CCI Daily (Nov 20, 2024)
CCI Daily (Nov 20, 2024)
CCI Daily (Nov 20, 2024)
with VAT and on banker's draft, effective November 20. Shanxi Province introduced the online auction for the first
This took the total decrease for the coal grade to 210 time to trade coal exploration rights. The concentrated
yuan/t in November. The miner also cut lean raw coal (S release of coal resources, following a prolonged pause in
0.5%, A 7%) prices by 20 yuan/t to 965 yuan/t. approving new mining blocks, has sparked a competitive
Coking coal miners in Xiangning, Linfen of Shanxi, bidding frenzy among local coal companies.
lowered prices of low-sulfur lean coal (S 0.5%, A 10%, GRI The stricter requirement for advanced mining capacity
70) to 1,470 yuan/t on bankers' draft, and 1,460 yuan/t in and mine construction also pushed some miners to
cash, both on ex-washplant basis with VAT, starting from transfer what they had.
November 19. On November 5, China Pingmei Shenma announced
Traders and washing plants prioritized accelerating that the company has won the exploration right of the
sales and suspended purchases, adding to pressure on Tiechanggou No.1 coal mine in Xinjiang for approximately
coal deliveries from coking plants. 1.75 billion yuan.
On November 20, the CCI index for Shanxi low-sulfur On November 8, Huaibei Mining also announced their
primary coking coal fell 12 yuan/t day on day to 1,557 plan of obtaining new coal resources in the market to
yuan/t, ex-washplant with VAT, while that for mid- and build up reserves and development momentum.
high-sulfur primary coking coal stood at 1,450 yuan/t and Xinjiang Mingxin Oil and Gas Exploration and
1,423 yuan/t, respectively, both unchanged. Development, one branch of Xinjiang Xintai Natural Gas,
In addition, the Heze city government in Shandong won the tender of No. 7 exploration area of Santanghu
has issued a directive mandating the immediate shutdown mining area in Xinjiang, at a cost of 3.52 billion yuan.
of coking units of two local companies, each with a Ningxia, Gansu and other provinces, with relatively
production capacity of 1.2 million tonnes per annum low coal resources, also used the same method to quicken
(Mtpa). the release of coal production capacity.
If the shutdowns proceed as planned, 190,000 tonnes Policy changes can optimize the market-oriented
of coke production estimated will be affected by year-end. allocation of coal resources, increase the economic value
This is likely to tighten regional supply and shore up the of these resources and avoid the inefficient operation and
market to a certain degree. Shandong has 27 coking plants losses.
with a total production capacity of 43.15 Mtpa.
On the other hand, mining right trades can improve
Chinese firms vie for coal exploration rights amid the overall resource reserves and supply reserve capacity
of the coal market, conducive to cope with sudden supply
favorable policy changes shortfalls and ensure smooth operation of the market.
China's coal mining firms intensified efforts to acquire In addition, despite high-than-expected premiums of
new coal exploration rights this year, as the country right trades, these blocks still have considerable profit
gradually loosened its control over such rights, aiming to margins compared to spot prices, the direct reason why
boost effective supply and maintain stable coal prices. coal companies are competing.
On November 14, Shanxi Xinzhou Shenda Energy The auction price of coal exploration rights in Shanxi
Group obtained the Huashuta block in Baode county for averaged 17.2 yuan/t so far this year, according to a
16 billion yuan ($2.2 billion), far exceeding the starting bid research note by Guosheng Securities.
of just 10 million yuan.
Combined with the ratio of reserves and the latest
And on October 23, Shanxi Coking Coal Energy spot prices, the value of per tonne of coal is far lower than
announced a deal for the purchase of the Xingxian block in the current auction price in the primary market.
Luliang city for 24.705 billion yuan, which even exceeded
the firm's revenue of 21.57 billion yuan during the first SW China's Guizhou advances coal storage and
half of 2024. distribution base construction
Not only Shanxi coal miners participated this coal
Southwestern China's Guizhou province is making
acquisition frenzy, a wider range of miners from provinces
significant strides in constructing coal storage and
like Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang and Shaanxi also did so.
distribution bases, aiming to position itself as a key coal
Besides new mines, the transactions over existing coal supply center in the southwestern region.
resources have also increased.
Guizhou, known as the "Coal Sea of South China",
Many coal firms, including Shanxi Lu'an Environmental boasts approximately 80 billion tonnes of coal reserves,
Energy Development, Shanxi Coking Coal Energy, Shanxi ranking fifth nationally. The province aims to leverage
Coal International Energy, Lanhua Sci-Tech Venture, these resources to improve energy security and foster
Yongtai Energy and Shanxi Meijin Energy, have took part in industrial growth.
the race to acquire new coal resources.
One exemplary project is the 2 million-tonne coal
Changes in policies are the main cause for more storage and distribution base in Zhijin county, Bijie city.
frequent transactions over coal exploration rights this The Phase I project, which has already commenced
year. operations, includes a 0.3 million-tonne coal reserve yard,
In 2024, the Department of Natural Resources of a dedicated rail line, and a rapid loading system capable of
handling 3,600 tonnes of coal per hour. This infrastructure coal supply tensions in Xingren city and surrounding areas,
supplies coal from nearly 50 surrounding mines to laying a solid foundation for the
multiple power plants in the region. "coal-power-grid-aluminum" circular economy industrial
The Zhijin coal storage and distribution base not only chain.
handles coal storage, blending and transportation, but On April 12, 2024, the National Development and
also includes coal processing, washing and trading. It even Reform Commission and the National Energy
provides a financing platform for coal mining enterprises. Administration released a document calling for the
The Zhijin coal storage (trading) project, part of the establishment of a preliminary coal capacity reserve
southwestern region's key coal supply hub initiatives, will system by 2027, including the approval and construction
be constructed in three phases. By establishing a regional of several backup coal mines to achieve a certain level of
coal trading center, the largest digital coal blending center dispatchable capacity reserves. The document emphasizes
in the region, and a financial service center for coal reaching a dispatchable capacity reserve of 300 Mtpa by
trading, the project will facilitate both online and offline 2030.
coal transactions to meet coal demand in Guizhou and Buoyed by favorable national policies, Guizhou
neighboring provinces. continues to accelerate the construction of coal storage
This initiative aligns with the State Council's and distribution hubs, striving to become the new
requirements raised in 2022, which call for establishing landmark for energy security in southwestern China.
large coal storage and distribution bases in Bijie,
Liupanshui, and Qianxinan to create a coal supply hub in Int'l thermal coal prices mixed amid multiple factors
southwestern China. These bases target to address International low-CV thermal coal prices increased
regional imbalances in coal supply and demand, coal grade last week due to rainfall-disrupted coal supply in Indonesia
structure, and seasonal fluctuations. and rising import costs in China. High-CV thermal coal
Coal storage and distribution bases act as "reservoirs" prices faced pressure from reduced disruption in
and "regulators", playing a crucial role in ensuring energy Colombian coal supply and inactive purchases.
supply security. Strategically locating these bases and Supply Side
conducting scientific and dynamic management could help Indonesia Indonesian miners maintained firm thermal
meet emergency coal demands if natural disasters or coal prices despite tightened supply, while Chinese buyers
other unexpected events occur, as well as tackle periodic adopted a cautious stance due to the weakened yuan
imbalances in coal demand, thereby boosting regional against the US dollar. As of late last week, Indonesian
energy security. They also help to overcome Panamax 3,800 Kcal/kg NAR coal was offered at $55.5/t
transportation bottlenecks in production areas and meet FOB, and the same-CV grade for Supramax cargo was
regular coal needs in regions with poor resources, offered at over $53/t.
broadening their market reach.
On November 15, the CCI index for Indonesian 3,800
Several other coal storage projects, each with a Kcal/kg NAR coal stood at $52.6/t FOB, up $0.2/t from the
storage capacity exceeding 1 million tonnes per annum week-ago level yet down $0.9/t from the previous month;
(Mtpa), are under rapid construction in coal-rich areas like the CCI Import 4700 index stood at $76.8/t FOB, up $0.1/t
Bijie and Liupanshui, marking a significant leap in the on the week but down $1/t month on month.
high-quality development of Guizhou's coal industry.
Entering the rainy season since the start of November,
Upon completion, the Bijie coal storage and coal production was partly disrupted in Kalimantan.
distribution base will have a dynamic storage capacity of 8 Despite the pretty low possibility of banning coal exports,
Mtpa and a throughput capacity of 25 Mtpa. The project the Indonesian government is considering extending the
will integrate online and offline operations, building a period for holding coal export sales revenue and other
modern coal trading system that balances coal supply and domestic financial institutions' mineral products income,
demand dynamically. which is currently set at 3 months.
Additionally, in Liupanshui's Shuicheng district, a coal Approaching the year-end, some Indonesian miners
storage and distribution base project, expected to come have exhausted their annual production quotas outlined in
online by June 2025, will boast a static storage capacity of their work plans and budgets (RKABs) submitted to the
1.2 Mtpa and a handling capacity exceeding 5 Mtpa. This government, resulting in minimal sales pressure. The
will stimulate the development of industries such as coal ongoing negotiation on long-term contract coal prices also
mining and processing, logistics, equipment drove miners to resist cutting spot offers.
manufacturing, trading, settlement, and finance,
becoming a critical milestone in Shuicheng's energy The slow recovery of Indian buyer demand after the
transformation. Diwali Festival provided limited support to the Indonesian
The Xingren coal reserve center, located in the heart
Russia Russian thermal coal prices ticked up slightly
of the Xingren mine, plans to achieve a static storage
thanks to better demand from major buyers and expected
capacity of 0.5 Mtpa, a dynamic reserve of 3 Mtpa, and a
coal washing of 1.2 Mtpa. Scheduled for completion by supply strain. Some participants said port authorities
reduced planned coal shipments considering the potential
May 2025, this project will significantly alleviate thermal
freezing problem at major export ports, which in part
China's Ganqimaodu imports 35.22 Mt of coal as of and the production of silicon with a low content of iron
oxide and aluminum oxide. According to Nemykin, this
Nov 18
premium-grade coal is rare in Russia.
Ganqimaodu border crossing, China's largest inland
road port for coal imports from Mongolia, handled 36.54 Mongolia Oct rail coal shipments up 9.6% MoM
million tonnes of cargo as of November 18, including Mongolia's railway-carried coal shipments were
35.22 million tonnes of imported coal. registered at 1.92 million tonnes in October 2024, up
This achieved 88% of the port's coal import target of 9.57% from the previous month, showed data from the
40 million tonnes. National Statistical Office of Mongolia.
As of November 18, 24.31 million tonnes of coal were
auctioned on the Mongolian Stock Exchange this year,
while 21.16 million tonnes were sold, according to data
compiled by Sxcoal.
Among the successful trades, 98% of cargoes were
delivered to Ganqimaodu port.
while it sold 358,000 tonnes in Queensland, dropping technology among the country's 18 railway groups.
37.3% than the quarter prior. Jining of Shandong serves as an essential hub along
The company is estimated to produce 150-170 million the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, boasting the longest
tonnes of raw coal over August 2024 to July 2025, actually navigable distance and the highest capacity. The canal,
increasing 32% compared to the last fiscal year. combined with Wari railway and the Houri Corridor (which
The company's earnings before interest, taxes, includes the Houyue, Taijiao, Xinjiao, and Xinyan lines),
depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) were $304.6 forms a critical transport network for shipping coal from
million over August-October, rising 40.8% from the Shanxi to the east and from north to the south.
quarter prior due to the increase of raw coal output and The conference highlighted the goal of transporting
sales price. bulk commodities such as coal, coke, and steel from
The sales price of coal averaged $192.4/t, 6.3% higher Shanxi to Jining via rail, and then distributing them
than $181/t last quarter. through inland ports to the Grand Canal and the Yangtze
River Economic Belt. This system will also enable the
Russia plans to bolster coal supplies to China, says return transport of bulk commodities like iron ore from
Novak downstream regions back to Shanxi.
In recent years, Jining has capitalized on the elevation
Russia is ready to beef up its coal exports to China
of inland waterway transport to a provincial strategic
since the potential has not been exhausted, Tass reported,
priority, aiming to transform it into a leading inland
citing Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak at
waterway hub in northern China.
the Sino-Russian cooperation forum.
Jining port, one of the 36 major inland ports in China,
Russia had supplied approximately 100 million tonnes
has 47 planned waterways totaling 1,109 kilometers.
of coal to China last year, Novak said, adding that they are
Jining leads the 13 cities along the Beijing-Hangzhou
prepared to further increase supply volumes via rail, sea
Grand Canal in terms of main channel length and shipping
transport, as well as through border crossings and
From January to October, the port's cargo throughput
He also remarked coal will continue to be a key
reached 82.0 million tonnes, up 41.7% year on year, and
energy resource for supporting the needs of growing
container throughput totaled 342,000 TEUs, a 109.8%
economies for a long time despite the entire climate
Shipments to Liangshan port via railways under the CR
In the first ten months of this year, seaborne coal
Taiyuan Group have steadily increased. In the first ten
shipments to China stood at 53.52 million tonnes, down
months, the group achieved cargo shipments of 6.6 million
21.73% on the year, according to Kpler's cargo-tracking
tonnes, surpassing the total throughout 2023 and rising
data. The volume accounted for 41% of Russia's total
over 60% on the year.
seaborne coal exports.
The Russian Federation and China are jointly China Oct power consumption up 4.3% YoY
implementing the Zashulansky coal project in
China consumed 774.2 TWh of electricity in October
Transbaikalia, the deputy prime minister recalled, adding
2024, rising 4.3% on the year, according to data released
that Russia is also interested in expanding partnerships in
by the National Energy Administration on November 20.
the production of electrical equipment.
The primary industries, primarily the agricultural
Shanxi-Shandong rail-water transport alliance officially sector, recorded a 5.1% year-on-year increase to consume
launched 10.6 TWh of electricity in October. The secondary
industries, mainly the industrial sector, utilized 533.7 TWh
The rail-water transport alliance between Shanxi and of electricity, marking a 2.7% rise on the year. The tertiary
Shandong in northern China was officially established industries, largely the service sector, used 136.7 TWh of
during a promotional conference held on November 19, electricity, up 8.4% from the year prior.
aimed at accelerating the development of a major logistics
For the residential segment, power consumption in
corridor for bulk commodities between the two regions.
October also saw an 8.1% increase year on year to 93.2
The conference, organized by the Jining Municipal TWh.
Government and the China Railway Taiyuan Group, saw
From January to October, China's power consumption
the alliance will foster closer cooperation of railways,
grew 7.6% from a year earlier to 8,183.6 TWh. Power
ports and enterprises in Shanxi and Shandong and
companies above designated size generated 7,802.7 TWh
leverage the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, Wari railway,
of electricity during the given period, data showed.
and the Houri Corridor to promote rail-water intermodal
transport. Over the first ten months, the primary, secondary and
tertiary sectors consumed 114.1 TWh (6.7% YoY), 5,272.1
Shanxi, as a coal-producing region and energy base in
TWh (5.6% YoY) and 1,531.5 TWh (11.0% YoY) of
China, accounts for approximately one-quarter of the
electricity, respectively. The residential power
nation's annual coal output. The CR Taiyuan Group is the
consumption advanced by 12.3% year on year to 1,265.9
largest freight carrier and the leader in heavy-haul
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CCI Daily
Issue 2808 Nov 20, 2024
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