders: A Story of studies suggest that perturbations such as chronic jet lag, ill-timed eating patterns, or shift work in-
Twisted Clocks. Biology 2021, 10, 207. crease the susceptibility to cardiometabolic disorders, diabetes, and cancers. However the underlying mechanisms are still poorly understood. A deeper understanding of this complex, dynamic system
biology10030207 requires a global holistic approach for which mathematical modeling can be highly beneficial. In
this review, we summarize several experimental works pertaining to the effect of adverse conditions
Academic Editor: Eleonore Maury on clock gene expression and on physiology, and we show how computational models can bring
interesting insights into the links between circadian misalignment and metabolic diseases.
Received: 30 January 2021
Accepted: 2 March 2021
Keywords: circadian oscillations; gene regulatory network; light; food; conflicting zeitgebers; com-
Published: 10 March 2021
putational modeling
we refer to any periodic input that entrains the circadian clock, with light and food being
external zeitgebers, while hormones and neuroal projections are internal zeitgebers.
Understanding the cogs and wheels of this multi-oscillatory system is challenging
because it involves the integration of organ-specific genetic control, metabolic regulation,
and hormone-mediated inter-organ coupling. Experimentally, the logic of this regulatory
system can be probed by genetic studies and by artificial environmental perturbations
(e.g., conflicting zeitgebers) and by looking at the consequences on gene expression and
on physiology. Experimental studies can be complemented by mathematical modeling
investigations. Theoretical models aim at providing a rational explanation for observed
dynamic responses and allow the integration of disparate experimental observations.
We review here several studies that contributed to unraveling the complex interplay
between the genetic clocks and the physiology and show how mathematical models
help to interpret the observations and to provide guidelines for future investigations.
Particular attention is given to the importance of the timing of clock gene expression for
proper coordination of metabolism and to the alteration of this timing due to conflicting
environmental signals. We first describe the global circadian organization and the genetic
circuitry underlying circadian oscillations, which is responsible for the proper timing
of gene expression in physiological conditions. We then show, through a selection of
experimental and theoretical papers, how the phase relationships between the clock gene
expression are altered under ill-timed feeding or in response to a jet lag and how, in turn,
those “twisted clocks” impact clock-controlled cellular processes.
leading to a (partial) decoupling of this peripheral clock from the SCN. Third, these pe-
SCN in hamsters [19]. Second, the liver was shown to strongly respond to food intake. An
ripheral clocks feed back to the SCN. For example, leptin, an appetite suppressor, which
inversion of the food cycle was indeed shown to invert the rhythm of the liver [20,21],
is secreted
leading by adipocytes,
to a (partial) decouplingmay target
of this the SCN
peripheral clockvia
from the
thearcuate nucleus
SCN. Third, these(ARC)
pe- as demon-
strated by the disruption of the circadian rhythm in food intake
ripheral clocks feed back to the SCN. For example, leptin, an appetite suppressor, which induced by ablation of
leptin-receptor-expressing neurons in the ARC [22].
is secreted by adipocytes, may target the SCN via the arcuate nucleus (ARC) as demon-
by the disruption
the SCNofmainly
the circadian
senses rhythm
food intakeclocks
induced by ablation
receive inputsof from nutrient
leptin-receptor-expressing neurons in the ARC [22].
sensors, including SIRT1 (Sirtuin 1) [23,24], AMPK [25], hormones [18,26], and neuronal
Whereas the SCN mainly senses light, peripheral clocks receive inputs from nutrient
cues [27]. Peripheral clocks are thus subject to multiple zeitgebers, mutually coupled, and
sensors, including SIRT1 (Sirtuin 1) [23,24], AMPK [25], hormones [18,26], and neuronal
able to feed back to the SCN pacemaker. Moreover, central and peripheral clocks differ in
cues [27]. Peripheral clocks are thus subject to multiple zeitgebers, mutually coupled, and
their sensitivity
able to feed back to the forSCN
different zeitgebers,
pacemaker. Moreover,andcentral
mostandlikely the peripheral
peripheral clocks
clocks differ in themselves
also differ in their sensitivity for different zeitgebers. For example,
their sensitivity for different zeitgebers, and most likely the peripheral clocks themselves the nutrient sensor
also differdifferentially affects
in their sensitivity for different peripheral
different zeitgebers. Forclocks [28].
example, theAs a consequence,
nutrient sensor changing
AMPK differentially affects different peripheral clocks [28]. As a consequence,
the timing of one zeitgeber can be sufficient to disorganize the circadian system, since suchchanging
the timing
a shift of one
will have zeitgeber
be sufficient to fordisorganize the circadian
the different clocks.system, since
Altering zeitgebers thus
such a shift will have different consequences for the different clocks. Altering zeitgebers
has effects on the global circadian organization, both at the genetic and at the organ levels,
thus has effects on the global circadian organization, both at the genetic and at the organ
with with
levels, potential consequences
potential consequences on onphysiology
physiology and behavior
and behavior (Figure
(Figure 1A). 1A). Understanding
ing the working of this system and the emergence of pathologies thus requires system- system-level
the working of this system and the emergence of pathologies thus requires
level investigations that
thatintegrate bothgenetic
integrate both geneticandand tissue
tissue levels.
Figure 1. (A)
1. (A) TheThe circadian
circadian systemsystem
consistsconsists of aofnetwork
of a network coupled of coupled
clocks, clocks,
receives receives
multiple inputs multiple inputs
controls manymany
controls aspectsaspects
of physiology and metabolism.
of physiology Alteration of the
and metabolism. zeitgebersof the zeitgebers
(e.g., via circadian misalignment or jet lag) can lead to metabolic syndromes and pathologies. Of note,
central and peripheral clocks differ by the nature and/or sensitivity of the different zeitgebers. We
can also distinguish external zeitgebers (such as light and food, denoted by an asterisk) and internal
zeitgebers (hormones and neural projections involved in the internal coupling between the clocks).
(B) Scheme of the genetic regulatory network underlying circadian gene expression. The scheme
focuses on the core genes/proteins which are circadianly expressed. Clock, which is constitutively
expressed, is not represented.
Biology 2021, 10, 207 4 of 15
pancreas prevents an excessive accumulation of blood glucose [71]. The liver also plays a
critical role in the maintenance of glucose homeostasis through the circadian regulation of
gluconeogenesis [13,72]. There is an increasing amount of evidence showing that circadian
disturbances lead to metabolic syndromes and pathologies such as diabetes in humans.
These disturbances include shift work, wrong eating timing, sleep loss, and chronic jet
lag [73–78].
To understand how metabolic syndromes and diseases occur under perturbed condi-
tions, it is necessary to investigate the impact of environmental factors and their timing
on the clock gene expression and, subsequently, on the physiology. It was, for example,
observed that perturbing the metabolism through a high-fat diet or through ill-timed
feeding results in tissue and gene-specific alteration of the expression levels of clock and
clock-controlled genes, hormone production, and activity [79–82].
Bray et al. [80] measured clock gene expression in various organs in mice with day-
and night-restricted feeding (liver, epididymal fat, gastrocnemius muscle, and heart). They
report dramatic phase shifts, in the range of 6 to 11 h, in the expression of clock genes
in the liver of mice fed during the day vs. those fed at night. Compared to the liver,
restricted feeding had markedly lower and less consistent effects on the phases of clock
gene oscillations in epididymal fat, muscle, and heart. In these organs, average phase shifts
were around 3 to 7 h. Furthermore, the amplitude of gene expression oscillations were
often significantly dampened in these peripheral tissues. Bray et al. [80] also recorded the
expression of numerous metabolic genes. Consistently with the behavior of clock genes’
expression, metabolic genes’ expression appears to be strongly rhythmic and shifted by
12 h in the liver and more damped and only partially shifted in other organs.
These observations are in line with the results of Opperhuizen et al. [83], who also
showed that ill-timed feeding results in gene-specific phase shifts of clock and metabolic
genes’ rhythms in the liver and in a loss of rhythmicity in the muscle in rats. Similarly,
de Goede et al. [84] highlight differences in the gene expression in muscle and in brown
adipose tissues upon time-restricted feeding in rats (Figure 2). These data support the
hypothesis that time-restricted feeding leads to a desynchrony of peripheral organs from the
SCN pacemaker and that the changes in clock gene expression are gene specific. Indeed, in
a given organ, not all clock genes are affected in the same way, and the phase relationships
between the genes are not conserved. In the following, we refer to these dysregulated
clocks as “twisted clocks”.
In an earlier study, Bur et al. [85] compared the expression of clock genes in the liver
and in the pituitary gland at different photoperiods and upon various feeding regimes
in mice. The pituitary was chosen because it conveys the SCN signal to peripheral or-
gans through periodic hormone release while being able to generate rhythmic expression
of circadian genes independently of the SCN. The pituitary also controls the release of
glucocorticoids (GCs) by the adrenal gland and, thereby, impacts peripheral clocks and
metabolism. Bur and colleagues found that under the 12:12 LD cycle, the expression of
clock genes was very similar in the liver and in the pituitary gland. Compared to the
12:12 LD cycle, oscillations under a long day (LD 16:8) appear delayed in a similar way in
both organs. In contrast, under a short day (LD 8:16), the two organs exhibit different and
gene-specific phase shifts (with respect to the 12:12 LD case). Bur et al. [85] also found that
daytime-restricted feeding (compared to nighttime-restricted) reversed the rhythmicity of
clock gene expression in the liver, whereas it strongly dampened the oscillations in the pi-
tuitary gland. These authors further noticed that, in the absence of GCs (adrenalectomized
mice), the inversion of gene expression in the liver clock following the transition from
day-restricted feeding to night-restricted feeding is faster (consistent with the hypothesis
that the GCs acts as an inhibitor of phase shift), but that the daily expression of clock genes
is not affected by the feeding timing. In contrast, GC removal does not alter the response of
the pituitary clockwork to daytime-restricted feeding. The pituitary clock appears resilient
to adrenalectomy. From the complex, intermediate response of the pituitary, the authors
concluded that this gland integrates both light and food signals, contrarily to the SCN,
pituitary gland. These authors further noticed that, in the absence of GCs (adrenalecto-
mized mice), the inversion of gene expression in the liver clock following the transition
from day-restricted feeding to night-restricted feeding is faster (consistent with the hy-
pothesis that the GCs acts as an inhibitor of phase shift), but that the daily expression of
clock genes is not affected by the feeding timing. In contrast, GC removal does not alter
Biology 2021, 10, 207 7 of 15
the response of the pituitary clockwork to daytime-restricted feeding. The pituitary clock
appears resilient to adrenalectomy. From the complex, intermediate response of the pitu-
itary, the authors concluded that this gland integrates both light and food signals, contra-
rily to primarily
the SCN, adjusts to the lightadjusts
which primarily signal, to
theperipheral organs
light signal, and(such as the organs
peripheral liver), which
are mainly
as the entrained
liver), bymainly
which are food. entrained by food.
Figure 2. Experimentally
Experimentally measured
measured clock
clock gene
gene expression
expression in
in different
different organs
organs in
in control
control (ad
(ad libitum)
libitum) and
and daytime-restricted
feeding (RT) conditions in rodents. Data for the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and liver are from [81]. DataData
feeding (RT) conditions in rodents. Data for the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) and liver are from [81]. for muscle
for muscle and
brown adipocytes (BATs) are from [84]. Note that for muscle and BATs, the data at t = 24 h are replicated fromfrom
and brown adipocytes (BATs) are from [84]. Note that for muscle and BATs, the data at t = 24 h are replicated datadata
at t
at t = 0. The circle plots on the right show the phase of the peak of gene expression. The small size of the arrows for muscle
= 0. The circle plots on the right show the phase of the peak of gene expression. The small size of the arrows for muscle
and BATs under RT reflects the fact that the rhythmicity in these conditions is strongly altered. This figure highlights the
and BATs under RT reflects the fact that the rhythmicity in these conditions is strongly altered. This figure highlights the
organ-specific phase relationships between the expression profile of core clock genes and the gene-specific alteration of
the expressionphase relationships
profile under RT. between the expression profile of core clock genes and the gene-specific alteration of the
expression profile under RT.
The genetic
The genetic and
and metabolic
metabolic consequences
consequences ofof ill-timed
ill-timed feeding
feeding was
was further
further investigated
by Mukherji et al. [81,82]. These authors found that transferring mice from nighttime
by Mukherji et al. [81,82]. These authors found that transferring mice from nighttime to to
daytime feeding shifted the phase of metabolic markers (levels of blood glucose,
daytime feeding shifted the phase of metabolic markers (levels of blood glucose, insulin, insulin,
free fatty
free fatty acids,
acids, etc.)
etc.) and
peripheral organs
wasinverted, in
in contrast to the SCN pacemaker, which remains unaffected by the feeding schedule
(Figure 2). Due to this desynchrony of the circadian system, animals developed metabolic
syndrome such as hypoinsulinemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and hyperglycemia, which, in
the long run, translate into pathologies including obesity and diabetes.
the feeding time [81,82]. There is indeed a gene-specific phase shift in clock gene expression:
whereas Per2 is shifted by 12 h, Bmal1 and RevErbα are shifted by 8 h. Such a twist would
not be expected if the clock would be under the control of a single zeitgeber. In that case,
the timing of the zeitgeber would simply dictate the phase of the clock, and the phase
relationships between each gene would be set by the internal transcriptional–translational
circuitry. Differential phase shifts can however be explained by the mismatch between
two different signals entraining the peripheral clocks, one from the (unaffected) light-
controlled SCN pacemaker and the other from the (inverted) nutrient cues [86]. More
specifically, the conflicting inputs are likely to differently affect distinct core clock genes,
and mathematical modeling has shown that this is sufficient to create an internal twist
between these clock genes. These conflicting inputs could be, on the one hand, the nutrient
sensors AMPK/SIRT1 and hormones (e.g., insulin), which mainly affect the negative limb
of the clock [18,23–26] and on the other hand, cues from the autonomic nervous system,
which seem to strongly affect the Bmal1–RevErbα loop [87]. In turn, this twist will affect
downstream metabolic pathways. Indeed, since insulin secretion is under the control of
both the pancreatic circadian clock and food-dependent blood glucose, its rhythm is not
simply shifted but also reduced in amplitude, as supported by a mathematical model that
incorporates both the nutrient periodic signal and the pancreatic circadian clock, which
receives both the SCN and the nutrient cues (Figure 3) [86]. This altered rhythm in insulin
Biology 2021, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 15
impairs glucose regulation, such that the amplitude of glucose is increased (hyperglycemia),
a model prediction consistent with the observations of Mukherji et al. [82].
Figure3.3. (A)
Figure (A) Scheme
Scheme ofof the
the model
model proposed
proposedbyby Woller
by the pancreatic circadian clock and by the level of circulating glucose, the latter being directly dependent
by the pancreatic circadian clock and by the level of circulating glucose, the latter being directly dependent on feeding. on feeding.
The pancreatic clock is controlled both by the light-dependent SCN clock and by the blood glucose. (B) Summary
pancreatic clock is controlled both by the light-dependent SCN clock and by the blood glucose. (B) Summary of the results of the
results obtained
obtained with the with
modelthe model
[86]. [86]. In
In normal normal conditions,
conditions, when lightwhen lightcues
and food andare
food cues the
aligned, are clock
aligned, the clock
optimally optimally
mediates the
mediates the response so that the output (insulin) reaches a high level when needed to store glucose. Under conflicting
response so that the output (insulin) reaches a high level when needed to store glucose. Under conflicting conditions, the
conditions, the expression of clock genes is altered (twisted clock), and this translates into an impaired output (phase
expression of clock genes is altered (twisted clock), and this translates into an impaired output (phase shifted and low level
shifted and low level of insulin rhythm and hyperglycemia).
of insulin rhythm and hyperglycemia).
(and therefore glucose metabolism) would perfectly adapt to the new feeding schedule
(no twist), but the adaptation of such a system is predicted to take some time because of
the inertia of the local clock. In contrast, in the absence of any clock control, the metabolic
response to large chronic changes in food availability is immediate, without any anticipa-
tion. This suggests that there is a tradeoff between the ability to sense light and nutrient
cues (with anticipation) and the ability to fully adapt to chronic perturbations in these
zeitgebers [86].
Figure 4. (A) Upon jet lag, not all clock genes resynchronize at the same speed [92,94]. (B) This
transient twist can be explained by the internal desynchrony of the clock genes network [95].
actual regulatory process, namely the strength of inhibition of RevErb transcription by PER
protein. Modeling thus constitutes a valuable tool to interpret experimental data and to
reveal design principles of the molecular architecture. The next step will be to understand
how such an internal twist affects circadian outputs, such as the release of hormones and
the metabolic activity.
7. Concluding Remarks
The observations reviewed in this paper, together with many others, highlight the
importance of considering the circadian regulatory system not as a pure hierarchical system
but rather as an intricate network of interconnected organs, each of them having its own
clock, its own zeitgebers, and its own clock-controlled outputs. There is thus a need to
examine gene expression at the level of each organ and to carefully characterize the profile
of expression of each individual clock gene. Knockout studies are crucial to determine the
role of each gene in the gene regulatory network. It is also important to complement these
findings with studies that mimic natural—but possibly perturbed—conditions such as
ill-time feeding or jet lags. Those conditions can induce gene-specific phase shift (“twist”)
with potential negative consequences on energy homeostasis and physiology.
Since the discovery of the first clock genes, mathematical models for the core regulatory
circuit have been developed. In parallel with the experimental discovery of additional genes
and regulations, these models were updated and gained in complexity [63–65]. Once they
account for the main features of the circadian oscillations and for the behavior of knockout
mutants, these models can be used as a tool to interpret the experimental observations,
which may defy intuition [96]. As exemplified in the present review, the gene-specific phase
shift induced by time-restricted feeding and its consequence for the profile of glucose and
insulin was successfully reproduced by a model that incorporates multiple inputs on the
genetic clock [86]. The gene-specific resynchronization time after a jet lag was convincingly
explained by an internal desynchronization of the gene clockwork [95]. Another recent
theoretical study focused on the durations of the different circadian phases (defined by
the elevated expression of given clock genes) and their alteration upon mutations [97].
Interestingly, this model highlights another possible type of twist. Indeed, the increase of
the duration of the different phases upon mutation was found to be gene dependent: while
the profile of some genes appears relatively insensitive to mutations, other genes appear
highly expressed during a shorter time.
These theoretical works thus allow the exploration of the fine-tuning of the genetic
circadian clocks, which in turn may be responsible for subtle changes in clock-controlled
processes. Models focusing on the circadian control of metabolism already exist [98–100].
The next step will be to incorporate both genetic details and clock-controlled processes into
an integrated model. We expect that in the future, with the accumulation of organ-specific
measurements and high-resolution gene-specific expression recordings, quantitative com-
putational models will play an important role in understanding how the complex circadian
clock system integrates multiple environmental cues to guarantee a proper adaptation of
physiology and metabolism and how misalignment causes diseases. This will open further
perspectives to find new drugs and to establish new chronopharmacological protocols to
treat these diseases.
Funding: This work was supported by the “Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique” (FNRS,
Belgium) (convention no. T.0015.16 (26021674) and CDR no. J.0076.19). A.W. is supported by the
Feinberg Graduate School from the Weizmann Institute.
Acknowledgments: We would like to thank E. Maury for her invitation to contribute to this
special issue. We also would like to thank E. Maury and the anonymous reviewers for their
constructive suggestions.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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