HW 2
HW 2
HW 2
Homework #2
RELEASE DATE: 09/23/2024
DUE DATE: 10/07/2024, BEFORE 13:00 on GRADESCOPE
You will use Gradescope to upload your scanned/printed solutions. For problems marked with (*), please
follow the guidelines on the course website and upload your source code to Gradescope as well. Any
programming language/platform is allowed.
Any form of cheating, lying, or plagiarism will not be tolerated. Students can get zero scores and/or fail
the class and/or be kicked out of school and/or receive other punishments for those kinds of misconducts.
Discussions on course materials and homework solutions are encouraged. But you should write the final
solutions alone and understand them fully. Books, notes, and Internet resources can be consulted, but
not copied from.
Since everyone needs to write the final solutions alone, there is absolutely no need to lend your homework
solutions and/or source codes to your classmates at any time. In order to maximize the level of fairness
in this class, lending and borrowing homework solutions are both regarded as dishonest behaviors and will
be punished according to the honesty policy.
You should write your solutions in English with the common math notations introduced in class or in the
problems. We do not accept solutions written in any other languages.
This homework set comes with 200 points and 20 bonus points. In general, every home-
work set would come with a full credit of 200 points, with some possible bonus points.
1. (10 points, auto-graded) What is the growth function of diagonally aligned perceptrons in 2D for
N ≥ 4? Those perceptrons are all perceptrons with w1 = w2 or w1 = −w2 . That is, they are lines
with slope 1 or −1 on the 2D plane. Choose the correct answer.
[a] 4N + 4
[b] 4N + 2
[c] 4N
[d] 4N − 2
[e] 4N − 4
2. (10 points, auto-graded) Consider having 16 bags, each containing some super large number of
cards. Half of the cards in each bag is white, and the other half is black. Now, someone is going
to draw five cards randomly from each bag. Each drawing is going to independently form a hand.
A big price of four million dollars is wired to zir account if one of the 16 hands is purely white.
What is the probability that such an event will happen?
[a] 3216
[b] 3216
3216 −3116
[c] 3216
[d] 32
[e] 32
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Machine Learning (NTU, Fall 2024) instructor: Hsuan-Tien Lin
3. (10 points, auto-graded) What is the growth function of (11, 26)-passing perceptrons on X = R2 ?
Those perceptrons are
H = {h : h(x) = sign(w1 (x1 − 11) + w2 (x2 − 26)) i.e. perceptrons that pass (11, 26)}
[a] N
[b] N2
[c] 2N
[d] 2N 2
[e] N2 − N + 2
4. (10 points, auto-graded) Consider a hypothesis set that contains 6211 perceptrons
hm (x) = sign(wm x), for m = 1, 2, · · · , 6211
with x ∈ R1+1126 (including x0 ). What is the tightest upper bound on the possible VC dimension
of this hypothesis set? Choose the correct answer.
[a] log2 (1126)
[b] log (6211)
√ 2
[c] 6211
[d] log2 (1126 + 6211)
[e] 1126
5. (20 points, human-graded) In class, we discussed whether it is possible to predict the next term of
an integer sequence based on the first few terms. We asked chatGPT this question “If we know
that the first N − 1 terms of an integer sequence is generated from some polynomial of degree N ,
is it possible to predict the next integer? ”
Here is zir answer
Argue with 10-20 English sentences on whether you agree with the chatGPT agent or not, as if you
are the “boss” of the agent. The TAs will grade based on the persuasiveness of your arguments—
please note that our TAs are more used to being persuaded by humans than machines. So if your
arguments do not look very human-written, the TAs may not be persuaded.
6. (20 points, human graded) Next, we illustrate what happens with multiple bins. Consider a special
lottery game as follows. The game operates by having four kinds of lottery tickets placed in a big
black bag, each kind with the same (super large) quantity. Exactly sixteen numbers 1, 2, . . . , 16
are written on each ticket. The four kinds are
• A: all even numbers are colored orange, all odd numbers are colored green
• B: all even numbers are colored green, all odd numbers are colored orange
• C: all small numbers (1-8) are colored orange, all big numbers (9-16) are colored green
• D: all small numbers (1-8) are colored green, all big numbers (9-16) are colored orange
Every person is expected to draw five tickets from the bag. A small price of 1450 is given if the five
tickets contain “some number” that is purely green. What is the probability that such an event
will happen?
7. (20 points) Continuing from Problem 6, a bigger price of five million dollars will be delivered by a
bagman to you if the five tickets contain five green 5’s. What is the probability that such an event
will happen?
Hint: Each number can be viewed as a “hypothesis” and the drawn tickets can be viewed as the
data. The Eout of each hypothesis is simply 12 ( You are welcome. ;-) ). Problem 7 asks you to
calculate the BAD probability for hypothesis 5; Problem 6 asks you to calculate the BAD probability
for all hypotheses, taking the sampling dependence into consideration. Actually, Problem 2 can be
viewed as the same game that cuts the tickets to pieces of different numbers (with some recoloring),
and placing different numbers in different bags so they’d be sampled independently.
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Machine Learning (NTU, Fall 2024) instructor: Hsuan-Tien Lin
8. (20 points, human-graded) Assume that we have M slot machines, or one-armed bandits, in front
of us. Each machine has an unknown probability of µm for returning one coin, and a probability
of 1 − µm for returning no coin. For each of the time step t = 1, 2, . . ., assume that we pull the
machine m = ((t − 1) mod M ) + 1. After some t > M time steps, we’d have pulled machine m for
Nm times, and collected cm coins from machine m. Note that Nm ≥ 1 because t > M . Using the
following one-sided Hoeffding’s inequality (which is slightly different from what we taught in class)
P (µ > ν + ϵ) ≤ exp(−2ϵ2 N ),
where ν, µ, ϵ, N have been defined in our class, we can easily prove that when given a fixed machine
m and a fixed δ with 0 < δ < 1,
cm ln t − 2 ln δ
P µm > + ≤ δt−2 .
Nm Nm
Use the fact above to prove that for M ≥ 2, for all slot machines m = 1, 2, . . . , M and for all
t = M + 1, M + 2, . . ., with probability at least 1 − δ,
cm ln t + ln M − 12 ln δ
µm ≤ + .
Nm Nm
You can use the magical fact that
X π2
t−2 = .
Hint: The fact that we can upper-bound all µm confidently and simultaneously by Ncmm plus a de-
viation term is the core technique for deriving the so-called upper-confidence bound algorithm for
multi-armed bandits, which is an important algorithm for the task of online and reinforcement
learning. The actual algorithm differs from what we do here by pulling the machine with the largest
upper confidence bound in each iteration, instead of periodically going through each machine. Those
who are interested can certainly search for more about this.
9. (20 points, human-graded) A boolean function h : {−1, +1}k → {−1, +1} is called symmetric if its
value does not depend on the permutation of its inputs, i.e., its value only depend on the number
of ones in the input. What is the VC dimension of the set of all symmetric boolean functions?
10. (20 points, human-graded) In class, we taught about the learning model of “positive and negative
rays” (which is simply one-dimensional perceptron) for one-dimensional data. The model contains
hypotheses of the form:
hs,θ (x) = s · sign(x − θ).
You can take sign(0) = −1 for simplicity but it should not matter much for the following problems.
The model is frequently named the “decision stump” model and is one of the simplest learning
models. As shown in class, for one-dimensional data, the growth function of the model is mH (N ) =
2N and its VC dimension is 2.
In the following problems, you are asked to first play with decision stumps on an artificial data set.
First, start by generating a one-dimensional data by the procedure below:
With the (x, y) generation process above, prove that for any hs,θ with s ∈ {−1, +1} and θ ∈ [−1, 1],
Prove that
v = s( − p)
u = −v
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Machine Learning (NTU, Fall 2024) instructor: Hsuan-Tien Lin
11. (20 points, code needed, human-graded) In fact, the decision stump model is one of the few models
that we could minimize Ein efficiently by enumerating all possible thresholds. In particular, for N
examples, there are at most 2N dichotomies (see the slides for positive rays), and thus at most 2N
different Ein values. We can then easily choose the hypothesis that leads to the lowest Ein by the
following decision stump learning algorithm.
(1) sort all N examples xn to a sorted sequence x′1 , x′2 , . . . , x′N such that x′1 ≤
x′2 ≤ x′3 ≤ . . . ≤ x′N
x′i +x′i+1
(2) for each θ ∈ {−1}∪{ 2 : 1 ≤ i ≤ N −1 and x′i ̸= x′i+1 } and s ∈ {−1, +1},
calculate Ein (hs,θ )
(3) return the hs,θ with the minimum Ein as g; if multiple hypotheses reach the
minimum Ein , return the one with the smallest s · θ.
(Hint: CS-majored students are encouraged to think about whether the second step
can be carried out efficiently, i.e. O(N ), using dxxxxxc pxxxxxxxxxg instead of the
naive implementation of O(N 2 ).)
Generate a data set of size 12 by the procedure above with p = 15%, and run the one-dimensional
decision stump algorithm on the data set to get g. Record Ein (g) and compute Eout (g) with the
formula in Problem 10. Repeat the experiment 2000 times. Plot a scatter plot of (Ein (g), Eout (g)),
and calculate the median of Eout (g) − Ein (g). Then, provide the first page of the snapshot of your
code as a proof that you have written the code.
12. (20 points, code needed, human-graded) Repeat Problem 11, but instead of picking the best-Ein
hypothesis as g, randomly generate some s ∈ {−1, +1} and θ ∈ [−1, 1] uniformly, and take the
resulting hypothesis as your grnd . Plot a scatter plot of (Ein (grnd ), Eout (grnd )), and calculate the
median of Eout (grnd ) − Ein (grnd ). Compare the scatter plot and the median value with those of
Problem 11. Describe your findings. Then, provide the first page of the snapshot of your code as
a proof that you have written the code.
13. (Bonus 20 points, human-graded) The decision stump model can be extended to multi-dimensional
as follows. For data sets that contains x ∈ Rd , we can apply a decision stump on the i-th dimension:
Consider a hypothesis set H that contains all such decision stumps in Rd . Derive the tightest upper
bound on the VC dimension of H that you can think of. The TAs are allowed to give partial credits
based on the tightness of your upper bound.
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