Guideline For CBT For AEE
Guideline For CBT For AEE
Guideline For CBT For AEE
1. Railway Board vide letter under reference has decided that Centralised CBT for Gr.B
selection for the posts of ACM and AEE - 30% LDCE (Special Drive). 3792 eligible
candidates are appearing for the exam. The CBT will be held at 23 centres in 15 cities
(approx.) in Morning shift only (09.30 to 12.30 hrs). The ZR/PU-wise list of posts for
which CBT will be held is attached at Annexure-A. Centre details have already been
communicated vide under ref.(ii) above.
2. HRMS ID (Six Digits) is being considered as the Unique Employee ID for log-in
purposes. The candidates should be well aware of their 06-digit HRMS ID numbers
before log-in into the NAIR website for various purposes as mentioned in para-6.
6. Instructions for the Candidates -- Concerned Zonal Railways/PUs should intimate the
eligible candidates to refer to NAIR website (under
the caption CBT for Gr. B selection 30% LDCE Special Drive of ACM &
AEE for following purposes:
a) Uploading recent passport-size colour photograph. This step should be completed at
the earliest to enable him/her download the E-Call Letter-cum-relieving letter.
c) Recent photo should be pasted at the earmarked space and attested by the Controlling
officer/Supervisor. This letter has to be got signed by the Controlling Officer before
coming to Exam centre.
d) To avoid over-crowding at a time, there will be staggered timing for reporting to the
centre. This will be indicated in the E-call letter.
g) Objections received through objection tracker window will be evaluated by the paper
setters and final evaluation will be done on the basis of final answer keys. No
representations on the final answer keys and final results will be entertained.
9. In case of any serious mistakes in database, the candidates should approach the
Dy.CPO/Gaz of the Zonal Railway/PU. Similarly, if they find any difficulty in uploading
the photographs, downloading the E-Call Letter etc., the candidate can send an email to mentioning their HRMS ID, IPAS number, Name of
Railway/PU, post applied for, name of the candidate and details of problems faced.
He/She can also take the assistance of helpdesk number 8076548656 from 09.30 hrs to
18.00 hrs for technical issues concerning uploading of photograph and downloading of
E-call letter.
10. Following is the list of documents to be collected Railway/PU-wise and post-wise after
the examination and sent to Dy.CPO/Gaz:
i. Attendance Sheet
ii. Railway (upper) portion of call letters
iii. Candidate Feedback/Grievance
iv. Railway Centre In-charge’s report (Form-I)
v. Undertaking by each Railway Officials deputed for Exam duty (Form-II)
vi. Incidence register (Form-III)
vii. Exception report (Form-IV)
viii. Report on Examination (signed jointly by ECA Site Supervisor and Centre-In-
charge) (Form-V)
ix. Certificate of No Close Relative at the centre (Form-VI)
x. Log of using the Washroom during Examination (Form-VII)
xi. De-Mapping & Re-Mapping Format (Form-VIII)
xii. Candidate Feedback (Form-IX)
xiii. Declaration to be obtained from the candidates U1 (Miscellaneous)
xiv. Declaration from Candidates using Unfair Means U4
xv. Any other Miscellaneous documents
xvi. The ECA will provide the storage device. If candidates from more than one
Zone or PU are present at a center, the ECA will give the CCTV footage to the
Zone or PU with the higher candidate count. Other Railways or PUs can obtain
the CCTV footage from that Zone or PU using their own storage device as
Railway Centre In-charges are required to collect these documents from the exam centre
on 19.10.2024 itself. Some of the documents are to be scanned by the ECA before
handing over to Railway Centre-In-charges. Hence, arrangements may be made in
consultation with the ECA officials for submission of the documents.
DA: Annexure-A- List of Exam Cities for ACM and AEE posts
B- Centres detail railway wise, C- Admit card specimen
D- Instruction to candidate’s specimen copy
and Protocol document of 33 pages.
Digitally signed
PARMAR Date: 2024.10.07
(Deepak Parmar)
Professor (RM)
17:57:25 +05'30'
for Director General
Centralized CBT for Gr. 'B' Selection - Special Drive of 30% LDCE quota 2023-24
To be held on 19.10.2024
List of Exam Cities for ACM and AEE posts
S. No. Exam City Railway / PU Posts for which CBT to be conducted
WEST Ravindra
23 KOLKATA 200 9163488137
जोनऱ रे ऱवे/पीयू को लौटाने के ललए सीबीटी लनरीक्षक इस भाग को अपने पास रखे / To be retained by the invigilator for returning to Zonal Railway/PU
भारतीय रे ऱ राष्ट्रीय अकादमी National Academy of Indian Railways
ऱाऱबाग, वडोदरा – 390004 Lalbaug, Vadodara -390004
Call letter-cum-Relieving letter for Computer Based Test (CBT) of Gr. B selection 30% LDCE quota 2023-24 Special Drive (ACM & AEE)
कृपया द ू सरे पष्ट्ृ ठ पर ददए गए ननददशोंकों ध्यान से पढ़े / Please read the instructions detailed on the second page carefully.
Post Applied –
पहां चने क समय / Staggered entry timing गेट बां द होने क समय / 08.45 Hrs.
Reporting Time Gate closing time
सी.बी.टी. केंद्र क
न म / Name of
CBT Center
Professor (RM)
NAIR, Vadodara
Candidate has to write declaration as given in item no.2 of the enclosed instructions in his/her own running handwriting (NOT in ‘BLOCK LETTERSʼ) and to put signature and left
thumb impression in the space given below in the presence of Invigilator. अभ्यथी लनरीक्षक की उपस्थिती में मद सं . 2 मे लदये गए सं ललित सु झाव के अनु सार स्वयं की चालू हिललपी में घोषणा, हस्ताक्षर एवं
बाएँ अगुं ठे की छाप खाली िान पर करे ।
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9. etc. are strictly prohibited and banned inside the Examination Centre premises.
Candidature will be cancelled/rejected on the spot even if any candidate is found
कैभया, स्कैनय स्टोये ज डडवाइस, ब्रू टूथ औय इरेक्िॉतनक गैजेट आदद सख्ि वस्जिि औय प्रतिफंगधि
with such item even in switch off or closed mode besides initiation of D & AR
हैं। स्स्वच ऑप मा क्रोज्ड भोड भें बी ककसी बी उम्भीदवाय के साथ ऐसी वस्िु ऩाए जाने ऩय बी डी action. The Railway/ examination centre shall not make any arrangement and is
एंड एआय कायि वाई शरू
ु कयने के अरावा उसकी उम्भीदवायी को भौके ऩय ही यद्द/अस्वीकाय कय ददमा not responsible for the safe custody of any such item.
10. Candidate must surrender Railway copy of the E-Call letter to the invigilator and
जाएगा। ये रवे/ऩयीऺा केंद्र कोई यवमवस्था नहीं कये गा औय ऐसी ककसी बी वस्िु की सयु षितऺि अलबयऺा
retain the candidate’s copy which will be required at the time of interview.
के लरए स्जम्भेदाय नहीं होगा। 11. Candidates should strictly obey the instructions issued by the ECA/Railway
10. उम्भीदवाय को ई-कॉर रेटय की ये रवे कॉऩी ऩमिवेऺक को सौंऩनी होगी औय उम्भीदवाय की कॉऩी को Officials at the Examination Centre/Hall.
अऩने ऩास यिना होगा जो दस्िावेज़ सत्माऩन के सभम आवश्मक होगी। 12. NAIR reserves the right to order cancellation / re-examination for of any candidate
or group of Candidates and change in Venue / Date of examination.
11. उम्भीदवायों को ऩयीऺा केंद्र/हॉर भें ECA/ये रवे अगधकारयमों द्वाया जायी तनदे शों का कड़ाई से ऩारन
13. Candidates have to make their own arrangements for the accommodation and
कयना चादहए। transport.
12. एनएआईआय ककसी बी उम्भीदवाय मा उम्भीदवायों के सभह
ू के लरए यद्द / ऩन
ु : ऩयीऺा का आदे श 14. Rough sheet will be provided to the candidate for rough work which will have to
दे ने औय स्थान / ऩयीऺा की तिगथ भें ऩरयवििन का अगधकाय सयु षितऺि यििा है । be returned after the test. Candidate should write his/her name, signature and
Roll number on the rough sheet(s).
13. उम्भीदवायों को आवास औय ऩरयवहन के लरए अऩनी यवमवस्था स्वमं कयनी होगी।
15. The candidate can view the question paper in English and Hindi.
14. यप कामि के लरए अभ्मथी को यप शीट उऩरब्ध कयाई जाएगी स्जसे ऩयीऺा के फाद वाऩस कयना 16. Negative marking (one-third mark for each wrong answer) for wrong answers will
होगा। उम्भीदवाय को यप शीट ऩय अऩना नाभ, हस्िाऺय औय योर नंफय लरिना चादहए। apply.
17. If any candidate is found obstructing the conduct of the examination or creating
15. उम्भीदवाय अंग्रेजी औय दहंदी भें प्रश्न ऩत्र दे ि सकिे हैं।
disturbances at the examination venue, his/her candidature will be summarily
16. गरि उत्तयों के लरए नकायात्भक अंकन (प्रत्मे क गरि उत्तय के लरए एक तिहाई अंक) रागू होगा। cancelled besides initiation of disciplinary proceedings. In case of walkout, for any
17. मदद कोई अभ्मथी ऩयीऺा के आमोजन भें फाधा डारिा हुआ मा ऩयीऺा स्थर ऩय गड़फड़ी ऩैदा कयिा reason whatsoever no re-examination will be taken.
हुआ ऩामा जािा है , िो अनुशासनात्भक कामिवाही शरू
ु कयने के अरावा उसकी उम्भीदवायी यद्द कय
18. Question paper Pattern for posts of ACM and AEE - There will be 175 questions
दी जाएगी। वाकआउट के भाभरे भें , ककसी बी कायण से, कोई ऩन
ु : ऩयीऺा नहीं री जाएगी। each carrying one mark out of which 150 questions to be answered. There will be
18. ACM व AEE के ऩदों के लरए प्रश्न ऩत्र ऩैटनि - इसभें 175 प्रश्न होंगे , प्रत्मे क एक अंक का होगा, three sections as per following distribution of questions:
स्जनभें से 150 प्रश्नों के उत्तय दे ने होंगे। प्रश्नों के तनम्नलरखिि ववियण के अनस
ु ाय िीन िंड होंगे: Part - A : Professional Subject – 85 questions (To answer any 80)
Part - B : GK including 15 optional questions on official language - 55
भाग-ए: यवमावसातमक ववषम - 85 प्रश्न (ककसी बी 80 के उत्तय दे ने होंगे)
questions (To answer any 40)
भाग-बी: साभान्म ऻान के सदहि याजबाषा ऩय 15 वैकस्पऩक प्रश्न - 55 प्रश्न (ककसी बी 40 के Part - C : Establishment and financial rules – 35 questions (To answer any 30)
उत्तय दे ने होंगे)
भाग-सी: स्थाऩना औय ववत्तीम तनमभ- 35 प्रश्न (ककसी बी 30 के उत्तय दे ने होंगे) 19. The mock test link will be available on website of NAIR. Use this link to familiarize
yourself on how to view/answer questions on the exam day.
19. भॉक टे स्ट लरंक एनएआईआय की वेफसाइट ऩय उऩरब्ध होगा। ऩयीऺा के ददन प्रश्नों को दे िने/उत्तय
20. Candidates are advised to refer to NAIR website
दे ने के ियीके से ऩरयगचि होने के लरए इस लरंक का उऩमोग कयें । (under the caption CBT for Gr.B selection) for guidelines regarding the
20. उम्भीदवायों को सराह दी जािी है कक वे ऩयीऺा के संफध
ं भें ददशा-तनदे शों, ई-कॉर-cum-रयरीववंग examination, downloading of Call letter-cum-Relieving letter, mock-test, objection
रेटय डाउनरोड, भॉक-टे स्ट, प्रतिकिमाओं ऩय आऩवत्त िै कय / उत्तय कंु जी आदद के लरए एनएआईआय tracker on responses/answer keys etc. Decision of NAIR on the challenges on
responses/answer keys will be final and no further representation will be
की वेफसाइट (कैप्शन CBT for Gr.B selection) दे िें।
प्रतिकिमाओं/उत्तय कंु स्जमों ऩय चन
ु ौतिमों ऩय NAIR का तनणिम अंतिभ होगा औय आगे ककसी बी 21. Parents/friends/relatives of the candidates are strictly not allowed inside the
अभ्मावेदन ऩय ववचाय नहीं ककमा जाएगा। exam premises.
22. Candidates must follow hygiene guidelines inside the campus.
21. ऩयीऺागथिमों के भािा-वऩिा/लभत्रों/रयश्िेदायों को ऩयीऺा ऩरयसय भें आने की सख्ि भनाही है ।
23. Candidates can download their response sheet and raise objections, if any, during
22. उम्भीदवायों को ऩरयसय के अंदय स्वच्छिा ददशा तनदे शों का ऩारन कयना चादहए। Objection Tracker Window which will be live from 10.00 hrs of 22.10.2024 to
23. उम्भीदवाय ओब्जेक्शन िै कय ववंडो के दौयान अऩनी रयस्ऩॉन्स शीट डाउनरोड कय सकिे हैं औय 17.00 hrs of 24.10.2024 on NAIR website. This is only means of raising objections.
ओब्जेक्शन अगय कुछ है िो दजि कय सकिे है । ओब्जेक्शन िै कय ववंडो एनएआईआय वेफसाइट ऩय No further extension of time or request in any form will be entertained for
individual Response Sheet/objection tracking.
22.10.2024 के 10.00 फजे से 24.10.2024 के 17.00 फजे िक राइव होगी। Objection दजि कयने
24. If the candidate involved in Chit-chatting/indulging in conversation / Giving or
का मही एकभात्र भाध्मभ है । यवमस्क्िगि प्रतिकिमा ऩत्रक/ओब्जेक्शन िै ककं ग के लरए ककसी बी रूऩ भें receiving assistance of any kind during the examination & communication in any
सभम मा अनुयोध का कोई औय ववस्िाय नहीं ककमा जाएगा। form to/from other candidates or outsiders his/her candidature will be summarily
24. मदद उम्भीदवाय ऩयीऺा के दौयान गचट-चैदटंग / फािचीि भें लरप्ि / ककसी बी प्रकाय की सहामिा दे ने
cancelled besides initiation of disciplinary proceedings.
25. Candidates are also informed that the Final Answer Keys with or without changes
मा प्राप्ि कयने औय अन्म उम्भीदवायों मा फाहयी रोगों से ककसी बी रूऩ भें संचाय कयिा है , िो or modification will be published on NAIR’s website only after conclusion of the
अनुशासनात्भक कामिवाही शुरू कयने के अरावा उसकी उम्भीदवायी यद्द कय दी जाएगी। whole selection process by all Zonal Railways/Production Units.
25. उम्भीदवायों को मह बी सगू चि ककमा जािा है कक ऩरयवििन मा संशोधन के साथ मा उसके बफना
अंतिभ उत्तय कंु जी एनएआईआय की वेफसाइट ऩय सबी ऺेत्रीम ये रवे/उत्ऩादन इकाइमों द्वाया ऩयू ी
चमन प्रकिमा के सभाऩन के फाद ही प्रकालशि की जाएगी।
- Professor (RM)
NAIR, Vadodara
Ministry of Railways,
National Academy of Indian Railways,Vadodara – 390004.
Selection for promotion to Gr. B posts against 30% LDCE quota for the
vacancy cycle 2023-24 - Special Drive for Zonal Railways & PUs
Negative Marks: One-third mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
Language: Bilingual (Hindi and English). The candidates can view the questions and options in both the
languages. In case of ambiguity/discrepancy, interpretation required, if any, English version shall prevail.
Instructions for E-Call Letter download process:
Candidates can download E-Call Letter w.e.f. 09.10.2024 11.00 hrs. onwards from NAIR website by OTP (One Time Password) based Login by using his/her HRMS
ID as User Name and Password as OTP received on HRMS linked Mobile Number.
Instructions for Post Examination Process:
1. Downloading of Individual Response Sheet & Answer Keys: Zonal Railways / PUs to inform
to the Candidates that they can download their individual Response Sheet and answer keys from
NAIR website by OTP (One Time Password) based Login by
using his/her HRMS ID as User Name and Password as OTP received on HRMS linked Mobile
Number from 10.00 hrs of 22.10.2024 to 17.00 hrs of 24.10.2024.
3. Candidates are to be informed that this is the only window period to download their individual
Response Sheet and to raise objections against the questions and given answer keys. No further
extension of time or request in any form will be entertained for individual Response
Sheet/objection tracking. Each and every objections raised by the candidates will be examined by
the Competent Authority and his/her decision will be the final for awarding marks. No
representation/request will be entertained on the final decision of Competent Authority.
4. Candidates are also to be informed that Final Answer Keys with or without changes or
modification will be published on NAIR‟s website only after conclusion of the whole selection
process by all Zonal Railways/Production Units.
Note: Any changes / modification in the above schedule / procedure will be notified by the NAIR.
Morning Shift
Important : It must be noted that the primary responsibility of the examination supervision and monitoring lies with the
Zonal Railways under whose jurisdiction the city /centre falls. Any issues related to indiscipline/misbehavior/unfair
means by the candidates are to be handled by the respective Zonal Railways /PUs.
b) The ECA should nominate Invigilators for each CBT Examination Centre with proper ID Card. ECA should
provide the list of Invigilators with ID No. to Nodal Officer of Zonal Railways/PUs and NAIR, in advance
for further conveying to Railway‟s Town In-charge & Centre In-charge.
c) During examination each staff deployed at Examination Centre will have Role Tag Badge displayed
throughout the examination.
d) ECA Invigilators should be imparted sufficient training before their deployment by the agency, to conduct
CBT examination and also in certain basic processes of conduct of examination such as matching of face
from photograph, taking Left Thumb Impression, signature in system generated attendance sheet, writing of
paragraph by candidates in the Railway call letters‟ counter foil, prohibiting gadgets/stationery items,
prohibiting the candidates to chit-chat with other candidate(s) during the examination, collection of
half portion of call letters (counter foils) at the end of examination and handing over the candidate‟s portion
to the candidate, use of paper for rough work by candidates etc. This necessitates a detailed checklist to be
provided to them, explaining Do’s & Don’ts and this should also be incorporated in “Instructions
e) The ECA shall provide a briefing for nominated Railway Officers and staff at the Centre before start of the
f) Provisions for “No Close Relative’s Declaration” to be incorporated in the Instructions Booklet with clear
definition of “Close Relative”, for invigilators of Agency as well for all Railway officials.
g) Chit-chatting, interaction or discussion among the candidates should be strictly prohibited and in case it
happens, the candidate should be warned and the Roll Number, Name & terminal number to be noted lab-
wise and to be informed to the Railway Centre In-charge for further course of action.
h) The candidates may be advised to raise their hands in case they need any help like drinking water, non-
functioning of their computer, etc. and the ECA staff should attend such cases immediately without
disturbing other candidates.
2. Entry Point Protocols (to be verified and ensured by ECA and nominated Railway officials)
a) The timeline should strictly be maintained by ECA. Any deviation from the same should be recorded and
reported immediately, duly giving reasons for deviation.
b) No candidate should be allowed inside the Test Centre before / after the scheduled time of shift.
c) ECA officials should be sensitized and instructed to handle the PwBD and Women candidates as per
prevalent norms.
d) The candidates with cough/fever etc. should be made to give examination in isolation under strict vigil.
e) No candidate should be allowed to enter into the examination centre with electronic devices like mobile
phone, calculator, tab, iPad, Bluetooth devices, Ear plug, Smart Glasses, Smart wrist watch, etc.
f) Family members / relatives / friend / guardian(s) of candidates are not allowed inside the examination
centre premises.
g) At the entry point the Biometric attendance system should be provided with standby arrangements, to take
care of any failure. In case the machines are not working, then clear guidelines/instructions should be
incorporated in the „Instructions Booklet‟ regarding the standby action should be taken and there should not
h) COVID Protocol, if any, prevails in the respective localities, the same to be followed.
i) E-Call Letter-cum-Relieving letter has to be duly signed by controlling officer of the candidate and recent photo
duly pasted and attested by controlling officer/supervisor. This is valid with Railway Employee‟s official ID
Card/Aadhaar Card in original (Mandatory).
j) The E-Call letter-cum-Relieving letter and prescribed valid photo ID are to be submitted for verification at
the time of the entry to the examination centre. Nominated ECA official should be present to check them.
The valid photo ID proof should be in original.
k) Candidates who are unable to produce these documents should not be allowed to enter in the examination
centre. The candidate of another examination centre should not be allowed to any other examination centre.
l) Candidates must also bring two colour photographs (of size 35mm x 35 mm) with clear front view of the
candidate without cap and sunglasses. The photo should be checked against the actual identity of the
candidate and only on finding the same as correct he/she should be allowed inside the Centre premises.
m) Only the documents mentioned as above (i.e. E-Call letter-cum-Relieving letter, Employee official ID
Card/Aadhaar Card and Photo in original) along with pen/pencil and transparent water bottle are
allowed to carry by the candidates, inside the Examination Hall.
n) If any candidate is carrying belongings / baggage, its custody will be the personal responsibility of the
candidates and the same will not be allowed to take inside the Exam Centre.
o) Nominated ECA official to advise to the candidates to proceed to their respective lab, post biometric
attendance, documents verification and photo capture.
p) Regarding seating arrangements of the candidates: The designated ECA officials should ask the candidates to
check the notice board for seating arrangements and guide them towards the building / floor / lab, they are
allocated to.
q) PwBD candidates are to be preferably allotted seats in PwBD friendly centers and floors, preferably
ground floor of the examination hall / Lab, if there are no lift/escalator facilities.
r) Assistance of Scribe - Candidates who have the benchmark disability and suffering from Visually
Impairment and those candidates whose writing speed is affected by Cerebral Palsy and having one arm can
avail the assistance of Scribe for writing answers on their behalf during CBT. The candidate has to submit
necessary documents about the scribe, such as Identity proof, Educational Qualification certificates at the
centre. These documents should be handed over to the nominated Railway Centre In-charge for further
forwarding the same to the Nodal Officer of the concerned Railway/PU after the CBT.
One to one vigil needs to be ensured by ECA to avoid malpractices by the Scribe and the
candidate. Any such malpractices noticed will be strictly looked into and to be brought to the notice of
Railway Centre In-charge.
NOTE: In case of exceptions/deviations, ECA official should refer to Exception Handling Document
and obtain appropriate undertakings from the candidates.
a) Guide the candidate to the pre-assigned node. It should be ensured that candidates shall sit only in the node
assigned for them.
b) Invigilator of ECA and Railway to check the identity of the candidate by checking the ID proof. This is the
second check that is done and in case a candidate is not carrying the original documents as mentioned below,
he / she should not be allowed inside the lab.
c) E-Call letter-cum-Relieving letter is valid only with Employee ID Card/ Aadhaar (Mandatory) and the
photo of the candidate should be affixed at earmarked place and duly attested by controlling
officer/Supervisor). The E-Call Letter is to be submitted for verification at the time of the test. ECA official
will be present to check the E-Call Letter and prescribed photo ID proof.
d) Railway foil of E-Call letter-cum-Relieving letter should be submitted in the exam Center and
Candidate Counter Foil to be given to the candidate for future reference.
a) The candidates have to sit only in the assigned/ allotted node/terminal and shall not occupy the nodes which
are lying vacant or allotted to other candidates.
b) Candidates once occupied the seat shall not indulge in any kind of conversations/ chit-chat with other
candidates in the hall. In case they need any help, they can raise their hand so that the ECA staff can attend
to their requirement.
c) The photograph of candidate shall appear on the exam screen throughout the test.
d) Invigilator to read out instructions before the exam (15 minutes before the start).
e) The invigilator to ask the candidates to write the declaration on the E-Call Letter in his presence. It is to be
ensured that the declaration is not prefilled. At this time the declaration text should appear on the
Computer Screen of candidates. The declaration is also available at of E-call letter instructions.
Candidate has to write the Self-Declaration in running handwriting and not in BLOCK/CAPITAL
letter. Then, candidate and invigilator should sign in their respective fields.
f) In case the candidate has already written the Self-Declaration, but not in the presence of the
invigilator, then, the invigilator should ask the candidate to write the same Self-Declaration on the back of
Railway Foil portion of the E-Call Letter, and sign just below it. Thereafter, the invigilator should write the
following declaration and then provide own signature: “I certify that the candidate has written the declaration
in my presence and I certify the resemblance of the candidate with the photo on call letter”.
In such cases, both, candidate and invigilator should sign below both the Self-Declarations. Entry
should be made in the Exception Report.
g) In case a candidate asks for rough sheets the same should be provided. Rough sheets provided to candidates
should have name and Roll number of candidate using it, signature of invigilator and date of examination.
(At the end of exam, collect all rough sheets).
h) Invigilator to collect the E-Call Letter of the appearing candidate. Invigilator to get the attendance sheet
signed and obtain LTI thereon within the first one hour of the start of the examination.
i) Ensure that the candidate has pasted passport - size photograph at the earmarked space on the E-Call Letter
both in the Railway foil and the candidate‟s foil.
j) Thereafter, the invigilator should tear the “Candidate Counter Foil” of the E-Call Letter and return it to the
candidate. Retain only the “Railway Foil” of the E-Call Letter. Arrange all of them in the Roll Number
sequence Railway/PU wise. Also, attach Undertakings given by candidate, if any.
CBT on 19.10.2024 Page 7
k) No candidate to be allowed to move out of the examination lab once he/she enters the lab.
l) Invigilator to ensure that E-Call Letters and other submitted documents match with the number of candidates
n) In case a candidate gets logged-out or there is any system problem, the IT Manager shall take necessary
initiative at once to restart the system.
o) In case of a network problem or a LAN issue the invigilator / IT manager needs to contact the Centre Head
and the same to be at once brought to notice of Railway official of the centre.
p) If Railway observer does not turn up, examination proceedings will keep going on with ECA officials as per
the schedule/protocol.
q) Vigilance & RPF team will be visiting Centers. Their IDs are to be noted by ECA. The information asked for
should be provided in consultation with the Centre In-charge of Zonal Railways/PUs.
r) Any untoward incident requiring Police intervention, will have to liaise with the police authorities and lodge
FIR, if required.
NOTE: In case of exceptions/deviations, ECA official should refer to Exception Handling Document
(Fo r m-I V) and obtain appropriate undertakings from the candidates.
a) The nominated ECA Invigilator to handover i) lab-wise attendance sheets, ii) Railway portion of E-Call
Letter duly collected, tallied and signed by nominated Railway Officials and has to hand over to the Railway
Centre In-charge for further forwarding the same to Nodal Officer of Zonal Railways / PUs.
b) The ECA Site Supervisor to ascertain the total number of candidates who are taking the exam and
accordingly check and match the E-Call Letter and other collected documents count against the number of
candidates present.
c) The ECA Site Supervisor to prepare the envelopes for Nodal officer of Zonal Railways / PUs.
d) The ECA Site Supervisor should make copies of Exception Report, Incidence Report, Railway Centre In-
charge‟s Report, Examination Report and CCTV footage of examination (storage device to be provided by
ECA), etc. The ECA Site Supervisor and the Railway Centre In-charge should sign these reports before
packing & sealing them in envelopes.
e) The attendance sheets, counterfoils of E-Call Letters along with undertakings of the candidate and other
submitted documents, if any, and the reports mentioned shall then be handed over to the Railway Centre In-
charge for further forwarding the same to the Nodal Officer of Zonal Railways / PUs in the envelope covers
which are duly filled up.
f) Complaints/grievance/feedback, if any, from the candidates need to be collected and handed over to the
Railway Centre In-charge for further examination.
g) Once this is done and documents in the envelope are complete as per the check list printed on the envelope,
the envelopes should be sealed, with signatures of ECA Site Supervisor and Railway Centre In-charge across the
flap and secure with the cellophane tape.
h) ECA Site Supervisor to count and collect such envelopes. These envelopes should be kept in safe custody by
CBT on 19.10.2024 Page 8
the ECA site Supervisor to hand over the same to the Railway Centre In-charge for further forwarding the same
to the Nodal Officer of Zonal Railways / PUs and take the acknowledgement.
i) CCTV Footage: The ECA will provide the storage device. If candidates from more than one Zone or PU are
present at a center, the ECA will give the CCTV footage to the Zone or PU with the higher candidate count.
Other Railways or PUs can obtain the CCTV footage from that Zone or PU using their own storage device as
The candidate system should be locked in case the candidate is moved to another room due to an emergency or
due to ill health.
A candidate is not allowed to take a bio-break. If he/she still wants to do so due to a medical problem, an
exception report to be signed and he/she should be informed that the exam clock timer would continue and
he/she will lose time. Form-VII has to be filled by the ECA Invigilator recording the time in which the candidate
goes out and comes in from the allotted lab. The candidate has to keep his/her belongings (ID card, other
document, etc.) with the Invigilator. An ECA staff has to escort with the candidate to the washroom and back to
lab. The belongings should be returned only after the candidate returns back to the exam lab. Invigilator to ensure
that such occurrences are immediately communicated to the Site Supervisor.
Any candidate found indulging in the above listed malpractices are to be brought to the notice of the Railway
Centre In-charge and the ECA Command Centre, and have an incident signed by the candidate as per Form U4.
Any untoward incident requiring Police intervention, Site Supervisor of ECA will have to liaison with the
Railway Centre In-charge and police authorities and lodge an FIR, if required. In all such cases, switch off the
screen of the candidate of the allotted PC and ask the candidate to come out of the test room. Ask the candidate
to sign the Candidate Declaration Form U4. (No force to be used. In case the candidate does not agree to sign, let
him/her allowed to go. The system should be locked and exam will get auto submitted). If any copying material
has been recovered, it has to be attached to the Declaration Form as evidence.
Any complaints / grievance / feedback related to CBT test is to be brought to the notice of the Railway
Centre-in-charge / ECA Site supervisor during the exam or immediately or within 30 minutes of the
conclusion of exam at the centre itself. Complaints / grievance / feedback submitted on later date shall not
be entertained.
Infrastructure Issues:
In the event of Power failure the examination will run on UPS/Generator. If LAN connection in the test Centre
breaks down, additional LAN switch available at all the test Centre (to be provided by ECA) will be used. The
examination will be re-started and candidates will re-login and start appearing for the examination. There will be
no loss of exam time for the candidates. In such instances, Site Supervisor of ECA to ask Railway Centre In-
charge to take the permission from the Nodal Officer of Railway/PU for extension of the time. Also log the
details in incident register.
If ECA primary server goes down, the secondary server configured by ECA before the examination will be used
and the examination can be restarted. One of the LISP machines will be used as a backup server.
If a Candidate Machine gets locked then unlock it. Log the details in incident register about machine lock.
In case of any failure of server/LAN which leads railway to cancel the examination, in one of the assigned centre
of CBT, Exam Conducting Agency will remain solely responsible and has to re-schedule and re-conduct the
same CBT without any additional charge.
If the nominated ECA Invigilator / Railway Invigilator does not report at the test Centre at the stipulated time on
the day of CBT Exam, the stand by Invigilator would be asked to take charge instead of nominated Invigilator.
If the nominated Invigilator fails to bring the photo identity proof required for issuing the Invigilator ID card, in
that case Invigilator ID card will not be issued. In such case stand by Invigilators who is having the proper photo
identity card would be asked to take charge instead of the nominated Invigilator.
The nominated Invigilators may ensure that the declaration by the candidates on counterfoil of E-Call Letter are
filled in the presence of nominated Invigilator in the examination lab only and the same should not be pre-written
by the candidates.
The ECA may have a strict vigil to ensure that the candidates should maintain all COVID-19 protocols, if
mandated, like wearing mask, frequent hand sanitization and maintain social distancing. The same protocols are
to be followed by all Invigilators, Railway officers and nominated staff too.
1. Overall In-Charge of the cities, will ensure that Town In-charge, Railway Centre In-charge, Railway
Observers as well as Supervisors are performing their duties as per the directives given by the Nodal
2. If more than one Railway or PU has candidates assigned to a single center, both Railways or PUs can
either appoint a joint city in charge for that CBT center or, after consulting with the other Zone or PU,
nominate a single Centre in charge from the Zone or PU with the higher candidate count. This requires
proper coordination among the concerned Zonal Railways or PUs.
3. Will ensure smooth and fair conduct of the CBT at the centres in his/her jurisdiction (City).
4. Will act as representative of Zonal Railway/PU/NAIR to see the examination conducted by the ECA
Site Supervisor efficiently, properly and smoothly according to the prescribed procedures.
5. Will see proper deployment of RPF personnel/state Police.
6. Will ensure lodging of FIR by ECA Site Supervisor in case of malpractice/untoward event(s).
7. Will submit report to GM/PCPO and DG/NAIR mentioning in detail the unusual occurrence, if any.
8. Responsible for nomination and sparing of required Railway Officers / Senior Supervisor Staff for exam
9. Will ensure and take undertaking from Railway Town In-charge, Railway Centre In-charge, Railway
Observers and Senior Supervisor staff nominated for the centres that they have read and understood all
the instructions related to smooth conduct of CBT. He/She will ensure compliance of the same and if any
violation done by ECA, it will be brought to the notice of the PCPO and DG/NAIR.
10. Will ensure that all nominated Railway officials have reached exam centers well in time.
11. Will maintain close liaison with NAIR / Railway officials during Exam.
12. Any irregularity should be personally brought to notice of PCPO and NAIR with detailed report within
six hours of concluding of examination.
13. Setting up of Control Room at Zonal Headquarters.
1. Will assist Nodal officer and In-charge of the control room at the HQrs./Divisional HQ.
2. Will ensure that Railway Centre In-charge, Railway Observers as well as Supervisors are performing their
duties as per the directives given.
3. Will ensure smooth and fair conduct of the CBT at the centres in his/her jurisdiction.
4. Will act as representative of Zonal Railway/PU/NAIR to see the examination conducted by the
ECA/Center Head efficiently, properly and smoothly according to the prescribed procedures.
5. Will see proper deployment and ensuring proper performing of RPF personnel/state Police.
6. Will ensure lodging of FIR by ECA site Supervisor in case of malpractice/untoward incident(s) happened.
7. Will submit report to the Nodal Officer/PCPO and DG/NAIR mentioning in detail the unusual occurrence,
if any.
8. Will take undertaking from Railway Centre In-charge, Railway Observers and Railway Officer and
Senior Supervisor staff nominated for the centres that they have read and understood all the instructions
related to conduct of CBT. He/She will ensure compliance of the same and if any violation done by
ECA, it will be brought to the notice of Nodal Officer.
9. Will ensure that all nominated Railway officials have reached exam centers well in time
10. Will maintain close liasioning with Nodal Officer during Exam
11. Any irregularity should be personally brought to notice of Nodal Officer with detailed report immediately.
12. Collection of sealed envelopes of post exam from ECA Site Supervisor / Railway Center In-charge.
13. Assist for setting up of Control Room at Zonal Headquarters.
1 He/she should reach the Exam Centre two hours before the start of examination.
1.1 He/She nominated shall visit the centre one/two days in advance of the examination to have an overall view of the
exam centres and lab.
2 He/she and his/her assisting Railway officers / Senior Supervisor staff shall carry the official identity card as well as
letter of nomination with them. Should be available at the centre throughout the conduct of the examination and
shall be available in the Centre for another 40 minutes after conclusion of shift to receive complaints/grievance,
feedback, if any, from the candidates.
3 The Railway Centre In-charge and assisting Railway Observers / Senior Supervisors (Group C staff) will have to
give declaration before the exam that none of their close relatives are appearing in the exam at that centre.
4 He/she shall oversee the processes related to the following: -
(a) Verification of E-Call Letter-cum-Relieving letter and original photo ID of candidate. Candidate‟s portion of the E-
Call letter should be handed over to the candidate.
(b) Checking by ECA to ensure no candidate is allowed to enter the exam hall with prohibited gadgets / stationery
(c) Biometric registration by ECA.
(d) Marking of attendance and left thumb impression by candidates on the attendance sheet and paragraph writing on
the E-Call Letter in coordination with Site Supervisor of ECA.
(e) Smooth conduct of CBT
(f) Candidate reporting time and exam timings for MORNING shift are as under:
Reporting Time Gate Closing Time Exam Starting Time
07.30 hrs. 08.45 hrs. 09.30 hrs.
(g) No candidate is allowed to enter the test centre after gate closing time. No candidate is allowed to leave the Exam
Hall/Centre till completion of the exam.
(h) Exam is of 180 minutes duration. Compensatory time of 60 minutes for eligible PwBD candidates.
5 Get himself conversant with the detailed instructions on the admit card (copy attached).
6 He/she shall carry out checks him/herself as well as with the help of assisting Railway Observers / Senior
Supervisors (Group C staff) about the candidates sitting on the allotted computer terminals.
7 He/she shall ensure that call letters and attendance sheets are packed and sealed separately by ECA and the
envelope cover mentions details as per given format.
8 At the end of exam, he/she shall prepare a report about conduct of CBT on a prescribed proforma (Format
9 Completed Attendance sheets, Railway portion of E-Call Letters and Reports (Incidence Report, Exception Report,
and Railway Centre In-charge‟s Report, etc.) so collected shall be kept in an envelope and sealed jointly with Site
Supervisor of ECA. Summary of attendance in a particular session shall be written on sealed envelope and jointly
signed as per Format provided. The envelopes will be sealed after signing by Site Supervisor of ECA and Railway
Centre In-charge across the flap and covering the same by cellophane tape.
10 Handing over of Attendance sheets & other documents: At the end of the session, the site Supervisor of ECA shall
keep with him these sealed envelopes with other records of session and hand over to Nodal Officer/Town In charge
of Railway/PU within 2 days after the exam.
11 All envelopes shall be collected at a Centralized location by ECA. These envelopes shall be got segregated
Railway/PU wise sent to them within 2 days of examination by ECA.
12 Any untoward incident requiring Police intervention, Railway Centre In-charge will liaise with the Site Supervisor
of ECA, police authorities and lodge FIR, if required. Any unusual incident should be brought to the notice of
Nodal Officer, Railway Town In-charge of Exam city/Dy.CPO/Gaz with intimation to NAIR.
13 Grievance /Complaints, if any from the candidates during the conduct of examination is to be attended and
appropriate action to be taken at the spot after consultation with ECA representative, Nodal Officer, Town In-
charge and NAIR. Written complaint /feedback, if any to be collected from the candidate soon after the test and to
be handed over to the Town In-charge / Nodal officer.
14 To collect report if any, from Vigilance Official/Officer visiting the Exam Centre and if any malpractice(s) noticed
by Vigilance Official may be immediately communicated to the concerned Nodal Officer and to NAIR.
15 Railway Centre In-charge will have to ensure preparation and signature on the following forms/report:
Forms/Report Action to be taken by Railway Centre In-charge
Report of the Railway Centre In-charge Preparation, signature and sealing all covers meant for Railways/PUs
Exception Report prepared by ECA Jointly sign with Site Supervisor of ECA
Incident Register of ECA Ensure that this report is jointly signed by the Site Supervisor of ECA and
Head of the Institute or his representative and put in the covers being sent to
Nodal Officer of Railway/PUs
1. They shall carry their official identity card as well as letter of nomination with them.
2. They should reach the Exam Centre before the reporting time.
3. They shall give declaration in the prescribed format before the exam that none of their close relatives is
appearing in the exam at that Centre.
4. They shall undertake the following activities along with the ECA officials: -
Verification of E-Call letters and original photo ID of candidate
To ensure no candidate is allowed to enter the exam hall with prohibited gadgets/stationery items.
Biometric registration of the candidate as well as scribe
Paragraph writing and taking LTI of candidates on the physical form of E-call letter in coordination with
Site Supervisor of ECA
Collection of Railway portions of E-Call letter
Smooth conduct of CBT in every session
Candidate reporting time and exam timings
No candidate is allowed to enter the test centre after gate closure time. No candidate is allowed to leave
the Exam Hall/Centre till completion of exam
Candidates availing assistance of Scribe are entitled for additional time as prescribed in Protocol
document of the Exam
The quality of frisking should be kept under close watch
Ensure that candidates are not discussing / chit-chatting among themselves. Incident to be brought to the
notice of Railway Centre In-charge immediately.
5. They shall get conversant with the detailed instructions on the e-Call letter
6. They shall check about candidates sitting on allotted computer terminals only
7. Ensuring that the candidate has written his/her Roll No. on the Rough paper
8. Collection of Rough paper from the candidates before the candidates leave.
9. Shall oversee the invigilators posted by the ECA and ensure that the process of invigilation is being done correctly
10. Anything unusual should be brought to the notice of Railway Center In-charge
11. Assist the Railway Center In-charge in all matters related to the process of Computer Based Test (CBT).
12. In case the Railway Observer fails to report at the venue by prescribed time, senior-most railway
supervisor available at the venue will act as Railway Observer.
13. Overall discipline, decency and smooth conduct of the examination.
14. Ensure CCTVs are working properly.
1 Whether the Site Supervisor of ECA was alert and
informed about the detailed instruction to conduct
the examination.
2. Whether the genuine candidates only were allowed to
enter the exam hall after verification of E -call letter,
Identity card, Bio-metric impression & proper frisking.
3. Whether the right candidates were sitting on the allotted
computer terminal.
4. Whether all the activities were started and conducted as
per the prescribed time schedule, if no, give details.
5. Whether any person was found helping the candidates in
solving the questions. If yes, action taken.
6. Whether any malpractice is noticed for PwBD candidate
appearing with scribe. If yes, action taken.
7. Whether the Attendance Sheet (Signature, LTI etc.) were
filled in correctly.
8. Whether the paragraph writing on the E-call letter was
done by the candidate in the Exam Hall before
commencement of the examination in his/her running
9. Whether all the entries of the E-call letter were
completed by the candidate & invigilator properly.
10. Whether any candidate was found using unfair means or
found in possession of prohibited items in the
examination hall? If yes, Roll number & name of the
candidate. What action was taken?
11. Whether the examinees were maintaining discipline while
keeping calm & quiet during the exam.
12. Whether COVID – 19 protocols, if any, are being strictly
adhered to by officials and appearing candidates.
13. Whether RPF personnel were present in the centre On
14. Whether mobile phones of all Invigilators were kept on
silent mode during examination period.
15. Whether all invigilator/officials gave declaration that none
of their relative is appearing in the examination centre.
Signature :
Exam name: Selection for promotion to Gr. B posts against 30% LDCE quota for the
vacancy cycle 2023-24 - Special Drive for Zonal Railways & PUs (ACM & AEE)
Name: _________________________
Date: __________________________
Exam name: Selection for promotion to Gr. B posts against 30% LDCE quota for the
vacancy cycle 2023-24 - Special Drive for Zonal Railways & PUs (ACM & AEE)
Exam City:
Signature of
Signature of
Railway Centre
Signature of Site
SN Nature of Incident In-charge or
the candidate Supervisor of
Exam name: Selection for promotion to Gr. B posts against 30% LDCE quota for the
vacancy cycle 2023-24 - Special Drive for Zonal Railways & PUs (ACM & AEE)
Exam City:
Exam name: Selection for promotion to Gr. B posts against 30% LDCE quota for the
vacancy cycle 2023-24 - Special Drive for Zonal Railways & PUs (ACM & AEE)
(To be filled in EACH venue jointly by Railway Centre In-charge and ECA Site Supervisor)
Exam City:
Item error:
(If there was no irregularity of any kind write NIL in the box.)
Exam name: Selection for promotion to Gr. B posts against 30% LDCE quota for the
vacancy cycle 2023-24 - Special Drive for Zonal Railways & PUs (ACM & AEE)
Certified that in the CBT examination for promotion to Gr. B posts against Special Drive
of 30% LDCE quota (ACM & AEE) in Zonal Railways/PUs, no close relative of mine is
appearing at this centre.
Exam name: Selection for promotion to Gr. B posts against 30% LDCE quota for the
vacancy cycle 2023-24 - Special Drive for Zonal Railways & PUs (ACM & AEE)
Log of using the Washroom during Examination
To be filled in the lab on return
Name of the Examination:
Note: The candidate must be accompanied to and from the washroom and not left alone.
Time Accompanied by
Sl.No Name Roll No Time in Signature
Exam name: Selection for promotion to Gr. B posts against 30% LDCE quota for the
vacancy cycle 2023-24 - Special Drive for Zonal Railways & PUs (ACM & AEE)
The following candidates were shifted from their own seat to other seat due to unavoidable reasons. Reason and necessary
permission is recorded below. It is further certified that there was no time loss in allocated examination time due to this shifting.
S. Roll No. Name of the Initially New Allotted Time (when Reason of Signature of Signature of
No. Candidate allotted Seat Seat No./ new seat was Shifting ECA Candidate
No./Lab No. Lab No. allotted) Invigilator
Exam name: Selection for promotion to Gr. B posts against 30% LDCE quota for the
vacancy cycle 2023-24 - Special Drive for Zonal Railways & PUs (ACM & AEE)
Feedback is to be obtained regarding the examination from the candidates on following parameters:
Seating arrangement
Availability of basic facilities like
water dispenser and rest rooms etc.
Exam node / desktop quality
Exam name: Selection for promotion to Gr. B posts against 30% LDCE quota for the
vacancy cycle 2023-24 - Special Drive for Zonal Railways & PUs (ACM & AEE)
Declaration to be obtained from the candidates
U1 (Miscellaneous)
Minor spelling error/variation in the Name, surname, DoB etc. in ID proof vis-à-vis E-Call Letter
Other ___________________________________________________________
I hereby declare that I am the genuine candidate appearing for this exam. I understand that if any
information/document submitted by me is found to be incorrect at any stage of the selection process, my
candidature may be rejected by the Zonal Railway/PU/NAIR.
I-PAS Number :
HRMS ID : ___________________
Designation :
Exam name: Selection for promotion to Gr. B posts against 30% LDCE quota for the
vacancy cycle 2023-24 - Special Drive for Zonal Railways & PUs (ACM & AEE)
Centre Name
I hereby declare that I was found using unfair means during examination.
I accept that my behaviour was against the rules and regulations of the examination which I was aware of.
I also accept that the final decision regarding my candidature will rest with Zonal Railway/PU/NAIR.
Remarks of the ECA Site Supervisor (To mention the actual unfair means adopted by the candidate
and action taken thereon)
Envelope Cover
(Separate cover for each Railway / PU)
Attendance Sheet
Following is the list of documents to be collected Railway/PU-wise and post-wise after the examination
and sent to Dy.CPO/Gaz.:
i. Attendance Sheet
ii. Railway (upper) portion of E-call letters
iii. Railway Centre In-charge‟s report (Form-I)
iv. Undertaking by each Railway Officials deputed for Exam duty (Form-II)
v. Incidence register (Form-III)
vi. Exception report (Form-IV)
vii. Report on Examination (signed jointly by ECA Site Supervisor and Centre In-charge) (Form-V)
viii. Certificate of No Close Relative at the centre (Form-VI)
ix. Log of using the Washroom during Examination (Form-VII)
x. De-Mapping & Re-Mapping Format (Form-VIII)
xi. Candidate Feedback (Form-IX)
xii. Declaration to be obtained from the candidates (Form-U1 Miscellaneous)
xiii. Declaration from Candidates using Unfair Means (Form-U4)
xiv. Any other Miscellaneous documents
xv. CCTV Footage: The ECA will provide the storage device. If candidates from more than one Zone
or PU are present at a center, the ECA will give the CCTV footage to the Zone or PU with the
higher candidate count. Other Railways or PUs can obtain the CCTV footage from that Zone or
PU using their own storage device as needed.
Railway Centre In-charges are required to collect these documents from the exam centre on
19.10.2024 itself. The CCTV footage are also preferably to be collected on same day however
due to any technical reason it is not possible to take CCTV footage on same day the ECA will
provide the CCTV footage to the concerned Centre In-Charge/Nodal Officer within 24 hours after
conclusion of the CBT.
उम्मीदवार नीचे ददए गए तनदेशों को ध्यान से पढ़ें और उनका ईमानदारी से पालन कऱें । तनदेशों का पालन न करने पर उनकी
उम्मीदवारी रद्द की जा सकिी है।
Candidate shall carefully read the instructions given below, and follow them scrupulously. Failure to comply
with the instructions may lead to cancellation of the candidature.
उम्मीदवारों को नवीनिम अपडेट के तलए NAIR/Vadodara वेबसाइट की जाांच करिे रहना चातहए और अपना पांजीकृ ि मेल
आईडी / मोबाइल नांबर काम करने की तथिति म़ें रखना चातहए।
Candidates should also keep checking the NAIR/Vadodara website ( for latest
updates and keep their registered mail id/mobile no. in working condition.
पात्रिा सूची और अन्य तववरण Railway / PUs द्वारा उपलब्ध कराए गए आांकडों पर आधाररि हैं। इसतलए, उम्मीदवारों को
सीबीटी के तलए तवशुद्ध रूप से अथिायी आधार पर अनुमति दी जािी है। Selection के अन्य चरणों म़ें, पात्रिा का तवथिृि
सत्यापन दकया जाएगा और इससे सीबीटी पास करने के बावजूद उम्मीदवारी रद्द हो सकिी है।
The eligibility list and other details are based on the data provided by Zonal Railways/ PUs. Hence, candidates
are allowed for CBT purely on a provisional basis. At other stages of selection, detailed verification of
eligibility will be done and that may lead to candidature cancellation, in spite of clearing the CBT.
1. उम्मीदवार तनम्नतलतखि समय नोट कऱें । Candidates to note the following timings.
EXAM DATE / परीक्षा तिति 19.10.2024
CALL LETTER DOWNLOAD/ कॉल लेटर 09.10.2024 (from 11.00 hrs)
डाउनलोड For candidate login: User ID is HRMS ID
Password : OTP received on HRMS linked Mobile No.
Corrections will be allowed only up to 15.10.2024 (15.00 hrs)
through HELPDESK
सुधार की अनुमति, हेल्पडेथक के माध्यम से के वल 15.10.2024 (15.00 बजे) िक होगी
Shift/ ऩारी Morning Shift
POST/ पद ACM and AEE
1. ई-कॉल लेटर म़ें इां तगि तिति और तशफ्ट के तलए गेट बांद होने के समय के बाद दकसी भी उम्मीदवार को परीक्षा क़ें द्र म़ें प्रवेश करने
की अनुमति नहीं दी जाएगी। No candidate will be allowed to enter the test center after gate closing time.
2. कां प्यूटर आधाररि परीक्षा (सीबीटी) for each post एक पाली म़ें आयोतजि की जाएगी। सीबीटी की अवतध 150 प्रश्नों के तलए 180
तमनट की होगी। Computer Based Test (CBT) for each post will be held in single shift. The duration of
CBT will be 180 minutes for 150 questions.
4. प्रत्येक गलि उत्तर के तलए 1/3 अांक काटे जाएांगे। उम्मीदवार को रफ वकक के तलए उपलब्ध कराई गई रफ शीट पर अपना नाम और
रोल नांबर भी तलखना होगा। रफ शीट को परीक्षण के बाद तनरीक्षक को लौटाना होगा। There will be negative marking
for wrong answers. For every wrong answer, 1/3rd mark will be deducted. Candidate should also write
his/her name and Roll Number on the Rough sheet(s) provided for rough work. The Rough sheet(s) will
have to be returned to invigilator after the test.
5. उम्मीदवार को कॉल लेटर के पहले पृष्ठ के अनुसार आवांरटि ररपोर्टटग तिति और समय पर तबना दकसी असफलिा के आवांरटि
सीबीटी क़ें द्र / थिान पर ररपोटक करना आवश्यक है। Candidate is required to report on the allotted CBT
Centre/Venue, on the allotted Reporting Date & Time as mentioned on the front page of his/her E-call
6. उम्मीदवारों को अल्प अवतध सूचना पर आवांरटि सीबीटी परीक्षा क़ें द्र म़ें जाने के तलए िैयार रहना चातहए।
Candidates should be ready to move to CBT test centre at a short notice.
7. दकसी भी पररतथिति म़ें परीक्षा की तिति/क़ें द्र म़ें पररविकन की अनुमति नहीं है। NAIR दकसी भी या सभी उम्मीदवारों के तलए पुन:
परीक्षा का आदेश देने का अतधकार सुरतक्षि रखिा है। सभी मामलों म़ें NAIR का तनणकय अांतिम होगा। Change of date/centre
of examination is not permitted under any circumstances. NAIR reserves the right to order re-
examination for any or all the candidates. Decision of NAIR in all the matters will be final.
8. उम्मीदवार को बफना टोऩी और बफना धूऩ का चश्मा(सनग्ऱास) वाऱा, सामने का स्ऩष्ट दृश्य वाऱा पोटो अऩऱोड
करना होगा। पोटोग्राप का साइज़ 200 से 250 KB तक होना चाहहए। Candidate must upload the
photograph with clear front view of the candidate without cap and sunglasses. The size of Photograph
should be 200 kb to 250 KB.
10. उम्मीदवार को सीबीटी म़ें उपतथिि होने के तलए दो रांगीन फोटोग्राफ (साइज़ 35 तममी X 35 तममी) जो दक तबना टोपी और धूप के
चश्मे के उम्मीदवार के थपष्ट सामने के दृश्य के साि लाना होगा। Candidate must also bring two color photographs
(size 35 mm x 35 mm), with clear front view of the candidate without cap and sunglasses, for appearing
in the CBT.
11. उम्मीदवार को तनदेश ददया जािा है दक वेबसाइट से ई-कॉल लेटर का थपष्ट हप्रट आउट (आगे और पीछे के पेज) डाउनलोड करके
ल़ें। उम्मीदवार को सीबीटी कॉल लेटर डाक द्वारा नहीं भेजा जाएगा। Candidate is instructed to download AND take
clear print out (front and back pages) of E-call letter from the website. CBT call letter will not be sent
to candidate by post.
12. सुधार या डु प्लीके ट कॉल लेटर जारी करने का कायक िभी दकया जाएगा जब Railway/PUs को यह तवश्वास हो जाए दक यह
आवेदन पत्र म़ें जमा दकए गए तववरण से एक महत्वपूणक तवसांगति/तभन्निा है। कॉल लेटर के वल सीबीटी के तलए उपतथिि होने की
अनुमति है और दकसी भी िरह से रे लवे म़ें उम्मीदवार की तसलेक्शन की गारां टी नहीं देिा है। दकसी भी गलि व्याख्या/अनजाने म़ें
हुई त्रुरट के तलए Railway/PU/NAIR तजम्मेदार नहीं है। व्याख्या के बारे म़ें दकसी भी तववाद की तथिति म़ें, कॉल लेटर के अांग्रज
े ी
13. ई-कॉल लेटर अथिायी है, यह के वल सीबीटी परीक्षा म़ें बैठने की अनुमति है। इस ई-कॉल लेटर को जारी करना दकसी भी िरह से
यह नहीं दशाकिा है दक Railway/Pus/NAIR आवेदन पत्र, तववरण और दथिावेजों से सांिष्टु है। ई-कॉल लेटर पद के तलए पात्र होने
का कोई अतधकार प्रदान नहीं करिा है। उम्मीदवारी पूरी िरह से अनांतिम है और तसलेक्शन के दकसी भी थिर पर या उसके बाद रद्द
की जा सकिी है। The E-Call Letter is provisional, it is only a permission to appear in the CBT
examination. Issuing this E-Call Letter does not in any way indicate that Railway/PU/NAIR is
otherwise satisfied with application form, details and documents. The E-Call Letter does not confer any
right to be eligible for the post. The candidature is purely provisional and is liable to be cancelled at
any stage of selection or thereafter.
14. उम्मीदवार को एिह॒वारा सूतचि दकया जािा है दक सीबीटी के तलए बुलाए जाने वाले उम्मीदवारों की सांख्या इकाइयों द्वारा योग्य
घोतषि उम्मीदवारों की कु ल सांख्या है। इसतलए, के वल सीबीटी म़ें अहकिा प्राि करने से कोई उम्मीदवार चयन प्रदिया के अगले
चरण म़ें शातमल होने का हकदार नहीं हो जािा है। Candidate is hereby informed that the number of candidates
being called for CBT is the total candidates declared eligible by the units. Hence, merely qualifying in
CBT does not entitle a candidate, for inclusion in the next stage of selection process.
15. सीबीटी का पररणाम यिा समय Railway/PU द्वारा दकया जाएगा। The result of CBT would be declared by the
respective Railways/PUs in due course.
16. Railway/PU/NAIR ने अपनी ओर से कोई एज़ेंट/कोहचग स़ेंटर तनयुक्त नहीं दकया है। सीबीटी आचरण/पररणाम को प्रभातवि
करने के तलए उम्मीदवार का कोई भी अनुतचि प्रयास उम्मीदवार को अयोग्य घोतषि कर देगा। उम्मीदवारों का चयन तवशुद्ध रूप
से योग्यिा के अनुसार दकया जािा है। Railway/PU/NAIR has not appointed any Agent/Coaching Centre on its
behalf. Any unwarranted attempt of candidate to influence the CBT conduct/result will disqualify the
candidate. Candidates are selected purely as per merit.
17. सीबीटी के पररणाम और/या सीबीटी से सांबांतधि सभी मामलों के सांबांध म़ें Railway/PU/NAIR का तनणकय अांतिम है और उस पर
तववाद नहीं दकया जा सकिा है। आगे कोई पूछिाछ या पत्राचार पर तवचार नहीं दकया जाएगा। The decision of the
Railway/PU/NAIR regarding the outcome of the CBT and/or all matters relating to CBT is final and the
same cannot be disputed. No further enquiry or correspondence will be entertained.
18. उम्मीदवार सीबीटी थिल पर रे लवे अतधकाररयों द्वारा जारी तनदेशों का पालन करे गा। सीबीटी के सुचारू सांचालन के तलए
उम्मीदवार को सीबीटी के दौरान अनुशासन बनाए रखने की भी सलाह दी जािी है। सीबीटी म़ें प्रतिरूपण / कदाचार /
अनुशासनहीनिा उम्मीदवार को अयोग्य घोतषि कर देगी और उसे भतवष्य की सभी रे लवे तसलेक्शन से वांतचि कर ददया जाएगा।
उम्मीदवार पर कानून के िहि मुकदमा भी चलाया जा सकिा है। The candidate shall obey the instructions issued by
the railway officials at the CBT venue. The candidate is also advised to maintain discipline during
CBT, for smooth conduct of the CBT. Impersonation/malpractice/indiscipline in the CBT will
disqualify the Candidate and he/she will be debarred from all future railway selections. Candidate is
also liable to be prosecuted under law/DAR and liable to be taken under disciplinary proceedings.
19. सीबीटी परीक्षा से सांबांतधि दकसी भी तशकायि/ फीडबैक को परीक्षा के दौरान िुरांि या क़ें द्र पर परीक्षा समाि होने के 30 तमनट
के भीिर रे लवे क़ें द्र प्रभारी / ईसीए साइट पयकवेक्षक के ध्यान म़ें लाया जाना चातहए। बाद की िारीख / समय प्रथिुि तशकायिों/
फीडबैक पर तवचार नहीं दकया जाएगा। Any complaints / grievance / feedback related to CBT is to be brought
to the notice of the Railway Centre-in-charge / ECA Site supervisor immediately during the exam or
within 30 minutes of the conclusion of exam at the centre itself. Complaints / grievance / feedback
submitted on later date and time shall not be entertained.
20. सीबीटी थिल के अांदर बैकपैक्स/सामान/ खाद्य पदािक /मोबाइल फोन/ ब्लू टूि सक्षम तडवाइस/कै लकु लेटर/इलेक्रॉतनक या थटॉप
वॉच/टाइम ररकॉडकर जैसे अन्य गैजेट्स की अनुमति नहीं है। Backpacks/Luggage/food items/Mobile phone/ blue
21. परीक्षा हॉल के अांदर के वल ई-कॉल लेटर, फोटो आईडी काडक की अनुमति होगी। उम्मीदवारों को अपना पेन, पीने का पानी पारदशी
बोिल म़ें लाना होगा। Only E-Call Letter and Photo ID card, will be allowed inside the test hall/lab.
Candidates to bring their own pen, drinking water in transparent bottle.
22. परीक्षा हॉल के बाहर आपके व्यतक्तगि सामान को सुरतक्षि रखने की कोई सुतवधा नहीं है और इसके नुकसान के तलए
Railway/PU/NAIR/ मूल्याांकन सेवा प्रदािा तजम्मेदार नहीं हैं। There is no facility for safe-keeping of personal
belongings outside the examination hall and Railway/PU/NAIR/Assessment Service Providers are not
responsible for its loss.
23. उम्मीदवारों की िलाशी ली जाएगी और आभूषण पहनने से बचना चातहए। Frisking of the candidates will be done and
wearing of jewellery should be avoided.
24. सीबीटी थिल पर पुरुष और मतहला दोनों उम्मीदवारों के तलए दकसी सािी की अनुमति नहीं है। एक बार उम्मीदवार सीबीटी थिल
म़ें प्रवेश कर जािा है िो उसे िब िक बाहर नहीं जाने ददया जाएगा जब िक दक वह कायकिम पूरा नहीं कर लेिा। No
companions are permitted, both for male and female candidates, at the CBT venue. Once candidate
enters the CBT venue then he/she will not be allowed out till he/she completes the event.
25. पीडब्ल्यूबीडी के तलए थिाइब की सहायिा - के वल उन्हीं उम्मीदवारों को तजन्होंने यूतनट की अनुमति के साि थिाइब का तवकल्प
चुना है, उन्ह़ें सीबीटी म़ें थिाइब के साि उपतथिि होने की अनुमति दी जाएगी। ऐसे उम्मीदवार तजन्होंने ब़ेंचमाकक तवकलाांगिा और
दृतष्ट हातन से पीतडि हैं और वे उम्मीदवार तजनकी लेखन गति सैरेब्रल पाल्सी से प्रभातवि है और एक हाि वाले हैं, वे सीबीटी के
दौरान अपनी ओर से उत्तर तलखने के तलए थिाइब की सहायिा ले सकिे हैं।
सीबीटी म़ें कडी चौकसी बरिी जाएगी और यदद कोई भी उम्मीदवार जो अपनी पसांद के लेखक के साि उपतथिि होिा है, यदद
दकसी भी प्रकार के कदाचार म़ें तलि पाया जािा है, िो उसके साि सख्िी से तनपटा जाएगा और ऐसे उम्मीदवार की उम्मीदवारी
तबना दकसी सूचना के रद्द कर दी जाएगी।
तनिःशक् िजन उम्मीदवार जो थिाइब की सुतवधा का लाभ ले रहे हैं या नहीं ले रहे हैं, उन्ह़ें सीबीटी के 180 तमनट के सत्र के तलए 60
तमनट का प्रतिपूरक समय ददया जाएगा। पात्र पीडब्ल्यूबीडी उम्मीदवारों के तलए परीक्षा की अवतध 180 तमनट के बजाय 240
तमनट होगी।
Assistance of Scribe for PWBD - Only those candidates who have opted for scribe with
permission of Zone/Unit will be given permission to appear in CBT with Scribe. Candidates who
have benchmarked disability and suffering from Visually Impairment and those candidates whose
writing speed is affected by Cerebral Palsy and having One Arm can avail the assistance of Scribe for
writing answers on their behalf during CBT.
Strict vigil will be enforced in the CBT and if any candidate who is appearing with scribe of their own
choice, if found involved in any kind of malpractice, will be strictly dealt with and candidature of such
candidate will be cancelled without any notice. PWBD candidates who are availing/not availing the
facility of scribe will be allowed 60 minutes compensatory time for 180 minutes session of CBT. The
examination duration will be 240 minutes for eligible PWBD candidates instead of 180 minutes.
Total Marks: 150, Qualifying marks: 60%, relaxation as applicable for the relevant post & category
3. Each question will have 4 alternatives/options. Candidate is to select the correct alternative/option.
5. The exam screen will continuously display the remaining time at the right hand top of the
question paper.
6. The candidate may ask the Invigilator their doubts or questions before the commencement of
test. No queries shall be entertained after the commencement of the examination.
7. Rough sheet shall be provided to the candidates for rough work. During the test rough
workneeds to be done only on these Rough Sheets. Candidate should write his/her Roll Number
on the Rough Sheet, and return it to the Invigilator before leaving the test venue.
1. Creating a disturbance.
5. Attempting to tamper with the operation of the computer or meddling with system.
7. Exchanging any papers, documents or any other material with other candidates
8. Leaving the test center without the permission from the invigilator.
9. Using prohibited aids, items not allowed, such as: Mobile phones, Blue Tooth, Pagers, Pieces of
Paper (except his/her E-Call Letter, Identity Card), Digital diaries, any other electronic gadgets/
devices, smart glasses, smart watch, alarm watch, listening devices and recording or
photographic devices.
10. Attempting to copy examination questions and / or examination responses (in any format) from
the examination centre.
14. Resorting to unfair means or trying to influence in any way the examination results shall be
considered as a serious offence and any candidate found guilty of such offence on the report of
any person duly authorized to conduct the examination, shall be liable for rejection of
15. Candidates shall maintain silence while appearing for the exam. Any conversation or
gesticulation or disturbance or attempt to change seats in the Examination Hall shall be deemed
as unfair means.
16. If a candidate is found indulging in unfair means or impersonating, the candidature of such
candidate shall be rejected.
17. The Site Supervisor of ECA in consultation with Railway Centre In-charge is authorized to debar
the candidate(s) from the examination centre for any misconduct by the candidates.
18. Complaints /grievances /feedback, if any, to be pointed out at the time of the test or within 30
minutes after the conclusion of the test.