Energy and Exergy Analysis of A Steam Po

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Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 324–328

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Energy and exergy analysis of a steam power plant in Jordan

Isam H. Aljundi *
Chemical Engineering Department, Mutah University, Al-Karak 61710, Jordan

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this study, the energy and exergy analysis of Al-Hussein power plant in Jordan is presented. The primary
Received 14 November 2007 objectives of this paper are to analyze the system components separately and to identify and quantify the
Accepted 27 February 2008 sites having largest energy and exergy losses. In addition, the effect of varying the reference environment
Available online 4 March 2008
state on this analysis will also be presented. The performance of the plant was estimated by a component-
wise modeling and a detailed break-up of energy and exergy losses for the considered plant has been
presented. Energy losses mainly occurred in the condenser where 134 MW is lost to the environment
while only 13 MW was lost from the boiler system. The percentage ratio of the exergy destruction to
Exergy analysis
Exergy efficiency
the total exergy destruction was found to be maximum in the boiler system (77%) followed by the turbine
Dead state (13%), and then the forced draft fan condenser (9%). In addition, the calculated thermal efficiency based on
Steam power plant the lower heating value of fuel was 26% while the exergy efficiency of the power cycle was 25%. For a mod-
erate change in the reference environment state temperature, no drastic change was noticed in the perfor-
mance of major components and the main conclusion remained the same; the boiler is the major source of
irreversibilities in the power plant. Chemical reaction is the most significant source of exergy destruction
in a boiler system which can be reduced by preheating the combustion air and reducing the air–fuel ratio.
Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction exergy at different points in a series of energy-conversion steps.

With this information, efficiencies can be evaluated, and the pro-
Jordan’s energy market is one of the country’s fastest develop- cess steps having the largest losses (i.e., the greatest margin for
ing sectors. Annual demand for electricity has increased by more improvement) can be identified [3].
than 9% during recent years, and installed capacity and annual gen- For these reasons, the modern approach to process analysis uses
eration figures have reached in 2006 approximately 9000 GW h [1]. the exergy analysis, which provides a more realistic view of the
Central Electricity Generating Company (CEGCO) is the sole power process and a useful tool for engineering evaluation [4]. As a mat-
generating company in the country using heavy fuel oil, diesel, gas, ter of fact, many researchers [5–8] have recommended that exergy
and renewable resources. The power plants are distributed over analysis be used to aid decision making regarding the allocation of
most of the Jordanian cities, all of which are transmitting power resources (capital, research and development effort, optimization,
through overhead lines of 132 and 400 kV. life cycle analysis, materials, etc.) in place of or in addition to en-
Analysis of power generation systems are of scientific interest ergy analysis [3]. Exergy analysis has become a key aspect in pro-
and also essential for the efficient utilization of energy resources. viding a better understanding of the process, to quantify sources of
The most commonly-used method for analysis of an energy-con- inefficiency, and to distinguish quality of energy used [9]. Some
version process is the first law of thermodynamics. However, there researchers dedicated their studies to component exergy analysis
is increasing interest in the combined utilization of the first and and efficiency improvement [10,11]; others focused on systems de-
second laws of thermodynamics, using such concepts as exergy sign and analysis [12–16].
and exergy destruction in order to evaluate the efficiency with The objective of this work is to analyze Al-Hussein power plant
which the available energy is consumed. Exergetic analysis pro- from an energy and exergy perspective. Sites of primary energy
vides the tool for a clear distinction between energy losses to the loss and exergy destruction will be determined. The effect of vary-
environment and internal irreversibilities in the process [2]. ing the reference environment state (dead state) on the exergy
Exergy analysis is a methodology for the evaluation of the per- analysis will also be investigated.
formance of devices and processes, and involves examining the
2. Plant description

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +962 (3) 2372380; fax: +962 (3) 2375540.
The power plant has a total installed power capacity of
E-mail address: 396 MW. It is located 560 m above sea level in the city of Zarqa,

1359-4311/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
I.H. Aljundi / Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 324–328 325


h specific enthalpy (J/kg) Subscripts

I_ exergy destruction rate (W) e exit
m _ mass flow rate (kg/s) i inlet
P pressure (Pa) s isentropic
Q_ heat transfer rate to the system (W) o dead state conditions
s specific entropy (J/kg K) f fuel
T temperature (K)
W _ work rate or power done by the system (W)
X_ total exergy rate (W)

Greek symbols
gII exergy efficiency
W specific exergy (J/kg)
c exergy factor

Table 1 steam turbines units (3  33 + 4  66) MW and two gas turbines

Properties of heavy fuel oil used in Al-Hussein power plant for April 2007 (1  14 + 1  19) MW at 100% load. The power plant uses heavy
Property Value fuel oil, which is obtained from a nearby oil refinery. The annual
Density at 15 °C 0.9705 g/mL fuel consumption in the year 2006 is 504,030 tons. Properties for
Total sulfur 3.76 wt% the heavy fuel oil obtained in the month of April, 2007 are shown
Flash point 117 °C in Table 1.
Kinematic viscosity @ 100 °C 35.52 cSt The schematic diagram of one 66 MW unit is shown in Fig. 1.
Pour point +7 °C
Ash content 0.036 wt%
This unit employs regenerative feed water heating system. Feed
Water and sediment 0.14 V% water heating is carried out in two stages of high pressure heaters
Gross calorific value 42943.81 kJ/kg (HPH1, HPH2) and two stages of low pressure heaters (LPH4, LPH5)
Net calorific value 40504.58 kJ/kg along with one deaerating heat exchanger. Steam is superheated to
793 K and 9.12 MPa in the steam generator and fed to the turbine.
at north east of Jordan 30 km of Amman. It started to produce The turbine exhaust stream is sent to an air-cooled condenser
power in the middle seventies. The power house consists of seven and the condensate to the condensate return tank (CRT). Then,

Output Air


Boiler Cooling Air


4 7
19 3

Deaerator 13
17 11
14 10
15 8
18 16 12

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the power plant.

326 I.H. Aljundi / Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 324–328

Table 2 Table 5
Operating conditions of the power plant Energy balance of the power plant components and percent ratio to fuel energy input

Operating condition Value Component Heat loss (kW) Percent ratio

Mass flow rate of fuel 5.0 kg/s Condenser 133,597 65.97
Inlet gas volumetric flow rate to burners 188,790 N m3/h Net power 53,321 26.33
Stack gas temperature 411.15 K Boiler 12,632 6.24
Feed water inlet temperature to boiler 494.15 K Piping 1665 0.82
Steam flow rater 275 ton/h Heaters 856 0.42
Steam temperature 793.15 K Turbine 452 0.22
Steam pressure 9.12 MPa
Total 202,523 100
Power output 56 MW
Power input to FDC/fan 88 kW
Number of fans 18
Mass flow rate of cooling air 23,900 ton/h
Combined pump/motor efficiency 0.95 Mass, energy, and exergy balances for any control volume at
steady state with negligible potential and kinetic energy changes
can be expressed, respectively, by
Table 3 m_i¼ m
_e ð1Þ
The exergy destruction rate and exergy efficiency equations for plant components X X
Q W ¼ _ me he 
_ mi hi
_ ð2Þ
Exergy destruction rate Exergy efficiency X X
Boiler I_boiler ¼ X_ fuel þ X_ in  X_ out
gII;boiler ¼ Xout
X in
_ ¼
X_ heat  W m
_ e We  m_ i Wi þ I_ ð3Þ
X_ fuel

Pumps I_pump ¼ X_ in  X_ out þ W

_ pump gII;pump ¼ 1  W_pump
where the net exergy transfer by heat ðX_ heat Þ at temperature T is gi-

I_heaters ven by
Heaters I_heaters ¼ X_ in  X_ out gII;heaters ¼ 1  X_ in X
Turbine I_turbine ¼ X_ in  X_ out  W
_ el gII;turbine ¼ 1  X_ Iturbine
_ X_ heat ¼ ð1  T o =TÞQ_ ð4Þ
X_ in out

X_ out
Condenser I_condenser ¼ X_ in  X_ out þ W_
f gII;condenser ¼ X_ in þW _ and the specific exergy is given by

Cycle _Icycle ¼ P _Ii gII;cycle ¼

_ net;out
W ¼ h  ho  T o ðs  so Þ ð5Þ
all components X_ fuel

Then the total exergy rate associated with a fluid stream becomes
the cycle starts over again. The operating conditions of the power
plant are summarized in Table 2. X_ ¼ mW _  ho  T o ðs  so Þ
_ ¼ m½h ð6Þ
For a steady state operation, and choosing each component in Fig. 1
3. Analysis as a control volume, the exergy destruction rate and the exergy effi-
ciency are defined as shown in Table 3. The exergy efficiency of the
Exergy is a measure of the maximum capacity of a system to power cycle may be defined in several ways, however, the used def-
perform useful work as it proceeds to a specified final state in equi- inition will not only allow the irreversibility of heat transfer to the
librium with its surroundings. Exergy is generally not conserved as steam in the boiler to be included, but also the exergy destruction
energy but destructed in the system. Exergy destruction is the associated with fuel combustion and exergy lost with exhaust gases
measure of irreversibility that is the source of performance loss. from the furnace [17].
Therefore, an exergy analysis assessing the magnitude of exergy Note that the fuel specific exergy is calculated as: Wfuel = cf 
destruction identifies the location, the magnitude and the source LHV, where cf = 1.06, is the exergy factor based on the lower heat-
of thermodynamic inefficiencies in a thermal system. ing value [18]. In addition, the pump input power was calculated as

Table 4
Exergy analysis of the power plant when To = 298.15 K, Po = 101.3 kPa
Point T (K) P (MPa) _ (ton/h)
m h (kJ/kg) s (kJ/kg K) W (kJ/kg) X_ (MW)
1 618.55 2.4231 17.80 3118.1 6.8419 1082.748 5.354
2 547.85 1.3244 14.92 2986.9 6.8835 939.145 3.892
3 463.65 0.5690 16.40 2831.4 6.9511 763.490 3.478
4 394.35 0.2060 13.96 2707.7 7.1173 590.238 2.289
5 360.45 0.0628 6.39 2655.2 7.5169 418.597 0.743
6 343.15 0.0272 204.90 2626.9 7.8193 300.136 17.083
7 339.95 0.0272 204.90 279.66 0.91588 11.151 0.635
8 339.75 0.0270 226.00 278.82 0.9134 11.045 0.693
9 341.15 1.3734 226.00 285.79 0.9299 13.113 0.823
10 337.60 0.0245 21.10 269.81 0.8868 9.959 0.058
11 356.15 0.0536 226.00 347.61 1.1111 20.896 1.312
12 362.45 0.0687 13.96 374.09 1.1848 25.403 0.099
13 390.15 0.1815 226.00 491.08 1.4954 49.787 3.126
14 428.15 0.6867 275.00 653.88 1.8922 94.281 7.202
15 430.15 12.2630 275.00 669.49 1.8991 107.834 8.237
16 436.15 0.6671 32.70 688.52 1.9725 104.980 0.954
17 461.45 10.7910 275.00 804.43 2.2056 151.391 11.565
18 466.15 2.3544 17.80 821.28 2.2626 151.246 0.748
19 494.15 10.3010 275.00 950.46 2.5124 205.949 15.732
20 793.15 9.1233 275.00 3436.3 6.7168 1438.247 109.866
Input air 298.15 0.1013 23,900 424.54 3.8814 0.000 0.000
Output air 318.15 0.1013 23,900 444.68 3.9468 0.647 4.294
Dead state 298.15 0.1013 – 104.92 0.3672 0.000 –
I.H. Aljundi / Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 324–328 327

Table 6 1000
Exergy destruction and exergy efficiency of the power plant components when Boiler
To = 298.15 K, Po = 101.3 kPa Condenser
Exergy destruction Percent exergy Percent exergy
(MW) destruction efficiency

Exergy destruction (MW)

Boiler 120.540 76.75 43.8 100
Turbine 20.407 12.99 73.5
Condenser 13.738 8.75 26.4
Boiler pumps 0.220 0.14 82.5
CRT pump 0.331 0.21 28.2
HPH1 0.438 0.28 97.4
HPH2 0.359 0.23 97.2
Deaerator 0.355 0.23 95.3
LPH4 0.377 0.24 89.5
LPH5 0.295 0.19 67.3
Power cycle 157.059 100.00 24.8

280 290 300 310 320
W_ pump ¼ mðh
_ e;s  hi Þ=gcombined , where gcombined = 0.95, is the com- Reference environment temperature (K)
bined pump/motor efficiency. Fig. 2. Effect of reference environment temperature on total exergy destruction rate
in major plant components.
4. Results and discussion

The power plant was analyzed using the above relations noting Exergy and percent of exergy destruction along with the exergy
that the environment reference temperature and pressure are efficiencies are summarized in Table 6 for all components present
298.15 K and 101.3 kPa, respectively. The thermodynamic proper- in the power plant. It was found that the exergy destruction rate of
ties of water and air at indicated nodes in Fig. 1 were calculated the boiler is dominant over all other irreversibilities in the cycle. It
using REFPROP 8 software [19] and summarized in Table 4. counts alone for 77% of losses in the plant, while the exergy
The energy balance of the power plant is presented in Table 5. It destruction rate of the condenser is only 9%. According to the first
shows that the thermal efficiency (26%) is low compared to mod- law analysis, energy losses associated with the condenser are sig-
ern power plants. Clearly, this efficiency was not based on the spe- nificant because they represent about 66% of the energy input to
cific heat input to the steam; rather, it was based on the lower the plant. An exergy analysis, however, showed that only 9% of
heating value of the fuel to incorporate the losses occurring in the exergy was lost in the condenser. The real loss is primarily back
the furnace-boiler system due to energy lost with hot gases, in the boiler where entropy was produced. Contrary to the first law
incomplete combustion, etc. The energy balance also reveals that analysis, this demonstrates that significant improvements exist in
two thirds of the fuel energy is lost in the condenser and carried the boiler system rather than in the condenser.
out into the environment, while only 6% is lost in the boiler. None- The calculated exergy efficiency of the power cycle is 25%,
theless, efficiencies based on energy can often be non-intuitive or which is low. This indicates that tremendous opportunities are
even misleading [20], in part because it does not provide a measure available for improvement. However, part of this irreversibility
of ideality. In addition, losses of energy can be large quantity while can not be avoided due to physical, technological, and economic
it is thermodynamically insignificant due to its low quality. Exer- constraints.
gy-based efficiencies and losses, however, provide measures of ap- In order to quantify the exergy of a system, we must specify
proach to ideality or deviation from ideality. both the system and the surroundings. It is assumed that the

Table 7
Total exergy rate at different reference environment temperatures, MW
Point Temperature (K)
283.15 288.15 293.15 298.15 303.15 308.15 313.15 318.15
1 5.842 5.677 5.515 5.354 5.194 5.037 4.881 4.727
2 4.304 4.165 4.028 3.892 3.758 3.625 3.494 3.363
3 3.935 3.781 3.629 3.478 3.329 3.181 3.035 2.891
4 2.688 2.553 2.420 2.289 2.159 2.030 1.902 1.776
5 0.936 0.871 0.807 0.743 0.680 0.617 0.555 0.494
6 23.536 21.365 19.213 17.083 14.972 12.881 10.809 8.756
7 1.195 0.987 0.801 0.635 0.489 0.362 0.254 0.166
8 1.309 1.081 0.876 0.693 0.533 0.394 0.276 0.180
9 1.454 1.221 1.011 0.823 0.658 0.514 0.391 0.289
10 0.113 0.093 0.075 0.058 0.044 0.032 0.022 0.014
11 2.113 1.823 1.556 1.312 1.089 0.888 0.709 0.550
12 0.152 0.133 0.115 0.099 0.083 0.069 0.057 0.046
13 4.289 3.878 3.491 3.126 2.783 2.461 2.160 1.881
14 9.072 8.421 7.798 7.202 6.633 6.090 5.573 5.082
15 10.115 9.462 8.836 8.237 7.666 7.120 6.600 6.107
16 1.187 1.106 1.028 0.954 0.882 0.814 0.749 0.687
17 13.794 13.023 12.280 11.565 10.876 10.213 9.576 8.966
18 0.896 0.845 0.796 0.748 0.702 0.658 0.615 0.574
19 18.313 17.425 16.565 15.732 14.926 14.146 13.392 12.665
20 117.264 114.771 112.305 109.866 107.454 105.069 102.709 100.375
Output air 4.509 4.435 4.363 4.294 4.227 4.162 4.100 4.039
328 I.H. Aljundi / Applied Thermal Engineering 29 (2009) 324–328

100 insignificant due to its low quality. In terms of exergy destruction,

Boiler the major loss was found in the boiler system where 77% of the fuel
exergy input to the cycle was destroyed. Next to it was the turbine
where 20.4 MW of exergy was destroyed which represents 13% of
Percent exergy efficiency

75 the fuel exergy input to the cycle. The percent exergy destruction
in the condenser was 9% while all heaters and pumps destroyed
less than 2%.
The calculated exergy efficiency of the power cycle was 25%,
which is low compared to modern power plants. The major source
of exergy destruction was the boiler system where chemical reac-
tion is the most significant source of exergy destruction in a com-
25 bustion chamber. Exergy destruction in the combustion chamber is
mainly affected by the excess air fraction and the temperature of
the air at the inlet. The inefficiencies of combustion can be reduced
by preheating the combustion air and reducing the air–fuel ratio.
0 Although the percent exergy destruction and the exergy effi-
280 290 300 310 320
ciency of each component in the system changed with reference
Reference environment temperature (K) environment temperature, the main conclusion stayed the same;
Fig. 3. Effect of reference environment temperature on the exergy efficiency of the boiler is the major source of irreversibilities in the system.
major plant components.
intensive properties of the environment are not significantly
changed by any process. The dead state is a state of a system in The author is grateful to the management and staff of CEGCO for
which it is at equilibrium with its surroundings. When a system their cooperation and helpful discussions.
is at the same temperature, pressure, elevation, velocity and chem-
ical composition as its surroundings, there is no potential differ- References
ences exist in such instances that would allow the extraction of
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