Kruzee - Examiner Sheet Breakdown
Kruzee - Examiner Sheet Breakdown
Kruzee - Examiner Sheet Breakdown
What’s inside:
Contains all 50+ key maneuvers
DriveTest examiners are trained to use an examination sheet when scoring candidates
during their road tests. The G2 and G examiner sheets are similar, however, the G test
sheet contains more maneuvers for the examiner to assess (e.g., highway driving). We
break down the categories of the G2 examiner sheet below and outline the grading
structure. This should help you better prepare for your road test, and interpret your results
after you take it. Before we dive into each category, let’s take a look at how examiners mark
up the sheet and what each symbol means:
Although there are varying opinions on what it takes to pass the G2 and G road tests, it’s
believed that students need to score 70/100 points or higher to pass. Based on the
scoring legend above, this means that the combination of minor and major errors cannot
exceed 30 points. This is assuming that no unsafe action is observed by the examiner,
which could often result in an automatic failure.
DriveTest Examiner Sheet: The Kruzee Breakdown
1 Start
The test begins as soon as the examiner approaches your vehicle and asks you to check
your safety devices (e.g., brake lights, indicators). For this category, you need to be able
to locate and control all the major safety devices in your vehicle and get your car out of
the parking space correctly. When leaving the parking space, make sure that you put your
car in the correct gear, turn on your indicator, and check your mirrors and blindspots
before proceeding.
Can you locate, adjust, You adjust your mirrors if You are unable to identify the
and operate the safety necessary. You demonstrate to vehicle’s safety devices, or start
devices? the examiner that you know leaving the parking spot before
working order.
Do you properly check You check your rearview mirror, You leave the parking spot
all mirrors and sideview mirrors, and blind spots without making sure it is safe to
Do you signal properly Your examiner will ask you to You signal in an opposite
before leaving the signal right; then left. You follow direction, or don’t signal at all.
Can you properly identify You can correctly identify and You mix up the pedals.
2 Backing
As a new driver, you also need to be able to reverse your vehicle appropriately. Examiners
typically test this using a 3-point turn. During a 3-point turn, you’ll need to maneuver your
vehicle three times in order to continue in the opposite direction. This maneuver is tested
in residential areas in most G2 road tests. When performing a 3-point turn, remember to
check your mirrors and blindspots before each of the three adjustments. The examiner will
be keeping an eye on your sequence of actions (e.g., when you shift the gear in reverse)
and will also note how you check what’s behind your vehicle when reversing.
Do you look all around Similarly to in the “start” section, You fail to use your mirrors, or
you when backing out / while leaving the parking spot check your blind spots; you can
leaving the parking your examiner will want to see also lose marks if you only use
spot? that you look all around you, your mirrors, without turning
blind spots.
Do you turn and leave You leave the parking spot at a You leave the parking spot too
the parking spot safe speed level, maintaining full quickly or too slowly, or lose
properly, while control of the steering wheel. control of the steering wheel.
maintaining control of Throughout, you are scanning You fail to scan the road for
the vehicle? the parking lot for other road other road users.
behaviour accordingly.
Do you use the brake and You slowly leave the parking You speed out of the parking
accelerator pedals (and spot, scanning the parking lot for spot, or make a mix up the brake
clutch, if driving manual) pedestrians and other road and accelerator pedals; if driving
properly when leaving the users. If driving a manual car, you manual, you stall the car.
parking spot? leave the parking spot without
3 Driving Along
This category covers the majority of the G2 test. As soon as you leave your parking space,
the examiner will be scoring you on your ability to drive with other vehicles present. This
includes passing, lane changes, right of way, and speed management. This also includes
checking your mirror every 5-7 seconds and checking blindspots before changing lanes.
Do you follow other While there is no hard and fast rule, the You tailgate other cars, or leave
vehicles at a safe examiner will be looking to make sure that too much space in between
distance? you adjust your following distance based yourself and other road users,
Do you choose the You only use the left-hand lane (on a 2+ You fre quently drive in the left-
correct lane to lane street) for passing or making left- hand lane when not turning or
drive in, based on hand turns, and drive in the right-hand passing; you straddle multiple
the driving lane. You make sure to drive clearly within lanes when driving.
multiple lanes.
Do you check You check your mirrors every 5-7 You fail to regularly check your
your blind spots seconds, physically turning your head to mirrors, or only scan them with
and mirrors when ’
show your examiner that you re actively your eyes; even though you can
necessary? checking your mirrors. Be a bobble-head! see your mirrors, if your examiner
doesn t see your head turn, they
Do you properly You signal in the direction your examiner You signal in the wrong direction,
signal when wants you to merge, before actually or signal too early or late. You
changing lanes? merging. After merging, you turn off your leave the signal on even after
signal merging.
DriveTest Examiner Sheet: The Kruzee Breakdown
3 Driving Along
Do you follow all the You yield to other vehicles and You ignore right of way
right of way rules? pedestrians, when local road variations in different areas, and
signs and rules indicate they keep driving even when you
should have the right of way. don’t have the right of way.
Do you properly exercise You slow down when You do not exercise caution when
caution when approaching approaching a school zone or approaching a school zone or
a school zone, pedestrian pedestrian crossing, and follow pedestrian crossing, and keep
crossing, or emergency all road signs. If an emergency driving at your current speed. If an
vehicle? vehicle approaches, you pull over emergency vehicle approaches,
safely, giving the emergency you fail to make way.
vehicle room to pass.
Do you follow speed limits Speed limits are followed at all Speed limits are not properly
properly? times; if no speed limit is posted, followed; if no speed limit is
you drive at 50 km/h. posted, you drive at a different
speed than 50 km/h.
Do you use the brake and You accelerate and decelerate at You accelerate or decelerate too
accelerator pedals (and a steady pace, and brake quickly or too slowly, and brake
clutch, if driving manual) carefully. too hard.
You’ll encounter a number of controlled (i.e., traffic signs or signal lights) and uncontrolled
intersections during the test. The examiner will be testing your ability to obey the traffic
signs, signals, and pavement markings at these intersections. This includes your ability to
stop before the crosswalk or stop sign. They’ll also be feeling for how early you decide to
slow down when approaching an intersection and how hard you slam your brakes. Finally,
remember to yield the right of way to vehicles moving with the traffic signs / signals, or
vehicles to your right that arrived at the intersection at the same time as you.
When approaching an You scan the intersection You proceed through without
intersection, do you thoroughly, looking left, right, looking for traffic signs, other
Do you obey signs, You obey all signs, signals, and You disregard signs, signals, and
markings properly?
at red lights and stop signs, red lights or stop signs, ignoring
Do you slow down / stop You come to a gradual but You perform a “rolling stop”, or
your car at an intersection complete stop at the intersection brake too hard and too quickly.
Is your stopping position You stop before the white line if You cover pedestrian
correct? there is one; if there isn’t a while crosswalks, or stop too far from
line, you stop before the or too far past the white line.
Do you follow right of way You follow right-of-way rules by You ignore right-of-way
5 Turns
As with intersections, you’ll make various turns before completing your road test. Each of
these turns will be observed closely for signaling, position, right of way, steering and
speed. One of the most common mistakes made during turns is not checking blindspots,
which is considered a major error. Speed is also a tricky one, as your turn may require
either a rolling stop or a full stop, depending on where the examiner is asking you to turn.
Do you signal properly You signal properly by activating You fail to signal or signal too
when turning? turn signals well in advance of late, confusing other road users
Are you in the proper You position correctly by aligning You misalign with lanes by
and ha ards.
Do you follow right of way You follow right-of-way rules by You disregard right-of-way by
regulations when turning? yielding to pedestrians and turning without yielding, risking
Do you perform turns You execute turns properly by You perform turns improperly by
properly, neither turning maintaining an appropriate path, turning too wide, encroaching
too wide, or cutting it too avoiding too wide or too tight into adjacent lanes, or cutting
turns that infringe on other lanes. turns too close, risking collisions.
Do you enter the correct If turning left, you first drive into You turn directly into the right-
lane in an intersection the left-most lane, before hand lane if turning left.
when turning? merging into the right-hand lane. Alternatively, if turning right, you
Alternatively, if turning right, you turn into any lane other than the
DriveTest Examiner Sheet: The Kruzee Breakdown
5 Turns
Do you turn your You turn the steering wheel You overturn the steering wheel
steering wheel properly smoothly to initiate the turn, then without allowing for natural
recover properly? easing your grip, guiding it back manually, which can lead to
Do you maintain the You turn at the correct speed You speed when making your
proper speed when limit, and with the flow of traffic. turn, or you drive too far below
flow of traffic.
6 Parking
Everyone knows about the notorious parallel parking that everyone seems to get wrong
during their road test. Although examiners are quite lenient when it comes to this
maneuver, they’re still scoring your ability to signal, check your surroundings, position your
vehicle correctly, and not hit anything in the process. With that said, if your tire does touch
the curb, that’s totally fine – chances are that you’ll get a minor error, as long as the rest of
Do you observe your You use your mirrors and turn You only use your mirrors, and
surroundings properly, your head to check your blind fail to turn your head or check
using your mirrors and spots, so that you have a 360 your blind spots.
Are you able to park You park seamlessly, without You hit an object while parking.
DriveTest Examiner Sheet: The Kruzee Breakdown
6 Parking
Do you position your For parallel parking, you align For parallel parking, you misalign
vehicle properly when your car's rear with the car in with the car in front, causing the
front of the space, then reverse vehicle to end too far from the
to the curb and within 12-18 spots. For front-in parking, you
you approach the spot with your angle or distance, leading to the
Do you signal properly You signal in advance of parking, You signal too late or too early,
before parking?
in the direction you’ll be turning or in the wrong direction. You
During the parking stop, the instructor will ask you to position your vehicle such that it’s on
a grade (e.g., uphill, downhill). Based on the scenario, you’ll need to turn your wheels in
the right direction and engage your parking brake. You can learn more about these
Do you roll backwards You prevent rolling by engaging You allow the car to roll
starting or stopping?
brake when parking on a grade parking or starting on a grade
Do you angle your You angle your wheels You fail to angle wheels correctly
grade: turn them away from the the car rolling into traffic or
Do you set your parking You activate your parking brake You fail to activate your parking
brake properly? when parking on a grade. This brake when parking on a grade.
/ park.
Remember, a few errors won’t make or break your road test! Don’t get frustrated if you
make a mistake – keep going and focus on delivering the rest of your test effectively. Keep
in mind all the categories that the examiner is testing for and practice beforehand. The