Solar System
Solar System
Solar System
The Sun
A massive star made of hydrogen and helium, the Sun provides the energy that sustains life
on Earth and drives the solar system's dynamics.
1. Mercury: Closest to the Sun, rocky, and has extreme temperature swings.
2. Venus: Similar in size to Earth, with a thick atmosphere that traps heat, making it the hottest
3. Earth: The only planet known to support life, with liquid water on its surface.
4. Mars: Known as the "Red Planet," it has the largest volcano and canyon in the solar system.
5. Jupiter: The largest planet, famous for its Great Red Spot and numerous moons.
6. Saturn: Known for its stunning ring system made of ice and rock.
7. Uranus: A tilted ice giant with faint rings, it spins on its side.
8. Neptune: The farthest planet, known for its deep blue color and intense storms.
Dwarf Planets
Pluto, Eris, Haumea, Makemake, and Ceres are classified as dwarf planets.
There are over 200 moons in the solar system, orbiting planets and dwarf planets. For example,
Jupiter's Ganymede is the largest moon, and Saturn's Titan has a dense atmosphere.
Asteroids: Mostly found in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.
Comets: Made of ice and dust, they develop tails when approaching the Sun.
Kuiper Belt: A region beyond Neptune filled with icy bodies and dwarf planets.
Oort Cloud: A theoretical shell of icy objects far beyond the Kuiper Belt.
Let me know if you'd like to dive deeper into any specific part of the solar system! 🚀