Unit 4A
Unit 4A
Unit 4A
Bea, USA
n .n
n 2 PRONUNCIATION sentence stress
a (~ 3 6 l)) Listen and repeat the sentences . Copy the
the basic steps, but I was dancing like a robot! I didn't give
up, but soon everyone in th e cla ss was dancing and I was just 3 SPEAKING
slowly moving f rom sid e lo side and counting out loud 'one, two,
a Look at the topics. Choose t\·VO or th ree and th ink
th ree, fou r'. II was a bit embarrassing. I was sure that o ne day
about what you could say for then1.
do ii - but that never happened. I can still
remember th e fi rst two steps and I stil l try to dance when I hear ,-4.."I'-' .~
a salsa tune - as long as nobody is watchi ng! ---·-
Sean, UK
Something you learnt to do af ter a lot of effort.
Joaquin, Spain
4 VOCABULARY -ed I -ing adjecti ves 5 READING & SPEAKING
a Do you know anybody who speaks more than two
languages? \ Vhich languages do they speak? !--low did they
le arn?
b '2, 8 9 >)) You are going to read an ar ticle about Alex Ra\~rlings,
\·v ho speaks 11 languages . Before you read, match the
la nguages belov.r \vith \vords 1- 11 . T hen Iis ten and check.
0 E nglish D Greek LJ Gern1an
D Spanish D Russian D Dutch
ITJ Afrikaans L French D I-Iebre\v
D Catalan L Italian
c Read the article. Which language(s) .. . ?
1 did he learn as a child
2 is be s tudying at universit y
a Look at the photo. Complete the sentences wit h 3 does he Iike best
bol'ed or bol'in&. 4 is he planning to learn next
d Look at the highligl1red words and p hrases related to e Read the grammar in for m ation box. Then complete
lang uage learning, and vvork out their rnea ning fron1 1-5 vvith a reflexive pronoun.
the context. Then ask and a nswer the q uestions with a
partner. }ID Reflexive pronouns
He t aught himself many of the languages with 'teach
1 Can you or anyone in your family speak another yourself' books.
language fluen tly? We use ref lexive pronouns (myself, yourself, himself,
2 Do you kno\v a ny basic p hrases in any other herself, itself, ourselves, yourselves, t hemselves) when
la ng uages? t he object of a verb is t he same as t he subject, e.g. He
t aught himself Russian. = he was his own t eacher.
3 Do you have a person al link to a nother country or We also use reflexive pronouns to emphasize the subject
la ng uage? V/hy? of an action, e.g. We painted the kitchen ourselves.
4 Have yo u ever travelled to a nother country a nd felt th at
there \Vas a rea l language bar r ier:> 1 l always test on new vocabulary - it's a good
way to re1nen1 ber it.
5 W hat other la ng uages \vould you like to be able to
speak? W hy? 2 My u ncle bui lt the house . It took h i111 three
3 3 T h is light is auto1n atic. It tu r ns ____ on and off.
4 D id you fix t he co1n puter ? \Veil done!
5 My sister's so vain ! Every ti rne she passes a n1irror, she
looks at in it!
\W your ___, or _ __ , or _ __
"' I
finals t he last e xa n1s th at s ru<lenrs take at university