Endoceine System - Jobsheet
Endoceine System - Jobsheet
Endoceine System - Jobsheet
Job Sheet
Endocrine System
Q.1A) Name the following
1. A mixed gland.
2. An endocrine gland which secrets insulin.
3. The gland that regulates calcium in blood.
4. The chemical messengers.
5. The master gland.
6. A condition caused due to the hyposecrtion of thyroxin in children.
7. The hormone which prepares the body for defence.
8. The endocrine cells present in pancreas.
9. A hormone secreted by thyroid gland.
10. A hormone secreted by adrenal gland.
11. A condition caused due to the over secretion of thyroxin.
12. The disease caused due to the deficiency of iodine.
13. The hormone which controls the water exchange in the renal tubules.
14. A hormone that controls the basal metabolic rate.
15. The condition which results in abnormally long bones, long lower jaw bone due to the hypo
secretion of a pituitary gland
B) Name the hormone.
1. Which is associated with the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins, calcium and phosphorus?
2. Which controls the calcium content in blood plasma and its metabolism?
3. Which regulates carbohydrate metabolism?
4. Which is helpful in defending the body?
5. Which promotes re-absorption of water from nephron?
6. Which increase blood glucose level?
7. Which hormone is secreted by adrenal gland to meet any emergency situation?
D) The hormones are produced by the following glands. State one function each of these.
1) Thyroid 2) Pancreas 3) Adrenal medulla 4) Posterior Pituitary