Semi CLSA 20240625
Semi CLSA 20240625
Semi CLSA 20240625
Sector outlook
CLSA and CL Securities Taiwan Co., Ltd. (“CLST”) do and seek to do business with companies covered in its research reports. As such,
investors should be aware that there may be conflicts of interest which could affect the objectivity of the report. Investors should consider
this report as only a single factor in making their investment decisions. For important disclosures please refer to page 4.
Marketing feedback Taiwan semiconductor
Research subscriptions
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Companies mentioned
ASE (3711 TT - NT$169.0 - SELL)
ASMedia (5269 TT - NT$2,090.0 - BUY)
Gudeng (3680 TT - NT$429.0 - BUY)
Intel (N-R)
M31 (6643 TT - NT$1,085.0 - BUY)
MediaTek (2454 TT - NT$1,385.0 - BUY)
Nvidia (N-R)
Qualcomm (N-R)
UMC (2303 TT - NT$56.4 - SELL)
Analyst certification
The analyst(s) of this report hereby certify that the views expressed in this research report accurately reflect my/our
own personal views about the securities and/or the issuers and that no part of my/our compensation was, is, or will
be directly or indirectly related to the specific recommendation or views contained in this research report.
Important disclosures
Recommendation history of Gudeng Precision Industrial 3680 TT
CLSA (“CLSA”) in this report refers to CLSA Limited, CLSA Americas, market practice of some jurisdictions/markets prescribe certain
LLC, CLSA Australia Pty Ltd, CLSA India Private Limited, PT CLSA disclosures to be made for certain actual, potential or perceived
Sekuritas Indonesia, CLSA Securities Japan Co., Ltd., CLSA Securities conflicts of interests relating to a research report as below. This
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Subject to any applicable laws and regulations at any given time, coverage universe spans listed securities across the ASX All
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compiled by Taiwan analyst(s)) in Australia by CLSA Australia Pty Ltd to you. MCI (P) 042/11/2022.
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