7 SerjiuGheorgheOBREJA, GavrilaCALEFARIU
7 SerjiuGheorgheOBREJA, GavrilaCALEFARIU
7 SerjiuGheorgheOBREJA, GavrilaCALEFARIU
2 (40)/2019
DOI: 10.19062/1842-9238.2019.17.2.7
Abstract: In order to be able to develop the organization at a high level of efficiency, every
structure that makes up the organization should grow relatively at the same pace as the other
structures or compartments.
Hence the need to model the organizational system at the virtual level and to simulate the
different stages of the organization system development taking into account the disturbing factors
caused by the internal and the external environment of the organization.
Operational research has achieved an impressive progress during the Second World
War at the same pace with the increasing complexity of military operations, from the
tactical level to the operational and strategic level.
Thus, in support of the Armed Forces, top researchers from all areas were invited to
model and simulate various complex stages to make military action more effective, taking
into account several external factors of political, economic and social nature.
Modeling in Operational Research
All these challenges, which the operational research attempts to solve are due to the
influence of environment on the organization and are aimed at finding solutions to the
increasingly complex challenges of the organizational environment challenges that
originate in the unprecedented development of industry and applied sciences.
After World War II, operational research has developed primarily due to the migration
of the majority of specialists in the field of military operational research in the field and
respectively in the civilian economic and social environment. The industrial boom at the
end of the Second World War, based on various economic and social recovery plans for
the defeated nations, has generated similar operational research problems in the civilian
organizational environment, and military specialists in operational research have been the
ones to settle the foundations of operational research in the civilian field.
The organizational culture benefited from the help of military specialists, but a
significant contribution to it was facilitated by the unprecedented technological revolution
in the IT area. The increased computing power of electronic computers has shortened the
arithmetical computational time in the simulation process, which has led to increased
work productivity in the field of operational research.
Nevertheless, the real change occurred in the early 1990s and culminated in the early
21 century when personal computer development accelerated, and the development of
software packages dedicated to Microsoft Excel operational research began to provide
solutions to almost all new challenges in the operational research environment.
The last cornerstone was the development of portability by using portable devices
such as laptops, notebooks or personal assistants used on hardware architectures that use
multicore processors with artificial intelligence.
Review of the Air Force Academy No.2 (40)/2019
being modeled, so general that all concrete and particular findings can be deduced from
the general ones;
- rules of inference, representing rigorous prescriptions, the only ones admitted in the
system, from which one passes from axioms to theorems, or from already demonstrated
theorems to new ones;
- theorems, i.e., more or less particular sentences, mathematically expressed, deduced
by step-by-step inference rules from axioms and expressing the properties of the modeled
When in the axiomatic modeling process the concepts to be used are defined in a
limiting manner, i.e. a list of the mathematical notions and operations admitted in the
system is given from the beginning; a superior form of axiomatic system called formal
system is obtained.
Formal systems are still very little used in science and even less in the disciplines of
organization and economic leadership.
Axiomatization and, ultimately, formalization, represents the future in mathematical
modeling, due to the exceptional rigidity they introduce, the considerable diminution of
the elements of intuition and arbitrariness, which, although much less than in the non-
mathematical models, are still present in the axiomatized mathematical modeling .
Given the fact that we know the decision problem, the process will begin with
formulation or modeling. We define the variables and quantify the relationships necessary
to describe the relevant behavior of the organizational system. Then the analysis comes.
We apply our mathematical knowledge and skills to see what the mathematical model
suggests. Note that these conclusions are extracted from the model, not from the problem
it is intended to represent. In order to complete the process, we must participate in
inference, that is to say that the conclusions drawn from the model are sufficiently
significant to deduce the decisions for the person or persons who wish to solve this
Often an evaluation of the decisions deducted in such a manner proves to be
inadequate or extreme and cannot be used for implementation. Permanent thinking leads
to revised modeling, in a continuous loop.
Modeling in Operational Research
Thus, the definition of the problem becomes the most important phase, defining the
new operational requirements of the organization on the basis of the hypothesis.
This process of defining the problem is crucial, because it is very important how it
affects us and how relevant the conclusions of the study are.
After defining the problem of the decision-maker, the next step is to reformulate this
problem in a form that is convenient for analysis. The conventional approach to
operational research is to build a mathematical model that represents the essence of the
problem. Before discussing how to formulate such a model, we first analyze the nature of
models, in general, and the mathematical models, in particular.
Models or idealized representations are an integral part of everyday life. Common
examples include aircraft models, portraits, globes, and so on. Similarly, models play an
important role in science and business, illustrated by atom models, genetic structure
models, mathematical equations describing physical motion laws or chemical reactions,
graphs, organizational diagrams, and industrial accounting systems.
Such models are invaluable for abstracting the subject matter of the investigation,
presenting interrelationships and facilitating the analysis.
The next step is to check if the mathematical model is accurate enough, reflecting the
initial hypothesis in order to define the real problem.
Next, validation of the mathematical model must be achieved by experiments leading
to the validation of the hypothesis or modification of the model so that the results can
verify these assumptions. This part, which is also called validation of the model, is in fact
the pure scientific part of the operational research, in general.
After validating the mathematical model, clear conclusions should be drawn to help
decision-makers in the organization when the case is. Of these solutions, we have to find
the optimal one from the multitude of solutions that exist and this optimal solution must
best solve the problem of the hypothesis or the problem of the organization.
Thus, searching for the optimal solution or optimal solution theory is a predilection
theme in operational research.
Next, we will try to demonstrate to what a clear definition of the problem we want to
solve is being reduced how it is achieved, in contrast to the data acquisition meant to
define the hypothesis [2].
Thus, if there are n measurable decisions about them, they are represented as decision
variables (for example x1 ; x 2 ...x n ) whose values must be determined. The appropriate
measure of performance (e.g. impact) is then expressed as a mathematical function of
these decision variables (e.g., I = 3 x1 + 2 x 2 + ... + 5 x n ). This function is called the
objective function. Any restrictions on the values that can be attributed to these decision
variables are also expressed mathematically, usually through inequalities or equations (for
example, x1 + 3 x1 x 2 + 2 x ≤ 10 ). Such mathematical expressions for restrictions are often
called constraints. The constants in the formulas that define the constraints and the
objective function are called the model parameters.
The mathematical model should ultimately indicate that the problem is to choose the
values of the decision variables to maximize the objective function, subject to the
specified constraints.
Such a model and its minor variations are suitable in the study of operational research
of the type studied in the management of the organization.
Determining the appropriate values to be attributed to model parameters (one value
per parameter) represents both the critical part and the challenge part of the model
building process, which will ultimately aim at parameterizing the mathematical model.
Review of the Air Force Academy No.2 (40)/2019
x1 (t ), x 2 (t ),..., x n (t ) (1)
u1 (t ), u 2 (t ),..., u m (t ) (2)
Modeling in Operational Research
x1 (t )
x (t )
x(t ) = 2 (4)
x n (t )
u1 (t )
u (t )
u (t ) = 2 (5)
u m (t )
Review of the Air Force Academy No.2 (40)/2019
f ( x ) = c1 x1 + c 2 x 2 + ... + c n x n (9)
which evaluates the efficiency of any real economic system, we obtain the following
linear programming program:
optim[ f ( x )] (10)
∑ aij ⋅ x j ≤ b1 ,i ∈ I 1
n j =1
I 1 ∪ I 2 = {1,2,..., m} (11)
∑ a kj ⋅ x j ≥ bk , k ∈ I 2
j =1
x j ≥ 0, j = 1, n (12)
1. Relation (10) is the objective function of the efficiency of the programming
2. Relationship (11) represents resource-type restrictions and qualitative technical-
economic restrictions;
3. Relationship (12) is the condition of non-negativity of the variables that actually
provide an economically achievable solution.
Modeling in Operational Research
[1] F.S. Hillier, G.J. Lieberman, Introduction to operations research, Tenth Edition, McGraw-Hill
Education, 2015;
[2] K. Velten, Mathematical modeling and simulation introduction for scientists and engineers, WILEY-
VCH Verlag GmbH& Co., 2009;
[3] B. K. Choi, D. KANG, Modeling and simulation of discrete-event systems , Wiley , 2013 ;
[4] D.E. Kirk, Optimal control theory, an introduction, San Jose State University, California, Courier
Corporation, 2012 .