things you can do to prepare for the world of work. 5 Things You Can Do To Prepare For The World Of Work Your adventure is about to begin! If you’re close to start your working life, you could be feeling slightly nervous and anxious about the future. Throughout education, you’ve probably become familiar with the routine of the same subjects, a similar schedule, seeing the same faces day in and out. Heading into your professional life offers a lot of opportunity, but also huge changes in the way you’ll be spending your days. Next, you will check 5 things you can do to prepare yourself for the world of work. 1. Be open-minded and willing to learn Much like school or university, entering the working world can offer a big amount of opportunity for learning. Every experience you gain in your role should be helpful in providing ideas for how to deal with more responsibility in the future. Being open-minded and willing to learn can be a fantastic trait that you have to share with potential employers during the recruitment stage, they’ll want to invest in a candidate that has ambition to progress through their company and make the most of the opportunities they’re presented with. 2. You must research your desired career path Related to education, you’re often faced with the key question of “So, what do you want to do?”. This question can be difficult to answer, if you are not completely sure of what you would like to do. If you’re unsure on the career route you want, you should spend some time on researching different career options. A great idea is to take a career quiz, or personality test; doing this will match your skills, attributes and personality traits to suitable career options. 2. You must research your desired career path If you already have the answer to what to do, you must complete valuable research to ensure your decision is the best for you. You can start by visiting websites for Job Profiles; here you could find insights on every career possible. You could also go the extra mile by speaking to people who are already working in that sector or job role, to ask for their recommendations and first-hand advice on their experience. 2. You must research your desired career path In terms of further education, as specializations or masters’ degrees, you can also apply these recommendations. As these diplomas are aimed to more specialized roles or skills, you could investigate which one is more suitable for you, considering your abilities, interests and possible working positions that can make you grow and advance in your career path. Also, for the current job market, thinking on getting an international degree for your postgraduate students can greatly benefit your chances of getting a better job position. 3. Practice your organisational skills One skill that all employers are looking out for in new recruits is organisation and punctuality. If you’re seen to be someone who turns up late, forgets key responsibilities and has a lazy attitude towards commitment - you have to put some practice in!
You should start by putting in place an organisational tool, like an
online or paper diary. Over time, try adding key dates, tasks and goals to the diary so you can get into the habit of keeping on top of things and be self-motivated. There are a variety of organisational tools online that are free to use. Becoming familiar with using these tools can also be vital for a professional role, as a lot of employers will expect you to be resourceful and efficient to complete your tasks via an online space. 4. Start networking within the industry you want to work in Networking, both online and offline, is an extremely powerful skill. Networking can offer you the opportunity to meet new people, and gain connections for the future. If talking to new people isn’t one of your strengths, you should start with an online platform like LinkedIn. Talking to people online, in a professional capacity, can build your confidence in a friendlier environment. But first, you have to identify the sector or industry you’re looking to progress into, searching for key figures in that industry. As someone entering the industry, you may want to ask them for career advice and their personal experience. Once you’re confident with networking in the online space, you can start to attend local networking events and reach out to people who you think have relevant skills or experience within your sector. You never know where a connection could lead you! 5. Secure a valuable work placement Finally, the best way to prepare for entering the world of work is through a work placement. Throwing yourself into the working world, without the pressure of securing a full-time job, can be a fantastic learning experience. You could have the opportunity to put your skills and knowledge into practice before starting a job with high expectations. Think of a work experience as a trial run, the best part is you could gain clearer insight to know if your preparation and skills are competitive. You always have to ask the employer for a reference, and constructive feedback following the completion of your placement!
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Now, answer some questions about the text: • Why is being open-minded and willing to learn considered a fantastic trait for someone entering the world of work, according to the text? • Why is it important to do research for your career path? • How can organizational skills help you for your professional life? • Give some recommendations that the text mentions regarding networking. • Which benefits can you have when securing a work placement according to the reading? • Which other tips could you add to this list?
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