Unit IV Environmental Issues
Unit IV Environmental Issues
Unit IV Environmental Issues
3. Acid rain
Acid rain, or acid deposition, is a broad term that includes any form of precipitation with acidic
components, such as sulfuric or nitric acid that fall to the ground from the atmosphere in wet or
dry forms. This can include rain, snow, fog, hail or even dust that is acidic.
How is it formed:
Acid rain results when sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) are emitted into the
atmosphere and transported by wind and air currents. The SO 2 and NOX react with water, oxygen
and other chemicals to form sulfuric and nitric acids. These then mix with water and other
materials before falling to the ground. While a small portion of the SO 2 and NOX that cause acid
rain is from natural sources such as volcanoes, most of it comes from the burning of fossil fuels.
The major sources of SO2 and NOX in the atmosphere are:
Burning of fossil fuels to generate electricity. Two thirds of SO2 and one fourth of
NOX in the atmosphere come from electric power generators.
Vehicles and heavy equipment.
2) One option is to use coal that has less sulphur in it. Another way to get rid of some of the
sulphur is to "wash" the coal.
3) At the power plant, scrubbers can be put in place to get rid of the sulphur dioxide in the
gases coming out of the smokestack.
4) Because nitrogen oxides are made when coal and other fossil fuels are burned, some
power plants are changing the way they burn coal.
8) Flue Gas Desulphurization to remove sulphur dioxide (SO 2) from the flue gases of fossil-
fuel power plants and other processes.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) Refrigerators, air conditioners, air coolers, solvents, and dry-
cleaning agents
Carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) Solvent, degreasing agent, refrigerant, fumigant, and fire-
After being released from the surface, these compounds are carried into the stratosphere by
turbulent mixing, which happens much faster than the molecules can settle. Once they reach the
stratosphere, they release halogen atoms through photodissociation. These atoms help ozone
(O3) break down into oxygen (O2). As halocarbon emissions went up, both types of ozone
depletion were seen to get worse. The major causes of ozone layer depletion is the chemical
chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs. CFCs are generally composed of carbon, fluorine and chlorine.
They are quite durable and can sustain harsh conditions. CFCs generally don’t react but only
react with sunlight when it breaks down to release chlorine.
CF2Cl2 + UV light →CF2Cl + Cl
This chlorine reacts with the Ozone layer and forms oxygen and chlorine monoxide. The ozone
depletion reactions are:
Cl + O3 → ClO + O2
When chlorine monoxide reacts with another molecule of oxygen, it breaks up again and releases
chlorine which can again react with ozone and cause further depletion.
ClO + O → Cl + O2
Effects of ozone layer depletion
1. Effect on people: When the ozone layer thins, more UV rays get into the air. When these
UV rays hit a person's skin, it can cause skin cancers that are hard to treat.
2. Impact on Animals: Due to the ozone layer getting thinner, whales' skin has been
damaged by high levels of UV rays. Due to the loss of ozone, many aquatic animals are getting
more sun damage.
3. Impact on plants: Increased UV rays can hurt plants if they are exposed to them for long
periods of time. The ozone gets into plants through the stomata. Damage to the stomata makes it
hard for plants to live. Ozone also hurts the amount of water in the soil, bugs, and other things.
4. Changes to Marine Ecosystems: Phytoplankton have lower survival rates after being
exposed to UV radiation, which has been demonstrated to alter their orientation and motility.
5. Impact on marine life: The early phases of life of marine species including fish, shrimp,
crab, and amphibians are particularly vulnerable to the harmful effects of UV radiation. Reduced
reproductive ability and stunted larval development are the most devastating impacts.
6. Material Affects: UV radiation is harmful to several materials of economic importance,
including synthetic polymers, natural biopolymers, and others. Elevated UV levels hasten their
decomposition, shortening their period of use in the open air.
(ii) The heat from burning paddy straw reaches the soil, kills the bacterial and fungal
populations that are necessary for fruitful soil.
(iii) Crop residue burning harms other microorganisms in the upper layer of the soil as well as
its organic quality making crops more susceptible to disease.
(iv) Residue burning not only causes air pollution, but also increases evaporation rate and
reduces macronutrients (N, P, K, Ca, Mg etc.) as well as micronutrients (Fe, Mn, B, Zn, S etc.) in
(v) People suffer from health problems as a result of rising smog occurrence, eye irritation,
nose irritation, and throat irritation.
(vi) Direct burning in the rice field significantly changes the soil temperature, especially in
the top soil layer, besides decreasing readily assimilated carbon sources for microbes, soil
ammonium levels and available soil phosphorus.
Solutions to the pressing issue
(i) The Union government issued the National Policy for Crop Residue Management in
2014. Crop residue management has now helped to make the soil more fertile, resulting in a Rs
2,000/hectare savings in farmer manure costs.
(ii) Instead of being burned, the stubble can be used in a variety of ways, including calf feed,
compost manure, rural roofing, biomass energy, mushroom culture, packing materials, fuel,
paper, bio-ethanol, and industrial production, among others.
(iii) Conservation agriculture based management practices have several advantages-less costs,
reduced environmental pollution, conjunctive use of organics (avoids residue burning), improved
soil health and facilitates timely planting of crops to address issues of terminal heat stresses.
(iv) Farmers can also effectively manage crop wastes by using agricultural machinery such
Happy Seeder (used for sowing of crop in standing stubble)
Rotavator (used for land preparation and assimilation of crop stubble in the soil) (used for
land preparation and incorporation of crop stubble in the soil)
No till seed drill (used for land preparations directly sowing of seeds in the previous crop
Baler (used for collection of straw and producing bales of the paddy stubble) (used for
collection of straw and making bales of the paddy stubble)
Paddy Straw Chopper (cutting of paddy stubble for easily mixing with the soil)
Reaper Binder (used for harvesting paddy stubble and making into bundles)
However, these equipment are prohibitively expensive, and state governments should step up and
give stronger subsidies so that farmers can afford them. Government is subsidising crop residue
management machinery by 50-80%. This scheme includes a provision of Rs 1,151.80 crore for
two years for states such as Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, and the National Capital Region.
Case study
1. Crop residue burning has long been recognised in Punjab, Haryana, and western Uttar
Pradesh, but it is also becoming more common in other parts of the country. Ramnagina
Kushwaha, a farmer from Zamania in Ghazipur, died in a field after being set on fire
while burning wheat stubble.
2. To conserve the parali, the state administration has not implemented the National Policy
for Crop Residue Management (crop residue). The National Green Tribunal (NGT)
banned crop residue burning in Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Punjab on
December 10, 2015. Crop residue burning is a violation of Section 188 of the IPC and the
Air and Pollution Control Act of 1981. However, the government's implementation is
3. The Delhi High Court has also issued an injunction against burning crop wastes, and the
Punjab government fined farmers Rs 73.2 lakh in 2016 for burning crop residue.
Although the exact amount of fines paid was not disclosed, farmers continue to burn
waste every season, poisoning both the soil and the air.
4. According to an official report, the country produces more than 500 million tonnes of
parali (crop residues) per year, with cereal crops (rice, wheat, maize, and millets)
accounting for 70% of total crop waste. This is made up of 34% rice and 22% wheat
harvests, the majority of which is burned on the farm. According to estimates, 20 million
tonnes of rice stubble are produced in Punjab alone each year, with 80 percent of it being