Chapter 8 Summary
Chapter 8 Summary
Chapter 8 Summary
establishing a healthy eating pattern and what guidelines can help you get the nutrients you need,
choosing and preparing nutritious foods and how you can choose nutritious foods and prepare
them in a healthy way, managing your weight and what strategies can you use to maintain a
healthy weight.
Nutrition process of choosing and consuming food necessary for health and growth. Nutrients are
chemical substances that provide the nutrition essential for growth, energy, and function.
Carbohydrates nutrients that are the major source of energy for the body; can be found in fruits,
vegetables, grains, and dairy products. 4 examples of food groups that contain carbohydrates are
fruits, vegetables, grains, and dairy products. 6 examples of sugar include glucose, fructose,
lactose, galactose, maltose, and sucrose. Glucose is the body’s preferred source of energy that
powers your brain and central nervous system. It is the most common sugar found in foods and is
usually joined to other sugars. Protein is a nutrient the body uses to build and maintain its cells
and tissues, including muscles, bones, skin, hair, fingernails, and other organs. Animal-based
foods such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish, and dairy products. Some plant-based foods, such as
soybeans, are also complete protein sources. Fats, a nutrient largely made up of fatty acids,
provide a valuable source of energy, particularly for muscles. The 3 types of fats are: Saturated
Fats, Unsaturated Fats, and Trans Fat. Unsaturated fat is the healthiest type. Unsaturated fats are
found in plant-based foods such as vegetable oils, some peanut butters and margarines, olives,
salad dressing, nuts, and seeds. Vitamins are organic nutrients that promote growth and
development, help regulate body processes, maintain healthy skin, and help the body release
energy. 6 examples of vitamins include Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin
B2, And Vitamin B1. Minerals are inorganic elements absorbed by plants from soil and water. 4
examples of minerals include Calcium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and sulfur. Water is so
important because Water maintains your body temperature, cushions and lubricates joints, and
protects the spinal cord and other sensitive tissues. It also gets rid of waste (through urination,
perspiration, and bowel movements) and moves oxygen, nutrients, waste, and other materials
throughout the body. Because your body loses water every day through urination, sweat, and
even exhalation, you need to consume water to replace what your body loses. Not consuming
enough water can lead to dehydration, a condition in which the body’s tissues lose too much
water. Without enough water, the body cannot cool itself, and blood pressure can drop
dangerously low as water leaves the blood.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans guidelines published by the USDA and HHS that provide
recommendations for establishing eating patterns to promote health. MyPlate is a food guidance
system created by the USDA; reminds people about the proportions of the five different food
groups they should eat at a meal. The five groups of MyPlate are
se,And Yogurt),Protein(Chicken,Beef,Seafood), and Grains(White Bread,Rice,Pasta). 3 examples
of oils include Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil.The amount of food you need is affected by
your height, weight, biological sex, and level of physical activity. Skills for following healthy
eating patterns are paying attention to the calorie balance, choosing nutrient-dense food, limiting
Added Sugars, Saturated Fats, and Sodium, Eating Breakfast Every Day, and Advocating for
healthy eating patterns. The following are the effects of individual needs such as Food
Sensitivities, Vegetarian and Vegan Eating Plans, and Pregnancy. The following health risks can
develop if you do not get the amounts of nutrients your body needs: Malnutrition(When you do
not consume the appropriate amounts of nutrients, malnutrition develops.), Undernutrition(When
people do not take in enough nutrients for health and growth, they experience undernutrition),
and Overnutrition(Eating too many foods that contain high amounts of added sugars, saturated
fats, sodium, or refined grains or simply too many calories can lead to overnutrition).
Food preferences are opinions about different types of food; influenced by genetics, age, feelings
and thoughts, cultural background, and social environment. Factors affecting food choices
include Genetics, Age, Feelings and Thoughts, Cultural Background, and Social Environment. 2
examples of food services are food banks and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
(SNAP). 2 strategies for eating in social situations include eating before the event to prevent
yourself from becoming hungry with only less-healthy options to choose, when refusing food, be
confident and firm, but polite. Try “Oh, thank you, but I’m okay right now.” If someone insists,
change the subject. The Nutrition Facts label is a FDA-required label on all packaged foods;
contains information about serving size, number of servings, number of calories, amounts of
different nutrients, and daily values for nutrients. 5 examples of names of added sugar are corn
syrup, corn sweetener, fructose, dextrose, and high-fructose corn syrup. Genetically modified
organism (GMO) living thing with genetic material that has been altered through genetic
engineering. 3 ways to prepare nutritious foods are to prepare your own food, making your food
fresh, and managing your food portions.Foodborne illnesses illnesses that are transmitted by
food; also called food poisoning. foodborne intoxication foodborne illness caused by toxins,
which are produced by organisms present in a food. Foodborne infections are foodborne illnesses
that occur when food is handled or prepared improperly; it is caused by bacteria, viruses, or
Factors that influence weight include genetics and eating patterns and physical activity
socioeconomic status, and mood. metabolism is the rate at which the body uses energy to carry
out basic physiological processes. You know you are maintaining your weight if your calories
consumed equal your calories burned throughout the day, you will maintain your current weight
(energy in is equal to energy out). You know you are gaining if you consume more calories than
your body burns, a calorie imbalance occurs. You are losing weight if a calorie imbalance also
occurs if, over time, you burn more calories than you take in.Overweight as having, for a
particular height, excess body weight from fat, bone, muscle, water, or a combination of these
factors. Obesity as having excess body fat or excessive overweight. Underweight have a body
weight that is too low compared with others of the same sex and age. Body mass index (BMI) is
a tool for assessing an individual’s weight status. My BMI results show that I have a 20.5BMI
and I have a healthy weight and my BMI percentile is 59th. 4 examples of how weight affects
health include When people do not take in enough nutrients and experience underweight, they
can develop skin, hair, or teeth conditions. Overweight or obesity leads to increased risk of
cardiovascular disease. It also increases risk for developing hypertension. Feeling more tired than
often and most likely to get sick more often than others. One of the most common health
conditions associated with overweight and obesity is type 2 diabetes mellitus, a disorder in which
the body is unable to manage blood glucose properly.