ICT For Education: What Are The Positive Benefits of ICT in The Classroom? For The Teacher? For Learner?
ICT For Education: What Are The Positive Benefits of ICT in The Classroom? For The Teacher? For Learner?
ICT For Education: What Are The Positive Benefits of ICT in The Classroom? For The Teacher? For Learner?
ICT makes it possible to bring the outside word into classrooms and to deal with current topics by using
authentic documents ( text, audio, video). For those who use them, they bring added value. A TNI for
example does not only replace a blackboard, but also brings together the fuctionality of a projector,
speaker, CD or DVD player and allows you to save results and then save them reuse.
Using media that mark the daily life and lifestyle of our young learners can only motivate them. When
used properly, a mobile phone becomes a powerful learning tool, just like a touchscreen tablet which,
thanks to WiFI, allows a free distribution of places compared to computer labs and creates new
educational scenarios. ICT offers free tools for traning the 4 key skills.
The professors’ refusal to accept thw challenge becomes understandable when we study their situation.
Most teachers have never learned to use the new tools. In addition to this lack of training, there is a
deficient infrastructure which often means that “ we are wasting our time”.
Seft – training should be done in their spare time when they are already overworked.
Some are afraid of the loss of control, 2013 of the breakdown in front of the students, of the loss of
authority, since they believe that they are superior in the matter and do not dare to call on the help of
ICT evolves very quickly, but the education uses of ICT evolve slowly, why?
This is mainly due to the lack of continuing education as well as the ignorance of educational models
which do exist - see our guide to good practice). Unfortunately, ICT training still plays a minor role, even
How can ICTs be effectively integrated into the teaching practices of teachers of modern languages?
Our guide to good practice fills a gap by providing "recipes". The free online conferences that
accompany the publication of our guide ako allow us to see how other teachers have succeeded in this
Could you give us some examples of the use of ICT to diversify teaching methods?
ICT especially innovates by favoring collaborative approaches, such as for example collaborative writing
in real time thanks to a free tool like Framapad, According to the socio-constructivist philosophy of
Martin Dovelas steps, rather than targeting megaprojects from the start, Learn on the job, according to
the principle of learning by doing and do not hesitate to be assisted by your students. There are many
Nothing better than training courses to advance ICT. For 6 years i have participated in the Cyberlanguage
conference where the participants share their know-how. You just have to get started and move
forward in small steps, rather than targeting megaprojects from the start. Learn on the job, according to
the principle of learning by doing and do not hesitate to be assisted by your students. There are many
ICT especially innovates by favoring collaborative approaches, such as for example collaborative writing
in real time thanks to a free tool like Framapad. According to the socio-constructivist philosophy of
[Document title]
Martin Dougiamas the founder of ENT Moodle, learners build their own knowledge by interacting. They
can collaborate online to create a mind map and share the fruits of their labor .
In the same way, they create interactive exercises using software such as Quizlet or learning apps -