Assam Panchayat Rules
Assam Panchayat Rules
Assam Panchayat Rules
RULES, 1995
nothing in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) above shall be deemed to authorise the rejection of
the nomination paper of any candidate on the ground of irregularity in respect of a
nomination paper, if the candidate has duly nominated by means of other nomination
paper in respect of which no irregularity has been committed.
23. Security Money.- (1) At the time or before the time of representation of the
nomination paper, each candidate desiring to stand for election to any category of office
shall deposit or cause to be deposited with the officer authorised to receive nomination
paper, in cash the sum as shown below. A receipt in duplicate shall be obtained by the
candidate in respect of the sum so deposited, from the officer so authorised to accept the
deposit. The concerned officer shall have a Receipt Book for the purpose.
1 2 3
28. Ballot Papers Form I-A, I-B, I-C, and I-D.- (1) Every Ballot Paper shall be
in Form I-A, I-B, I.-C and I-D respectively, appended to these rules and the particulars
therein shall be recorded in the language of the region or such other languages as the
State Election Commission may direct. .
(2) The Ballot paper shall contain the names of the candidates in order in which
they appear in the list of candidates in Form IIIA and IIIB as the case may be, provided
that Ballot paper for each category of office shall be different colours.
(3) If two or more candidates bear the same name, they shall distinguished by the
addition of their occupation or residence or any other manner, as the Deputy
Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be, deem fit and proper.
(4) The Ballot paper shall be serially numbered being printed or written on the
front of the Ballot Paper.
30. Admission to polling Station. - (l)The Presiding Officer shall regulate the
number of electors to be admitted at a time inside the polling. station and shall exclude
there from all other persons except-
(a) the Polling Officers;
(b) the candidates and one appointed polling Agents of each candidate;
(c) persons authorised by the presiding officer;
(d) a child on arms accompanying an elector;
(e) a person accompanying blind or infirm electors who cannot move
without help;
(f) such person as the Deputy Commissioner or Sub-Divisional Officer as
the case may be, or the Presiding Officer may employ for conducting
election under these rules.
(2) The Presiding Officer shall close the polling station at the hour fixed in this
behalf and shall not admit thereto any elector after that hour:
Provided that all electors present at the Polling Station before is closed, shall be
entitled to cast their votes.
(3) Any question that may arise as to whether an elector, for the purpose of the
provision to sub-rule (2), be deemed to be present at the Polling Station before it is
closed, shall be decided by the Presiding Officer and in this respect his decision shall be
31. Preparation of the Ballot Boxes for the Poll. - (1) The Presiding Officer at
each polling station shall immediately before the commencement of the poll, allow the
candidates and their appointed Agents who may be present at such station to inspect the
ballot boxes to be used at the poll and demonstrate to them that these are empty.
(2) The Presiding Officer shall thereafter secure and seal such ballot boxes in such
manner that the slit for insertion on ballot papers remains open and shall allow the
candidates or their appointed Agents who may be present, to affix, if they so desire, their
own seal as well.
(3) The seal used for securing a ballot box shall be fixed in such a manner that it
shall not be possible to open the ballot box without breaking seal.
(4) Every Ballot Box after having been secured and sealed in accordance with
preceding sub-rules shall be placed for the receipt of ballot papers, in full view of the
presiding officers, the candidates and their appointed Agents.
32. Time for Poll. - The time for polling shall be such as may be notified by the
State Election Commission.
33. Adjournment of Poll in Emergencies. - If at an election, the proceedings at
any polling station, are interrupted or obstructed by a riot or open violence, or if it is not
possible to take the poll at any polling station on account of any natural calamity or any
other sufficient cause, the Presiding Officer of such Polling Station shall announce the
adjournment of the poll to a date to be notified by the State Election Commission later
and shall immediately report to the Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer
as the case may be, the circumstances which compelled him to adjourn the poll. The
Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be, shall announce
the date of re-poll in the particulars Station, as may be fixed and notified by the State
Election Commission. The Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer as the
case may be, shall arrange to publish such notification immediately at the office of the
Gaon Panchayat or Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad concerned and in such other
places as may be considered necessary.
34. Fresh Poll in the case of Destruction etc. or Ballot Boxes. - (1) If at any
election any ballot box used at the polling station, or at a place fixed for the poll is
unlawfully taken out of the custody of the Presiding Officer or in any way tampered with
or is accidentally or intentionally destroyed, lost or damaged and the Deputy
Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be, is satisfied that in
consequences thereof the result of the polling at that polling station or place cannot be
ascertained he shall~
(a) declare the polling at the polling station to be void;
(b) report the matter forthwith to the State Election Commission;
(c )request the State Election Commission to appoint a day for fresh poll at
such polling station.
(2) The provisions of the Act and of any rules or orders made thereunder
shall apply to the original poll.
35. Identification of Electors. - (1) As soon as the voter enters the polling
station, the Presiding Officer or the Polling Officer authorised by him in this behalf, shall
check the voter's name and other particulars with the relevant entry in the electoral Roll
and call out the serial number, name and other particulars of the votes.
(2) No objections as to the eligibility of a voter at the election shall be made by
any person other than a candidate or his appointed Agent and such objection shall be
made to the Presiding Officer who shall dispose of the objection summarily and his
decisions thereon shall be final.
(3) In deciding the right of a person to obtain a ballot paper, the Presiding Officer
or the Polling Officer as the case may be, shall overlook merely clerical or printing error
in any entry in the electoral roll, provided he is satisfied that such person in identical with
the voter to whom such entry relates.
36. Issue of Ballot Papers to Electors.- (1) After the identity of the voter is
established, the ballot paper shall be signed by the Presiding Officer or by the Polling
Officer on its back and a mark shall be made by indelible ink on the left index of the
electors and then the ballot paper shall be issued to the elector.
(2) Immediately before the issue of ballot paper to a voter, it shall be marked on
the back with the official mark and an indication shall be placed in a copy of the electoral
roll set apart for the purpose thereafter, in these rules referred to as the marked copy of
the electoral roll, by the Presiding Officer against the name of the voter to denote that he
has received a ballot paper.
(3) The serial number of ballot paper shall be noted against the name of the voter
in the marked copy of the electoral roll.
37. Casting of Votes. - (1) The voter, on receiving the ballot paper shall forthwith
proceed to one of the polling compartments and there make a mark on the ballot paper as
near the symbol of the candidate for whom he intends to vote with stamp provided and
fold the same so as to ensure secrecy of his vote. Thereafter, the voter shall come out of
the polling compartment with the folded ballot paper and insert the ballot paper so folded
into the ballot box in the presence of the Presiding Officer.
(2) Every voter shall cast his vote without delay on his part and shall quit the
polling station as soon as he has inserted the ballot paper into the ballot box.
(3) No voter shall be allowed to enter a polling compartment when another voter
is inside it.
38. Recording Votes of Illiterate and Infirm Voters. - (1) if owing to illiteracy
or blindness or other physical infirmity, a voter is unable to read the ballot paper or make
mark thereon and if the voter so desires, the Presiding Officer shall record the vote in the
ballot paper in accordance with the wishes of the voter and fold it up so as to ensure
secrecy of the vote. The voter then himself or with the assistance of the Presiding Officer
shall insert the ballot paper in the ballot box.
(2) While acting under this rule the Presiding Officer shall maintain utmost
40. Return of Ballot Paper by an Elector. - (I) if an elector decides not to use a
ballot paper after he had obtained the same, he shall return it to the Presiding Officer.
(2) Such ballot paper as referred to in sub-rule (1) shall be marked as 'Cancelled'
and kept in a cover set apart for the purpose and the Presiding Officer shall keep a record
of all such ballot papers.
41. Spoiled Ballot Paper. - A voter who has inadvertently deals with his ballot
paper in such a manner that it can not conveniently be used as such, may, on delivering it
to the Presiding Officer and satisfying him of the inadvertence, obtain another ballot
paper in place of this spoiled ballot paper and such spoiled ballot paper together with the
counterfoil shall be marked by the Presiding Officer as 'cancelled'.
42. Presiding Officer's Entry into the Polling Compartment.- (1) If the
Presiding Officer has reason to suspect that a voter who has entered the polling
compartment and remained inside unduly for a long-time, he shall enter the polling
compartment and take such step as may be necessary to ensure the smooth and prompt
progress of the poll.
(2) Whenever the Presiding Officer enters the polling compartment, he shall be
accompanied by such candidates or their appointed agents, as may be desired by him in
this behalf.
43. Delivery of Ballot Boxes and other Materials of Election to the Deputy
Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer, as the case may be.- (1) The Presiding
Officer shall, at the close of the poll, satisfy himself in the presence of the candidates or
their polling Agents, if any that the seals affixed to the ballot boxes are intact. He shall
then close the slit used for insertion of ballot papers in each ballot box by pasting a piece
of paper in the slit and tying up the ballot box with a string to the slit and secure in such a
manner that it shall not be possible to open the slit without tampering the piece of paper
or breaking the seal. The Presiding Officer shall duly sign such paper and shall allow the
candidates or their appointed Agents, as the case may be, to put their signature thereon.
(2) After closing the slit of each ballot box used for the poll in the manner
prescribed under sub-rule (1) the Presiding Officer shall wrap it with a thick paper and
secure the same by way of pasting and binding with rope. He shall then paste
identification slip on the ballot box noting thereon the serial number and name of the
Polling Station and the election to which it relates and the number of box used in each
(3) The Presiding Officer shall then make up into separate packet-
(a) unused ballot Papers separately for the election of Gaon Panchayat
President, Gaon Panchayat member and Anchalik Panchayat member and
Zilla Parishad member with the accounts thereof;
(b) the cancelled and spoiled ballot papers for each election;
(c) the marked copy or copies of the electoral roll;
(d) any other papers as may be directed by the Deputy Commissioner or
the Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be, to be kept in sealed packets
and note thereon a description of its contents, the election to which it
relates and the serial number and the name of the polling station.
(4) The Presiding Officer shall then prepare a list of the used ballot boxes and
sealed packets in duplicate and note thereon the serial number and name of Polling
Station and put his signature thereon.
(5) The Presiding Officer shall immediately after preparation of the ballot boxes
under sub-rule (1) and (2) and sealed packets under sub-rule (3) and the list under sub-
rule (4) shall deliver the same to the Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer,
as the case may be, or any other Officer authorised by him in this behalf, at such place as
may be directed by him.
(6) On receiving the ballot boxes, the sealed packets and the list under sub-rule
(5), the Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be, or any
office authorised by him in his behalf, shall endorse his receipt on the duplicate copy of
the list after due verification and return it to the Presiding Officer. He shall provide safe
custody of the ballot boxes and sealed packets along with the list so received from the
Presiding Officer.
44. Counting of Votes and Declaration of Results of the Election. - (1) The
Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be, shall arrange
counting of votes on such day and at such hours and place as he may consider necessary
for this purpose in respect of every election. He shall authorise one Officer for counting
the votes in respect of the election of Gaon Panchayat President, Gaon Panchayat
member, and Anchalik Panchayat member and Zilla Parishad members separately. Such
officer may be assisted by such other officers as may be appointed by the Deputy
Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be.
(2) On the date, hours and place fixed under sub-rule (1), the officers so
authorised by the Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer or as the case may
be, shall take up counting of votes in respect of the election as assigned to each of them.
Each such officer shall collect the ballot box or boxes of the particular election in order of
the serial-number of the polling station one by one and satisfy himself in the presence of
the candidates or their Agents, if any, duly appointed by the candidate for this purpose,
that the seal affixed to such ballot box is intact. He shall then open the ballot boxes, take
out the ballot papers, sort them out against each candidate and count the same in presence
of the candidate or their Agents, if any.
(3) The officer shall reject a ballot paper on any of the following conditions
(a) if there is no signature of the Presiding Officer or the Polling Officer
on the backside of the ballot papers;
(b) if the cross mark is placed against the names and symbols of more than
one candidate;
(c) if the ballot paper is without the cross mark;
(d) if the cross mark is so placed as to make it doubtful for which
candidate the vote is intended to be given;
(e) when there is wrong mark or writing on the ballot paper by which the
voter can be identified;
(f) if it is spurious ballot paper;
(g) if it has been so damaged or mutilated that its identity as a genuine
ballot paper cannot be established.
(4) Before rejecting a ballot paper under sub-rule (3), the Officer authorised by
the Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be, shall allow
such of the candidates or their Agents as may be present, to inspect such ballot paper but
shall not allow them to handle it or any other ballot paper. He shall endorse the letter 'R'
on every ballot paper rejected by him.
(5) After counting each ballot paper not rejected by him, he shall keep in record
the valid vote polled to each candidate in a particular election against every polling
(6) The record prepared under sub-rule (5) for the election of the Gaon Panchayat,
President, Member of Gaon Panchayat, member of Anchalik Panchayat and the member
of Zilla Parishad by the respective officer, shall be delivered to the Deputy Commissioner
or the Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be, immediately after the counting is over,
such records shall be retained in the safe custody of the Deputy Commissioner or the
Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be, for a year and shall then, unless otherwise
directed by the State Election Commission, be destroyed.
(7) On receipt of the records under sub-rule (6), the Deputy Commissioner or the
Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be, shall declare the candidate who has received
the highest number of votes in respect of every election, to have been elected to that
office or seat and publish a notice at his office stating the name of persons so declared, as
the President and member of the Gaon Panchayat member of the Anchalik Panchayat and
member of the Zilla Parishad as the case may be, and shall forward a copy to the State
Election Commission for notification.
45. Equality of Votes. - (1) If after the counting of votes it appears that two
candidates of whom only one is to be declared elected, having received equal number of
votes, the Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer as the case may be, or any
Officer authorised by him in this behalf, shall decide which of the two shall be declared
elected by tossing up a coin in presence of such candidates. Each candidate shall be,
assigned one side of the coin by him or by the Officer just before the toss. The candidate
whose side appears visible at the top of the coin after it has fallen flat on any plain ground
or table, shall be declared elected.
(2) If after counting the votes it appears that more than two candidates have
received equal number of votes, the Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer
as the case may be, or any Officer authorised by him, shall cause a draw lot in presence
of the candidates or their Agents in the following manner
(i) the names of the candidates having equal number of votes shall be
written in separate pieces of paper of the same size and those pieces of paper shall
be rolled into separate balls and placed together in a bag. Separate pieces of blank
paper of the same size corresponding to the number of pieces placed in the bag,
shall be rolled in separate balls and placed together in the same bag, and the bag
shall be well shaken. The Deputy Commissioner or the Sub-Divisional Officer as
the case may be, or the Officer authorized by him, shall then brings out one paper
ball from the bag and open the same. If it is blank, it shall be thrown away and the
process shall be continued till the name of a candidate appears in paper ball. The
candidate whose name so appears first, shall be declared elected.
1. Aeroplane 2. Bicycle
3. Boat 4. Bow & Arrow
5. Bucket 6. Car
7. Cart 8. Cup and Plate
9. Dao 10. Hand Pump
11. Coconut Tree 12. Hurricane Lamp
13. Ink pot and Pen ` 14. Jug
15. Letter Box 16. Lock and Key
17. Plough 18. Pitcher
19. Radio 20. Railway Engine
21. Rising Sun 22. Spade
23. Spectacle 24. Sewing Machine
25. Two leaves 26. Watch
(Rule 21)
Name of the party Symbol reserved Symbol
No. PDA.149f95fl57 [Dated the 9th October, 2002]
Preamble. - In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 141 of the Assam Panchayat
Act, 1994 (Assam Act XVIII of 1994), the Governor of Assam is hereby pleased to make
the following rules' namely
1. Short title and commencement.
2. Definitions.
3. Zilla Parishad Fund.
4. Anchalik Panchayat Fund.
5. Gaon Panchayat Fund. .
6. Payment out of Panchayat Fund.
7. Custody of Panchayat Fund.
8. Forms for maintenance of Accounts of Panchayats.
9. Safety of cash.
10. Imprest of cash.
11. Withdrawal.
12. Procedure for submission of claims.
13. Location of Fund.
14. Procedure to deal with Receipt.
15. Receipt Book.
16. Register of Receipt Book and verification of stock Receipt Book.
17. Payment.
18. Correction in Accounts.
19. Register for properties assets.
20. Vouchers and Preparation of bills and Pay order.
21. Legally valid Accounts of all payment.
22. Responsibilities.
23. Authorisation by the Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad and by the
Executive Officer of Anchalik Panchayat to do certain acts by other Officers.
24. Due date for Payment of Salary Wages and Honorarium etc.
25. Procedure of final
26. General Principle of expenditure.
27. Costody of Cheque Book
28. Costody of Bank Pass Book.
29 Register for Government Fund.
30. Receipt of stores.
31. Forms for preparation of bill.
32. Budget for Gaon Panchayat Fund.
33. Budget for Anchalik Panchayat Fund.
34. Budget for Zilla Parishad Fund.
35. District Planning Committee Fund.
36. Procedure for works with the fund of respective Panchayat.
37. Inspection of Works.
38. Original or repair work.
39. Muster Roll.
40. Measurement Book.
41. Imposition of taxes fees, cess etc. by Gaon Panchayat.
42. Imposition of fees within cess etc., by Anchalik Panchayat.
43. Imposition of tools through fees and cess etc. by Zilla Parishad.
44. Fee for mooring on boat etc. by the Anchalik Panchayat and Zilla Parishad.
45. Assessment and collection rules by of taxes etc., Register of or the Zilla
Assessment collection.
46. License fee.
47. Preparation of lists of persons liable to pay cess.
48. Forms
49. Annexure
1. Short title and Commencement. -- (1) These Rules may be called the Assam
Panchayat (Financial) Rules 2002.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official
2. Definitions. -- (1) In these rules unless there is anything repugnant in the
subject or context-
(a) "Act" means the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994;
(b) "Government" means the State Government of Assam;
(c) "Panchayat" means the GaonPannchayat, the Anchalik Panchayat and the
Zilla Parishad;
(d) "Director" means the director of Panchayat and Rural Development,
Assam; (e) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Gaon Panchayat;
{f} "Ex-Officio Secretary" or the "Executive Officer" means the Ex-Officio
Secretary or the Executive Officer of the Anchalik Panchayt;
(g) "Chief Executive Officer" means the Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla
(h) "The Treasury" or "Sub Treasury" means a Government Treasury and
includes a Bank or Branch Bank used as Government Treasury;
(i) "Treasury Officer" means the Officer-in-charge of a Treasury or a Sub-
Treasury and includes the Officer in-charge of a Bank ora Branch of a
Bank used as Government Treasury;
(j) "Rules" means the rules framed under the Act;
(k) "Cash" includes legal tender coin, currency and 'Bank Notes, Cheques
payable on demand, Government Drafts and Bank-Drafts, small supply of
revenue stamps may, when necessary for use as receipt stamps, be kept as
part of the cash balance Government securities, deposits receipts of Banks,
debentures and bonds as security deposit are not to be treated as cash.
(2) Words and expression used herein and not defined, but defined in the Act shall
have the same meaning respectively assigned to them in the Act.
3. Zilla Parishad Fund. - A Zilla Parishad fund as under Section 91 of the Act
shall be administered by the Chief Executive Officer in the manner as prescribed under
sub-section (1)(e) of Section 103 of the Act and held in the manner as prescribed under
sub-section (1) of Section 92 of the Act. The Chief Executive Officer shall be responsible
for proper and just maintenance of the Accounts of the Zilla Parishad.
4. Anchalik Panchayat Fund. - An Anchalik Panchayat fund as under sub-
section (1) of Section 56 of the Act shall be administered by the Executive Officer of the
Anchalik Panchayat in the manner as laid down in sub-section (5) of Section 56 and
under sub-section (1)(a),(b),(c),(d),(e) and (f) of Section 63 of the Act and held the
Anchalik Panchayat fund in the nearest Branch of the State Bank of India or any
Nationalized Bank or Co-operative Apex Bank (or Regional Rural Bank). The Executive
Officer of the Anchalik Panchayat shall be responsible for proper and just maintenance of
the Accounts of the Anchalik Panchayat fund. .
5. Gaon Panchayat Fund. -- The Gaon Panchahyat as under sub-section (1) of
Section 24 of the Act shall be administered by the Secretary of the Gaon Panchayat as
provided under Section 24 of the Act and there shall be placed to the credit thereof at the
nearest Branch of the State Bank of India or any other Nationalized Bank or Co-operative
Apex Bank or Regional Rural Bank. The Secretary of the Gaon Panchayat shall be
responsible for proper and just maintenance of Accounts of the Gaon Panchayat.
6. Payment out of Panchayat Fund. -- The Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla
Parishad or the Executive Officer of the Anchalik Panchayat or Secretary of the Gaon
Panchayat as the case may be, shall not make any expenditure out of the respective
Panchahyat Fund without prior sanction/ approval of the concerned President.
7. Custody of Panchayat Fund. -- The Custodian of the Zilla Parishad fund or of
the Anchalik Panchayat fund or of the Gaon Panchahyat fund shall be in the respective
name of the concerned Panchayat.
8. Forms for maintenance of Accounts of Panchayats. - As provided under sub-
section (1) of Section 28 and Section 60 and Section 97 of the Act, the Gaon Panchayat,
the Anchalik Panchayat and the Zilla Parishad respectively shall maintain respective
Accounts, in the FORMS prescribed and annexed herewith in the Schedule, in the
following manner----
(1) The accountants under different detailed heads shall be maintained separately
for different Minor Head in a ledger (Abstact Ledger) in Form NO.1 and 1A of the
(2) Specially the Accountants of different Zilla Parishad, Anchalik Panchayat and
Gaon Panchayat under a particular detailed minor head, shall be recorded in different
pages in the ledger,
(3) In addition to general Ledger, a Control Ledger shall be maintained in Form
NO.2 of the Schedule to record total transaction under all detailed minor head with a
budget group in a month as recorded in the general ledger.
4 (a) As monthly transaction whether in cash or by Cheque or by Draft or by
postal order shall be entered in the Cash Book in Form No.3' of the Schedule as soon as
they occur and attested by the Chief Executive Officer in respect of Zilla Parishad, by the
Executive Officer in respect of Anchalik Panchayat and by the Secretary in respect of
Gaon Panchayat, with date in token of his check, before attesting. The Officer shall
immediately compare the respective and concerning Bank Receipt and the Pay in slip and
corresponding Bank Pass Book and vouchers etc.,
(b) The cash book shall be closed and balanced each day and checked by the
Officer as provided in sub-rule (4)(a). He shall verify each entry in the Cash Book and
shall put his dated initials in the "Remarks" column against the closing balance token of
his having verified all the entries of the day inclusive of the closing balance;
(c) At the end of each month, the Officer mentioned in sub-rule (4)(a) shall verify
the closing balance in the Cash Book and record a dated certification to that effect that
the cash physically verified and found corrects as per closing balance; .
(d) Analysis of the balance at the close of each month shall be worked out
separately for Government and Panchayat fund. At the .time transfer of charge of the
office, the procedure of closing of the Cash Book at the end of the month indicated
above, shall be followed;
(e) In addition, there shall be separate Memorandum recorded in the last page of
each month showing reconciliation of the Bank Account as shown below which also shall
be signed with date by the Chief Executive Officer in respect of Zilla Parishad, by the
Executive Officer in respect of Anchalik Panchayat and by the Secretary in respect of
Gaon Panchayat Accounts in token of his verification of the bank balance in the Cash
Book and that of Pass Book-
(a) Bank balance as per Cash Book at the end of the month.
(b) (i) Cheque issues but not encashed:
No………… dated…………... Rs………………
No………… dated…………... Rs………………
(ii) Interest credited into pass book not recorded in the
Cash Book ………… Rs. ........................
Total= Rs…………
(c) Deduct (i) amount credited in the Cash Book but not credited in the
passbook…………. Rs…………….
(ii) Bank charges debited in the pass book, but not recorded in the
Cash Book Rs.……….
Total balance as per pass book Rs……………
[(a) Plus (b) Minus (c)]
(f) The cash book shall be bound in convenient volumes, and the pages shall be
machine numbered. Cash Book shall have machine numbered serially, before bringing a
cash book into use, the respective Officer as mentioned in sub-rule (4)(a) shall count the
number of the pages and record a certificate of count of the reverse of the fly leaf of the
cash book.
9. Safety of cash. -- (1) Money in land shall be kept in strong treasures chest and
secured by double locks of different patterns. One of each key shall be kept by the
respective Officer in respect of Zilla Parishad and Anchalik Panchayat and the other by
the respective Cashier. In respect of the Gaon Panchayat one of such keys shall be kept
by the Secretary of Gaon Panchayat and other by the President. In all the cases, the cash
shall not be opened and locked without both the custodians being present.
(2) The concerned Officer as mentioned in sub-rule (4)(a) of rule 8 shall count the
cash in hand on the last working day of each month before recording the certificate as
under rule 8(4)(e).
10. Imprest Cash.-- A Zilla Parishad and an Anchalik Panchayat and a Gaon
Panchayat shall retains as imprest cash up to a maximum of Rs.5,000.00 (Rupees five
thousand) and Rs. 1,000.00 (Rupees one thousand) and Rs. 250.00 (Rupees two hundred
fifty) respectively subject to sanction of the concerned Panchayat.
11. Withdrawal. -- (1) No money shall be withdrawal from the respective fund
unless it is required for immediate utilisation and disbursement.
(2) If for any reason, the amount drawn can not be utilised and disbursed
immediately, the amount as such shall be refunded to the fund and may be drawn again
when required.
12. Procedure or Submission or claims. -- (1) All claims for payment for works
done, services rendered or articles supplied shall be submitted to the concerned Officer as
mentioned in sub-rule (4)(a) of rule 8 by the claimants.
(2) The respective department of the Statr Government as well as the Central
Government and other authorities which are required to transfer Schemes as per Section
19, 49 and 90 of the Act, shall Chann elise all schematic fund to the respective
Panchayats by A/C payee Bank Draft/Banker's Cheque:
Provided that salaries etc., of the staff mentioned under subsection (3) of Section
102 of the Act, shall be channelised to the respective Zilla Parishad by A/C payee Bank
Draft/Banker's Cheque and in time.
13. Location or Fund. -- All dues to the Zilla Parishad and the Anchalik
Panchayat and the Gaon Panchayat shall be credited to the respective fund through the
Cashier in respect Zilla Parishad and Anchalik Panchayat and through the Secretary in
respect of Gaon Panchayat or any other official/ Officer in employment of the Panchayat,
authorised in this behalf by the respective Panchayat. Such dues shall be duly accounted
for the Cashier in respect Zilla Parishad and the Anchalik Panchayat and by the Secretary
in respect of Gaon Panchayat.
Explanation. - In Anchalik Panchayat, the Accountant means the Block
Accountant -Cum-Store-Keeper No. Accountant either of the Zilla Parishad or of the
Anchalik Panchayat shall be handle cash.
14. Procedure of deal with Receipt. -- (1) All receipts due to the Zilla Parishad
and the Anchalik Panchayat and the Gaon Panchayat shall be collected by an Officer or
an employee in the employment of the Panchayat concerned, authorised in this behalf by
the concerned Panchayat Secretary in case of Gaon Panchayat Executive Officer in case
of Anchalik Panchayat and Chief Executive Officer in case of Zilla Parishad. In case of
Gaon Panchayat, the Secretary of the Gaon Panchayat shall function as Cashier.
(2) All such receipts shall be handed over to the Cashier or any other Officer
authorised for the purpose, through the Accountant in respect Zilla Parishad and the
Anchalik Panchayat and the Secretary in respect of Gaon Panchayat who shall account
for such receipts.
(3) The Cashier or any other Officer authorised in this behalf shall enter all such
receipts in the Cash Book on the very date of receipts and each entry in the Cash Book
shall be authenticated by the drawing and Disbursing Officer concerned with his dated
(4) When contribution or allotment from the Government or from any other
authority is received, the Accountant in respect of Zilla Parishad and the Anchalik
Panchayat and the Secretary in respect of Gaon Panchayat shall immediately account for
the same in the relevant ledger and hand over such receipts to the Cashier or any other
Officer authorised in this behalf who shall enter such receipt in the Cash Book on the date
receipt. In respect of receipt by Cheques other than Government Department, the
procedure outlined in AFR 57 shall be followed.
(5) The receipt as under sub-rule (4) above, the Cashier or any other Officer
authorised in this behalf shall issue a pacca receipt in favour of the payee duly signed by
the Cashier or the Officer authorised in this behalf. Checked and signed by the
Accountant and countersigned by the Chief Accounts Officer as mentioned in sub-section
(2) of Section 102 of the Act in respect Zilla Parishad and by the Executive Officer in
respect of Anchalik Panchayat and by the President in respect of Gaon Panchayat.
(6) Separate sets of Books of Accountants shall be maintained for Government
receipts and Panchayat's own receipts as well.
(7) Subject to furnishing of security amounting to not less than Rs. 3,000.00
(Rupees three thousand) The Cashier shall be entitled to a monthly allowance as detailed
below for average monthly cash disbursement up to Rs. 4,000/- Rs. 10/- Rs. 4,001/- to
Rs. 20,000/ - Rs. 20/- Rs. 20,001/- Rs.50,000/- Rs. 30/- Rs. 50,001/- to Rs. 1,00,000/- Rs.
40/- above Rs. 1,00,000.00 Rs. 5O/-
In calculating the amounts, all payment made by cheques and drafts, pay and
allowances of gazetted Offinging a Receipt Boocer deputed to the Panchayat shall be
excluded. The allowance if allowed, shall be made available out of the own resources of
Panchayat concerned.
15. Receipt Book. -- The receipt Form No.4 of the Schedule to be bounded
containing 50 (fifty) pages each, each page in original, duplicate and triplicate shall be
consecutively machine numbered. Before bringing a Receipt Book into use, the Officer in
respective Panchayat as under rule 8 (4) (a) shall count the number of pages and record a
certificate on such count on the reverse of the fly leaf of the Receipt Book.
16. Register of Receipt. Book and Verification of Stock Receipt Book. -- (1) A
Register for Receipt Book shall be maintained in Form No.5 of the Schedule. The Receipt
of Books shall be kept under the personal custody of the Chief Executive Officer in
respect of Zilla Parishad, the Executive Officer in respect of Anchalik Panchayat and the
Secretary in respect of Gaon Panchayat or under the custody of any other Officer that
may authorised in this behalf, under lock and key. Normally, one Receive book shall only
be issued for use at a time. Used Receipt Book shall be returned to respective Officer or
to the Officer authorised in this behalf, within a week from the date of use of the last
(2) The stock of used and unused Receipt Books shall have be verified at the end
of each financial year commencing from first day of April every and ending on thirty first
day of March next year by the office concerned and a certificate indicating the result of
verification shall be record in the Register of Receipt Books.
17. Payment. - All payments shall be fully supported by duly stamped payee's
receipt. Save or otherwise provided, all receipts for money shall be acknowledged by a
receipt in FORM No.4 of the Schedule to these rules.
18. Correction in Accounts. -- No eraser or overwriting shall be made in any
Account Book. Correction shall be made, if required, in red ink by drawing a line through
the mistaken entries and by writing the correct figures in a nearby space. All such
corrections shall be properly attested by the Officer concerned with dated initial. No page
should be torn or removed from any Account Book, pages may however be cancelled by
drawing a line through such page(s) and writing "Cancelled". Such cancellation shall be
attested by the Officer concerned with dated initials.
19. Register for properties assets. -- All properties vested in the Zilla Parishad
and the Anchalik Panchayat and the Gaon Panchayat shall be entered in the Register for
properties and assets in FORM no. 6 of the Schedule to these rules. In addition to all
items of furniture and other equipment, this Register should contain a list of building and
land and the like which are vested in the concerned Panchayat. Whenever any Property is
acquired or disposed of it should be entered in the Register of properties and assets, with
necessary details. Entries shall be attested by the Officer concerned.
20. Vouchers and preparation of Bills and Pay Order.-- (1) The Cashier or the
Officer authorised in this behalf, shall obtain for every payment he makes, voucher
setting forth full and clear particulars on the claims and all information necessary for its
proper clarification and identification of payment, signed by the person by whom or in
whose behalf the claim is put forwarded. This acknowledgement shall be taken at the
time of payment. A note of the deal and the mode of payment in the corresponding ledger
before the same are passed on to the Cashier by the Officer authorised in this behalf.
Note: 1: All vouchers shall be processed through and correctness thereof checked
by the Accountant in respect of payment made by the Zilla Parishad and the Anchalik
Panchayat and by the Secretary in respect of Gaon Panchayat who shall obtain "pay
order" thereon after obtaining prior approval of the concerned President of Zilla Parishad
or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Gaon Panchayat as the case may be and record the
details of the payment in the corresponding ledger before the same is passed on to the
Cashier by the Officer authorised in this behalf.
Note: 2: Voucher includes a Bill paid.
Note: 3: A Bill is a statement of claim against the Zilla Parishad or the Anchalik
Panchayat or the Gaon Panchayat, as the case may be containing specification of the
nature of works/supply and the amount of the claim. All bills shall be submitted in the
Proforma prescribed below:
ORDER NO……………………………………… DATE…………………………….
BILL NO…………………………………………. DATE…………………………….
Specification of Works done Rate per unit Amount
or supplied made
Total Rs.
(-) Deduct Tax/
Recoveries made …………………………………………………………………..
Net claims Rs………………………………………………………………………
(Rupees… ................................................................................................................ )
Note: Pay order of the Officer as under sub-rule (2) (a) shall be recorded on the
original copy of the voucher under his dated initial, while in other copies, if any, extract
of the pay order in the original copy should be recorded.
(3) Filling of voucher. -- Office copy of voucher and Acquaintance shall be filed
and retained carefully in the office in a guard-file for vouchers.
21. Legally valid Accountanys of all payment.-- (1) The Officers as mentioned in
Rule 20(2)(a) shall be responsible for valid Accounts for the amounts drawn by Cheque
on Account of Bill passed by him.
(2) The Cashier or the Officers mentioned Rule 20(1) shall be responsible to
obtain and preserve a legally valid Acquittance for the amount drawn in sub-rule (1).
23. Authorisation by the Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad and by the
Executive Officer of Anchalik Panchayat to do certain acts by other officers. -- (1)
The Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad and the Executive Officer of Anchalik
Panchayat may entrust all or any executive function as enumerated in these rules to any
Gazetted Officer of the State Government working under him during his absence from
the Zilla Parishad or the Anchalik Panchayat as the case may be in respective Head
Quarter on duty.
But in such occasion, the Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla Parishad or the
Executive Officer of the Anchalik Panchayat, as the case may be, shall continue to
remain responsible for all the duties and functions entrusted by him. But in the matter of
Earned Leave, the standing Government procedures followed in such occasion shall be
(2) In respect of the Secretary of the Gaon Panchayat in this absence from head
quarter either on duty or on Earned Leave, the responsibilities and Executive functions
shall be entrusted to one Officer by the Executive Officer of the concerned Anchalik
24. Due date for payment of Salary Wages and Honorarium etc.-- (1) Bills for
monthly pay and wages of the employees and allowances and honoraria of the President,
Vice-President and of the members of the Zilla Parishad and the Anchalik Panchayat and
the Gaon Panchayat who are entitled to such allowances and honoraria, shall not be
drawn before the first day of the following month.
(2) If the first two days of the following month are holidays; such payment may
be made on the last calender day of the month for which, such pay, wages, allowances
and honoraria are due.
25. Procedure of final. -- (1) The last payment of pay and allowances and any
amount due otherwise shall not be made in respect of a Zilla Parishad or Anchalik
Panchayat or Gaon Panchayat employees or President, Vice-President or member, as the
case may be, finally quitting the service by retirement, resignation, dismissal, removal,
death or otherwise, until the Officer mentioned in Rule 20 (2) (a) has satisfied himself by
reference to the relevant records that there is no demand outstanding against him/her or
he / she is not involved in any financial litigation or loss concerning the Zilla Parishad or
the Anchalik Panchayat or the Gaon Panchayat, as the case may be.
(2) In the event of payment, the Officer mentioned in the Rule 20 (2) (a) shall
record a certificate in the payment order sheet stating, that the incumbent/ member has no
demand outstanding as referred , to in sub-rule (1).
(3) In case there is any demand, outstanding for recovery from the
incumbent/member, the same shall be recovered from his/her due and the balance paid to
him/her. Relevant Government rules and order for recoveries from Government servants
shall be followed.
27. Custody of Cheque Book. -- The officers as under sub rule (2) (a) of Rule 20
shall keep the cheque books in his personal custody under lock and key. On receipt of a
cheque book, he shall count the numbers of cheques that such a cheque book contains and
shall record a certificate on the reverse of the fly leaf of the cheque book stating the
number of cheques the book contains, such certificate shall be duly signed with date by
the concerned officer. A register of cheque book shall be maintained as per proforma
Forms for maintenance of stock.
Accounts of CHEQUE Books.
Date To whom No. of cheques Book Signature of the Signature of
issued with the serial recipient the head of
No. of cheques. Officer
7 8 9 10 11
28. Custody of Bank Pass Book. -- (1) The Bank Pass Book shall kept the under
the personal custody of the Officer as under sub-rule 2(a) of Rule 20 in respect of
different Panchayats. The officer, from time to time, shall verify the entries in the Pass
Book and shall bring to the notice of the concerned Bank or Banks formally of any
discrepancy that might occur for immediate reconciliation.
(2) No entry or mark shall, under any circumstances, be made in the Bank Pass
Book by anyone connected with the Office of the! Zilla Parishad, the Anchalik Panchayat
and the Gaon Panchayat.
30. Receipts of stores.-- (1) All materials received should be examined, counted,
measured or weighted as the case may be, when delivery is taken and these should be
kept in-charge of the Accountant in respect of Zilla Parishad and the Anchalik Panchayat
and in charge of the Secretary in respect or Gaon Panchayat who shall account for the
materials in the stock Book and be required to give a certificate on the body of the bill to
the effect that the actually received the materials in good condition and recorded, these in
the corresponding stock, book in the following manner
“Received the articles as specified in the Challan/Bill No…………………
dated… ........................................... in good condition and recorded these at
page No………….. of stock No… ......................... ”
Such certificate shall be recorded under the dated initials of the Accountant or the
Secretary of the Gaon Panchayat, as the case may be, which shall be countersigned by the
Chief Executive Officer in respect of Zilla Parishad and by the President in respect of
Gaon Panchayat with reference to the entries in the stock book. For proper counting,
weighting and measuring as per specification, the help of technical person, where
necessary, shall be taken invariably and a certificate obtained from the technical person
concerned to that effect.
(2) The stock book shall be in FORM No.8 of the Schedule.
Works Expenditure
36. Procedure for Works with the Fund of Respective Panchayat.-- (1) The
Zilla Parishad or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Gaon Panchayat, as the case may be, may
itself accord the approval to carry out any work, the estimated cost of which does not
exceed Rs. 50,000.00 out of its own fund in respect of Zilla parishad and Rs. 20,000.00 in
respect of Anchalik Panchayat and Rs. 10,000.00 in respect of Gaon Panchayat. For
construction works, Zilla Parishad, Anchalik Panchayat or Gaon panchayat are required
to obtain technical approval from the technical wing of the District Rural Development
Agency. But all the Panchayats i.e. Zilla Parishad, Anchalik Panchayat and Gaon
Panchayat shall prepare a detailed plan and estimate including site plan in the form used
by the Public Work Department of the Government.
(2) The plan and estimate as prepared in respect of every work, the estimated cost
of which is above Rs. 50,000.00, Rs. 20,000.00, Rs. 10,000.0 in respectively of Zilla
Parishad, Anchalik Panchayat, Gaon Panchayat as the case may be should obtain
technical approval from the concerned department i.e., Public Work Department in Case
of construction of buildings, roads and culverts etc., from Irrigation Department in the
matter o£ Irrigation works and Public Health Engineering in case of construction of
Drinking Water Supply works by the Chief Executive Officer in respect of Zilla Parishad.
Executive Officer in respect of Ancha1ik Panchayat and the Secretary in respect of Gaon
For administrative approval for the works of which the estimated cost are more
than Rs. 50,000.00, Rs. 20,000.00 and Rs.10,000.00 in respect of Zilla Parishad,
Anchalik Panchayat and Gaon Panchayat as the case may be, the concerned Zilla
Parishad or the Panchayat need to obtain the same from Panchayat & Rural Development
Department, Government of Assam. :
Provided further that for the work the estimated cost of which is less than Rs.
10,000.00 no technical approval is required, provided the estimate is prepared by a
technical person.
(3) The local competent authority of the Public Works Department, Irrigation
Department or the Public Health Engineering Department as the case may be shall
examine the plans and estimates and if satisfied in regard to the property, correctness and
feasibility thereof as well as the project, then only accord technical approval to the
Provided that if it appears to the authority concerned that the plan and estimates
are sent without proper information or in an incomplete or incorrect form, the concerned
authority may return the plans and estimates to the Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik
Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad, as the case may be for re-submission:
Provided further that Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat, or the Zilla
Parishad as the case may be shall re-submit the plans and estimates after doing the
needful within seven days from the date of receipt back of the same from the concerned
authority and the concerned authority shall accord necessary technical approval within
fifteen days from the date of resubmission of the plans and estimates:
Provided also that the concerned authority while according technical approval
shall be responsible for the Engineering character of the project.
(4) On receipt of the technical approval in respect of any project the, estimated
cost of which is above Rs. 10,000.00 and the plan and estimates in respect of the project
the estimated cost of which is below Rs. 10,000.00 the Secretary in respect of Gaon
Panchayat and the Executive Officer in respect of the Anchalik Panchayat and the Chief
Executive Officer in respect of the Zilla Parishad shall submit the same at a meeting of
the respective Panchayat for the approval, which shall be recorded in the proceeding Bill .
Provided that before the projects are placed in a meeting of the Gaon Panchayat or
the Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad as the case may be the project should have
the recommendation of the concerned Standing Committee or Committees as under
Section 22 in respect of the Gaon Panchayat and Section 52 in respect of Anchalik
Panchayat and Section 81 in respect of Zilla Parishad of the Act.
(5) The Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad, as the
case may be, shall not accord approval to any plan and estimate against which there is no
corresponding budget provision and required fund available; in respective Panchayat
(6) The President in respect of Gaon Panchayat, and the Executive Officer in
respect of Anchalik Panchayat and the Chief Executive Officer in respect of Zilla
Parishad shall check and verify the plans and estimates and the drawings and countersign
all these documents before issuing of the Administrative approval as a mark denoting the
approval of the project by the concerned Panchayat.
37. Inspection of Work.-- (i) The Technical Officer that may be posted by the
Government as under Section 112 of the Act, shall inspect the works which are being
carried out by the Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat or by the Zilla Parishad. He
shall have the power to inspect the books of accounts of works. He shall submit a report
of such inspection to the Zilla Parishad and the Zilla Parishad who shall have the power
to take appropriate action on such report and report to Government when found
Provided that the Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat shall intimate the
Zilla Parishad the details of approved projects and the date of starting execution.
(ii) An Officer specially authorised by the Government may inspect the offices or
premises of or work taken up by the Zilla Parishad/Anchalik Panchayat/Gaon Panchayat
and for the purpose examine or cause to be examined any books of accounts/documents
etc. and call for any records statement from the Zilla Parishad, the Anchalik Panchayat or
the Gaon Panchayat concerned who shall furnish the same.
Audit of Accounts
(iii) The accounts of Zilla Parishad, the Anchalik Panchayat and the Gaon
Panchayat as the case may be, shall be audited by authority as may be prescribed by the
State Government in this behalf.
(iv) In case of any fraud/ embezzlement noticed in the office of the Zilla Parishad
/Anchalik Panchayat/Gaon Panchayat that may be brought immediately to the notice of
the higher authority.
38. Original or Repair Work. -- (1) Original or repair works shall not be
undertaken in installments. For instance, an estimate for an original works or repair
works the cost of which exceeds the sanctioning powers of the Panchayat shall not be
split into small estimates to bring them within the power sanction of the Panchayat.
(2) In case of imminent danger to a structure or works, urgent repairs may be
taken up in anticipation of approval by the concerned Panchayat body:
Provided that the cost of emergent repair works should not exceds Rs. 5,000.00
for each structure of works.
(3) The schedule of rates prescribed by the Public Works Department of the
Government shall be followed in the execution of works by the Panchayats:
Provided that in those types of works for which no rate is prescribed by the State
Public Works Department, the technical Officer as mentioned in Rule 37 may prepare
schedule or rates for such type works for all the Panchayats:
(4) In regard to the execution of works by the Panchayats by the contractor, the
rules for execution of works by the State Public Works Department shall apply mutatis
mutandis save as otherwise directed from time to time by the Chief Executive Officer of
the Zilla Parishad.
(5) Earnest Money for the works shall be accounted for in a Register in FORM 12
of the Schedule. Before allotting the works, a contract deed shall be executed specifying
in clear terms following-
(i) Estimated cost of works;
(ii) Amount of earnest money to be deposited which shall be sufficiently large
to be the security against any possible loss;
(iii) Stipulated date of commencement of the works and completion thereof;
(iv) The specification and rates;
(v) A clause imposing penalty in case of non-compliance with any of the
condition laid down; and
(vi) The terms upon which the payment will be made with necessary provision
for safeguarding property of the panchayat entrusted to the Contractor.
(6) The Chief Executive Officer in respect of Zilla Parishad the Executive Officer
in respect of Anchalik Panchayat and the President in respect of Gaon Panchayat shall
invite works tenders if the concerned Panchayat decides the works to be done by
contractor. The tenders received shall be decided by Standing Committee constituted
under sub-section (1) of Section 22 and sub-section (l) (a) of Section 52 and sub-section
{a} of Section 81 of the Act. The concerned Standing Committee shall open the tenders
and recommend for acceptance by the President of the Zilla Parishad or the Anchalik
Panchayat or the Gaon Panchayat as the case may be:
Provided that the lowest tender shall be accepted unless there is any objection to
the capability and financial status of tender and in such cases for not accepting the lowest
tender shall be recorded.
39. Muster Roll. -- Wages of labour engaged in works done shall-be drawn in
Muster Roll in FORM No. 13 of the Schedule showing the names of labourer of days
they work and amount due to each of them. The daily attendance and, absence of labour
or labourers shall be recorded distinctly so as to prevent any correction in the original
entries. The Muster Roll shall be prepared by the Anchalik Panchayat/Development
Block Overseer/Junior Engineer in respect of works relating to Gaon Panchayat and
Anchalik Panchayat and by the Junior Engineer of the Zilla Parishad in respect of works
of the Zilla Parishad and be countersigned by the Secretary in respect of Gaon Panchayat
and by the Executive Officer in respect of Anchalik Panchayat and by the Chief
Executive Officer in respect of Zilla Parishad. Payment to labourers shall be made in
presence of members of local Gaon Panchayat or Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla
Parishad and signature on thumb impression of the payees obtained on the Muster Roll.
The amount paid in each date shall be noted both in figures and words at the foot of the
Muster Rolls, duly attested by the disburser.
40. Measurement of Book.-- (1) Measurement of work done other than by daily
labour and supply made, shall be recorded in the measurement Book in FORM No. 14 of
the Schedule. The Measurement Book shall be maintained by the sub-Engineer/Junior
Engineer of the Anchalik Panchayat/Development Block in respect of works of the Gaon
Panchayat as well as Anchalik Panchayat and by the Junior Engineer or the Zilla Parishad
in respect of the works of the Zilla Parishad in accordance with the rules laid down
therefore by the State Public Works Department.
(2) In case of works done by the Panchayat through daily labourers, the
measurement of works done shall also be recorded in the Measurement Book when items
of works done are susceptible to measurement.
(3) Before finally passing the Muster Roll the Secretary in respect of Gaon
Panchayat, the Executive Officer in respect of Anchalik Panchayat and the Chief
Executive Officer or by his authorised Technical Officer as under sub-section (5) of
Section 102 of the Act in respect of works of Zilla Parishad shall cause physical
verification of at least ten percent of the entries made in Muster Roll/Measurement Book
and record a certificate to this effect below that last entry of the work in the Muster
Roll/Measurement Book. The concerned Officer as mentioned above as the case may be
shall ensure correctness of all entries into the Muster Roll/Measurement Book.
(4) A Register of Measurement Books shall be maintained which show the names
of Officers to whom the Measurement Books were issued. Books no longer in use,
whether completely or partly written up shall be returned to the Officer who has been
authorised in this behalf. The preservation and destruction of records shall be done
according to the provision in the Assam Financial Rules.
41. Imposition of Taxes, Fees, Cess etc. by Gaon Panchayat. (1) The Gaon
Panchayat may from time to time at a meeting convened expressly for the purpose for
which due notices has been given, impose within the local limit of its jurisdiction subject
to the approval of the concerned Zilla Parishad, taxes, fee, cess, at such rates not
exceeding the maximum limit prescribed hereunder.
(2) The Maximum of taxes or cess or fee etc., imposed under sub section (1) and
(2) of Section 25 of the Act, shall be,
(a) House hold tax
(i) For brick or R. C. C. Building used for purpose other than business Rs.
150/- per annum payable by the owner or the occupant, as the case may
(ii) In case of an occupied brick or R.C.C. Building used for business, a
rate not exceeding Rs. 250/- per annum payable by the owner or the
occupant as the case may be;
(iii) For Assam type house with C.I. sheet roofing used for purpose other
than business Rs. 50.00 per annum payable by the owner or the occupant
as the case may be;
(iv) For Assam type house with C.I. sheet roof used for business purposes
Rs. 2,000/- per annum payable by the owner or the occupant as the case
may be;
(v) For house hold with bamboo, mud wall and thatched roof Rs. 10/- per
annum payable by the owner or the occupant as the case maybe;
(b) Tax on trades, callings, manufacture and production and employment save and
except those levied under any provision of this Act or under any enactment for the time
being in force, a sum not exceeding Rs. 350.00 per annum.
(3)(a)An additional stamps duty on all payments for admission to any
entertainment, a sum not exceeding Rs. 1.00 per admission;
(b) a fee for providing sanitary arrangement at places of workshop, pilgrimage,
fairs or melas, a sum not exceeding Rs. 200.00 per diem;
(c) A water rate where arrangement for supply of water for drinking, Irrigation or
any other purposes is made, a sum not exceeding Rs. 10.00 per annum for house hold for
drinking purpose and Rs. 20.00 per annum per bigha of land for supply of water for other
purpose and for the purpose of irrigation;
(d) A lighting rate where arrangement for lighting of public street and places is
made, a sum not exceeding Rs. 10.00 per light point per month recoverable from
beneficiaries equally;
(e) A conservancy rate where arrangement for clearing private latrines and urinals
is made, a sum not exceeding Rs.I00.00 per occasion per unit and Rs. 50/- per occasion
respectively recoverable from the beneficiaries.
(4) The Gaon Panchayat constituted under the Act, shall within the three months
from the date of its constitution frame. Bye-Laws as provided under sub-section (3) of
Section 25 of the Act, indicating the rates of taxation on the items as under clauses
(a),(b), (c), (d), (e) of subsection (3) of Section 25 of the Act and submit the same to the
concerned Zilla Parishad, on receipt of the Bye-Laws submitted by all the Gaon
Panchayats under it, shall consolidate the same keeping conformity for the whole district
and submit the same to the Government. .
42. Imposition of Fees within and cess etc., Anchalik Panchayat.-- An
Anchalik Panchayat constituted under the Act, shall by one year from the date of its
constitution frame Bye-Laws as provided under sub-section (5) of Section 57 of the Act,
indicating rates of taxation on the items as under sub-section (l0) (a), (b), (c),
(d),(e),(f},(g) of Section 57 of the Act and submit the same to the concerned Zilla
Parishad. On receipt of the Bye-Laws from all the Anchalik Panchayats under it, the Zilla
Parishad shall consolidate the same keeping conformity for the whole district and then
submit the same to the Government.
43. Imposition of Tools through fees and cess etc. by Zilla Parishad.-- A Zilla
Parishad constituted under the Act, shall within months from the date of its constitution
frame Bye-Laws as provided under sub-section (3) of Section 95 of the Act, indicating
rates on the items as under sub-section (1) and (2) or Section 95 of the Act and submit the
same to Government.
44. Fee for Mooring on Boat etc., by the Anchalik Panchayat and Zilla
Parishad. -- (1) (a) The Anchalik Panchayat and the Zilla Parishad may impose tolls fee,
on the Row-Boat, skiff or other light craft, country Boat or any other vessel propelled by
stem, motor, electricity or by other mechanical powers, mooring within the jurisdiction of
the Anchalik Panchayat and the Zilla Parishad by a resolution passed at a meeting of the
Anchalik Panchayat and the Zilla Parishad decides to do so:
Provided that the landing stage shall be deemed to be maintained by the Anchalik
Panchayat or by the Zilla Parishad as the case may be, at their respective cost or if the
Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad keeps the slope to the water edge in repair and
provides rings, bolard ropes, chains or the like facilities for moorings:
Provided further that no fee shall be imposed upon any Boat of the Government or
of local authority or of the maintenance of which in the execution of their duties an
allowance is made by the Government of a local authority to any of their Officers;
(b) No fee shall be imposed on boat plying for hire in connection with a ferry
recognised by statue or statutory rules;
(c) No fee shall be imposed upon boat kept for sale by any bonafide manufacturer
of such boats;
(d) The Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad as the case may be, may require
the owner of any boat or boats for certain sum to be paid for boats belonging to such
owner or kept in his charge in lieu of the fees prescribed in sub-rule (1) para (c) vessels
which moor at more than one ghat under the same Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla
Parishad as the case may be, during the same day shall be taxed for one ghat only on that
particular day.
(2) When the Anchalik Panchayat or The Zilla Parishad as the case may be,
determine that the fees shall be imposed under sub-rule (1) an order shall be published
not less than one month before the beginning of a year in which it shall take effect
specifying the amount of fees to be charged.
(3) A fee for mooring at any other places within the local limit of the jurisdiction
of the .Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad, provided that mooring at such place has
not been prohibited under any Bye-Laws, on a scale to be approved by the State
Government but not exceeding half the rate provided under sub-rule (1).
(4)(a) When a fee is imposed as under sub-rule (1) the Anchalik Panchayat or the
Zilla Parishad shall arrange to collect the fees due at every landing stage, or may lease
out the right to collect the fees at such stage.
(b) The Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad as the case may be, shall either
through its own agency or through the person to whom the right to collect fees is leased,
(i) The maintenance of the fore-shore in a. hygienic condition;
(ii) The provision necessary for mooring of boats and appurtenance.
(5) Any person aggrieved at the imposition of fees, may appeal to the Zilla
Parishad, whose decision in this behalf shall be final.
(6) Where resistance is offered to any person duly authorised by a Gaon
Panchayat or an Anchalik Panchayat or a Zilla Parishad to collect fees, any Police Officer
whom he may call to his aid, shall be bound to assist him and such Police Officer shall
for that purpose have the same powers as he has in the exercise of their ordinary police
(7) When any person, authorised to collect fees, demands or takes higher fees
authorised under the rules, such person shall be punishable with fine which may extend to
Rupees two hundred, and if such person is an employees of the Government or the Gaon
Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat or Zilla Parishad, shall be subject to such
disciplinary action and punishment as may be determined by the Zilla Parishad in respect
of Panchayat employees and by the Director of Panchayat and Rural Development,
Assam in respect of Government employees.
45. Assessment and Collection Rules by of Taxes etc., Register of or the Zilla
Assessment Collection.-- (1) Any tax, fee and cess imposed as under these the Gaon
Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat Parishad may be recorded in a register as per and
FORM NO. 15 of taxes etc., attached to these rules.
(2) The Gaon Panchayat and the Anchalik Panchayat and Zilla Parishad shall
make necessary arrangement for assessment and collection of taxes etc., imposed under
the provision of the Act.
(3) All assessment made by the Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat or the
Zilla Parishad shall be approved in a meeting of the respective Panchayat and make Bye-
Laws for the purpose of imposition, assessment and collection and refund of taxes, fees,
cesses etc., within the same limits prescribed in this behalf under sub-rule (5).
(4) Collection of taxes or fees etc., shall be made by an authorised Officers of the
Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad as the case may be, who
shall give clear receipt in FORM No.4 attached to the schedule to those rules save as
otherwise provided in those rules.
(5) Save as otherwise provided in those rules, the taxes etc., payable by any
assesses whether consolidated or not, shall fall due in four equal installments payable in
cash on or before 30th September, 31st December, 31st March and 30th June each year.
If any assesses fails to make payment by the due date, the entire amount of taxes etc.,
payable shall be deemed to have become arrear after the due date and shall be
recoverable under sub-rule (7).
(6) All sums received or collected on account of any rates, taxes etc., under the
Act or rules framed there under shall be deposited into the accounts of the respective
(7) The Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad as the
case may be recover any tax leviable or demand payable under this Act or under any rule
or Bye-Laws made there under, the recovery of which is not otherwise provided for, as if
the same were of land revenue recoverable under the Assam land and Revenue
Regulation, 1886.
46.(1) When it has been decided that license fee shall be or imposed under Rules
41, 42 and 43, Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad, as the
case may be at meeting shall make an order that the owner of every carriage or cart or
Hotel or Cinema Hall etc., of kind specified in the order, residing in the local limit of the
Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad as the case may be, shall
pay such fee as may, subject to the maximum as may be indicated in the respective Bye-
Laws, be Fixed in the order for each half year beginning from the first day of the first and
seventh month of each Panchayat year and take out a license for that half year or a year.
No such cart or carriage or Hotel or Shop pr Cinema Hall etc., shall be in operation
unless the owner thereof has paid such fee and taken out a license. The Gaon Panchayat
or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad, as the case may be shall cause such order
to published in the form prescribed in Annexure-A to those rules at least on month before
the commencement of the half year or a year in which it shall take effect and shall be
specified the fee not exceeding the amount as may be prescribed, under Rules 41, 42 and
43 which shall be charged in respect of different classes of charge or cart or Hotel or
Shop or Cinema Hall etc,:
Provided that the Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla
Parishad, as the case may be, may permit the owner of any such carriage or cart which is
casually brought with him into the local limit of either of the Panchayat's jurisdiction to
keep or use the same without a license, for such period not exceeding 30 days in the year:
Provided further that no license shall be required in respect of-
(a) Carriage or cart belonging to Government Municipal Corporation,
Municipality, Town Committee or Panchayat Body;
(b) Carriage or cart belonging to any officer or employee of any such local
authorities which is generally used for the execution or discharge of his official duties
and for which an allowances is paid by Government;
(c ) Carriage or cart kept for sale by any bonafide dealer if such carriage or carts
are not used for any other purpose.
(2) Any other of the Gaon Panchayat or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla
Parishad as the case may be, imposing fees under the preceeding sub-rules shall continue
in force until rescind and the fees shall be charged at the rate specified in the order
published as under sub-rule (1) of Rule 46 unless and until, the Gaon Panchayat or the
Anchalik Panchayat or the Zilla Parishad as the case may be, a meeting held not less than
one month before the end of each half year or a year, made published and other
specifying and different fee which shall be charged for the ensuing half year or a year.
(3) License how can be obtained. -- The owner of every carriage or cart or Hotel
and Cinema Hall, Shop etc., shall forward to the concerned Panchayat within the first
month of each half year or a year, a statement duly signed and dated by him in one form
that may be prescribed by the concerned Panchayat containing particulars or carts
carriage, Hotel, Shops, Cinema Hall etc., and pay at the same time to the concerned
Panchayat, the fee which he is liable to pay in respect of such carts carriage, Shop, Hotels
and Cinema Hall etc., during the half year or a year for issue of license.
(4) On receiving the amount of fee as aforesaid, the concerned Panchayat and any
persons authorized by it in this behalf, shall issue to the person paying the same, a license
in Form No. 16 or a token of Registration number, as the case may be, for each of the
period for which the amount is received.
(5) Proportionate and carriage acquired during the year.- Whether to pay if
any person acquires possession at any time after the commencement of any half year or a
year of any Carriage, Cart or Hotel or Shops or Cinema Hall etc., in respect of which no
license has been given for such year or a year, he shall forward a statement as above,
within one month of the date on which he may have acquired possession thereof shall pay
such amount of fee as shall bear same proportion of the half year or a year as the un-
expired portion of the half year or a year bears to the half year or a year and such amount
shall be calculated from the date on which such person may have acquired possession as
aforesaid. .
(6) Liability to pay Fees even whom the owner is absent.--Whether the owner
of any Carriage, Cart or Hotel or Shop or Cinema Hall etc., liable to pay the fees ceases
to be a resident within the limits of the concerned Panchayats jurisdiction to which the
fee is dues, the person in whose immediate possessions, the Cart or Carriage, or Shop or
Hotel or Cinema Hall etc., is for the time being kept shall take a license for the same.
(7) Penalty-(a) the concerned Panchayats shall cause a notice on the
owner/occupant of such Carriage, Cart etc., mentioned in sub-rule (6) to pay the arrear of
license fee with 10% as penalty within three months from the date of issue of the Notice.
In case of failure to pay the arrear license fee within the prescribed time he shall be liable
to pay a fine @ 10% as further penalty on the whole amount payable as arrear for each
year. The amount shall be realised in the manner prescribed for realisation of arrear land
revenue as prescribed in Rule 46(7).
(b) Whoever keeps or is in possession in of any carriage, cart etc., as mentioned in
sub-rule (6) without the license shall be liable to pay a fine not exceeding 20 times the
amount payable by him/her in respect of such license inclusive of the amount payable.
(8) List of owners. - The concerned Panchayat shall from time to time, caused to
be prepared and entered in Register in FORM NO. 17 to be kept by it and to be open to
the inspection of any person interested herein, - the list of the owners liable to pay fee and
to take a license indicating therein, the Cart or Carriages or Hotels or Shops or Cinema
Hall etc., in respect of which the fees for the current half year or a year has been paid in
the name of the person to whom license for such things have been issued.
(9) Power to inspect Stable etc., and to summon persons Liable to the
Payment of Fee. - The concerned Panchayat or any person authorised by it in that behalf,
may at any time enter and inspect and stable or coach, house, or any place wherein it may
have reasons to belief that there is any carriage or cart liable to license fee, for which a
license has not duly obtained. The concerned Panchayat may summon any person whom
it has reason to believe to be liable to the payment of any such fee, or any servant of such
person, may examine such person or servant as to the number and description of the
carriage or cart in respect of which such person is liable to pay license fee.
48. Preparation of List of Persons liable to Pay Cess.-- (1) When it is decided
to impose a cess or water rate for recovery of the cost on Minor Irrigation works taken up
within the Panchayat area or for the purpose of maintenance & repair of such works, the
Panchayat, concerned shall cause to prepare a list of such person liable to pay the cess for
water rate and serve notices on the person concerned within seven days on the completion
of assessment.
(2) Such cess or water rate may be paid half yearly or yearly as may be decided
by the concerned Panchayat.
49. Notwithstanding Government may consider the remission cases of the
Hat/Ghat/Fisheries on special ground viz. - flood, natural calamities and any other
disturbances which is beyond the control of the locality and the authority.
Item of Receipt…………………….. Financial year…………………
Date Receipt Expenditure
Fro Receipt Amount Amount of Expenditure
D m No and Cash Particul Amount Balance
Book To
a Who Date Prog Remar Book ars of Rem
page no Amo Date whom
t m receipt rassi k page no of Expend Ban Ban ark
of cash unt paid Cash Cash
e Rece Book ve cash Book iture k k
ived No
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
N.B.:- (1) Each independent item of receipt shall be entered in a separate page of the
(2) Corresponding records in each entry in the ledger (Receipt) shall be verified
by and shall be signed in support of the verification by the Chief Executive
Officer in respect of Zilla Parishad, the Executive Officer in respect of Anchalik
Panchayat and G.P. in respect of Gaon Panchayat Entries in columns
(Expenditure) be verified and signed accordingly by the concerned Officer at the
time of payment on the voucher.
(3) The Accountant in respect of Zilla Parishad and the Anchalik Panchayat and
the G.P. Secretary in respect of G.P. shall be responsible for maintenance of the
(4) The Accountants and the G.P. Secretary as order as under SL 3 above shall put
all vouchers for pay orders to the concerned officer along with his ledger keeping
the vouchers on the same page in which corresponding records on receipts and
expenditure have been recorded.
[Sub Rule -3 of Rule 8]
Financial Year…………………….
Receipt Expenditure
D Cash Page Purp Amoun Prog Rem Date Cash Page Purp Amount of Expenditure Prog Rem
a no of ose t ressi arks book no of ose Amount Balance resiv arks
t receipt of ve page receipt of Ban Cash Ban Cash e
e and recei no book expe k k
expend pt in no and ndit
iture brief expend ure
ledger iture in
no ledger brief
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
N.B. - (1) Separate control ledger shall be maintained both for Govt. fund and other
Panchayat fund.
(2) The officer concerned shall cause due verification of the entries and signed it.
Annexure – 1
Cash Book of ……………………..for the month of …………………
Receipt payments
[Rule 15]
Checked by……………………………..
Signature of the cashier or the officer with designation
Authorised to receive cash
Signature of the Accountant…………………………..
Countersigned by………………………………………
Date of Sl. No. of Serial No Signature of Date of To Signature of Return of used Book Signatu Remarks
Receipt Book of receipt the issue whom the Receipt Sl By re of
received against concerned issued receiptent Book No whom the
cash Book Officer No of returne Officer
in column rece d concer
2 ipt ned
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Sl. No Date of Particulars Where Price Date Amount Signature Remark Certificate
acquisitition of property placed or paid realized of (Give all or
(give also situated(The attesting relevant verification
details of list should Officer office by the
ownership be Gaon reference) Officer
registration) Panchayat concerned
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Sl. Date of No & date of By whom Specific Period within Amount No & date of Condition if
No receipt sanctioning letter sanctioned purpose on which the sanctioned the Treasury any laid for
which sanctioned voucher utilization of
sanctioned amount to be under which the sanctioned
utilized the amount amount
has been
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Annexure - II
Register of Stock Book of …………………….
Zilla Parishad/Anchalik Panchayat/Gaon Panchayat……………………
Description of Items
Opening Balance From Receipt Total
Voucher No
Date Whom
Quantity Value and Date Quantity Value Quantity Value
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Annexure - III
Receipt of Zilla Parishad/Anchalik Panchayat/ Gaon Panchayat… .............. (Rupees in
Annexure – IV
RECEIPT HEADS (REVENUE ACCOUNTS)… ............................. (Rupees in thousand)
Total-Tax Revenue
Non-Tax Revenue
Major Head-10S5-Road
800 Other Receipts
Total Non- Tax Revenue
Grants-in-aid and Contribution
Major Head 1601 Grants-in-
aid/assistance from
Central/State Government
(a) Grants-in-aid from Central
Govt. (Minor heads
corresponding to programme
minor heads in the Section
"Expenditure Heads(Revenue
Account)" to which the
assistance from Central
Government relates may be
opened under the sub-l!lajor
(b) Assistance from State
Government (Minor heads
corresponding to programme
minor heads in the Section
"Expenditure Heads (Revenue
Account)" to which the
assistance from State
Government relates may be
opened under the sub-major
Major Head-1604-
Compensation and
Assignments from State
200 Other Miscellaneous
Compensation & Assignments
xx Share of Compensation and
Assignments from State
Government/Zilla Parishad
/Panchayat Samiti. (Minor
heads corresponding to
programme minor heads in the
Section "Expenditure Heads
(Revenue Account)" to which
the compensation
& assignments from State
Government relates may be
opened. Refer to List of Codes
of Functions, Programmes &
Activities for PRIs for
900 Deduct Refund
Total-Grants-in-aid and
Total-Revenue Receipts
4000 Capital Receipts
800 Other Receipts
Major Head 6003 Internal
109 Loans from other
xx (each institutions to be
shown separately as sub-head)
800 Other Loans
Major Head 6004 Loans and
Advances from Central/State
01 Non-Plan Loans
800 Other Loans
02 Loans for Plan Schemes
101 Block Loans
800 Other Loans (Details to be
given at
sub-head level)
Total Debt
Major Head 6202-Loans for
Education, Sports, Arts &
03 Sports and Youth Services
800 Other Loans
xx Youth Clubs (sub-head)
Major Head 6215- Loans for
Water Supply and Sanitation
01 Water Supply
102 Rural Water Supply
02. Sewerage and Sanitation
800 Other Loans
Major Head-626l-Loans for
03 Rural Housing
800 Other Loans
Major Head-640l-Loans for
Crop Husbandry
104 Agriculture Farms
Major Head-6403-Loans for
Animal Husbandry
195 Loans to Animal
Husbandry Co-operative
Major Head-6404-Loans for
Dairy Development
102 Loans for Dairy
Development Project
Major Heads-6515-Loans for
Other Rural Development
103 Loans for Rural Works
Major Head-2059-
Public Works
01 Office Building
053 Maintenance and
xx Works Charged
Establishment (sub-head)
xx Other maintenance
expenditure (sub-head)
60 Other Buildings
051 Construction
xx Construction of
Sheds, Godowns,
053 Maintenance and
xx Work Charged
Establishment (sub-head)
xx Other Maintenance
Major Head-2071-
Pension and Other
Retirement Benefits
01 Civil
101 Superannuation and
Retirement Advances
04 Pensionery Charges
xx Payment of Pension
and other retirement
107 Contributions to
Pension and Gratuities
108 Contributions to
Provident Funds
800 Other Expenditure
(will include as object
Charges Contributions
for pension and ,eave
salary of employees on
deputation etc.)
Major Head-2202-
General Education
01 Elementary Education
101 Primary Schools
(sub-major head)
xx Opening of new
Schools/Conversion of
Basic Schools into
Primary Schools
yy Provision of
(detailed head)
01 Salaries(Teachers)
21 Supplies & Materials
(Object Head)
l02 Assistance to
Voluntary Organisation
for Primary Schools
l04 Inspection
107 Teacher's Training
109 Scholarship &
800 Other Expenses
xx School Lunch/Mid-
Day-Meal Programmes
21 Supplies & Materials
02 Secondary Education
(sub-major Head)
104 Teachers & Other
105 Teacher's Training
107 Scholarships
109 Secondary Schools
04 Adult Education
(Sub-major Head)
103 Rural Functional
Literary Programmes
200 Other Adult
Education Programmes
Major Head-2203-
Technical Education
103 Technical Schools
xx Craft Centres
01 Salaries (to
14 Rent, Rates & Taxes
20 Other Administrative
Expenditure (Cash
Incentives to trainees and
training material)
50 Other Charges (Prizes
107 Scholarships
800 Other Expenditure
xx Vocational Education
Major Hrad-2204-
Sports and Youth
101 Physical Education
xx Assistance to Primary
xx Assistance to Non-
Govt. Schools
103 Youth Welfare
Programmes for non-
xx Youth Camps
xx. Youth HQstels
xx N.C.C.
104 Sports & Games
xx Maintenance of
xx Maintenance of
Major Head-2205-Art
and Culture
101 Fine Arts Education
xx Assistance to Private
102 Promotion of Art &
105 Public Libraries
xx Assistance to Public
Major Head-2210-
Medical & Public
03 Rural Health
101 Health sub-centres'
102 Subsidiary Health
103 Primary Health
110 Hospitals &
06 Public Health (sub-
major head)
101 Prevention &
Control of diseases
xx National Anti-Malaria
Programme (NAMP)/
xx Trachoma &
Blindness Control
Programme (TBC)/
xx National Aids Control
Programme (NAC)
yy Directorate of
(detailed head)
01 Salaries
02 Wages xx Medical
relief camps
Major Head-2211-
Family Welfare
101 Rural Family
Welfare Services
xx Family Welfare
103 Maternity and Child
xx Immunisation of
infants & pre-school
Major Head"2215 Water
Supply. and Sanitation
01 Walter Supply
001 Direction &
01 Salaries
11 Travel expenses'
13 Office expenses
102 Rural Water Supply
xx Drinking Water
Supply schemes
xx Maintenance &.
Repairs of water supply
lines tube-wells etc.
(works & works charged
establishment to be
shown separately)
Major Head-2216-
03 Rural Housing
102 Provision of house
site to landless &
800 Other Expenditure
Major Head-2225-
Welfare of Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled
Tribes and Other
Backward Classes
0 I Welfare of Scheduled
277 Education
xx Scholarship to SC
students in primary
34 Scholarships/Stipends
xx Scholarship to SC
students in secondary
34 Scholarships/Stipends
xx Scholarship to SC
students in Non-Govt.
34 Scholarships/Stipends
xx Other concessions to
SC students in Primary
50 Other Charges
xx, Other concessions to
SC students in Non-
Govt. Schools
50 Other Charges
xx Maintenance of
hostels for SC s.tudents
27 Minor Works
xx Health
282 Housing 283
Provision of house site to
landless SC
02 Welfare to STs (same
minor heads & subheads
as welfare of SCs
03 Welfare of OBCs
(same minor heads
& Subheads as welfare
of SCs)
Major Head-2235-
Social Security and
02 Social Welfare
101 Welfare of
102 Child Welfare
103 Women's Welfare
104 Welfare of Aged,
Infirm and Destitute
Total 2235
Major Head.2236.
02 Distribution of
Nutritious Food and
101 Special Nutrition
102 Mid-day Meals
xx Distriburion of
nutritious mid day meals
Major Head-2401-Crop
109 Extension and
Farmer's Training
110 Crop Insurance
115 Scheme of small &
Marginal farmers
& agricultural labourers
119 Horticulture and
Vegetable crops
xx Kitchen gardens &
vegetable crops
xx Fresh fruits &
vegetable nursery
Total-l 19
195 Assistance to
farming Co-operation
800 Other Expenditure
Total .2401
Major Head-2402-Soil
and Water
102 Soil Conservation
xx Reclamation of
xx Water Conservation
800 Other expenditure
Major Head-2403-
Animal Husbandry
101 Veterinary Services
and Animal Health
xx Prevention & control
of anima! diseases
102 Cattle and Buffalo
xx Cattle shows
xx Cattle breeding
103 Poultry
xx Poultry Farms
xx Total- xx
107- Fodder and Feed
108 Insurance of
livestock & poultry
800 Other Expenditure
xx Gosadan etc.
Major Head-2404-
Dairy Development
102 Dairy Development
195 Assistance to Milk-
(each milk scheme will
be a minor head)
Major Head-2405-
10 1 Inland Fisheries
Xx Landing and Berthing
Major Head-2406-
Forestry and Wild Life
01 Forestry
102 Social Farm Forestry
xx Rural Forestry
Major Head-2408-Food
Storage &Warehousing
01 Food
101 Procurement &
xx Public Distribution
yy Fair price Shops
(detail head)
yy. Co-operative
Societies (detail head)
102 Food Subsidies
Major Head-2501-
Special Programmes
for Rural Development.
01 Integrated Rural
003 Training
xx TRYSEM Training of
Rural Youth for Self
34- Scholarship/Stipend
02 Drought Prone Areas
102 Afforestation
03 Desert Development
04 Integrated Rural
Energy Planning
104 Project
06 Self Employment
101 Swarnjayanti Gram
Swarojgar Yojna
Major Head-2505-
Rural Employment
01 National Programmes
702 Jawahar Gram
Sarnridhi Yojna '
xx Employment
Guarantee Scheme
33- Subsidy
Total- 702
Major Head-2506-Land
101 Djrection &
102 Consolidation of
800 Other Expenditure
Major Head-2515-0ther
Rural Development
101 Panchayat Raj
xx Zilla Parishad/Panchayat
Parishad administration
yy Allowances &
honorarium of Chairman
(detailed head)
06 Honorarium
11. Domestic Travel
yy Allowances &
Honorarium of Vice-
Chairman (detailed head)
06 Honorarium
11 Domestic Travel
yy Allowances & honoraria
of Members (detailed head)
06 Honorarium
11 Domestic Travel
yy Zilla ParishadIBlock
Panchayat Administration
0 I Salaries
11 Domestic Travel
13 Office Expenses
(postage, stationery etc.)
14 Rent Rates & Taxes
20 Other Administrative
(will include Panchayat
election expenses)
28 Professional Service
Expenses (Will include
fees for preparation of
annual accounts if any)
32 Contributions
yy Civil Services (detailed
20 Other Administrative
expenses (social & cultural
activities) 21 Supplies &
Total- xx
26 Advertisement and
Publicity (public T.V,
27 Minor Works
(maintenance of burial
Akharas, public lavatories,
Street lighting etc.)
Major Head-2702-Minor
01 Surface Water
101 Water Tanks
xx Maintenance & Repairs
of Water Tanks/Ponds
(works expenditure & work
charged expenditure
to be shown separately)
102 Lift Irrigation Schemes
xxCanals .
yy Maintenance & Repairs
of Canals (works
& work charged
expenditure to be shown
02 Ground Water
103 Tube wells
yy Maintenance & Repairs
of Tube wells (works
expenditure & work
charged expenditure to be
shown separately)
Major Head-2801-Power
06 Rural electrification
800 Other expenditure
xx Maintenance of Street
Major Head-2810~Non-
Conventional Sources of
01 Bio-energy
102 Community &
Institutional Bio-gas
xx Maintenance of Bio-gas
02 Solar
101 Solar Thermal Energy
xx Maintenance of Solar
lights, Cookers etc.
Major Head-2851-
ViIlageand Small
102 Small Scale Industries
103 Hand Loom Industries
104 Hand Craft Industries
105 Khadi & Village
106 Coir Industries
107 Sericuiture Industries
111 Employment Scheme for
Educated unemployed youth
200 Other Village Industries
xx Food Processing
(any other schemes as per
local needs)
Major Head-3054-Roads
and Bridges
03 State Highways
102 Bridges
xx Maintenance & Repairs
(works expenditure &
work charge expenditure to
be shown separately)
337 Road Works
xx Maintenance & Repairs
(works expenditure &
work charge expenditure to
be shown separately)
Total xx
04 District and other Roads
337 Road Works
xx District Roads
yy Maintenance & Repairs
(works expenditure &
work charge expenditure to
be shown separately)
xx Rural Roads
yy Maintenance & Repairs
(works expenditure &
work charge expenditure to
be shown separately)
Major Head-3055-Road
800 Other Expenditure
(Expenses on each transport
service run by panchayats
will be recorded under
suitable sub-heads & detailed
head e.g. management,
operation, repairs &
maintenance etc.)
Total-expenditure Heads
(Revenue Account)
Major Head-4059-Capital
Outlay on Public Works
01 Office Buildings
051 Construction
xx Construction of Office etc.
(Details of each construction
to be given separately.)
201 Acquisition of land
60 Other buildings (sub-
major head)
051 Construction
xx Construction of Sheds,
Tanga stands, Bus stops,
Bathing Ghats etc.
80 General (sub-major head)
201 Acquisition of land
Major Head-4202-Capital
Outlay on Education,
Sports, Art and Culture
01 General Education
201 Elementary Education
xx Buildings
xx Construction of Primary
Schools, Pathshalas etc.
xx Assistance for
Construction of primary
03 Sports and Youth Services
101 Youth Hostels
xx Constructions of Youth
102 Sports Stadium
xx Construction of Sports
xx Constructions of Play
04 Art and Culture 105
Public Libraries xx
Construction of District
xx Assistance for
Construction of Libraries
Major Head 4210 Capital
Outlay on Medical and
Public Health
02 Rural Health
101 Health Sub Centers
102 Subsidiary Health
103 Primary Health Centers
xx Constructions of Primary
Health Centers
xx Purchase of Equipment &
linen etc.
21 Supplies & materials
52 Machinery & equipment
104 Community Health
xx Construction of
Community Health Centers
xx Purchase of Equipment,
linen etc.
21 Supplies and Material
52 Machinery & Equipment.
110 Hospitals & Dispensaries
xx District Health Centers
yy Construction of District
Health Centers
yy Purchase of Equipment,
linen etc.
21 Supplies & materials
52 Machinery & equipment
Total-l 10
Total 4210
Major Head~4211-Capital
Outlay on Family Welfare
101 Rural Family Welfare
103 Maternity and Child
xx Constructions of
Maternity and Child Welfare
Centre at (to be indicated
separately for each centre)
106 Services & Supplies
xx Details of Centre
21 Supplies and Material (to
be shown centre wise)
Major Head-4215-Capital
Outlay on Water Supply
and Sanitation
01 Water Supply
102 Rural Water Supply
xx Laying of Water Supply
Scheme at --------
xx Tube wells/wells
yy Drilling of Tube
wells/wells at--------
Total- xx
Major Head-4216-Capital
Outlay on Housing
03 Rural Housing
800 Other Expenditure
(Each class of scheme will be
a minor head)
Major Head 4225 Capital
Outlay on Welfare of
SC,ST, and OBC
01 Welfare of SC
277 Education
282 Health
283 Housing
800 Other expenditure
02 Welfare of ST
277 Education
282 Health
283 Housing
800 Other expenditure
03 Welfare of OBCs
277 Education
282 Health
283 Housing
800 Other expenditure
Major Head-4235-Capital
Outlay on Social Welfare
02 Social Welfare
101 Welfare of handicapped
102 Child Welfare
(schemes like construction of
Anganwari centers may be
shown separately.)
103 Women's Welfare
104 Welfare of Aged, Infirm
& Destitute
Major Head- 4401-Capital
Outlay on Crop Husbandry
101 Farming Co-operatives
102 Food Grain Crops
xx Construction of Godowns
103 Seeds
xx Purchase and Sale of
Xx Development &
Distribution of Seeds
52- Machinery & Equipment
Total- xx
Total-l 03
103 Manure & Fertilizers
xx Purchase of manure
Major Head-4402-Capital
Outlay on Soil & Water
102 Soil Conservation
xx Construction of
Bandhis/Water sheds
Major Head-4404-Capital
Outlay on Dairy
102 Dairy Development
xx Construction of Buildings
for Dairies
Major Head-4405-Capital
Outlay on Fisheries
101 Inland Fisheries
xx Village Fisheries
xx Construction of Fish pond
800 Other expenditure
Major Head-4406-Capiatl
Outlay on Fisheries 01
102 Social and Form Forestry
xx Plantation on road sides
xx Development of Waste
xx Development of Grazing
xx Agriculture farms &
Major Head-4408-Capital
Outlay on Food Storage
and Warehousing
01 Food
101 Procurement & Supply
02 Storage and Warehousing
101 Rural Godown
xx Schemes for development
of rural godowns
xx Buildings
xx Development of Mandis,
Major Head-4425-Capital
Outlay on Co-operation
106 Investment in
Multipurpose Rural Co-
xx Purchase & Distribution
of fertilizers through Co-
Major Head-4515-Capital
Outlay on Other Rural
Development Programmes
102 Community development
xx Construction of Building
Total- xx
Major Head-4702-Capital
Outlay on Minor Irrigation
051 Construction
xx Construction of Canals
(each scheme to be shown
xx Construction of Tube
wells (each scheme to be
shown separately)
xx Construction of tanks
(each scheme to be shown
052 Machinery & Equipment
799 Suspense
Major Head-4801-Capital
Out Lay on Power Projects
06 Rural Electrification
800 Other Expenditure
xx Fixing of Street Lights
Major Head-4810-Capital
Out Lay on Non-
conventional sources of
101 Bio-energy
xx Schemes including Bio-
gas plants
02 Solar
xx Construction of Solar
Energy projects
xx Improved Chullahs &
other efficient energy devices
Major Head 5054 Capital
Outlay on Roads and
03 State Highways
101 Bridges
xx Construction of Roads,
Bridges etc.
xx Acquisition of Land
337 Road Works
xx Construction of ...,.....
xx Acquisition of Land
04 District and Other Roads
337 Road Works
xx Constructions of Village
Major Head 5055 Capital
Outlay on Road Transport
102 Acquisition of Fleet
xx Purchase of Vehicles
Total- Expenditure Heads
(Capital Account)
Major Head-6003-Debt
109 Loans from other
Institutions (each institution
to be shown separately)
xx Repayment of loans to
other institutions (each
institution to be shown
xx Repayment of loans to
ZPIPSNP (each institution to
be shown separately)
800 Other Loans
Major Head-6004-Loans
and Advances from
Central/State Government
01 Non-Plan Loans
800 Other Loans (repayment
of loans to Central/State
Govt. to be shown at sub-
head level)
02 Loans for Plan Schemes
101 Block Loans
800 Other Loans (repayment
of loans to CentraVState
Govt. to be shown at sub-
head level)
Major Head-6202-Loans
for Education, Sports, Art
and Culture
01 General Education
202 Secondary Education
xx Loans for Educational
institutions for
Constructions of buildings
203 University and Higher
xx Loans for deserving
students under
National Scholarship Scheme
02 Technical Education
103 Technical Schools
xx Loans to poor students in
Engineering Colleges
Major Head-6215-Loans
for Water Supply and
01 Water Supply
xx Rural new Water supply
02 Sewage and Sanitation
800 Other Loans
xx Sanitation Services
Major Head-640l-Loans for
Crop Husbandry
800 Other Loans
xx Modern Agricultural
xx Farmers Loans
Major Head-6403-Loans
for Animal Husbandry
195 Loans to animal
husbandry co-operatives
Major Head-6404-Loans
for Dairy Development
102 Dairy Development
Major Head-65l5-Loans for
Other Rural
Development Programmes
800 Other Loans
Major Head-685l-Loans for
Village and Small
109 Composite village and
small industries co-operatives
xx State Handicraft
Development Scheme
Major Head.76l0-Loan to
Panchayat Employees
201 House Building
xx House Building Advances
to Panchayat Employees
202 Advances for the
purchase of Motor
xx Advances for the purchase
of Motor Conveyances
203 Advances for purchase of
other Conveyances
xx Advances for purchase of
800 Other advances
xx Advances for marriage
Total-Loans and advances
Total Part-I Panchayat
Register of Lands in charge of Zilla Parishad/Panchayat Samiti/Village Panchayat
Date of
From Whom Reference to Survey no.
Transfer Area of
Sl.No Transferred/ Purpose agreement etc. with
purchase or land
acquired award etc. boundaries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Boundaries if any No. and
Assessment/ of Amount
sketch of the acquired the building/ paid Rs.
date of Remarks
land with the voucher
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
(Sub-Rule 5 of Rule 38)
Nature of Signature of the
Date of deposit(with of the concerned
Sl.No Amount Purpose Remarks
Receipt No and concerned officer
date) officer relating
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cash Book Voucher No……………………………… Date…………………….
Description No Names (Grouped Father’s Day’s worked Rates Amount due Dated initial and remarks
according to class) Name Date of month of paying officer made at
1 2 3 4 total the time of payment
Measurement Book No.
Sl.No Name of Amount Previou Total Date of Receipt Amoun Outstanding Initial of the Remarks
assesses assessed during s arrear Collection No & t at the end of officer
with full the current Date collecte the year concerned
address year(Yearly d
Rs……. Half
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
FORM No. 16
(Counter File) No. .....................
The 200....................................
Na Nam Father’ Reside Full Amount Current Total Amoun License Amount Amount remitted
me e s Name nce particulars of arrear Tax deman t of Book deposited
of (Here insert (from 1st d for Tax No Amo Date Amo Ref to
the kind of the Half the 1st realize unt unt remission
Vill item for Year) half d order No
age which year & date
license is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Det Bala Amoun Current Total Amount License Amount Amount remitted Total Balanc Remar
ail nce t of Tax demand for of tax Book No. deposited Amount amount e ks
acc outst arrear second half realized Ref to remission of outstan (Mutati
oun andi Tax year order No & date collecti ding at ons
t of ng at (from Amo Date on & the cancell
coll the last unt remissi close of ation
ecti clos half on the half etc.)
on e of year) year
& half
rem year
15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Account for the year…………………….
S Name How Registration/ Mou Name of Date of Settlem Arre Total amount Receipt Balanc Remar
l of the acquire patta/dag No. za lessee for settlem ent ar realized No & e ks
. assets d by (where the year ent price any during the Date
N and Pancha available of with full for the year
o address yat land) address year
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
and Description Period Receipt Permit
Name of Fees of
Sl. No name of of of No. & when Remarks
fisheries paid Rs. issuing
the instrument permit Date issued
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Signature & Seal of the Officer Signature & Seal of the Officer
(RULE-46 (1))
I Shri… ................................................................................................................................. as president Gaon
Panchayat/Anchalik Panchayat/Zilla Parishad do hereby order and notify under Rule-47 (1) of the Assam
Panchayat (Financial) Rules, 2002, that every owner of……………………………………… per list
appended herewith, who are residing within the territorial limits of the… .................................... Gaon
Panchayat/Anchalik Panchayat/Zilla Parishad, be liable to pay licence fee and shall takeout a licence on a
half yearly/yearly basis for every year for the purposes, commencing from
.................................To…………………..from the Office of the ............................................ Gaon
Panchayat/Anchalik Panchayat/Zilla Parishad by paying the prescribed amount of fee
within ..................... without fail.
Failure to do so, on the part of the aforesaid owners shall ;invite penalty under the said Act, and
the Rules thereunder.
(Signature of the President of .................................
Gaon Panchayat/Anchalik Panchayat/Zilla Parishad.
(* Strike out the word or words which is not applicable.)
(RULE- (11)(i)
………………………………………………………………….is hereby appointed to collect the
authorized fees in respect of… ................................................................... Market/ Ferry/Fishery under the
following conditions :
That the lessee shall pay as rent, sum of Rs… ........................................... for which he (and his
surety/sureties)… ........................................................................................................(name of surety/sureties
jointly or severally shall be furnished) here bound by …………………………. ( + )………………………
Nos. of installments in a year, that is to say :-
Rs. On the day
Rs. On the day
Rs. On the day
( + ) here interest the number of installments, which should be the same of the number quarterly or monthly
periods for which the lease is granted.
To the ........................................... Gaon Panchayat/Anchalik Panchayat/Zilla Parishad for the right
to appropriate to his own use………………………………years from the ................................................ day
of………………. to the day… ....................................... the fees to be levied in respect of the said Market/
Ferry/ Fishery according to his scale mentioned by the said *Gaon Panchayat/Anchalik Panchayat /Zilla
And further that the sum of Rs………………………….Deposited by the leasee with the said
………………………..Gaon Panchayat/Anchalik Panchayat/Zilla Parishad as security for due payment of
the next reserved as aforesaid and the observance of the conditions of the lease.
That on non-payment of rent, the said sum or so much thereof, as is necessary shall be appointed
by the said ......................... Panchayat as rent, and the lessee shall forthwith deposit such further amount as
will restore the said deposited sum. And further that the lessee shall fulfill the following convenants:
(a) He shall provide and maintain a pure source of water supply.
(b) He shall cause the market to be drained iri such manner as the Panchayat may direct and keep
the drain clean or he shall maintain the drain in good order.
(c )He shall cause the market to be kept clean of filth and refuse and all refuse, sweepings garbage
and manure to be removed to a distance of not less than 250 yards from the boundary of the Market at his
own cost and burnt, and shall have all corpses found within the market removed to a similar distance and
(d) He shall himself accompany any Officers authorized by Government or the Panchayat to
inspect the market or depute some persons to accompany him when inspecting the market.
(e) He shall report to the nearest office authorized under relevant Sections of the Prevention of
Food Adulteration Act, 1954 when putrid fish, flesh, fruits, Vegetable or other articles of Food and Drink
are exposed for sale in the Hat.
(f) He shall provide and maintain a latrine and maintain a urinal within the market for the
convenience of the public and shall cause it to be cleaned to the satisfaction of the Panchayat concerned.
(g) He shall publish and keep published on a board the fees leviable under the orders of competent
authority and shall not levy any excessive or unwarranted fees. Without prejudice to the generality of the
conditions of this lease, the concerned Panchayat shall be at liberty to cancel this lease immediately in the
event of the levy by the lessee of excessive for, unwarranted fees, and that in addition to and not in
substitution for, any other penalties to which the lessee may thereby become liable.
(h) He shall keep order in the market or cause it to be kept and shall abide by all the lawful
directions of the Panchayat.
(i) He shall charge not toll or fees in respect of Government goods belonging to, or carried on
behalf of Govt. And further, that the lessee shall not assign or sublet the right to collect the authorized fees
in respect of the said ............ market without the consent in writing of the said .................. Panchayat.
In the event of his breaking any of the convenants herein contained, the said................. Panchayat
shall be at liberty to cancel his lease and the lessee shall forfeit without objection, the aforesaid authority
deposited by him and upon the determination of the lease in consequence of his breaking any of the
convenants herein obtained, the said… ........................ Panchayat shall be at liberty to re-sell the right to
collect the authorised fees in respect of the said ............ market to any other person, and if the price fetched
at such re-sell does not cover the balance of the rent payable by him, to take action for the recovery of the
amount of loss him and his surety or sureties or his/or theirs/heirs execution or representatives as arrears of
land revenues unless the amount of security deposited by him with the said ............................ Panchayat or
the residue of it, if any, is sufficient to defray the amount of loss.
Also that sum which the lessee become liable to pay in virture of this agreement shall be
recoverable from him/and his surety or sureties or his or their heirs, executors or representatives in the
manner provided by law for the recovery of arrears of land revenue:
Provided also that in lieu of cancellation, the Panchayat may direct the sum deposited as surety or
any portion thereof to be forfeited and shall be forfeited accordingly to the Panchayat, and the lessee shall
forthwith deposit such further amount as shall restore the sum to be deposited to the said sum of
.................................... .............
President/Executive Officer/
Chief Executive Officer
I accept this lease subject to all the conditions mentioned therein.
Signature or thumb impression of the lessee
[Dated the 26th August, 2002]
No. PDA. 118/95/58- In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 141 of the Assam Panchayat Act,
1994 (Assam Act XVIII of 1994), the Governor of Assam is hereby pleased to make the following rules,
1. Short Title and Commencement. - (1) These Rules may be called the Assam Panchayat
(Administrative) Rules, 2002.
(2) They shall come into force on such date as may be fixed by the State Government in this
behalf by Notification in the Official Gazette.
2. Staffing Pattern for Gaon Panchayat, Anchalik Panchayat and Zilla Parishad. - (i) the
following shall be the staffing pattern for Zilla Parishad, Anchalik Panchayat and Gaon Panchayat
(a) For Zilla Parishad - Grade - III - Staff.
(i) Head 1 (One)
(ii) Upper Division Asstt. 2 (Two)
(iii) Lower Division Asstt. 4 (Four)
(iv) Accountant 1 (One)
(v) Junior Engineer 1 (One)
(vi) Tax Collector 2 (Two)
(vii) Driver 1 (One)
Grade - IV Staff.
(viiii) Peon 4 (Four)
(ix) Chowkidar 2 (Two)
(b) For Anchalik Panchayat - Grade - III Staff.
(i) Upper Division Asstt. 1 (One)
(ii) Lower Division Asstt. 2 (Two)
(iii) Tax Collector 2 (Two)
Grade - IV Staff.
(i) Peon 2 (Two)
(ii) Chowkidar 1 (One)
(c) For Gaon Panchayat - Grade - III Staff.
(i) Secretary 1 (One)
(ii) Tax Collector cum Road Moherar 1 (One)
Grade - IV Staff.
(iii) Peon-cum-Chowkidar 1 (One)
(ii) Against the pattern under sub-rule (1), as far as practicable, posts shall be manned by the
Provincialised Panchayat employees at all levels as under Section 30(1), Section - 62(2) and Section 102
(5) of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 within the limit of sanctioned strength of various categories of
Provincialised Panchayat employees of the State. .
(iii) Except the posts of Head Assistant, Upper Division Assistant, Accountant, which 'are
promotional posts and are required to be filled up from out of the existing Provincialised employees both
regular and Ex-cadre, the posts which could not be filled up from out of the Provincialised ones, shall be
f1lled up by re-deploying excess staff of this Department and other DepartmentS having requisite
qualification. If posts still remain vacant the same ~hall be recruited in the manner provided under Section
140( 1) of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994. The State Government shall exercise such powers of
redeployment, transfer of posts with incumbents to districts outside the original district cadre.
(iv) In the execution of the provisions under sub-section (7) of Section 102 of the Assam
Panchayat Act, 1994 the case of Head Assistants working in different Mahkuma Parishads within the
jurisdiction of a Zilla Parishad concerned, the provision under subsection (6) of Section 102 of the Assam
Panchayat Act, 1994, shall be applied., By applying the said provisions, the Junior person working as Head
Assistant shall be transferred as such to the nearest Zilla Parishad where vacancy exists. In case of non-
existent of person in position in the post of Head Assistant under the jurisdiction of the Zilla Parishad
concerned, the senior most Upper Division Assistant of the Mahkuma Parishads within the Jurisdiction of
the concerned Zilla Parishad shall be promoted to the post of Head Assistant of the Zilla Parishad.
(v) The post of Gaon Panchayat Secretaries to the extent of sanctioned strength, the provision
under section (1) of Section 30 of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 shall be applicable:
Provided that the appointment/engagement of Gaon Panchayat Secretaries against non-sanctioned
posts, shall be made in the manner prescribed under sub-section (1) of Section 140.
(vi) The ex-cadre technical and non-technical Provincialised Panchayat employees shall be re-
deployed in the Panchayat according to their status.
3. Engagement of Tax Collectors in Zilla Parishad, Anchalik Panchayat and Gaon
Panchayat. - As far as practicable, the post of Tax-Collector as indicated under sub-rule (1) of Rule 2 for
each Zilla Parishad, Anchalik Panchayat and Gaon Panchayat shall be filled up from out of the
Provincialised employees to the extent of sanctioned strength :
Provided that in case of non-availability of such employees respective Panchayat may engage
person in one of the two posts on commission basis at the rate of 30% on the tax collected by such engaged
persons. Under no circumstances the provision under subsection (1) of Section 140 of the Assam Panchayat
Act, 1994 shall be applied in this respect.
4. Salary, TA/DA and other allowances of Provincialised Panchayat Employees and
Panchayat Employees. - (i) The salary of provincialised Panchayat employees placed under Zilla Parishad,
Anchalik Panchayat and Gaon Panchayat shall be paid by the State Government.
(2) The salary, TA/DA and other allowances of Panchayat employees appointed/engaged in the
manner as under sub-section (1) of Section 140 of the Panchayat Act, 1994 shall be borne by the respective
Zilla Parishad, Anchalik Panchayat and Gaon Panchayat concerned out of their own resources:
Provided that the pay scale and other allowances of such staff shall be equal to that of a State
Government employee working in the district cadre in the corresponding grade:
Provided further that such employees of different grades in Zilla Parishad or Anchalik Panchayat
or Gaon Panchayat within the jurisdiction of a Zilla Parishad, shall form a Unit of District cadre of
Panchayat employees and their promotion from lower rank to higher rank, shall be considered, inter-alia,
according to inter-se seniority of such employees within the district. The Chief Executive Officer of
respective Zilla Parishad shall cause to prepare an inter-se-seniority list of Panchayat employees recruited
under the provision of sub-section (1) of Section 140 of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 and circulate it
among the employees.
5. Controlling and Disciplinary Authority in respect of the Employees other than
Provincialised Panchayat Employees.- (1) Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad shall be the
controlling and disciplinary authority in respect of Panchayat employees appointed under sub-section (1) of
Section 140 of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 for Zilla Parishad or Anchalik Panchayat or Gaon
Panchayat. In respect of disciplinary action any of such employees; the decision of the Chief Executive
Officer shall be final.
(2) Transfer of Panchayat Employees other than Provincialised Panchayat Employees. - (a)
The Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Parishad shall be the authority to cause transfer of Panchayat
employees appointed as under Section 140(1) of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 from Zilla Parishad to
Anchalik Panchayat or to Gaon Panchayat and from the Anchalik Panchayat to another Gaon Panchayat
and vice-versa.
(b) When such a Panchayat employee is transferred on his/her own request, he/she shall not be
entitled to any transfer allowances.
(c) No such Panchayat employees shall be transferred or given promotion to higher rank out side
the jurisdiction of his /her original district cadre.
(3) Educational Qualification of Panchayat Staff other than Provincialised Panchayat
Employees. - The educational qualification for recruitment to any category of post of Panchayat staff under
any level of Panchayat as specified under sub-rule (1) of Rule 2 shall be the same as are required for
appointment in the Government Department for such category of posts.
(4) Grievances of Panchayat Employees other than Provincialised Panchayat Employees. -
The Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla Parishad concerned shall be the authority for hearing and
disposing of the grievances of such Panchayat employees of Zilla Parishad, Anchalik Panchayat and Gaon
Panchayat under the respective Zilla Parishad. Any such Employees by passing the authority of the Chief
Executive Officer shall attract disciplinary action.
6. Granting of leave to Panchayat Employees other than Provincialised Panchayat
Employees.- (I) The authority of granting Earned Leave to the Panchayat employees appointed in the
manner as under Section 140(1) of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 under Gaon Panchayat, Anchalik
Panchayat and Zilla Parishad shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla Parishad.
(2) The President of Gaon Panchayat the Executive Officer/Ex Officio Secretary of the Anchalik
Panchayat and the Chief Executive Officer of the Zilla Parishad shall be the authority of granting Casual
Leave to both Provincialised and Panchayat employees under their respective Panchayat.
(3) The leave Rules applicable to Government employees shall also be applicable to the Panchayat
employees while granting leave as under sub-rule (i) and (ii).
7. Power to change Staffing Pattern. - Subject to prior approval of the State Government and in
consideration of financial resources and work load of different Panchayats, the staffing pattern prescribed
under sub-rule (1) of Rule 2 in respect of Panchayat employees appointed in the manner as under sub-
section (1) of Section 140 of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 may be changed.
8. Placing of Additional Staff. - (i) As under Section 140 (1) of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994
the State Government may post from time to time additional staff of Grade-~, Grade-II, Grade-III and
Grade-IV to Zilla Parishad or Anchalik Panchayat or Gaon Panchayat as it may deem necessary.
(ii) The additional staff appointed as under sub-rule (i) shall not be treated as deputed staff and
they shall enjoy all other benefits as they would have enjoyed in their respective parent department.
(iii) The Zilla Parishad or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Gaon Panchayat as the case may, shall
utilise the services of the staff posted under sub-rule (i) as may deem necessary.
(iv) The salary and other allowances of the staff posted under sub rule (i) shall be borne by their
respective department.
(v) Leave other than casual leave in respect of staff posted under sub-rule (i) shall be granted by
tile concerned authorities of their respective departments with due intimation to the Zilla Parishad ')r
Anchalik Panchayat or Gaon Panchayat, as the case may be whereas their casual leave shall be granted by
the Chief Executive Officer in case of staff under Zilla Parishad and Executive Officer in case of staff
under Anchalik Panchayat and President in respect of staff of Gaon Panchayat.
9. Payment of TA/DA etc., to additional Staff placed under Zilla Parishad, Anchalik
Panchayat and Gaon Panchayat.- A member of additional staff posted to a Zilla Parishad or an Anchalik
Panchayat or a Gaon Panchayat as under sub-rule (i) of Rule 9 while on tour in the interest of the works of
the concerned Panchayat shall be entitled to such TA/DA as are admissible to an employee of the State
Government in the equivalent cadre and rank and such TA/DA shall be paid from the own resources of a
Zilla Parishad or an Anchalik Panchayat or a Gaon Panchayat, as the case may be.
10. The Benefit of Home of All India L.T.C. - (i)The Panchayat employees appointed as under
Section 140(1) shall not be entitled Home or All India L.T.C. benefits.
(ii) The staff under sub-rule (i) of Rule 8 shall have the benefit of Home or All India L.T.C. from
their respective department as per existing Government norms..
11. Head of Office. - The Chief Executive Officer in respect of Zilla Parishad, or the Executive
Officer/Ex. Officio Secretary in respect of Anchalik Panchayat or the Gaon Panchayat President in respect
of Gaon Panchayat, as the case may be, shall be the Head of the respective Offices.
12. Other Advances. - (i) The Zilla Parishad or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Gaon Panchayat
may grant to any employee or employees appointed in the manner as provided under Section 140 (1) by a
resolution. Festival or By-Cycle or Rehabilitation advance or Housing Building Loan under such terms and
conditions as may be laid down in the Resolution.
(ii) Advance and loan as specified under sub-rule (i) shall be paid out of the own resources of the
Zilla Parishad or Anchalik Panchayat concerned. .
13. Remuneration of Non-Officials of Zilla Parishad and Sitting Allowances to Members.- (i)
As under Section 71(1) of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 the President of Zilla Parishad shall be entitled
to a monthly remuneration of Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees two thousand) out of the own resources of the Zilla
(ii) The Vice-President of the Zilla Parishad shall be entitled to a monthly remuneration of Rs.
1500.00 (Rupees fifteen hundred) out of the own resources of the Parishad.
(iii) Each member of the Zilla Parishad shall be entitled to a monthly remuneration of Rs. 700.00
(Rupees seven hundred) out of the own resources of the Zilla Parishad.
(iv) As under sub-section (2) of Section 71 of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994, each member of
the Zilla Parishad shall be entitled to a daily sitting allowance at the rate equivalent to the amount
admissible to him/her as daily allowance on tour. But the President and the Vice-President of Zilla Parishad
shall not be entitled to such sitting allowance. Such, allowances shall be met from the own resources of the
Zilla Parishad.
14. Remuneration to the Non-Officials of Anchalik Panchayat and Sitting Allowance of
Members.- (i) As under Section 39 (1) of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994 the President of the Anchalik
Panchayat shall be entitled to a monthly remuneration of Rs. 1500.00 (Rupees fifteen hundred) out of its
own resources.
(ii) The Vice-President of the Anchalik Panchayat shall be entitled to a monthly remuneration of
Rs. 1000.00 (Rupees one thousand) out of its own resources.
(iii) Each member of the Anchalik Panchayat shall be entitled to a monthly.remuneration of Rs.
500.00 (Rupees five hundred) out of its own resources.
(iv) As under sub-section (2) of Section 39 of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994, each member other
than the President and the Vice-President of the Anchalik Panchayat shall be entitled to a daily sitting
allowance out of its own resources at the rate equivalent to the amount admissible to him/her as daily
allowance on tour.
15. Remuneration of Non-Officials of Gaon Panchayat and Sitting Allowance of Members. -
(i) As under Section 12(2) of the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994, the President of the Gaon Panchayat shall be
entitled to a monthly remuneration of Rs. 1000.00 (Rupees one thousand) out of its own resources.
(ii) The Vice-President of a Gaon Panchayat shall be entitled to a monthly remuneration of Rs.
600.00 (Rupees six hundred) out of its own resources.
(iii) Each member of the Gaon Panchayat shall be entitled to a monthly remuneration of Rs.
300.00 (Rupees three hundred) out of its own resources.
(iv) Each member other than the President and Vice-President of +he Gaon Panchayat shall be
entitled to a daily sitting allowance out of its own resources at the rate equivalent to the amount admissible
to him/her as daily allowance on tour.
16. Bar on Payment of Sitting Allowance. - Such sitting allowance as under sub-rule (iv) of Rule
14 and sub-rule (iv) of Rule 15 and sub-rule (iv) of Rule 16 shall be admissible only for attending a full
meeting of the Zilla Parishad or Anchalik Panchayat or Gaon Panchayat as the case may be.
17. Traveling Allowance of the President and Vice-President of Zilla Parishad, Anchalik
Panchayat and Gaon Panchayat.- (1) Subject to the conditions laid down in the S.R. and the F.R. of the
State Government, the President and Vice-President of the Zilla Parishad, shall be entitled to such rate
ofTA and DA on tour as are meant for Class -I Govt. Officer and the President and Vice-President of
Anchalik Panchayat/ Gaon Panchayat shall be entitled for such rate of TA and DA on tour as are meant for
Class-II Govt. Officer.
(2) The members other than the President and Vice-President of Zilla Parishad, the Anchalik
Panchayat and the Gaon Panchayat shall be entitled to TA and DA on tour as a Grade-II Officer of the
State Government is entitled to : .
Provided that the members perform such tour with prior approval of the President of the Zilla
Parishad or the Anchalik Panchayat or the Gaon Panchayat as the case may be.
(3) The monthly TA and DA as under sub-rule (1) and (2) shall not exceed the amount of monthly
remuneration earmarked under Rule 13, 14 and 15.
(4) (i) Bill concerning TA Bills of the President of Anchalik Panchayat, before payment, shall be
countersigned by the President of the concerned Zilla Parishad.
(ii) Bill concerning TA Bills of the President of Gaon Panchayat, before payment shall be
countersigned by the President of the Anchalik Panchayat concerned.
(iii) Bill concerning the TA Bills of the Vice-President and the members of the Zilla Parishad or
the Anchalik Panchayat or the Gaon Panchayat as the case may be, before payment shall be countersigned
by the President of the respective Panchayat Body.
(5) 50% of the TA in advance may be paid subject to subsequent adjustment after countersignature
from the concerned authority responsible for countersigning of TA/DA as specified in the foregoing
Provided that no advance shall be paid pending adjustment of the previous advances.
(6) A Register on T. A. including, interalia, a column for advance T.A. shall be maintained.
(7) Final Advance T.A. shall be drawn in FORM prescribed for the Gazetted or Non-Gazetted
Officers respectively of the State Govt.
(8) The expenditure on T.A. and D.A. of the President, the Vice-President and the members of
Zilla Parishad, the Anchalik Panchayat and the Gaon Panchayat shall be met out of the own resources of
the concerned Panchayats subject to availability of budget provision.
18. Departmental Internal Auditors. - (1) The Director of Panchayat and Rural Development
shall utilise the services of the Departmental Internal Auditors in guiding and helping the Zilla Parishad, the
Anchalik Panchayat and Gaon Panchayat in proper and correct maintenance of accounts. They shall be
responsible to report to the Director of Panchayat and Rural Development and the Chief Executive Officer
of the concerned Zilla Parishad on any irregularity in such accounts within fifteen days from the date of
completion of audit. .
(2) For each month, the Auditors shall submit a tour programme to be approved by the Director of
Panchayat and Rural Development.
(3) The services of the Auditors shall be utilised fully on matters connected with audit.
19. Accounts Training.- The Director of Panchayat and Rural Development shall arrange from
time to time a District wise training programme on accounts for the concerning staff of the Zilla Parishad,
the Anchalik Panchayat and the Gaon Panchayat.
20. Training for Non-Official Members of Panchayat Bodies. The Director of Panchayat and
Rural Development shall arrange training programme for the non-official members of the Zilla Parishad,
the Anchalik Panchayat and the Gaon Panchayat on the responsibilities and duties and functions under the
Panchayat system of Administration.
K.K. Mittal,
Commissioner & Secy. to the Govt. of Assam
Panchayat & Rural Dev. (A) Deptt.
(Assam Act XIII of 1950)
(Dated the 30th March, 1950]
An Act to provide for removal of certain disqualifications for being chosen as and for being a
member of the Assam Legislative Assembly.
Preamble. - Whereas it is expedient to provide in accordance with the provisions of Article 191
(1) (a) of the Constitution that the holders of the offices hereinafter mentioned shall not be disqualified for
being chosen as, and for being a member of the Assam Legislative Assembly;
It is hereby enacted as follows-
1. Short title and commencement. - (1) This Act may be called the Assam State Legislature
Members (Removal of Disqualifications) Act, 1950.
(2) It extends to the whole of Assam.
(3) It shall come into force on the date on which the Assam
State Legislature Members (Removal of Disqualifications) Ordinance, 1950 (Assam Ordinance No. II of
1950), ceases to operate.
2. Removal of certain disqualification.- A person shall not be disqualified for being chosen as,
or for being, a member of the Assam Legislative Assembly by reason of the fact that he holds any of the
offices specified in the Schedule appended hereto [in so far as it is an office, of profit under the State
1. The office of the Parliamentary Secretary to the Government of Assam.
2. The office of Government Pleaders or Public Prosecutor.
3. The office of part-time Professor, Lecturer, Instructor or Teacher in Government educational
4. Medical practitioner rendering part-time service to Government.
5. Gaonburha, Chowkidar whether called by this or any other title.
6. The Office of the Minister of State and Deputy Minister to the Government of Assam.
Any office held by a Minister, Minister of State, Deputy Minister or Parliamentary Secretary
for the State of Assam.
7. The office of Chairman and Director of the Assam State Warehousing Corporation and of
Public Sector Corporations like Major Industries Development Corporation etc., and Chairman, Vice-
Chairman or members of any Committee, Board or Authority appointed by the Government of India or the
Government of any State specified in the First Schedule to the Constitution of India.
8. Any office under the Government which is not a whole time office remunerated either by salary
of fees.
9. The office of the Chief-Executive-Member and the other Executive Members of a District
Council in an Autonomous District and of the members nominated to such a District Council by the
10. Any office held in the Territorial Army or National Cader Corporations.
11. Any office held in the Auxiliary Air Force or Air Defence Reserve.
12. The Leader of Opposition as defined in the salary and allowances of the Leader of Opposition
in the Assam Legislative Assembly Act, 1978.
13. The office 0f Vice Chairman, State Planning Board.
14. The offices of Chairman/Vice-Chairman in any statutory of non-statutory body specified in the
Table below-
(Name of body)
1. Assam State Transport Corporation.
2. Assam Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
3. Assam State Housing Board.
4. Assam Urban Water Supply & Sewerage Board.
5. Assam Tea Corporation Ltd.
6. Assam Electronic Development Corporation Ltd.
7. Assam Small Industries Development Corporation Ltd.
8. Assam Government Marketing Corporation Ltd.
9. Assam Government Marketing Corporation Ltd.
10. Assam Mineral Development Corporation Ltd.
11. Assam Livestock & Poultry Development Corporation Ltd.
12. Assam Plains Tribes Development Corporation Ltd.
13. Assam State Development Corporation for the Scheduled Castes Ltd.
14. Assam State Development Corporation for the Other Backward Castes Ltd.
15. Assam State Film (Finance & Development) Corporation Ltd.
16. Assam State Text-Book Production & Publication Corporation Ltd.
17. Assam Plantation Crops Development Corporation Ltd.
18. Assam Fisheries Development Corporation Ltd.
19. Assam Agro Industries Development Corporation Ltd.
20. Assam Seeds Corporation Ltd.
21. Assam Minorities Development & Finance Corporation Ltd.
22. Assam Finance Corporation.
23. Assam Tea Plantations Provident Fund, Pension Fund & Insurance Organisation.
24. State-level Advisory Committee on 20 point programme.
25. State-level National Integration Committee.
26. Guwahati Metropolitan Development Authority.
27. Assam Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.
28. Assam Gas Company Ltd.
29. Assam Petrochemicals Ltd.
30. Assam Khadi & Village Industries Board.
31. Assam State Warehousing Corporation.
32. Assam State Agricultural Marketing Board.
33. Assam Pollution Control Board.
34. Hills Planning Board.
35. Assam Minorities Development Board.
36. Assam Linguistic Minorities Board.
37. Assam State Commission for the Minorities.
38. Assam Board of Wakf.
39. State Haj Committee.
40. Assam Tribal Development Authority.
41. State-level Advisory Council for Students and Youth Welfare.
42. Assam State Social Welfare Board.
43. Ashok Paper Mill (Assam) Ltd., Jogighopa, Bongaigaon.
44. Assam State Fertilizer & Chemicals Ltd.
45. Assam Tea Employees Welfare Board.
46. State Anti-Drugs & Prohibition Council.
47. Development Authorities for various towns.
48. Governing Body of educational institutions.
15. The office of Chairman, President, Vice-President or Principal Secretary or Secretary of the
Governing Body of any Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Central Act XXI
of 1860) or under any other law relating to registration of Societies, not being a body specified in the
16. The elected office of the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and the Councillors of the Guwahati Municipal
Corporation, elected office of the Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Commissioner of the Municipal
Boards/Town Committees, elected office of the Chief Executive Councillor, Executive Councillor and
other members of the Autonomous Councils constituted under various State Acts, the elected office of
the Chief Executive Member, Deputy Chief Executive Member, Executive Members and other
members of the Bodoland Territorial Council, elected office of the President, Vice-President and the
members of the Anchalik Panchayats and Gaon Panchayats, the President, Vice-President and the
members of the Zilla Parishad and holder of similar office of any other elected local authorities.
Explanation- For the purposes of this entry the word ''local authority" Shall meal and include the
bodies and authorities as defined in clause (31) of Section 3 of the General Clauses Act, 1897 (Central
Act X of 1897).
(Assam Act No. XXII of 1999)*
[Dated the 20th December, 1999]
An Act to provide for provincialisation of services of the employees working in the Panchayat of
all levels established under the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994.
Preamble. - WHEREARS it is expedient to provide for provincialisation of services of the
employees working in the Panchayat of all level established under the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994, (Assam
Act XVIII of 1994) for its improvement and for better management and control of Panchayats in the State
of Assam.
It is hereby enacted in the Fiftieth Year of the Republic of India as follows-
1. Short title, extent and commencement.-(I) This Act may be called the Assam Panchayat
Employees (Provincialisation).Act, 1999.
(2) It shall extend to the whole of Assam in the rural areas except the Autonomous District under
the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution of India and shall exclude any area which has been or hereafter may
be included in a Municipality or a Town Committee or a Cantonment constituted under the Assam
Municipal Act, 1956 (Assam Act XV of 1957) and the Cantonment Act, 1924, respectively, or by any other
(3) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the first day of October, 1991.
2. Definitions. - In this Act, unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context-
(a) "appointed day" means the date on which this Act came into force;
(b) "date of appointment" means in relation to any employee, the date on which he joined
the service of Panchayats;
(c) "Director" means the Director of Panchayat and Rural Development, Assam;
(d) "employees" means a .person in the employment of Panchayats against a regularly
sanctioned post;
(e) "notification" means the notification published in the Official Gazette;
(f) "panchayats" means the Gaon Panchayat, the Anchalik Panchayat and the Zilla
Parishad established under the Assam Panchayat Act, 1994;
(g) "prescribed" means prescribed by rules made under this Act;
(h) "provincialisation" means taking over of the liabilities for payment of salaries
including dearness allowances, medical relief and such other allowances as admissible to
the Government servant of similar category and gratuity, pension, leave encashment etc.,
as admissible under the existing rules to the Government servants serving under the
Government of Assam;
(i) "State Government" means the Government of Assam.
3. Provincialisation of the employees of Panchayats under State Government. - Subject to the
provisions of Article 30 of the Constitution of India, all employees of the Panchayats under the State
Government shall be deemed to have been provincialised on and from the appointed day on the following
terms and conditions, namely
(a) all rules including service rules 'and rules of conduct and discipline and appeal which are
applicable to the Government .servants of corresponding grade and similarly placed shall be applicable to
all employees of the Panchayats;
(b) all employees shall get such emoluments as salary and allowances etc., as are admissible to the
Government servants of similar category :
Provided that no employee shall get as emoluments any amount which is less than amount he was
getting immediately before the appointed day;
(c) services of all employees shall be encadred in the appropriate cadres in accordance with the
rules as may be prescribed by the State Government for this purpose;
(d) the inter-se-seniority of the employees of a cadre or class shall be determined on the basis of
the principles laid down in the rules framed under this Act.
4. Superannuation and pension etc. - (1) Notwithstanding anything contained in the preceeding
section, all employees other than Grade -IV employees, coming within the purview of this Act, shall, on
attaining the age of 58 years, go on superannuation and the Grade-IV employees shall go on superannuation
on attaining the age of 60 years.
(2) All employees going on superannuation under the preceeding sub-section shall be eligible to
pension or gratuity or both in accordance with the pension rules applicable to the Government servants of
equivalent rank.
5. Protection of action taken in good faith. - No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie in respect
of any act done in good faith in the exercise of any power conferred by this Act, except with the previous
sanction of the State Government.
6. Power to make rules. - (1) The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,
make rules for carrying out the purposes of this Act.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provision, the State Government may
make rules to provide for all or any of the following matters, namely-
(i) the norms and principles of encadrement of the employees in the appropriate cadre
under Section 3;
(ii) manner and principles under which inter-se-seniority, of the employees shall be
determined under Section 3;
(iii) any other matter which is required to be, or may be prescribed.
(3) Every rule made under this Section shall be laid as soon as may be after it is made, before the
Assam Legislative Assembly: while it is in session for a total period of fourteen days which ma: be
comprised in one session or in two successive sessions and i before the expiry of the session in which it is
so laid or the session immediately following the Assam Legislative Assembly agree i making any
modification in the rule or the Assam Legislative Assembly agree that the rule should not be made, the rule
shall thereafter have effect only in such. modified form or be of no effect as the case may be, so, however,
that any such modification 0 annulment shall be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously
done under that rule.
7. Interpretation. - If any difficulty arises in the interpretation of any provision of this Act the
interpretation of the Stat Government shall be final.
8. Power to remove difficulties. - If any difficulty arises in giving effect to the provisions of this
Act the Governor may, by order do anything not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, which appear
to him to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing the difficulty. .
9. Repeal and Saving. - (1) The State Government Notification No. PDA. 169/91/70
provincialising the services of 4565 number of Panchayat Employees of Gaon Panchayat and Mahkuma
Parishads constituted under the Assam Panchayati Raj Act, 1972 is hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or any action taken under the order so repealed
shall be deemed to have been done or taken under the corresponding provisions of this Act.
Commissioner and Secretary
to the Government of Assam
Panchayat and Rural Development Department.
[Dated 5th May, 1988]
No. PDB.96/86/Pt.II.- The question of finalisation of Assam Panchayat & Community Development
Service Rules has been engaging the attention of the Government for sometime past. Pending finalisation
of the said Service Rules to be framed under the proviso to Article 309 of the Constitution of India, the
Governor of Assam is pleased to make the following orders in respect of filling up of the posts of Sub-
divisional Planning Officer/ Secretary Standing Committee/ Secretary Mahkuma Parishad/ Assistant
Development Commissioner/ Deputy Director, Panchayat arid Community Development/Joint Director of
Panchayat & Community Development Department under the Panchayat & Rural Development
1. Short title and Commencement - (1) These orders may be called the Assam Panchayat &
Rural Development Department (Appointment and promotion) Orders, 1988.
(2) They shall be deemed to have come into force on the 1 st January, 1985.
2. Definitions - In these orders unless the context otherwise requires-
(i) "Appointing Authority" means the Governor of Assam;
(ii) ''List'' means the list prepared and finalised under para 8 (I) of these Orders.
3. Recruitment to the posts indicated above shall be made on the basis of the procedure indicated
(i) Recruitment to the cadres of Joint Director, Assistant Development Commissioner, Deputy
Director, Sub-divisional Planning Officer, Secretary Standing Committee and Secretary Mahkuma Parishad
shall be made by promotion in accordance with para 5 of this order.
4. Subject .to suitability and Possessing experience, as prescribed here-in-after promotion to
different cadres shall be made in the following manner-
(a) From Assistant Development Commissioner/Deputy Director/Vice-Principal, Composite
Training Centre, Jorhat to Joint Director of Panchayat and Community Development, Assam;
(b) From Sub-divisional Planning Officer/Secretary Standing Committee/Secretary Mahkuma
Parishad/Instructor (Panchayat & Community Development), Composite Training Centre, Jorhat
(who is borne on the cadre of Sub-divisional Planning Officer) to Assistant Development
Commissioner/Deputy Director, Panchayat & Community Development Department;
(c) From Block Development Officer (Including Principal, Gaon Panchayat, Secretary Training
Centre who is borne on the cadre of Block Development Officer) to Sub-divisional Planning
Officer/Secretary Standing Committee/Secretary Mahkuma Parishad.
5. (a) The candidates for promotion as indicated at clause (a) of Para-4 of this Order must ha,!,e
rendered minimum five years continuous service as such on the 1st January of the year in which
the selection is made;
(b) Candidates for promotion as indicated at clause (b) of Para -4 of this Order must have rendered
at least six years of continuous service as such on the first January of the year in which the
selection is made;
(c) Candidates for promotion as indicated at clause (e) of Para-4 of this Order must have rendered
at least six years of continuous service as such on the first January of the year in which the
selection is made.
6. Basis of selection shall be 'merit' with due regard to seniority. The selection will be made by a
Selection Committee constituted under Para - 7 of this Order.
7. Selection Committee as referred to in Para-6 of this order shall consist of the following
(i) Agriculture Production Commissioner, Assam.
Member Secretary-
(ii) Secretary, Panchayat & R. D. Department.
Members -
(iii) Secretary, Personnel or his nominee, not below the rank of Deputy Secretary.
(iv) Director, Panchayat & Community Development.
8. (1) The Selection Committee after perusal of the A.C. Rs. and other service records of the
eligible candidates shall prepare a list of Officer in order of preference found suitable for promotion to the
respective posts. Where the Selection Committee does not consider an Officer suitable for promotion in
accordance with seniority it shall record reasons there for in writing and forward the same to the
Appointing Authority along with the list of person selected for promotion. The Appointing Authority shall,
thereafter, forward the list to the Assam Public Service Commission together with the proceedings of the
Selection Committee and other relevant records. The Assam Public Service Commission after considering
the list shall send its recommendations to the Appointing Authority. The Appointing Authority shall make
Appointment from the select list in order of preference as per the recommendation of the Assam Public
Service Commission subject to the provisions of reservation in favour of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled
Tribes under the Assam Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes (Reservation of vacancies in services and
posts) Act, 1978 and Rules there under.
(2) The select list as approved by the Assam Public Service Commission shall remain valid for 12th months
from the date of approval of the Commission.
9. Relaxation- Where the Appointing Authority is satisfied that the operation of any of these paras
causes undue hardship in any particular case, it may dispense with or relax the requirement of the para to
such extent and subject to such conditions as it may consider necessary for dealing with the case in a just
and equitable manner:
Provided that the case of any persons shall not be dealt with in any manner less favourable to him
than that provided in this Order.
10. Interpretation- If any question arises relating to the interpretation of any para of this Order
the decision of the Appointing Authority be final.
Secretary to the Govt. of Assam,
Panchayat & Rural Development Department,
Dispur, Guwahati-6
(Dated the 20th April, 1993)
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of Assam,
Panchayat and Rural Development Department.
No.PDA.45/2002/79.- In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 70(A) of the Assam
Panchayat Act, 1994 as amended up-to-date and as per Rule 61 of the Assam Panchayat (Constitution)
Rules, 1995 as amended up-to-date the Governor of Assam is pleased to declare the following two Zilla
Parishads for reservation of the offices of President of Zilla Parishad for the Scheduled Tribes as being the
proportionately highest Schedule Tribes population of the State in a descending order.
1. Dhemaji Zilla Parishad.
2. Lakhimpur Zilla Parishad.
The Governor of Assam is further pleased to reserve the office of the President of Lakhimpur Zilla
Parishad as per the drawal of lots held on 13th March, 2002 for the Scheduled Tribes Woman.
No. PDA.45/2002/80.- In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 70(A) of the Assam
Panchayat Act, 1994 as amended up-to-date and as Rule 61 of the Assam Panchayat (Constitution) Rules,
1995 as amended up-to-date the Governor of Assam is pleased to declare the following Zilla Parishads for
reservation of the offices of the Vice-President of Zilla Parishad for the Scheduled Tribes as being the
Proportionately next highest Schedule Tribes population of the State excluding the Zilla Parishad in which
of the offices of the President have already been reserved for the persons belonging to Scheduled Tribes.
1. Goalpara Zilla Parishad.
2. Morigaon Zilla Parishad.
The Governor of Assam is further pleased to reserve the offices of the Vice-President of Goalpara
Zilla Parishad as per the drawal of lots held on 13th March, 2002 for the Scheduled Tribes Woman.
No. PDA.45/2002/81.- In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 70(A) of the Assam
Panchayat Act, 1994 as amended up to date and as per Rule 61 of the Assam Panchayat (Constitution)
Rules, 1995 as amended up-to-date, the Governor of Assam is pleased to declare the following Zilla
Parishads for reservation of the offices of the President of Zilla Parishad for the Scheduled Caste as being
the proportionately highest Scheduled Caste population of the State.
1. Cachar Zilla Parishad.
2. Karimganj Zilla Parishad.
The Governor of Assam is further pleased to reserve the offices of the President of Karimganj
Zilla Parishad as per the drawal of lots held on 13th March, 2002 for the Scheduled Caste Woman.
No. PDA.45/2002/82.- In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 70(A) of the Assam
Panchayat Act, 1994 as amended up-to-date and as per Rule 61 of the Assam Panchayat (Constitution)
Rules, 1995 as amended up-to-date the Governor Assam is pleased to declare the following Zilla Parishads
for reservation of the offices of the Vice-President of Zilla Parishad for the Scheduled Castes as being the
proportionately next highest Schedule Castes population of the State excluding the Zilla Parishad in which
of the offices of the President have already been reserved for the persons belonging to Scheduled Castes.
1. Hailakaandi Zilla Parishad.
2. Nagaon Zilla Parishad.
The Governor of Assam is further pleased to reserve the office of the Vice-President of Nagaon
Zilla Parishad as per the drawal of lots held on 13th March, 2002 for the Scheduled Caste Woman.
No. PDA. 45/2002/83.- In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 70(A) of the Assam
Panchayat Act, 1994 as amended up-to-date and under Rule 61 of the Assam Panchayat (Constitution)
Rules, 1995 as amended up-to-date the Governor of Assam is pleased to reserve the offices of President of
the following Zilla Parishads for Woman as per drawal of lots held on 13th March, 2002.
1. Morigaon Zilla Parishad.
2. Tinsukia Zilla Parishad.
3. Dhubri Zilla Parishad.
4. Golaghat Zilla Parishad.
5. Kamrup Zilla Parishad.
No. PDA.45/2002/84.- In exercise of the powers conferred under section 70(A) of the Assam
Panchayat Act, 1994 as amended up-to-date and under Rule 61 of the Assam Panchayat (Constitution)
Rules, 1995 as amended up-to-date the Governor of Assam is pleased to reserve the offices of Vice-
President of the following Zilla Parishads for woman as per drawal of lots held on 13 th March, 2002.
1. Jorhat Zilla Parishad.
2. Barpeta Zilla Parishad.
3. Sonitpur Zilla Parishad.
4. Nalbari Zilla Parishad.
5. Dibrugarh Zilla Parishad.
Biren Dutta,
Secretary to the Govt. of Assam,
Panchayat and Rural Development Department.
No. AR.22/2000/21.- In the interest of Public Service, the Governor of Assam is pleased to confer
Gazetted status on the post of Extension Officer (Fishery), having B.F. Sc. Degree/Master of Fishery
Science, in the Directorate of Panchayat and Rural Development Department, under the Panchayat and
Rural Development Department, Government of Assam.
This will come into force with immediate effect.
P. Saran,
Commissioner & Secretary to the Govt. of Assam,
Administrative Reference & Training Dept.
Dispur Guwahati-6