MainAudit 16624 Complete
MainAudit 16624 Complete
MainAudit 16624 Complete
00 - Basic Data
00 - Certification Body
00.00.001 Name of Certification Body PT. MUTUAGUNG LESTARI
01 - Operational Unit
00.01.001 Company Name MOLTECH SINGAPORE PTE LTD
00.01.002 Street 511 KAMPONG BAHRU ROAD,
00.01.003 Street Number No. 03-01
00.01.004 Postal Code 099447
00.01.006 Country Singapore
00.01.007 Geo Coordinates: Latitude in decimal degrees 1.271398
(according to WG S84 coordinate system)
00.01.008 Geo Coordinates: Longitude in decimal degrees 103.828523
(according to WG S84 coordinate system)
00.01.009 ISCC System ISCC EU
00.01.010 ISCC Contact Person 1: Salutation Mr
00.01.011 ISCC Contact Person 1: Last Name Radhakrishnan
00.01.012 ISCC Contact Person 1: First Name Arun
00.01.013 ISCC Contact Person 1: Phone +6016 985 4705
00.01.014 ISCC Contact Person 1: E-Mail
00.01.015 Is there a second ISCC contact person in the No
00.01.021 Contact details (e.g. email, phone) of relevant Arun Radhakrishnan
department within the company
+6016 985 4705
00.01.022 Type of Operation/ Scope to be audited Trader with Storage
00.01.023 Is the operational unit certified individually or Individually certified
audited as a part of a sample?
00.01.025 ISCC Registration Number ISCC-Reg-16624
00.01.026 Recertification yes
00.01.027 Year of initial ISCC certification 2023
00.01.028 Is the date of the previous audit on/after Septemberyes
1st, 2022?
00.01.046 Indicate the time period for the reporting of 01.08.2023 - 31.05.2024
materials declared as sustainable within the last
certification period (basis for quantity-dependent
fees calculation and invoicing, please see guidance
for clarification).
00.02.009 What GHG option(s) are used for the outgoing Total default value
sustainable material? (ISCC PLUS: Only applicable Disaggregated default value
if the voluntary add-on "GHG Emissions" is Actual GHG value
00.02.022 Specify major risk indicator(s) that were identified Separate of origin in Mass balance
for the audit (in accordance with ISCC Risk
Assessment requirements – ISCC EU Document
204 “Risk Management”) and with regard to the
(non-exhaustive) list of risks as provided in ISCC
EU Document 204 “Risk Management”*
00.02.023 Tools and information sources used to determine QMS documentation to check the mechanism of
risk factor operational procedure
- List of Supplier & buyer
- Internal audit report to check the preparation of
system user
- Mass balance record
- Incoming bookkeeping
- List of type of ISCC material
- Desktop review/ online search to check no other
certification system applied by system user and
not blacklisted from other system certification
- Risk of intentional "production" of waste or
- Risk of intentional modification of products to be
declared or claimed as waste or residues
- System updated of ISCC
00.02.024 Risk level applied regarding a flawed High (risk level 2.0)
documentation of the operational unit (i.e. risk level
for traceability).
00.02.025 Please indicate how the ISCC criteria to determine - PIC can demonstrate the job description
the risk-level (in accordance with ISCC Risk - Type of point of origin : point of origin are on
Assessment requirements – ISCC EU Document similar industry of restaurant
204 “Risk Management”) have been applied, with - Type of collected material : UCO entirely veg.
regard to a flawed documentation of the audited Origin and Food Waste
operational unit (i.e. risk level for traceability) as - Less risk on intentional production
indicated in the guidance in ISCC EU Document - Less risk on intentional modification
204 “Risk Management” - Self declaration of POO are available
- Delivery document of incoming and outgoing
material is available and easily accessible
- There is no other certification system and no
indication of double claim
- Clear record of incoming and outgoing material
- There is a balance on mass balance record of
incoming and outgoing sustainable material.
- QMS has been accordance with ISCC
- System update of ISCC
00.02.031 Are internal (on-site) or external (different address) yes: external storage facilities
storage facilities (e.g. warehouses, tank terminals,
etc.) used to store sustainable material?
00.02.032 If external storage facilities are used, please All external storage facilities are certified
indicate if they are covered by individual or Logistic
Centre certification (A list of all external storage
facilities including address data (and certificate
number if individually certified) must be provided to
00.02.040 Did the auditor apply the tool of cross-checking the yes
accuracy of sustainability claims in the framework
of the audit? See ISCC EU Document 201 “System
Basics” chapter 4.2.2 for further information.
08 - Trader, Trader with storage, Logistic Center, Warehouse, and Storage Facilities
00.08.001 Information on incoming material claimed and stored as sustainable under ISCC (or bought in case of
paper traders):
01: Used cooking oil (UCO) entirely of veg. origin - 27537 mt - not applicable
02: Food waste - 41 mt - not applicable
00.08.002 Outgoing materials declared as sustainable under ISCC since the previous certification audit:
01: Used cooking oil (UCO) entirely of veg. origin - 19921 mt - Raw material category
02: Food waste - 41 mt - Raw material category
00.08.005 Total amount of outgoing material declared as sustainable under ISCC EU during the indicated
19962 mt nineteen thousand nine hundred sixty two -
01 - Management System
01 - General Requirements
Number Question/Finding Conformity
01.01.001 Is the management system appropriate with respect to type, complexity and volume of the
operations and takes risk factors into account?
There is no change on audit procedure from the audit of initial assessment. There is a yes
procedure prepared by the system user relevant to ISCC trading.
The procedure consisting information on:
- control point 1 confirmation on ISCC certificate validity of the supplier and buyer-
shipment : communication with supplier and buyer, commercial document (invoice, PL,
weight ticket, ISCC Sustainability material, BL)
- all document is kept for 7 years- internal audit is performed once a year
- the confidentiality : all document shared to third party must be with the approval from the
01.01.002 Have relevant information and documents been distributed to the competent employees,
storage facilities and service providers, subcontractors, customers and other relevant
There is no update procedure and therefore no update distribution of relevant information yes
and documents.
The distribution of relevant information and documents is distributed via training. The
training was conducted on 13 February 2024 attended by the operation manager and
accountant, the relevant parties will run the ISSC implementation.
01.01.003 Have employees been appointed who are responsible for the implementation, verification,
development and updating of the ISCC requirements at all critical control points?
There is no change of appointed person responsible for the implementation, verification yes
development and updating of the ISCC requirements at all critical control points.
There is an appointment letter of operational manager as a responsible person dated 1
May 2023, responsible for the implementation, verification, development and updating of
the ISCC requirements at all critical control points.
01.01.004 Did trainings take place appropriate to the needs of the employees at critical control
The training was conducted on 13 February 2024 attended by the operation manager and yes
accountant, the relevant parties will run the ISSC implementation.
The ISCC internal audit was conducted by the system user on 14 June 2024 conducted yes
by the operation manager as assigned responsibel for ISCC implementation. There is no
non-conformity raised during the internal audit.
01.01.007 Was the internal audit report reviewed by the organization’s management?
The internal review conducted conducted that was on 27 June 2024. The internal yes
management review was conducted by top management and responsible person for
ISCC implementation.
01.01.009 Are sufficient procedure descriptions with respect to sustainability requirements available
for all critical control points?
There is a procedure prepared by the system user relevant to ISCC trading. yes
There is sufficient procedure description with respect to sustainability requirement for all
critical control point, consisting information on:- control point 1 confirmation on ISCC
certificate validity of the supplier and buyer- shipment : communication with supplier and
buyer, commercial document (invoice, PL, weight ticket, ISCC Sustainability material, BL)
- all document is kept for 7 years
- internal audit is performed once a year
- the confidentiality : all document shared to third party must be with the approval from the
01.01.010 Is the technical equipment and infrastructure available and in operation for the critical
control points?
The system user will use the third party weight scale facility/the supplier weigh slip. yes
01.01.011 Are all necessary documents, records, reports, information and data according to ISCC
EU Document 203 “Traceability and Chain of Custody” available and accessible (please
see list under Evidence/Documents)?
The necessary documents, records, reports, information and data according to ISCC EU yes
Document 203 is available and accessible. The documents are:
- company registration : company name Moltech Singapore Pte Ltd, Unique Entity
Identification Number (UEN) 202316058G issued on 26 April 2023 by ACRA
- For weighscale the system user will use the third party weight scale facility/the supplier
weigh slip
.- ISCC term of use version 10 March 2023 signed on 12 January 2024 by the operation
01.01.012 Are all necessary documents, records, reports, information and data according to ISCC
EU Document 203 “Traceability and Chain of Custody” kept for at least five years or
longer if required by the relevant national authority?
The system user rules the retention period in their procedure for 7 years retention period yes
01.01.013 Did the risk assessment regarding a flawed documentation of the audited site take place
based on the documents, reports, information and data according to ISCC Document 203
"Traceability and Chain of Custody" as well as the certification history?
Based on below verification result the risk regarding flawed documentation is considered yes
as high risk referring to ISCC system on risk level for system user handling waste and
residue :
- Process flow is available and the critical control point is clearly defined
- Traceability monitoring system is in place
- PIC understand the requirement of ISCC relevant for trader
- Relevant documen of incoming and outgoing transaction is available and sufficient.
- Mass balance record period of August 2023 - May 2024 is available
- Supplier list is available
- Buyer list is available
01.01.015 Is it ensured that no hopping between certification schemes is performed with the
intention to cover or conceal violations of other certification schemes?
There is no other certification scheme applied therefore there is no risk to hopping yes
between certification schemes.
01.01.016 Is it ensured that the operational unit is not suspended or excluded by another certification
system at the date of the audit?
There is no other certification scheme applied therefore there is no risk of blacklisting from yes
another certification schemes.
01.01.017 Are documents and information treated as confidential and is it ensured that they are not
made accessible to third parties?
Confidential information and documents made accessible to the third party after the yes
approval from the director. This information is ruled under the company procedure
01.01.021 Is a signed statement from an eligible and high-level member of the staff available
confirming awareness that multiple accounting is not allowed?
There is a signed statement from the Director that multiple accounting is not allowed on yes
19 July 2023.
01.01.022 Are the relevant personnel aware of the ISCC System Updates and that they must
consider the content and initiate necessary action upon request?
The training was conducted on 13 February 2024 attended by the operation manager and yes
accountant, the relevant parties will run the ISSC implementation.
01.01.023 Applicable for audits conducted with reasonable assurance: Are risk control measures
established for all critical control points to mitigate risks for relevant ISCC requirements
(i.e. to reduce the probability and/or negative consequences associated with the
respective risk)?
According to the quality management system organization chart and job responsibilities yes
the risk control measures are established for all critical control points to mitigate risks for
relevant ISCC requirements
01.01.024 Applicable for audits conducted with reasonable assurance: Are the internal processes
and risk control measures adequately designed to address the respective risks?
According to the quality management system organization chart and job responsibilities. yes
The internal processes and risk control are measures adequately designed to address the
respective risks
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© ISCC System Gmbh 2024
Scope: Trader with Storage Date of Audit 27.06.2024
01.01.025 Applicable for audits conducted with reasonable assurance: Have the internal processes
and control measures been effectively implemented?
According to the quality management system organization chart and job responsibilities. yes
The internal processes and control measures have been effectively implemented
01.04.001 Is a list of all external storage facilities used available and accessible?
System user used certified logistic center PACIFIC OILS & FATS INDUSTRIES SDN yes
BHD EU-ISCC-Cert-DE119-60244553
01.04.002 Has the sample size been calculated correctly, i.e. has a sufficient number of storage
facilities been selected for the external audit to verify compliance with the respective ISCC
sustainability requirements?
02 - Traceability
01 - General Requirements
Number Question/Finding Conformity
02.01.001 Is it ensured that the list of suppliers and recipients of sustainable materials contains
relevant information?
There is list of supplier and buyer available. The format has information on supplier/buyer yes
name, ISCC certificate number of buyer and supplier, address, latitude, longitude, scope
of sourcing contract, scope of sourcing contact, type of material supplied, date of first
The supplier:
1. MOLTECH THAILAND Co,LTD, EU-ISCC-Cert-IT206-1713, CP,TRS, 13/01/23-
1 BIO OIL RECYCLING EU-ISCC-Cert-DE105-82603011 CP.TR 25-Feb-23 24-
02.01.002 Does the information and quantities from weighbridge tickets, delivery notes, sustainability
declarations or proofs of sustainability of the incoming and outgoing sustainable material
match with the information from the reporting system of the company?
The information and quantities from weighbridge tickets, delivery notes, sustainability yes
declarations of the incoming and outgoing material matches with the information from the
reporting system of the company.
Based on document review on bookeeping/mass balance daily input with the quantities
of reporting on incoming and outgoing is consistent. Based on review on the information
and quantities from weigh bridge tickets, delivery notes, sustainability declarations or
proofs of sustainability of the incoming and outgoing sustainable material sampled, the
information and quantity is match with the information from the reporting system of the
There is 572.320,00 from ATLANTIC OIL MFG PTE.LTD.,
The contract: SGP24081 date on 25 April 2024, material UCO entirely veg. origin, qty:
1000 mt
Sustainability declaration:
Unique Number: ATL/M-202402
Supplier: Atlantic Oil Mfg Pte Ltd
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Contract: SGP24081
Origin: Singapore
Quantity: 572,32 mt
GHG: etd: DDV
Waste Delivery note on 29/04/2024. Materil UCO, total 167,21 mt, origin: Singapore.
There is 4 WB ticket for this. For instance: No. 219784 from Atlantic material UCO,
quantity 43,740 mt.
There is outgoing 5.013,23 mt material to Cepsa Trading Asia PTE LTD
The contract no. SGS24055 dated on 14 March 2024, material UCO, quantity: 5000 m3
Waste delivery note:
The contract no. SGS24055, material: UCO, quanity: 5013,23 mt. Singapore (1107,13
mt), Malaysia (1268,67 mt); Thailand (1975,31 mt); Philippines (100,47 mt), India (43,93
mt); Bangladesh (62,9 mt); all delivery in different Sustainability declaration. For instance:
Sustainability declaration
Unique Number: MOHA028
Supplier: Hamada Kagaku
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
No. BL NTI-3782075, material Food waste, quantity 40,92 mt
There is the outgoing
Sustainability declaration
Unique Number: MOLSIN000070
Supplier: Moltech Singapore
Recipient: Shell International Eastern Trading
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
Contract number: ITFT9I dated on 20 March 2024 between Shell International Eastern
Trading Company and system user, material Food Waste, quantity 42 mt from Japan
02.01.003 Are the quantities of the incoming and outgoing deliveries of sustainable material
consistent with the amounts stated in the contracts related to those deliveries? Do they
fulfil the sustainability characteristics fixed in the contracts (e.g. on EU RED II or ISCC
Compliance, type of chain of custody)?
The quantities of incoming and outgoing deliveries of sustainable material consistent with yes
the amounts stated in the traceability document of the related document to those
Based on crosschecking of collection note with the daily incoming bookeeping, the
quantity is consistent.
Based on the crosschecking between sustainability declaration, weigh slip and invoice
the quantity is consistent.
There is 572.320,00 from ATLANTIC OIL MFG PTE.LTD.,
The contract: SGP24081 date on 25 April 2024, material UCO entirely veg. origin, qty:
1000 mt
Sustainability declaration:
Unique Number: ATL/M-202402
Supplier: Atlantic Oil Mfg Pte Ltd
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Contract: SGP24081
Origin: Singapore
Quantity: 572,32 mt
GHG: etd: DDV
Waste Delivery note on 29/04/2024. Materil UCO, total 167,21 mt, origin: Singapore.
There is 4 WB ticket for this. For instance: No. 219784 from Atlantic material UCO,
quantity 43,740 mt.
There is outgoing 5.013,23 mt material to Cepsa Trading Asia PTE LTD
The contract no. SGS24055 dated on 14 March 2024, material UCO, quantity: 5000 m3
Waste delivery note:
The contract no. SGS24055, material: UCO, quanity: 5013,23 mt. Singapore (1107,13
mt), Malaysia (1268,67 mt); Thailand (1975,31 mt); Philippines (100,47 mt), India (43,93
mt); Bangladesh (62,9 mt); all delivery in different Sustainability declaration. For instance:
Sustainability declaration
Unique Number: MOHA028
Supplier: Hamada Kagaku
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
No. BL NTI-3782075, material Food waste, quantity 40,92 mt
There is the outgoing
Sustainability declaration
Unique Number: MOLSIN000070
Supplier: Moltech Singapore
Recipient: Shell International Eastern Trading
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
Contract number: ITFT9I dated on 20 March 2024 between Shell International Eastern
Trading Company and system user, material Food Waste, quantity 42 mt from Japan
02.01.004 Are all deliveries of incoming sustainable material covered by a valid certificate of the
The system user applies scope of Trader where all its suppliers are ISCC certified yes
company. Based on supplier check, all supplier of the system user has valid certificate at
the time of the transaction is taken place.
02.01.006 Do the delivery notes, sustainability declarations or proofs of sustainability for incoming
and outgoing sustainable material comply with the ISCC requirements and is the
information consistent with information in the reporting system?
The information and quantities from weighbridge tickets, delivery notes, sustainability yes
declarations of the incoming and outgoing material matches with the information from the
reporting system of the company.
Based on document review on bookeeping/mass balance daily input with the quantities
of reporting on incoming and outgoing is consistent.
Based on review on the information and quantities from weigh bridge tickets, delivery
notes, sustainability declarations or proofs of sustainability of the incoming and outgoing
sustainable material sampled, the information and quantity is match with the information
from the reporting system of the company.
There is 572.320,00 from ATLANTIC OIL MFG PTE.LTD.,
The contract: SGP24081 date on 25 April 2024, material UCO entirely veg. origin, qty:
1000 mt
Sustainability declaration:
Unique Number: ATL/M-202402
Supplier: Atlantic Oil Mfg Pte Ltd
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Contract: SGP24081
Origin: Singapore
Quantity: 572,32 mt
GHG: etd: DDV
Waste Delivery note on 29/04/2024. Materil UCO, total 167,21 mt, origin: Singapore.
There is 4 WB ticket for this. For instance: No. 219784 from Atlantic material UCO,
quantity 43,740 mt.
There is outgoing 5.013,23 mt material to Cepsa Trading Asia PTE LTD
The contract no. SGS24055 dated on 14 March 2024, material UCO, quantity: 5000 m3
Waste delivery note:
The contract no. SGS24055, material: UCO, quanity: 5013,23 mt. Singapore (1107,13
mt), Malaysia (1268,67 mt); Thailand (1975,31 mt); Philippines (100,47 mt), India (43,93
mt); Bangladesh (62,9 mt); Japan (124,79 mt); all delivery in different Sustainability
declaration. For instance:
Sustainability declaration
Unique Number: MOHA028
Supplier: Hamada Kagaku
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
No. BL NTI-3782075, material Food waste, quantity 40,92 mt
There is the outgoing
Sustainability declaration
Unique Number: MOLSIN000070
Supplier: Moltech Singapore
Recipient: Shell International Eastern Trading
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
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© ISCC System Gmbh 2024
Scope: Trader with Storage Date of Audit 27.06.2024
02.01.008 Is it ensured that for one batch of sustainable material not more than one sustainability
declaration or proof of sustainability was issued?
Based on verification document, it is known that there is no double counting on every yes
delivery. System user only have ISCC certificate.
02.01.010 If cross-checking of sustainability claims was applied in the framework of the audit, has
the cross-checking of documents confirmed that sustainability declarations were issued
System user has shown corresponding evidence between buyer and system user. There yes
is confirmation on email regarding Sustainability Declaration that has been sent to buyer.
02.01.011 Are the data entries in the Union database accurate and consistent with the audited data?
There is some eror in UDB. System user already sent the email to services UDB. yes
02.01.015 Is it ensured that all suppliers of wastes and/or residues or waste/residue based products
are certified, and that the certification scheme is accepted by ISCC for deliveries of
waste/residue based material?
The system user applies scope of Trader where all its suppliers are ISCC certified yes
company. Based on supplier check, all supplier of the system user has valid certificate at
the time of the transaction is taken place.
02.01.017 Is it ensured that ISCC related logos and claims are correctly applied by the System
Based on field observation and review document, it is known that system user not use yes
any ISCC related logos and claims
02.01.023 Applicable for audits conducted with reasonable assurance: Is it ensured that sufficient
data has been gathered and investigated during the audit to obtain a reasonable level of
assurance regarding traceability requirements?
It is ensured that sufficient data has been gathered and investigated during the audit to yes
obtain a reasonable level of assurance regarding traceability requirements. The system
user can described until the raw data. The sample of document has been record in
03 - Mass Balance
01 - General Requirements
Number Question/Finding Conformity
03.01.001 Is it ensured that all relevant documentation is available and accessible for the verification
of the mass balance?
All relevant documentation is available and accessible for the verification of mass yes
balance, for instance:
A. Document incoming
1. Delivery Note
2. weigh bridge tickets
3. sustainability declaration
4. Mass balance
5. Self-declaration
B. Document outgoing
1. Delivery Note
2. weigh bridge tickets
3. Sustainability declaration
4. Contract
5. Mass balance
incoming: 27.537.294 kgs
Outgoing: 19.921.474 kgs
Stock: 7.615.820 kgs
Food waste
Incoming: 40.920 kgs
Outgoing: 40.920 kgs
Stock: 0 kgs
03.01.002 Is it ensured that a timeframe of maximum three months is kept for the mass balance
period (for all economic operators except producers and first gathering points of
agricultural or forest biomass)?
03.01.005 Are the start and end dates of the mass balance periods clearly documented?
Period MB – 01.08.2023 until 31.05.2024 yes
03.01.006 Are the mass balances kept strictly site specific?
System user are kept the mass balances site specific. They provide the mass balance yes
during onsite audit. in Mass balance separate per scope and material.
incoming: 27.537.294 kgs
Outgoing: 19.921.474 kgs
Stock: 7.615.820 kgs
Food waste
Incoming: 40.920 kgs
Outgoing: 40.920 kgs
Stock: 0 kgs
However, system user has not shown the separate mass balance based on country of
03.01.008 For mass balance for gas and gaseous fuels injected in the grid: Is it ensured that there
were no deficits in the mass balance within the mass balance periods?
n.a. yes
System user not claim material for gas.
03.01.009 Are separate mass balances in place for materials, intermediate products or fuels that
cannot be considered being part of a mixture?
System user separate mass balance for UCO and Food Waste. yes
03.01.010 In case materials are kept together in a mass balance they belong to the same product
group: Do the materials fulfil the conditions so that they can be considered belonging to
the same product group?
The credit for sustainable material that may be transferred into the next mass balance yes
period calculated correctly.
The last stock from the last period of mass balance from surveillance on January 2024 is
2.563.455 kgs. this figure had been transferred to the next month.
03.01.011 Was the credit for sustainable material that may be transferred into the next mass balance
period calculated correctly?
The credit for sustainable material that may be transferred into the next mass balance yes
period calculated correctly.
The last stock from the last period of mass balance from surveillance on January 2024 is
2.563.455 kgs. this figure had been transferred to the next month.
03.01.012 If credits were available at the end of a mass balance period was the credit transfer into
the next mass balance period done correctly?
The credit for sustainable material that may be transferred into the next mass balance yes
period calculated correctly.
The last stock from the last period of mass balance from surveillance on January 2024 is
2.563.455 kgs. this figure had been transferred to the next month.
03.01.013 In case of a gap of certification periods of up to three months: If credits were available at
the end of the last mass balance of the previous certification period, was the credit
transfer into the first mass balance of the next certification period done correctly?
n.a. yes
System user choose one month period.
03.01.014 Is the quantity of output material declared as sustainable since the previous audit
available and consistent?
The quantity of output material declared as sustainable since the previous audit available yes
and consistent, for instance:
Sustainability declaration
Unique Number: MOLSIN000070
Supplier: Moltech Singapore
Recipient: Shell International Eastern Trading
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
03.01.017 Is it ensured that different raw materials are kept separately in the mass balance?
System user separate UCO and Food Waste in their mass balance. yes
03.01.019 Is it ensured that the mass balance enables sustainability characteristics to be identified
and uniquely assigned to individual (incoming and outgoing) batches?
It is ensured that the mass balance enables sustainability characteristics to be identified yes
and uniquely assigned to individual (incoming and outgoing) batches, for instance:
There is 572.320,00 from ATLANTIC OIL MFG PTE.LTD.,
The contract: SGP24081 date on 25 April 2024, material UCO entirely veg. origin, qty:
1000 mt
Sustainability declaration:
Unique Number: ATL/M-202402
Supplier: Atlantic Oil Mfg Pte Ltd
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Contract: SGP24081
Origin: Singapore
Quantity: 572,32 mt
GHG: etd: DDV
Waste Delivery note on 29/04/2024. Materil UCO, total 167,21 mt, origin: Singapore.
There is 4 WB ticket for this. For instance: No. 219784 from Atlantic material UCO,
quantity 43,740 mt.
There is outgoing 5.013,23 mt material to Cepsa Trading Asia PTE LTD
The contract no. SGS24055 dated on 14 March 2024, material UCO, quantity: 5000 m3
Waste delivery note:
The contract no. SGS24055, material: UCO, quanity: 5013,23 mt. Singapore (1107,13
mt), Malaysia (1268,67 mt); Thailand (1975,31 mt); Philippines (100,47 mt), India (43,93
mt); Bangladesh (62,9 mt); all delivery in different Sustainability declaration. For instance:
Sustainability declaration
Unique Number: MOHA028
Supplier: Hamada Kagaku
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
No. BL NTI-3782075, material Food waste, quantity 40,92 mt
There is the outgoing
Sustainability declaration
Unique Number: MOLSIN000070
Supplier: Moltech Singapore
Recipient: Shell International Eastern Trading
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
Contract number: ITFT9I dated on 20 March 2024 between Shell International Eastern
Trading Company and system user, material Food Waste, quantity 42 mt from Japan
03.01.020 Was the assignment of sustainability characteristics to outgoing batches of material done
The assignment of sustainability characteristics to outgoing batches of material done yes
correctly, for instance:
03.01.021 In case biofuels, bioliquids or biomass fuels are blended with fossil fuels, is it ensured that
the amount of sustainable material assigned to the blend corresponds with the physical
share of the bio-based fuel in the blend?
n.a. yes
system user only handle raw material
03.01.022 In case batches of sustainable fuels were delivered to an uncertified economic operator,
did the material booked out of the mass balance correspond to the physical nature of the
material delivered?
n.a. yes
system user only handle raw material
03.01.023 In case batches of sustainable fuels were used to comply with an obligation placed on a
fuel supplier in a member state, were those batches booked out of the mass balance
(applicable for the quota obliged fuel supplier in a EU Member State)?
n.a. yes
system user only handle raw material
n.a. yes
system user only handle raw material
03.01.025 In case external storage facilities are used: Is it ensured that the information about
incoming and outgoing material in the mass balance of a specific storage facility match
with the information of incoming and outgoing material of this facility?
The system user is certified under trader with storage scope. The storage facility is yes
external one therefore sampling is not necessary. However, the daily record of incoming
and outgoing material along with the traceability document is provided by the system user
reflecting the physical incoming of the material convinced with evidence of weigh slip.
03.01.026 Is it ensured that sustainable material was physically received at the site for which the
mass balance is kept?
The system user is certified under trader with storage scope. The storage facility is yes
external one therefore sampling is not necessary. However, the daily record of incoming
and outgoing material along with the traceability document is provided by the system user
reflecting the physical incoming of the material convinced with evidence of weigh slip.
03.01.027 Is it ensured that no multiple accounting of sustainable material occurs (i.e. selling
incoming sustainable material more than once with the same sustainability
Based on outgoing bookeeping and mass balance review, there is no multiple accounting yes
of sustainable material occurs.
03.01.032 Applicable for audits conducted with reasonable assurance: Is it ensured that sufficient
data has been gathered and investigated during the audit to obtain a reasonable level of
assurance regarding mass balance requirements?
I t's ensured that sufficient data has been gathered and investigated during the audit. yes
The system user can described until the raw data. The sample of document has been
record in 02.01.002
05.03.001 Do the GHG information on the incoming and outgoing sustainability declarations
The GHG information on sustainability declarations for outgoing products of the previous yes
certification period have been stated correctly.
Sustainability declaration:
Unique Number: ATL/M-202402
Supplier: Atlantic Oil Mfg Pte Ltd
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Contract: SGP24081
Origin: Singapore
Quantity: 572,32 mt
GHG: etd: DDV
Unique number: SGS24055 – BAN
Supplier: Moltech Singapore PTE LTD
Recipient: Cepsa Trading Asia PTE LTD
Origin: Singapore
Qty: 1107,13 mt
Etd: DDV
Sustainability declaration
Unique Number: MOHA028
Supplier: Hamada Kagaku
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
Unique Number: MOLSIN000070
Supplier: Moltech Singapore
Recipient: Shell International Eastern Trading
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
05.03.002 Were the information on GHG emissions from transport of the sustainable product from
the supplier to the recipient forwarded correctly? (Only applicable in case of individual
calculation of etd)
The information on GHG emissions from transport of the sustainable product from the yes
supplier to the recipient were forwarded correctly
Sustainability declaration:
Unique Number: ATL/M-202402
Supplier: Atlantic Oil Mfg Pte Ltd
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Contract: SGP24081
Origin: Singapore
Quantity: 572,32 mt
GHG: etd: DDV
Unique number: SGS24055 – BAN
Supplier: Moltech Singapore PTE LTD
Recipient: Cepsa Trading Asia PTE LTD
Origin: Singapore
Qty: 1107,13 mt
Etd: DDV
Sustainability declaration
Unique Number: MOHA028
Supplier: Hamada Kagaku
Recipient: Moltech Singapore
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
Unique Number: MOLSIN000070
Supplier: Moltech Singapore
Recipient: Shell International Eastern Trading
Raw material: Food waste
Origin: Japan
Quanity: 40,92 mt
Ep: 2,721, etd: 7,551 kg CO2eq/dry-ton
05.03.004 Has no aggregation of different GHG values for incoming materials taken place within the
bookkeeping, even if the raw material is of the same kind and from the same origin?
n.a. yes
Number Question
incoming: 27.537.294 kgs
Outgoing: 19.921.474 kgs
Stock: 7.615.820 kgs
Food waste
Incoming: 40.920 kgs
Outgoing: 40.920 kgs
Stock: 0 kgs
However, system user has not shown the separate mass balance based on
country of origin
Number Question
Action/ System user already shown the separate mass balance based on country of Category: major
Measure Status: implemented
origin, on this period: Implementation until
UCO Implemantation date
Incoming: 11.07.2024
Singapore: 9.462.827 kgs
Malaysia: 3.757.800 kgs
Hongkong: 301.970 kgs
Thailand: 7.259.156 kgs
Philipines: 100.470 kgs
India: 109.960 kgs
Japan: 4.485.750 kgs
UAE: 525.610 kgs
Bangladesh: 315.400 kgs
Srilangka: 101.110 kgs
Vietnam: 905.825 kgs
China: 209.760 kgs
gain stock: 1.657 kgs
Singapore: 6.923.297 kgs
Malaysia: 3.313.436 kgs
Hongkong: 199.550 kgs
Thailand: 4.870.755 kgs
Philipines: 100.470 kgs
India: 109.960 kgs
Japan: 3.531.350 kgs
UAE: 336.770 kgs
Bangladesh: 188.540 kgs
Srilangka: 0.090 kgs
Vietnam: 285.360 kgs
gain stock:1.896 kgs
Singapore: 2.539.530 kgs
Malaysia: 444.364 kgs
Hongkong: 102.420 kgs
Thailand: 2.388.401 kgs
Japan: 954.400 kgs
UAE: 188.840 kgs
Bangladesh: 126.860 kgs
Srilangka: 41.020 kgs
Vietnam: 620.465 kgs
China: 209.760 kgs
gain stock: (239) kgs
Number Question