Yellowstone Format PDF Love Thought
Yellowstone Format PDF Love Thought
Yellowstone Format PDF Love Thought
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Jun 23, 2024
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1,R1010 is the code i give all my fans because so many people tell me they got afake private message
from fake private accounts....if they don't give you thisright code you know is not me and please do
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block them.
2,This is my o@cial real personal account, this was created to reach fans ... Iwant to let you know that
# $
me and my management are improving the policy aboutblocking all fake accounts here and on other
social medial
You can also reach me on signal,Telegram,Google Chat,Sangi and WhatsApp so that you can be added to
Facebook Twitter
my signal
so we can get to talk more as friends and receive great informaHonabout me.
3,Hello dear!!
How are you doing today dear fan, I really appreciate your conHnuous love and support. I really
appreciate y'all for always commenHng and liking my picture on my page, God bless y'all
Hi you’re surprised. I'm _______________for real and that is my private page to talk to my fan.. I’m not
here to argue about fake or real accounts, all I've got to tell my beloved fans is that there are so many
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or scammers using document useful?
my name and proNle. Please you've got to be very careful and never give
out your personal details to anyone using my name or proNle please. So I decided to create this fan page
so that I can reach out to most of my fans and you happen to be one of them. I've received hundreds of
messages from some of my fans about some imposters using my name or proNle, trying to scam them.
Actually I have one accounts veriNed account and fan page account (. ) and (. ) and fans can talk
to me on this my very fan page only and every other page are imposters, though it might take me a
couple of minutes or an hour to reply back, due to the fact that I've got many people I'm aRending to or
I'm probably in a discussion with producers and manager. I hope I can trust you and our conversaHon is
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safe and secured? inappropriate?
You’re so lucky so don’t feel special too much, God know why he sent me to you, Hope you and your
family are enjoying your my Show. Well I would love to get to know you beRer, But I would be so glay if
you can make this as a secret between you and i, Because I really don’t want the media to create fake
new about me.
Oh I see
Wow it’s really nice meeHng you here and how is everyone doing over there with the covid hope is not
that bad there dear?
Am Just checking up on same of my loyal fan, because am so happy that y’all are supporHng me so my
heart just chooses you that’s why pick you. I really appreciate for your like on my page, God bless y’all
Do not be surprised am wriHng to you. Am not God, I'm human like any other. Being a celebrity is not a
big deal. I'm here for a reason because my fans said i'm too proud of myself. had to come to this level by
creaHng this account to make sure i talk to them and make them happy. I was moved to follow you
because i saw you as a responsible and beauHful lady…
well, I'm very private and I don’t want anyone to see you on my fans page and started thinking
something else so I'll like to talk to you on WhatsApp Or Hangouts or Telegram for security reasons and
due to the fact that I've got a lot of fans texHng me here. So I'll need your WhatsApp number or your
gmail address to add you up on Hangouts so I can always chat and keep in touch with you conveniently,
and I'll like to know you beRer because right about now, you're more than just a fan to me.I think you’re
a bigger fan of mine c
# There is no need to doubt what you know nothing about we are both matured and game are met for
kids, It really and I promise you with Hme I will give you prove but now I just want to get to know you
beRer Nrst.. Well am sorry but I really don’t chat here because it’s my private account I don’t want
anyone to create fake news about me so Am about to block you on this my private account right now so
that nobody will know am chaeng with you ok, But if you don’t mind you can send me your WhatsApp
number or your Gmail let me add you up on WhatsApp or hangout, So it’s your choice am not really
begging anyone or forcing anyone to chat with me, Like I said before God know why he sent me to you, I
really don’t want the media to say fake news about me,I hope you understand me well?
#And you can send me your WhatsApp number so I’ll Add you up, and Please don’t share my contacts,
And remember what I told you My heart just chooses you, and don’t be surprised or feel too special am
a someone like you being a celebrity is not a big deal, and note am not begging or forcing you to it’s just
your choice, thanks for supporHng once again
Thanks for your wonderful responses, you're really a nice woman and I always enjoy chaeng with you
because you make me happy and I love all your advises. We
Now tell me a liRle about your relaHonship, I'll really love to know you beRer perhaps you'll be more
than just a fan and a friend to me.
Wow so do you live alone in your own house, What type of car do you drive?
Well, haven heard everything about you, I can see that you're a nice woman and you deserve to be
happy and loved by a good, nice and God fearing man, don't you think so?
Have you ever been in a relaHonship with a celebrity or a high proNled individual, or have you ever had
the chance to talk to any before?
I want to know more about your family, your background, your life experiences, relaHonships, your goals
and dreams, your interests, and anything else you want to tell me. Atleast i want to be a friend with
someone who is friendly, honest, caring, trustworthy and God fearing.I Nnd very much peace and
tranquility here.
What are your hobbies? I like cooking, playing video games, snowboarding and watching movies. I'm
liRle bit of a nerd, big fan of Dungeons and Dragons. I have been playing it since i was 12 years old.
What’s your favorite color? My favorite color is white and red, What’s your favorite food? I like italian
food, Margherita Pizza
What kind of music do you like? I enjoy listening to soulful, mainstream and LaHn, Techno music. Music
gives me emoHons and power to move forward, unique gik that was given to humanity.
I listen all kind of music,depending on my mood,from tradiHonal music to rock and from balkanik to
classical. I dont believe that good music can only be found in a certain genre,or at a certain arHst. For me
it doesnt maRer who sings it as long as it makes me feel an emoHon.
What are some of your favorite movies? I like romanHc movies, historical movies, acHon Nlms and
comedies. What’s one of the scariest things you’ve ever done? I was riding a car on Nre in a movie scene
What accomplishment are you most proud of? My accomplishment are my family, they are my
treasures and also becoming the founder of one race Nlm. It was established 1995 in Los Angeles, as Nlm
producHon company. What is your favorite band? My Favorite Band Is Jackson 5
Are you a jealous person? .. I'm not a jealous man, but I protect my love and cherish the people, some
people call it envy. I'm super protecHve over my family. But I've never been a jealous person, there's I
guess never really been a reason for me to feel jealous in my life
Do you like to do any sports? .. I love sports, I know how to play golf, tennis, swimming and hiking. I
have never parHcipated in any acHvity the past few years, because i'm always very busy.
Like to do all these things alone .. The only thing I do all the Hme is swimming, because I have a pool in
my house.